scholarly journals Respon Jamaah Haji terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan Kesehatan di Daerah Kecamatan Pademawu Kabupaten Pamekasan

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Zainabur Rahmah ◽  
Avin Ainur Fitrianingsih ◽  
Lailia Nur Rachma ◽  
Lina Fitria Astari ◽  
Riskiyana Riskiyana

<p class="IOPAbsText">The number of pilgrims of various ages and levels of education experience many health problems such as hypertension, respiratory infections and heart problems. From these problems encourage researchers to determine the response of prospective pilgrims to of health services in Pademawu Pamekasan. The object of this study is the pilgrims in Pademawu Pamekasan Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the response of the pilgrims in Pademawu District, Pamekasan Regency. This research uses a quantitative approach by using questionnaire instrument for data collection. The sampling technique uses a total sampling population count of 70 pilgrims. The study was conducted in the District of Pademawu Pamekasan to the Hajj pilgrims in 2018. The results of the study of the pilgrims' response to the quality of service include the response of the pilgrims, health services cognitive, affective, conative, age and education levels. Overall, the response of the haj pilgrims to the quality of service on the cognitive aspect was 29.5%. In the affective aspect of 4.69%. In the conative aspect 2.05%. At the age factor of 4.51% and at the aspect of Education level as much as 2.19%. The quality of health services affects the response of the pilgrims to the cognitive, affective and conative aspects but is not influenced by the age and level of education of the pilgrims.</p><div><p class="IOPKwd">Keywords: health response, hajj pilgrims, health services</p></div>

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 91
Sumarni Sumarni

<em>Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to set out five key issues related to safety in the hospital, the Patient Safety, worker safety, the safety of buildings and equipment in hospitals that could have an impact on Patient Safety and personnel, safety of the environment that have an impact on environmental pollution and safety businesses Hospital related to the survival Hospital. Management of patient safety plays an important role in improving the quality of health services. Patient safety is the efforts of service that prioritizes patient safety. The research was conducted at Ibn Sina Hospital, the type of research is cross sectional study is a draft that examines the dynamics of the correlation between the independent variables (patient safety) and the dependent variable (improving the quality of health services) at the same time. Respondents that all officers in the field of medical care and support services at Ibn Sina Hospital. The sampling technique used is random cluster sampling technique with a population of 402 respondents sampled 304 respondents. Based on interviews with the respondents stated that the higher the safety of the patient, the better the quality of a hospital, when a patient is exposed to the incident then it will switch to other hospitals, patient safety and quality are positively correlated Hospital. The results showed that no respondents (0%) the implementation of Patient Safety classified as very weak. The percentage of respondents to the implementation of Patient Safety is very strong, strong, moderate and weak amounted to 12.25% (30 respondents), 71.57% (224 respondents), 15.69% (39 respondents) and 0.49% (11 respondents ). Based on these results it is known that the majority of respondents ie 71.57% (224 respondents) is the implementation of the Patient Safety category are classified as strong, so it can be concluded that the implementation of Patient Safety at Ibn Sina Hospital relatively strong. Based on the dimensions of most of the dimensions Implementing Patient Safety at Ibn Sina Hospital is high with dimensions on the dimension of cooperation is highest in units amounted to 97.10%.</em>

Simanjuntak Mayro ◽  
Eko Nugroho ◽  
Oswald L Simatupang

Abstrak Kepuasan pasien adalah suatu tingkat perasaan pasien yang timbul akibat dari kinerja layanan kesehatan yang diperoleh setelah pasien membandingkan dengan apa yang diharapkannya, sehingga kepuasan pasien bergantung pada kualitas pelayanan yang diterimanya. Untuk menilai kualitas pelayanan terdapat 5 dimensi yang dapat diukur, yaitu keandalan (reliability), daya tanggap (responsiveness), jaminan (assurance), empati (empathy), dan keberwujudan (tangible). Makin baik kualitas pelayanan yang diberikan, maka akan semakin tinggi tingkat kepuasan pasien. Tujuannya untuk mengetahui tingkat kepuasan pasien terhadap pelayanan di laboratorium patologi anatomi RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Samarinda. Penelitian deskriptif dilakukan dengan teknik purposive sampling pada pasien yang datang ke Laboratorium Patologi Anatomi RSUD Abdul Wahab Sjahranie, Samarinda, yang memenuhi kriteria. Data yang peroleh berasal dari data primer dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang dikerjakan secara terbimbing. Terdapat kesenjangan (gap) harapan sebesar -0,6 untuk dimensi keandalan, -0,2 untuk dimensi daya tanggap, -0,2 untuk dimensi jaminan, -0,1 dimensi empati, dan -0,9 untuk dimensi keberwujudan. Tingkat kepuasan pasien adalah 96% responden puas dan 4% responden tidak puas. Kata kunci: kepuasan pasien, pelayanan kesehatan, keandalan, daya tanggap, jaminan Abstract Patient satisfaction is a level of patient's feelings rising from the performance of health services that are obtained after the patient compares it with what he expected, so that patient satisfaction depends on the quality of service received. To assess service quality there are 5 dimensions that can be measured, namely reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and tangible. The better quality of service provided, the higher the level of patient satisfaction. To determine the level of patient satisfaction with services in the anatomical pathology laboratory of the Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, Samarinda. Descriptive study was conducted by purposive sampling technique carried out on 50 patients who came to the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory of Abdul Wahab Sjahranie Hospital, in Samarinda that met the criteria. The data obtained comes from primary data using a questionnaire that is done in a guided manner. There was an expectation gap of -0.6 for reliability dimensions, -0.2 for responsiveness dimensions, -0,2 for assurance dimensions, -0.1 empathy dimensions and -0,9 for tangible dimensions. The level of patient satisfaction was 96% of respondents were satisfied and 4% of respondents were dissatisfied. Keywords: patient satisfaction, health services, reliability, responsiveness, assurance

Reza Pahlawan ◽  
Bestria Bestria

This study aims to determine the Quality of Health Services for Inpatients in Classrooms given by the RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanuskota Palangka Raya, to find outpatient satisfaction with the services provided by RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus, Palangka Raya city, to find out how much the influence of the quality of health services for patients hospitalized in the classroom towards patient satisfaction at the RSUD dr. Doris Sylvanus in Palangka Raya City. The method used in this study is the Associative Quantitative method. Data collection techniques use questionnaires (questionnaires). The number of samples in this study was 340 people. The sampling technique in this study is a simple random sampling method, which is a random sampling technique regardless of the strata in the population. The results of the analysis using the Pearson product-moment Correlation can get the value of rxy by 0.9870. This shows that the quality of health care for inpatients in the classroom provides a significant positive effect on patient satisfaction in Dr. Doris Sylvanus Hospital. Judging from the tangible indicator has a significant positive effect on product quality indicators consisting of health facilities. Indicator of reliability has a significant positive effect on service quality indicators which consist of service guarantees. Indicators of responsiveness have a significant positive effect on emotional indicators, namely psychological reactions. The assurance indicator has a positive effect on the price indicator, which is a price match

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 232-238
Andi Nailah Amirullah ◽  
Yuliani ◽  

Health care facilities are expected to provide satisfactory services in hospitals. Have not being able to provide the maximum service expected by service users is the problem often faced by hospitals. Where the main assessment of the quality of health services is patient satisfaction. Based on a preliminary study at the RS Hikmah Makassar, it was found that more people were dissatisfied with health services. The purpose of this study was to find out the factors related to BPJS service satisfaction in BPJS Health participants at Hospital Hikmah of Makassar. The research design used Cross-Sectional. The population is 426 people. The sample in this study were some participants who used BPJS cards in Hospital Hikmah Of Makassar as many as 81 people, taking samples by purposive sampling technique. This research was conducted in May - June 2019. Data was collected with Questioner and analysed with the Chi-Square test. The results showed that there was a relationship between BPJS administration services, doctors and nurses services, supporting examination services and drug services with the satisfaction of BPJS services for BPJS Health participants in Hospital Hikmah of Makassar. The study suggested to health workers provide patients with a more friendly attitude and attention to patients recipients of health services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 627-632
Isma Muthahharah ◽  
Agusalim Juhari

In health services, the quality of service places patients as the party who consumes and enjoys health services, including those that most determine the quality of health services. The Makassar city health office noted that the people served in 2018 reached 81.77% compared to 2017 which was only 81.71%. The data released by the health department have not shown specifically which districts had very good, pretty good, and poor health services during the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, we need a classification method, namely the ward's method. Health services in this study include hospitals, health centers, home care and telemedicine in 15 sub-district locations. Based on the results of the analysis formed 3 clusters, namely cluster 1 with members of the sub-districts of Biringkanaya, Bontoala, Makassar, Manggala, Tallo, Tamalanrea, and Wajo which have pretty good health services. cluster 2 with sub-district members namely Mamajang, Panakkukang, Rappocini, Ujung Pandang, and Sangkarang Islands which have very good health services, cluster 3 with members of Mariso, Tamalate and Ujung Tanah sub-districts which have poor health services.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-25
Th. Radito

This study aimed to examine the effect of quality of service and health facilities owned by the health center (Puskesmas) to the patient's satisfaction. Puskesmas as the spearhead of health services in the community are expected to provide quality service and have adequate health facilities so as to increase patient satisfaction.This research was conducted at the Puskesmas Mantrijeron Jl. Panjaitan Mantrijeron 52 Yogyakarta. Puskesmas Mantrijeron chosen as the study site because it is a health center that organizes the quality of health services by government programs of Yogyakarta and by standards of the ISO (International Organization For Standardization) 9001: 2008.Subjects were patients who had treatment and are being treated at the Puskesmas Mantrijeron during the past year. Data collected in the form of primary data derived from the questionnaire which distributed to each respondent. Methods of data analysis using multiple regression.The results showed that the quality of care and health facilities are significantly affects the increase in patient satisfaction. However, from the regression results indicate that the quality of service and health facilities was only able to explain of 39.1% patient satisfaction. While the remaining 60.9% is influenced by other factors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Diana Mayasari ◽  
Diana Gustinya

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of professionalism and work ethics of employees on the quality of health services at the directorate general of railways, ministry of transportations. The formulation of the problem in this research is whether there is an effect of professionalism and work ethic of employees together on the quality of health services at the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation. This research method uses a survey with a quantitative approach. The sampling technique used is simple random sampling. In this study, the number of samples was 72 respondents. The variables studied were professionalism (X1) and employee work ethics (X2) as independent variables, while the quality of health services was the dependent variable (Y). Based on the research results that have been done, it can be concluded that: The research results on the variables of professionalism and work ethic of employees together have a strong and significant positive influence on the quality of health services with a correlation coefficient of 0.799. While the resulting influence contribution (r²) is 0.638, meaning that the variables of professionalism and employee work ethic together contribute 56.0% in influencing the health service quality variable.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Janet Garcia Gonzalez

Medical tourism destinations do not have solid data to identify the quality of health services, for this reason, this research aims to validate the Servperf Model instrument in the context of medical tourism health services and make this a verifiable and valid tool to measure the perceptions of the service received, that serves as an alternative to generating information and allowing companies to be more competitive and to increase the inflow of tourism. We analyzed the variables of tangibility, reliability, responsibility, safety and empathy, to identify which affect the perception of quality, through factor analysis it was possible to determine if there is a correlation between the variables that affect the perception of quality of service and which variables are the most representative in the medical tourism environment. The results of the factorial analysis through the principal components extraction method, allowed determining if there is a correlation between the variables that affect the perception of service quality and that the variables of reliability and empathy are the most representative in the medical tourism environment. The effects that can be observed not addressing these problems are client decrease, reduction in perceived quality and a decrease in the recommendation rate.

2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-181
Francisco Gil ◽  
Jesús Sanz ◽  
María Paz García-Vera ◽  
José M. León ◽  
Silvia Medina ◽  

Abstract. The quality of health services depends on the contribution of all the professionals involved in the system, including certain groups, usually forgotten and underrated, such as the health-transport technicians (HTT). With the aim of improving this group's performance, an intervention program, focusing on the development of the workers' technical and social skills, was designed in a collective of enterprises. Information about the first stage of this program, consisting of the assessment of these workers' social skills, is offered in this study. A specific questionnaire was developed: The Health-Transport Technicians Social Skills Questionnaire (HTT-SSQ), made up of three scales (assertive, passive, and aggressive behavior). It was administered to a large sample (N = 530) from the above-mentioned association. The psychometric properties of the questionnaire were analyzed, with quite satisfactory indexes of internal consistency and factor validity, and the group's deficiencies (excess or deficit) were evaluated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-133
Putri Aprilia Isnaini ◽  
Ida Bagus Nyoman Udayana

This writing is done to determine the effect of information quality and service quality on attitudes in the use of application systems with the ease of use of the system as an intervining variable in online transportation services (gojek) in Yogyakarta. The sample in this study is customers who use online motorcycle transportation services in Yogyakarta. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling technique. Data collection is done by distributing online questionnaires through the Goegle form and distributed with social media such as WhatsApp and Instagram on a 1-4 scale to measure 4 indicators. The results of this study show 1) the quality of information affects the ease of use, 2) the quality of service affects the ease of use, 3) the quality of information influences attitudes in use, 4) the quality of services does not affect attitudes in use, and 5) ease of use attitude in use.

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