scholarly journals The methodological approaches of studying development of family health by implementation of its functions

2019 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-49
Vera A. Pogodina ◽  
A. I. Babenko ◽  
E. A. Tataurova

The article presents analysis of qualitative characteristics of information sources concerning methodological approaches to study of health of family with consideration for implementation of its function on the basis of 562 national and foreign publications in Internet resources: 78 medical sites, 12 sociological sites, 3 economic sites. It is emphasized that in 96.5-100% of scientific publications the methodological approaches are oriented to studying of social philosophical, social economical, medical social hygienic problems in countries of European Union and in Russia and on ethnic, financial insurance and legal issues too. All of them firstly input into public and individual health. Secondly, they give a view of effectiveness of quality of primary medical sanitary care. Nevertheless, they provide no solution of issues related to study of formation of health offamily under implementation of its priority functions.

2019 ◽  
pp. 27-34
Yuliya Olishevska

Goal. The main purpose of this article is to determine the directions of formation of the gastronomic brand of individual regions of Ukraine and the country as a whole is the main purpose of this article. The object of the study is gastronomic branding of the territory of Ukraine, and the subject is methodological approaches to determining the gastronomic brand of the territory and the analysis of factors of its formation. Methodology. Works on a regional marketing, tourism management, as well as scientific publications on gastronomic tourism and tourist branding of the territory is methodological basis of the research. A systematic approach is used, which is the basis of geographical and tourism scientific studies, as well as methods of analysis, synthesis, descriptive and comparative geographical. Results. Determining the features of gastronomic tourism and the main factors that influence the formation of the gastronomic brand and the image of the territory are the results of the study presented in this publication. It is found that the most commonly used is the term "gastronomic tourism", proposed by the World Association of Gastronomic Tourism in 2012, which is considered to be a type of travel in order to get an authentic experience based on the culture of consumption of food or drinks, acquaintance with their unique places and culture through national cuisine. The gastronomic brand is to promote the territory as a manufacturer or exporter of unique high quality food products. Branding is an important element in the development of a country. Brand is defined as the competitive identity of a particular locality (place or region or country as a whole). The main components of the gastronomic brand: well-developed gastronomy and availability of specialists in the field of organizing food establishments using traditional products and availability of authentic food (authentic products) and gastronomic events as well as festivals, competitions. Gastronomic image is a stable representation of the population of the country and partners about the prestige, the quality of services in the sphere of services and food, the quality of life of the population and the culture of consumption of products. The factors of formation of the general image of the country and the image of individual regions are different. The image of the region is a more dynamic characteristic of the activity a local territory. It form in society over a long time and based on personal beliefs of the people. It is a result of prevalence of diverse information about the region, living conditions, work and recreation. Forming a positive image of Ukraine by promoting gastronomic tourism will increase the country's competitive advantages in the tourism industry at the global level. Scientific novelty of the research is the definition of the gastronomic brand of the territory, its main components and the discovery of methodological approaches to geobranding of the territories. Practical significance. Pleasure the tourist needs by diversifying the tourist offer and creating new tourism products, including gastronomic brands and tours, determines the applied value of the study. Expanding the range of tourist offers at the expense of gastronomic attractions will provide a strong development of both individual regions and the country as a whole.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-16
Tatyana Anatolevna Abramova ◽  
Alyona Vladimirovna Nikulina

The article explores the use of modern information technology by modern students studying at history department in the search for the necessary information. The work focuses on the ability of a student studying at history department to use the capabilities of the provided resources of the Internet correctly. It implies the ability to navigate electronic versions of libraries, archives and other sites of cultural and historical organizations, as well as the ability to select reliable information, which can sufficiently facilitate the search for high-quality material for writing all kinds of scientific papers. As a result of the analysis of statistical data regarding the popularity of the use of information offered by Internet resources, it was revealed that this topic is relevant nowadays. As a research task, the authors made an attempt to assess the nature of the use of Internet resources by students at the present stage. As a result, it was revealed that this issue has a number of contradictions. Methods of research. A significant part of the study is the description of reliable Internet resources that students studying at history department can use. These include the official sites of libraries, archives and museums. The results of the study showed that with the correct use of Internet resources offered on the World Wide Web, you can quickly find the necessary information and save time. It is concluded that nowadays it is necessary to continue developing the sites of cultural and historical organizations for the positive impact of electronic information sources on the quality of education, and it is also essential to build the information competence of students studying at history department.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-123
Rama Kertamukti ◽  
Mochamad Sodik ◽  
B J Sujibto

UIN Sunan Kalijaga is one of the State Islamic Universities that applies website media as a medium to provide information to users both for the academic community and the general public who want to know information related to information about campus, one of which is news information, registration, announcements and so on. The strength of the website becomes a measuring tool in determining rankings in Webometrics. The purpose of ranking or webometrics ( is to promote the publication of the website. Supports Open Access, electronic access to scientific publications and other academic materials. This article tries to explain the website visibility of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta as an effort to increase webometrics ranking. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type, by analyzing information sources, website structure and technology with bibliometric and infometric approaches used by the website of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta. The results of the analysis obtained by measuring the usability element, the website shows the website looks quite "friendly" to use on mobile phones or smartphones that access the website. en. Analysis of Information Quality shows that the website does not yet have good backlinks. The quality of service interactions perceived by users of the website does not appear to have produced a good enough impression in their trust and empathy activities in the access process, such as in terms of transactions and information security, message delivery, personalization and communication activities.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Анжеліка Шамне

У статті розглянуто сучасні підходи до інтерпретації категорії розвитку, розкрито теоретичні  та методологічні підходи до вивчення категорії розвитку у сучасній психології, визначено її психологічний  зміст,   моделі,   структуру   та   динаміку.   Категорія   розвитку   розглядається   як   епіцентр   наукової  проблематики у психології та як поняття інтегративного типу. Розвиток проаналізовано як категорію,  явище і проблему психології розвитку в різних аспектах аналізу. Розглянуто місце розвитку в системі  споріднених психологічних понять. У статті також аналізуються психологічні аспекти теоретичних та  методологічних  постнекласичних  тенденцій  вивчення  природи,  характеру  та  визначення  психічного  розвитку. Постнекласична парадигма та плюралістична методологія пізнання визначають розмитість  дисциплінарної мови  та  врахування  ролі  соціокультурного  контексту  при  вивченні  психологічних явищ.  Важливими тенденціями сучасного теоретико-методологічного стану психологічних досліджень розвитку  також є визнання неефективності моністичного підходу до його вивчення, взаємозв'язок теоретичних ідей  та   спроби   створення   метатеоретичних   схем,   постнекласичне   розуміння   розвитку   як   принципово  незавершеного   процесу   саморуху,   актуалізація   антропологічного   діапазону   проблем   та   посилення  спрямованості на роль культурного контексту в дослідженні розвитку людини.  The article deals with the modern approaches to the interpretation of the category of development, reveals  the theoretical and methodological approaches to study of development in modern psychology, its psychological  content, patterns, structure and dynamics. Category of development is viewed as an epicenter of scientific issues in  modern  psychology  and  the  concept  of  the  integrative  type.  Category  of  development  is  considered  as  the  phenomenon  and  the  problem  of  developmental  psychology  in  various  aspects  of  the  analysis.  Analyzed  the  development site in the related psychological concepts. The article analyzes the psychological aspects of theoretical  and methodological postnonclassical contemporary trends in the study of nature, character, and determination of  mental  development.  Postnonclassical  paradigm  and  pluralistic  methodology  of  knowledge  determine  the  disciplinary blurring and increase of the role of the analysis of socio-cultural context in the study of psychological  phenomenon. The important tendencies of modern theoretical and methodological state of psychological researches  of development are facts of inefficiency of the monistic approach to its study, interconnection of theoretical ideas  and   attempts   of  creating   metatheoretical   schemes,   postnonclassical   understanding   of   development   as   a  fundamentally  uncompleted  process  of  self-motion,  actualization  of  anthropological  range  of  problems  and  strengthening of focus on the role of cultural context in research of human development.   

2018 ◽  
pp. 10-20
Н.А. Глотов ◽  
Н.Е. Соколов ◽  
Ю.Б. Смоляков

Представлены результаты внедрения в хирургическую практику урологического отделения Дорожной клинической больницы г. Ярославль биполярной техники трансуретральной резекции (БТУР) и энуклеации простаты (ТУЭБ) для лечения доброкачественной гиперплазии предстательной железы (ДГПЖ) средних и больших размеров. В сравнительное исследование включено 164 пациента, разделенных по методам операции на 2 основные группы (ТУЭБ - 33 человека, БТУР - 49) и 2 контрольные (открытая простатэктомия - ОПЭ - 38 и монополярная ТУР - 44). Для новых эндоскопических методов установлено значимое снижение объема кровопотери, частоты геморрагических осложнений, сроков послеоперационной катетеризации и госпитализации. Для количественной оценки различий средних и относительных показателей использо-вали непараметрический критерий Манна-Уитни, оценка качественных признаков проводилась с применением критерия Пирсона (χ2), уровень значимости различий для исследования выбран р ≤ 0,05. Анализ послеоперационной динамики клинических показателей в среднесрочной перспективе показал сходную радикальность и эффектив-ность сравниваемых методов. Установленные меньшая инвазивность, большая безопасность и лучшая переносимость биполярных эндоскопических операций демонстрируют перспективность их внедрения взамен бывших стандартных хирургических методов, что позволит повысить качество оперативного лечения и сократить затраты стационара. The results of the introduction into surgical practice of the urological Department of the road clinical hospital of Yaroslavl bipolar technique of transurethral resection (BTTR) and enucleation of the prostate (EOTP) for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) of medium and large sizes are presented. The comparative study included 164 patients, divided by the methods of surgery into 2 main groups (EOTP - 33 people, BTTR - 49) and 2 control (open prostatectomy - OPE - 38 and monopolar TTR - 44). For new endoscopic methods, a significant reduction in the volume of blood loss, the frequency of hemorrhagic complications, the timing of postoperative catheterization and hospitalization was established. Nonparametric Mann-Whitney test was used to quantify the differences in mean and relative indicators, qualitative characteristics were evaluated using Pearson test (χ2), the significance level of the differences for the study was chosen p ≤ 0.05. Analysis of postoperative dynamics of clinical parameters in the medium term showed similar radicality and effectiveness of the compared methods. The lower invasiveness, greater safety and better tolerability of bipolar endoscopic operations demonstrate the prospects of their implementation instead of the former standard surgical methods, which will improve the quality of surgical treatment and reduce the costs of the hospital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18 ◽  
Tatyana Yu. Pestrikova ◽  
Elena A. Yurasova ◽  
Igor V. Yurasov

Relevance. Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease that affects up to 10% of women of reproductive age worldwide and is the main cause of pain and infertility. Endometriosis is a disease, although it has been known for a long time, nevertheless, in many ways it represents terra incognita for modern medicine. Aim. Analysis of literature on the feasibility of long-term and the use of the drug dienogest 2 mg (Vizanne), which has a positive effect on the quality of life of patients with endometriosis. Materials and methods. To write this review, a search was made for domestic and foreign publications in Russian and international search engines (PubMed, eLibrary, etc.) over the past 13 years. The review included articles from peer-reviewed literature. Results. The review presents data on the difficulties of verifying the diagnosis of endometriosis due to a combination of this pathology with pain, infertility, abnormal uterine bleeding. The pathogenesis of the origin of endometriosis-associated pain is presented. The efficacy of the use of the drug dienogest (Vizanne), which has a powerful antiproliferative effect that reduces the main symptoms of endometriosis (pain, bleeding), is substantiated. The expediency of long-term and safe use of the drug dienogest (Vizanne), which has a positive effect on the quality of life of patients with endometriosis, has been proved. Conclusions. Numerous scientific publications confirm the feasibility of prolonged use of the drug dienogest (Vizanne), to achieve remission during endometriosis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 198
Lusy Tunik Muharlisiani ◽  
Henny Sukrisno ◽  
Emmy Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Shofiya Syidada ◽  
Dina Chamidah

Service at the “Kelurahan” is a very important part in determining the success of development, especially in public service. The problem faced is the lack of skill level of the “Kelurahan” apparatus with the more dynamic demands of the community and the archive management system is still conventional and manual that is writing the identity of the archive into the book agenda, expedition, control card, and borrowed archive card, so it takes a more practical electronic system, effective and efficient so required to develop themselves in order to improve public services. Conventional administration and archive management must be transformed into cloud-based computing (digital), for which archiving managers should always be responsive and follow these developments and wherever possible in order to utilize for archival activities, with greater access expected archives are evidence at once able to talk about historical facts and events and be able to give meaning and benefit to human life, so archives that were only visible and readable at archival centers can now be accessed online, and even their services have led to automated service systems. Using Microsoft Access which its main function is to handle the process of data manipulation and manufacture of a system, this system is built so that the bias runs on Cloud which means Cloud itself is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the internet and stored. The purpose of this program is the implementation of administrative management that has been based cloud computing (digital) and is expected to be a solution in managing the archive so that if it has been designed and programmed, it can be stored in the computer and benefi- cial to the “Kelurahan” apparatus and add in the field of management archives in the form of improving the quality of service to the community, can facilitate and scientific publications.

Тетяна Грунтова ◽  
Юлія Єчкало ◽  
Андрій Стрюк ◽  
Андрій Пікільняк

Hruntova T. V., Yechkalo YU. V., Stryuk A. M. and Pikilʹnyak A. V. Augmented Reality Tools in Physics Training at Higher Technical Educational Institutions. Research goal: the research is aimed at theoretical substantiation of applying the augmented reality technology and its peculiarities at higher technical educational institutions. Research objectives: the research is to solve the problems of determining the role and place of the technology in the educational process and its possible application to physics training. Object of research: teaching physics to students of higher technical educational institutions. Subject of research: the augmented reality technology as a component of the training process at higher educational institutions. Research methods used: theoretical methods include analysis of scientific and methodological literature; empirical methods include studying and observation of the training process. Research results: analysis of scientific publications allows defining the notion of augmented reality; application of augmented reality objects during laboratory practical works on physics is suggested. Main conclusions. introduction of the augmented reality technology in thetraining process at higher technical educational institutions increases learning efficiency, facilitates students’ training and cognitive activities, improves the quality of knowledge acquisition, provokes interest in a subject, promotesdevelopment of research skills and a future specialist’s competent personality.

In this article approaches to search for reserves of decrease in cost of agricultural production are considered. The methods of cost calculation of dairy cattle breeding products used at the studied enter-prise are analysed, short characteristic of the standard method offered by the Ministry of Agriculture is given, and calculations of alternative options are also carried out. Today creation of accounting of a production unit is very important so that not only weight units must be considered in it, but also the quali-tative structure of products must be reflected. Definition of qualitative characteristics and technological properties by production of milk which depend on use purposes can be an example. The raw materials consumption on a unit of production and its quality and also firmness of storage depends on technologi-cal properties of milk. At calculation of prime cost taking into account qualitative characteristics for cal-culation milk in terms of basic fat content undertakes. The method of calculation of prime cost consider-ing qualitative characteristics is the most expedient as prime cost of 1 c of milk unlike the operating tech-nique is lower. In the article analytical methods of reserves calculation for decrease in prime cost taking into account various factors are proved. The revealed reserves will allow an enterprise to expand its in-vestment opportunities in the future, they will give an additional incentive of modernization of the worn-out machinery and equipment in branches of agriculture.

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