scholarly journals Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran pada Pemrograman Terstruktur dan Pemrograman Berorientasi Objek dengan Visualisasi Bangun Datar Menggunakan Processing [Developing Learning Media Instruction on A Structured Programming and An Object-oriented Programming with Two-dimensional Figure Visualization Using Processing]

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Dodi Dodi ◽  
Elvira Wardah ◽  
Wikky Fawwaz Al Maki

<p class="CPKeyword"><span lang="EN-GB">In general, many people learn structured programming first and then learn object-oriented programming. This makes it difficult for someone to learn object-oriented programming. Because of this difficulty, researchers are interested in developing a learning medium that can display structured programming code and object-oriented code simultaneously and then visualize it with a flat wake object. It is hoped that this learning media can help students in studying object-oriented programming. The type of research used is Research and Development. Questionnaires were distributed to 30 students to find out their response to the media that were developed. The results of this research are displayed in the form of percentages of each aspect on the questionnaire and the percentage of the whole aspect. The results obtained in this research show that structured programming and object-oriented programming that are displayed and visualized simultaneously can help students in understanding object-oriented programming. It can be seen from the percentage obtained during user trials which was 83,33% and for percentage of student response to learning media which was a large as 84,92%.</span></p><p class="CPKeyword"><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA <strong>ABSTRAK</strong>: </strong>Pada umumnya kebanyakan orang mempelajari pemrograman terstruktur terlebih dahulu dan baru kemudian mempelajari pemrograman berorientasi objek. Kebanyakan orang juga mengalami kesulitan dalam mempelajari pemrograman berorientasi objek. Dari permasalahan tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk mengembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran yang dapat menampilkan kode pemrograman terstruktur dan berorientasi objek secara bersamaan kemudian memvisualisasikannya dengan objek bangun datar. Media pembelajaran ini diharapkan dapat membantu seseorang dalam mempelajari pemrograman berorientasi objek. Jenis penelitian ini adalah <em>Research and Development</em>. Angket dibagikan kepada 30 orang mahasiswa untuk mengetahui respons mereka terhadap media pembelajaran yang dikembangkan. Hasil pengolahan data dalam penelitian berupa persentase setiap aspek pada angket dan persentase keseluruhan aspek.  Hasil yang didapatkan dalam penelitian ini adalah pemrograman terstruktur dan pemrograman berorientasi objek yang ditampilkan dan divisualisasikan secara bersamaan dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam memahami pemrograman berorientasi objek. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari persentase yang didapatkan pada saat uji coba pengguna dengan persentase sebesar 83,33% dan untuk persentase respons mahasiswa terhadap media pembelajaran secara keseluruhan sebesar 84,92%.</p>

Bagus Ginanjar ◽  
Apri Utami Parta Santi

This research is motivated by the difficulty of students in working on thematic questions and the lack of appropriate evaluation media for thematic learning. The aim is to develop a media for evaluating the learning practices of thematic learning theme 6 sub themes 1 about my ideals and knowing the level of student response to the media developed based on the media validation questionnaire, material, language and questionnaire for small and large groups of students. This research was conducted at SDN PONDOK BETUNG 02 Pondok Aren with the research subjects consisted of 4 students for the small group test and 16 students for the large group test. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D). development procedures used by researchers refer to the Borg and Gall research model. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Pelatik learning media on thematic learning theme 6 sub themes 1 about my ideals have gone through a revision stage based on the suggestions and input from 4 validators namely 2 material experts, 1 media expert and 1 linguist. The results of the study were obtained namely 1) this learning media has gone through the stages of development to the validation test and was declared valid with a score of 85.33% with a very decent category; 2) based on the data obtained from the questionnaire students' responses to the media developed got very good responses with a score of 98.4%. The results of this study are expected to help teachers and students in the learning process and make students more interested in working on problems in thematic learning.   Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh adanya kesulitan siswa dalam mengerjakan soal tematik dan kurangnya media evaluasi yang sesuai untuk pembelajaran tematik. Tujuannya untuk mengembangkan media evaluasi pembelajaran pelatik pada pembelajaran tematik tema 6 sub tema 1 tentang cita-citaku dan mengetahui tingkat respon siswa terhadap media yang dikembangkan berdasarkan angket validasi media, materi, bahasa serta angket uji coba kelompok kecil dan besar siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SDN PONDOK BETUNG 02 Pondok Aren dengan subjek penelitian siswa berjumlah 4 siswa untuk uji kelompok kecil dan 16 siswa untuk uji kelompok besar. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Research and Development (R&D). prosedur pengembangan yang digunakan peneliti mengacu pada model penelitian Borg and Gall. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah angket. Media pembelajaran pelatik pada pembelajaran tematik tema 6 sub tema 1 tentang cita-citaku  ini telah melalui tahap revisi berdasarkan saran dan masukan dari 4 validator yaitu  2 ahli materi, 1 ahli media dan 1 ahli bahasa. Hasil dari penelitian diperoleh yaitu 1) media pembelajaran ini telah melalui tahapan pengembangan sampai uji validasi dan dinyatakan valid dengan skor 85,33% dengan kategori sangat layak; 2) berdasarkan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh dari angket respon siswa pada media yang dikembangkan mendapat respon sangat baik dengan skor 98,4%. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran dan membuat siswa lebih tertarik dalam mengerjakan soal dalam pembelajaran tematik.   Kata Kunci: Media evaluasi pembelajaran, pelatik, pembelajaran tematik    

Mangifera Edu ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-19
Inggriani Inggriani ◽  
Kurnia Ningsih ◽  
Andi Besse Tenriawaru

This research aims to determine the feasibility of a video powtoon learning media application based on guided inquiry submater application of the concept of substance pressure in organism as a learning media for students and to find responses by students to the powtoon video media. This research is Research and Development (R&D) research with the Borg and Gall development model which consists of ten stages, this research has only reached the seventh stage which includes potentials and problems, data collection, product design, product validation, design revisions, product trials, and product revisions. The instruments used were the media validation sheet and the student response questionnaire validation sheet which was validated by 5 validators and the student response questionnaire. The subjects were students of class XI SMP Negeri 3 Pontianak. The validation results obtained CVR and CVI values, namely 1 which has met the minimum limit of 0.99 so that it is declared valid. The product trial obtained an overall average score for aspects (cognition, affection, conation) which was 83,57% so it is categorized as very strong. It can be concluded that the powtoon video media based on guided inquiry sub material is suitable for use as a learning medium.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Rohiman Rohiman ◽  
Bambang Sri Anggoro

This study aims to develop prezi-based mathematics learning media to increase interest in learning in the function material. The media developed is a mathematics learning media using Prezi software. This type of research is research and development (Research and Development) using an adapted research and development model which includes stages: (1) Analysis; (2) Design; (3) Development; (4) Trial (Implementation). The subjects of this research trial were 33 eighth grade students with function material. In this development research with the main objectives as product development and testing the effectiveness of the product in achieving the objectives in the study. Data collection instruments used were media validation questionnaire, material validation questionnaire, and student response questionnaire. The main result of this research is mathematics learning media using Prezi software. The quality of mathematics learning media using Prezi software is very good based on the results of media expert validation with a score of 93% and based on material experts is good with a score of 77.5%, and the response of students to learning media is very good with a score of 83.9% using a scale Likert.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 35
Sigit Trimayanto ◽  
Dian Novita

This study aims to produce the Practical KIT along with its devices that are effectively used as learning media to train students SPS on the sub material of the Reaction Rate Law. The method used in this study is Research and Development design. The research instrument used consisted of a sheet of pre-test and post-test. Data analysis was carried out in descriptive quantitative to determine the effectiveness of Practical KIT along with the devices developed. The media is said to be effective if it meets 2 requirements, namely the percentage of classical completeness <85% and N-gain value <0.3. The developed media has been declared effective as indicated by the increase in the value of cognitive learning outcomes in the "Medium" and "High" categories with 100% classical completeness, an increase in the value of science process skills of students after using the Practical KIT media. "With classical completeness reaching 91.67%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 275-285
Amelia Anggraini ◽  
Otang Kurniaman ◽  
Munjiatun Munjiatun

This study aims to develop big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 elementary school and to determine the feasibility of big book learning media. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods using the FOUR-D (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminte) model. The data collection technique used is by using questionnaires and trials. The feasibility of big book learning media is obtained from the results of media validation and testing. Validation was carried out by material experts and learning media experts. The results of the research show that the validation of the material experts and the validation of the learning media experts are very valid. The trials used in this study were limited to 10 students and received a very good response. The results of this development research indicate that the big book media for learning Indonesian in grade 3 Elementary School is very suitable for use in learning in Elementary School. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 6
Nurlia Ali ◽  
Sulasmi Anggo

Abstract: This study is a research and development, which aims to produce instructional media, based MindManager that valid, practical and effective. The subjects were eighth grade students of SMP 27 Makassar by the number of students 39 people. This study uses the research and development according to Borg and Gall. Data collection techniques used in this research is the data on validation results obtained from the validation instrument sheet filled out by the valuator, the data for practicality level obtained from questionnaires that filled out by the valuator and practitioners, the data for effectiveness obtained from questionnaire of students' responses and mastery of student learning outcomes by intructional media based on MindManager. The data obtained from the study were analyzed using the criteria of validity, practicality and effectiveness by Hobri. The research results of development instructional media based on MindManager shows that the total value of the validation results by valuator are 4.42 and included in the valid category. The average level of practicality by valuator questionnaire was 91.33% and 90.66% by practitioners. The effectiveness of the media based on the student response was 96.6% gave a positive response and mastery of learning outcomes is 89.7% of the subjects achieved a minimum level of mastery of the material. Based on these results it can be concluded that the instructional media based MindManager developed by validity, practicality and effectiveness criteria.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 233
Elyta Apriliani ◽  
Ana Nurhasanah ◽  
Zerri Rahman Hakim

In the learning process in the classroom, students often find it difficult to understand the material being taught because the use of learning media is not optimal. This study aims to develop pop-up book learning media and to determine the feasibility of the developed pop-up book learning media. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with research and development procedures from Borg and Gall. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet for expert validation and student responses. Based on the data analysis, the material expert's assessment was 95.6% in the "Very Good" category; the linguist's assessment of 87.5% is categorized as "Very Good"; the media expert's assessment of 94.3% is categorized as "Very Good" and the assessment of the response of students in class IV SD Negeri Secang by 99% is categorized as "Very Good". So that the pop-up book meets the criteria to be used as a learning medium.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Elfrida Rif’atul Chusniah ◽  
Rini Setianingsih

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan komik matematika berbasis kontekstual untuk materi lingkaran yang berkualitas baik berdasarkan tiga kriteria, yaitu valid, praktis, dan efektif. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah Research and Development (R&D). Prosedur-prosedur pengembangan yang digunakan meliputi empat langkah: (1) melakukan perencanaan produk yang akandikembangkan, (2) mengembangkan produk awal, (3) validasi dan revisi produk, (4) uji coba lapangan skala kecil dan revisi. Uji coba komik dilakukan secara terbatas oleh 10 siswa kelas VIII SMP. Teknik pengumpulan data yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket, sedangkan instrumen penelitian yangdigunakan meliputi lembar validasi, angket penggunaan media, dan angket respon siswa. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa komik matematika dinyatakan valid dengan skor kevalidan 4 oleh ahli media dan 3,9 oleh ahli materi dari skor maksimum 5 sehingga dikategorikan valid, komik matematika dinyatakan praktis dengan hasil analisis persentase kepraktisan 76,28 % dan komik matematika dinyatakan efektif degan hasil analisis persentase keefektifan 79,4%, sehingga dikategorikan efektif. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut maka media komik ini memiliki kualitas yang baik sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai satu upaya atau alternatif media dalam proses pembelajaran sebagai upaya peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dan menciptakan suasana yang menyenangkan bagi siswa.Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, komik matematika, lingkaranThis research is a research that aims to develop contextual based mathematical comics for good quality circle material based on three criteria, namely valid, practical, and effective. The design of this research is Research and Development (R&D). The development procedures used include four steps: (1) conducting product planning to be developed, (2) developing initial products, (3) product validation and revision, (4) small-scale field trials and revisions. Comic trials are limited to 10 students in grade VIII SMP. Data collection techniques applied in this study were questionnaires, while the research instruments used included validation sheets, media use questionnaires, and student response questionnaires. The research data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The results of this study indicate that mathematics comics are declared valid with a validity score of 4 by media experts and 3.9 by material experts from a maximum score of 5 so that they are categorized valid, mathematical comics are declared practical with the results of a practicality percentage analysis of 76.28% and mathematical comics are declared effective with the result of the analysis of the effectiveness percentage is 79.4%, so it is categorized as effective. Based on these results, this comic media has good quality so that it can be used as an alternative media used by teachers in the teaching and learning process in an effort to improve the quality of education and create a pleasant atmosphere for students.Keywords: learning media, mathematical comics, circles

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-75
Muswita ◽  
Upik Yelianti ◽  
Lia Kusuma

The research aims to develop and determine the feasibility of nail plant booklets in Tahura STS. This type of research is Research and Development research using ADDIE learning design models. The booklet that was developed contains 42 types of nails that grow in Tahura STS, consisting of 14 types of epipitic nails and 28 types of terrestrial nails. The booklet that was developed contains scientific names, pictures, classifications and descriptions of ferns that grow in Tahura STS. Validation of media experts was carried out twice with a final score of 85.71% with the category "Very Good". Material expert validation was carried out twice with a final score of 92.8% in the "Very Good" category. Thus the product developed is worth testing. The percentage of small group trials on booklets was 89.6% in the "very good" category. The percentage of large group trials on booklet results was 90.9% in the "very good" category. The lecturers' response to the nail plant booklet in Tahura STS was 83.9% in the "very good" category. Based on the validation of the media experts and the results of small and large group trials and lecturer responses it can be concluded that the booklet of nail plants in Tahura STS is suitable for use as a enrichment for plant taxonomy courses. Keywords: booklet, enrichment material, nail plants. Abstrak. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui kelayakan booklet tumbuhan paku di tahura STS. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian Research and Development dengan menggunakan model desain pembelajaran ADDIE. Booklet yang dikembangkan memuat 42 jenis paku yang tumbuh di Tahura STS, terdiri dari 14 jenis paku epipit dan 28 jenis paku teresterial. Booklet yang dikembangkan memuat nama ilmiah, gambar, klasifikasi dan deskripsi dari tumbuhan paku yang tumbuh di Tahura STS. Validasi ahli media dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan nilai akhir 85,71% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Validasi ahli materi dilakukan sebanyak dua kali dengan nilai akhir 92.8% dengan kategori “Sangat Baik”. Dengan demikian produk yang dikembangkan layak untuk diujicobakan. Persentase ujicoba kelompok kecil terhadap booklet sebesar 89,6% dengan kategori “sangat baik”.  Persentase ujicoba kelompok besar terhadap booklet hasil sebesar 90,9% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Respon dosen terhadap booklet tumbuhan paku di Tahura STS sebesar 83,9% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Berdasarkan validasi ahli media dan hasil ujicoba kelompok kecil dan besar serta respon dosen dapat disimpulkan booklet tumbuhan paku di Tahura STS layak digunakan sebagai vahan pengayaan mata kuliah taksonomi tumbuhan. Kata kunci: booklet, bahan pengayaan, tumbuhan paku.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Romlah Umi

Childhood is a golden age. The emphasis on the importance of early childhood education is not intended to assume that children should start "going to school as early as possible". The purpose of this study is; Develop learning media to improve the ability to recognize the concept of child numbers in the form of a number puzzle card game. This research method is research and development (Research and development or R D). Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the results of preliminary research on puzzle learning media through numerical cards: the assessment of material experts gave a score of 52.86% categorized as good enough. the quality got an assessment score of 57.14% categorized as good enough. After being revised the experts gave the following values: the assessment of the experts gave an assessment score of 78.57% categorized as good, the media expert gave an assessment score of 86.67% for the aspect of view categorized as very good and for the aspect of quality got an assessment score of 88.57% categorized as very good.

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