scholarly journals Boedi Oetomo: The Multi Ethnic and Pioneering Organization to the Spirit of Nationalism

Winahyu Adha Yuniyati ◽  
Leo Agung ◽  
Warto Warto

The Dutch government had once launched the Ethical Policy in Indonesia, leading to the birth of the national movement. Indonesia implemented the national movement as an effort to build nationalism spirit of the people. The aim of this study is to analyze the nationalism spirit of Boedi Oetomo organization members during the movement period. This employed historical method, in addition to using literature study to analyze the data. Boedi Oetomo was the first organization established during the national movement in Indonesia. This organization is engaged in social and education, as a result of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia. This organization was run by scholars or students consisting of various ethnic backgrounds in Indonesia. From studies of literature, it is found an analysis of the nationalism spirit that appears on the members by joining Boedi Oetomo organization. The diversity of tribes, races and religions within the organization had never been a reason for dispersion, however, it is jsut a symbol to unite and realize the ideals of the Indonesian nation. Although Indonesia consists of many islands and the people of different ethnic and class backgrounds,  but by the spirit of nationalism can unite them.

Diakronika ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Elfa Michellia Karima

This research discusses on the lives of the people of West Java, especially women who make the practice of concubinage as a livelihood to meet the economic needsof the family. The method used in this research is the historical method with the literature study technique by searching the source of literature. By the highnumber of native women who became Nyai in West Java, the problem of this research is about the lives of native women when became Nyai to Europeanpeople. The urgent needs of economy make the women to earn living by working on the farm or became Nyai to European people. There are two kinds ofconcubinage performed, they are official relationship and unofficial relationship. Concubinage official relationship is a relationship legalized in marriage andlegally registered in the Dutch government. However, if the relationship is unofficial, then the marriage is conducted without lawful ties and the absence oflaw protecting the native women. This has a devastating impact that is the spread of venereal disease among Europeans and Natives.

Chronologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Yusuf Budi Prasetya Santosa ◽  
Rina Kurnia

Abstract In the field of political struggle, the leaders of the national movement were jointly preparing for an independent Indonesia. One of the efforts to prepare for Indonesian independence was through the BPUPKI session which took place from May to July 1945. BPUPKI was the preparation committee for Indonesian independence in the form of Japan which was originally used as a propaganda tool but instead used as a means of struggle for national movement figures. National movement figures who sit in BPUPKI come from various religious and ideological backgrounds. One of the national movement figures who became a member of BPUPKI was Ki Bagus Hadikusumo. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo is the leader of the Islamic organization, Muhammadiyah, which contributed to fighting for and fighting for Indonesian independence through BPUPKI. This study intends to find out about how Ki Bagus Hadikusumo's contribution to the trial of BPUPKI in May-July 1945. The method used in writing this article is a literature study. The results of the study revealed that Ki Bagus Hadikusumo made a big contribution to the BPUPKI session. There are two things put forward by Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, first is the concept of an independent Indonesia, which is a state that is run on the sovereignty of the people, and secondly, fighting for Islam as the legal foundation for an independent Indonesian state. Keywords : BPUPKI, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Islam Abstrak Di medan perjuangan politik para tokoh pergerakan nasional bersama-sama mempersiapkan Indonesia merdeka. Salah satu upaya dalam rangka mempersiapkan kemerdekaan Indonesia ialah melalui sidang BPUPKI yang berlangsung dari Mei hingga Juli 1945. BPUPKI merupakan panitia persiapan kemerdekaan Indonesia bentukkan Jepang yang semula digunakan menjadi alat propaganda, namun justru dijadikan sebagai alat perjuangan bagi para tokoh pergerakan nasional. Para tokoh pergerakan nasional yang duduk di dalam BPUPKI berasal dari berbagai latar belakang agama dan ideologi. Salah satu diantara tokoh pergerakan nasional yang menjadi anggota dari BPUPKI adalah Ki Bagus Hadikusumo. Ki Bagus Hadikusumo adalah pemimpin organisasi Islam, Muhammadiyah yang turut berkontribusi dalam memperjuangkan dan memperisapkan kemerdekaan Indonesia melalui BPUPKI. Penelitian ini bermaksud mencari tahu mengenai bagaimana kontribusi Ki Bagus Hadikusumo dalam persidangan BPUPKI Mei-Juli 1945. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini yaitu studi pustaka. Hasil kajian mengemukakan, bahwa Ki Bagus Hadikusumo memberikan kontribusi yang besar dalam sidang BPUPKI. Terdapat dua hal yang dikemukakan oleh Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, pertama ialah konsep negara Indonesia merdeka adalah negara yang dijalankan atas kedaulatan rakyat, dan kedua memperjuangkan Islam sebagai pondasi hukum bagi negara Indonesia merdeka. Kata kunci : BPUPKI, Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, Islam

Sukarddin Sukarddin ◽  
Akhamad Ari Musaded ◽  
Suryo Ediyono

Sultanate of Bima has been bound by government of Dutch colonial with Lange Contract agreement (long contract), occurred in 1908-1909 That the Sultanate of Bima is a very strategic area. These conditions caused the VOC and the government of Dutch to seek intervention through the Lange Contract agreement (long contract) which has led to the entry of the Sultanate of Bima in the Pax Neerlandica neighborhood. War of Ngali occurred for several reasons namely 1) Feelings of dissatisfaction with the actions of the Dutch government which impose various tax rules in the Sultanate of Bima. 2) The Sultanate of Bima as part of the Dutch East Indies sovereignty was seized by a Lange Contract agreement in 1908. 3) Customary law and Islamic law were replaced by Dutch law. 4) The head or belasting duty system is denied and punished for taxing the unbelievers. The conclusion in this study is that people of Ngali against the government of Dutch colonial because they wanted to control the entire Milky, the resistance made by people Ngalisolely to maintain the customs, religions, and independence owned by the people of Bima.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Aziz Ali Haerulloh ◽  
Etty Saringendyanti ◽  
Ayu Septiani

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari tahapan heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi, serta menggunakan pendekatan sosial ekonomi untuk menjelaskan secara kronologis pengaruh adanya persebaran industri batik terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel dalam mencari dan mengumpulkan data. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian studi pustaka, studi lapangan, observasi, dan wawancara, menunjukkan bahwa penyebaran budaya membatik berpengaruh terhadap munculnya industri batik yang berada di Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya. Ketiga daerah tersebut memiliki peran dalam menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat sekitar yang memiiki keahlian dalam membatik, baik tulis maupun cap. Selain itu, industri batik di tiga kota tersebut memiliki skala produksi industri rumah tangga, kecil, dan menengah. Menjadi suatu hal yang menarik melihat persebaran dan dinamika industri batik dengan cara produksi tradisional di Bandung, Cirebon, dan Tasikmalaya berkembang pada saat Indonesia mengalami masa industrialisasi selama Orde Baru. Penelitian ini menunjukkan terjadinya pasang-surut industri batik tradisional di tengah-tengah gempuran modernisasi di bidang industri, tidak terkecuali dalam tekstil lokal.The study used the historical method which included a number of stages, such as heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography and also applied a socio-economic approach to explain chronologically the effect of the distribution of the batik industry on the welfare of the people of Bandung, Cirebon, and Tasikmalaya. The sample is used in this study to find and collect data. The results of literature study, field studies, observations, and interviews have revealed that the spread of batik culture has had a significant effect on the emergence of the batik industries in Bandung, Cirebon, and Tasikmalaya. The batik industries in the three regions has played an important role in creating jobs for local communities who have the expertise in doing the batik work, both the ‘batik tulis' and the ‘batik cap'. In addition, the batik industry in the three cities also has the industrial productions which includes either the household or small to medium scale. It is an interesting fact to see the distribution and the dynamics of the batik industry were produced through traditional production methods in Bandung, Cirebon and Tasikmalaya when Indonesia was experiencing a period of industrialization during the New Order. The research has shown that there have been ups and downs in the traditional batik industry amidst the threat of modernization in the industrial sector, including local textiles.

Nur Kholis

This research discusses the role of Badiuzzaman Said Nursi in the islamic education happened in Turkey during the secularic period in the year of 1924 to 1950. This is a library reseacrh with the historical method of analysis through the literature study and documentation of the works of Badiuzaman Said Nursi and another supporting literature. From the research obtained the information that Badiuzzaman Said Nursi plays the important role for giving the islamic education during the secularic period in Turkey. In addition, Badiuzzaman Said Nursi also creates a work under the title Risalah Nur to perform the islamic education during the secularic period. The Risalah Nur contains the education of tauhid, qur’anic interpretation and the fundamental rules of islam that successfully educate the people to secure the faith from the secularism.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-152
Faizal Arifin

This article aims to examine the development of historical learning during the Dutch Colonialism period, especially after the implementation of the Ethical Policy. In the field of education, indigenous elite students have access to Western (Dutch) education with the Colonial-Centrism curriculum, including history lessons. Historical learning in the early twentieth century characterized by learning materials oriented towards European superiority, Dutch legitimacy over Colonialism in the Dutch East Indies, delegitimation of rulers (kings/sultans) in Nusantara, and the indoctrination of colonized nations to accept Colonialism. This research used the historical method, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this research showed us that historical learning during the Colonialism period was oriented to legitimize the political power of Dutch Colonialism and indoctrination for indigenous elites to accept Colonialism. That is because historical learning has a strategic role in influencing elite indigenous students to receive and support colonial domination and structure in society. On the other perspectives, history lessons produced indigenous students that increase the ability of critical thinking about Colonialism and Western Imperialism.  

Agung Nugraha ◽  
Agus Mulyana ◽  
Achmad Iriyadi

This research is entitled “The Role of Mobile Brigade Corps in Defending the Independence (19461949)”. The researcher chose this problem because Mobile Brigade Corpse was the main pioneer in defending the independence. At the time of defending the independence, this Mobile Brigade Corps was not disbanded by Japan so that the Mobile Brigade Corps was really essential in defending Indonesia’s independence. The main problem of this research is “How were the role of Mobile Brigade Corps in defending the independence?” The method used is the method of historical research by doing four steps of research which are heuristic, criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The technique used in data collection is literature study by reviewing the sources of literature relevant to the issues studied. Based on the research results, it can be explained that: First, before the independence, there is a change in the role performed by Mobile Brigade Corps. In the time of the Dutch colonialism, the role of the Mobile Brigade Corps was to maintain security and order but during the Japanese colonialism the role of Mobile Brigade Corpse is combat troops in helping Japan to face the Allies. Second, the early days of independence were marked by Japan’s surrender to the Allies. After Japan surrendered to the Allies, all Japanese-formed military organizations were disbanded except the Mobile Brigade Corps. Under that condition, the Mobile Brigade Corpse joined the Indonesian republic. After joining the Indonesian republic, the role of the Mobile Brigade Corps was to disarm Japan along with the people. The disarmament results are then distributed to the struggle agencies. When entering the period of defending the independence, the role of the Mobile Brigade Corps is to fight against the threat of the Allies and the Netherlands. The resistance was carried out by the Mobile Brigade Corps along with other struggling agencies such as the People’s Security Army.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-90
Ahmad Tohri ◽  
H. Habibuddin ◽  
Abdul Rasyad

This article discusses the Sasak people’s resistance against MataramKarangasem and Dutch colonial rulers in the 19th century in Lombok, Indonesia. It particularly focuses on Tuan Guru Umar Kelayu and his central role in the emergence of Sasak people’s resistance which transformed into Sasak physical revolution local and global imperialismcolonialism. Using the historical method, this article collected data through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The data analysis involved the historical methods of heuristics, verification or criticism, interpretation, and historiography. The findings show that Sasak people’s resistance was not only caused by economic factors but also related to other factors such as social, cultural, and religious ones. Tuan Guru Umar Kelayu played a key role in the Sasak people’s resistance in that it was under his leadership and influence that the resistance transformed into a physical struggle against MataramKarangasem and Dutch colonialism as seen in Sakra War and Praya War which were led by his students and friends.

Publika ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 185-200
Shifani Fitri Sauli ◽  
Trenda Aktiva Oktariyanda

Pelayanan publik menjadi suatu tolok ukur kinerja pemerintah yang paling kasat mata. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi dan banyaknya tantangan yang harus dihadapi maka pelayanan publik harus diselaraskan dengan terobosan atau inovasi. Salah satu pelayanan publik yang perlu dioptimalkan adalah Sistem Administrasi Manunggal Satu Atap (SAMSAT). Oleh karena itu, Kantor Bersama Samsat Gresik membuat aplikasi yang diresmikan pada tanggal 14 Juli 2020 adalah SAMSAT RAME (Samsat Ramah Merakyat) yaitu sebuah aplikasi pelayanan pajak serta informasi terkait pengurusan perpanjangan masa berlaku surat tanda nomor kendaraan (STNK) bermotor. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana optimalisasi pelayanan Kantor Bersama Samsat Gresik melalui Inovasi Aplikasi Samsat Rame (Samsat Ramah Merakyat) sehingga mampu menjawab beberapa permasalahan pelayanan publik Teknik analisis data dengan pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi literatur.  Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa aplikasi Samsat Ramah Merakyat (Samsat Rame) belum efisien karena input pelayanan masih memberatkan para pengguna jasa. Belum efektif karena tidak berhasil mencapai tujuan yang dikehendaki oleh penyelenggara. Serta kualitas hasil yang buruk dikarenakan faktor pendukung terkesan membuat aplikasi Samsat Rame di lakukan karena mendesak tanpa memikirkan jangka panjang. Sedangkan faktor penghambat lebih berpengaruh pada keberhentian inovasi Samsat Rame. Salah satu saran yang dapat diajukan yaitu meningkatkan sosialisasi dan promosi kepada masyarakat Kabupaten Gresik. Kata Kunci : Pelayanan Publik, Inovasi Pelayanan Pajak, Samsat Rame (Samsat Ramah Merakyat)   Public service becomes the most visible measure of government performance. Along with technological developments and the many challenges that must be faced, public services must be aligned with breakthroughs or innovations. One of the public services that need to be optimized is the One-Stop One-Stop Administration System (SAMSAT). Therefore, the Samsat Gresik Joint Office made an application that was inaugurated on July 14, 2020, namely SAMSAT RAME (Samsat Ramah Merakyat), which is a tax service application as well as information related to the extension of the validity period for motorized vehicle registration certificates (STNK). The purpose of this study is to find out how to optimize the services of the Samsat Gresik Joint Office through the Samsat Rame Application Innovation (Samsat Ramah Merakyat) so that it is able to answer several public service problems. Data analysis techniques are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion / verification. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, documentation and literature study. The results of this study indicate that the Peoples Friendly Samsat application (Samsat Rame) is not efficient because service inputs are still burdensome for service users. Not yet effective because it failed to achieve the goals desired by the organizers. As well as the poor quality of results due to supporting factors that seem to make the Samsat Rame application done because it is urgent without thinking about the long term. While the inhibiting factor has more influence on the discontinuation of the Samsat Rame innovation. One of the suggestions that can be put forward is to increase socialization and promotion to the people of Gresik Regency. Keywords: Public Service, Tax service innovation, Samsat Rame (Samsat Ramah Merakyat)

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Ahsan Samad ◽  
Erdiansyah Erdiansyah ◽  
Rina Wulandari

The purpose of this study is to identify and describe the impact and behavior of the community on post-disaster economic conditions in the city of Palu and to know the local government's public policies in handling these cases. Using qualitative methods with a case study approach, literature study, and secondary data processing from various social elements. In addition, data collection was carried out by interviewing informants who felt the direct impact of the earthquake, tsunami and liquefaction in Palu, Sigi and Donggala. The results showed that the post-disaster impact felt by the people of Palu City was generally in the "severe" classification. The socio-economic conditions of the people of Palu include several aspects, ranging from the geographical conditions that are in disaster-prone zones, to the extremely poor health conditions after the disaster. The conclusion of this research shows that the escalation of natural disasters in the city of Palu is considered quite large because it consists of three types of disasters, namely the Earthquake, Tsunami and Liquifation in the same time period. Palu City is the capital of the Province as well as the economic and administrative center of Central Sulawesi Province. Damage to warehousing infrastructure coupled with massive looting from unscrupulous people in logistics supply warehouses resulted in goods that were supposed to be distributed both to the city and the district finally unable to be implemented.Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan evaluasi dampak dan perilaku masyarakat terhadap kondisi perekonomian pasca bencana di kota Palu dan mengetahui kebijakan publik pemerintah setempat dalam menangani kasus tersebut. Menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan  studi kasus, studi literature, dan pengolahan data sekunder dari berbagai elemen sosial. Selain itu pengambilan data dilakukan dengan cara wawacara kepada narasumber yang merasakan dampak langsung dari bencana gempa,tsunami dan likuifaksi di Palu,Sigi dan Donggala. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa dampak pasca bencana yang dirasakan oleh masyarakat Kota Palu secara umum berada pada klasifikasi “berat”. Kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat kota Palu meliputi beberapa aspek, mulai dari kondisi geografis yang berada pada zona rawan bencana, kondisi kesehatan sangat memprihatinkan pasca bencana. Kesimpulan penelitain ini menujukkan bahwa eskalasi bencana alam kota Palu dinilai cukup besar karena terdiri dari tiga macam bencana yaitu Gempa Bumi, Tsunami dan Liquifasi dalam kurun waktu sama. Kota Palu merupakan ibukota Provinsi sekaligus sebagai pusat ekonomi dan pemerintahan Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Rusaknya infrakstruktur pergudangan ditambah dengan adanya penjarahan yang massiv dari oknum masyarakat pada gudang-gudang suplai logistik mengakibatkan barang yang semestinya didistribusikan baik ke kota ataupun ke kabupaten akhirnya tidak dapat dilaksanakan.

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