scholarly journals Novelar contra la miseria. Corrupción y literatura durante la Restauración borbónica (1875-1923)

Jaume Muñoz Jofre

Resumen: Los distintos tipos de corrupción en los que se basaba el sistema de la Restauración borbónica en España (1875-1923) no eran, en absoluto, desconocidos por sus habitantes. La corrupción electoral era la primera pieza de un complejo engranaje que afectaba a todos los niveles de la Administración y la sociedad españolas de la época: en un país todavía mayoritariamente rural, el atraso sociológico y la desmovilización política permitían el tráfico de favores desde las posiciones de poder. Durante el periodo, distintos intelectuales retrataron el sistema en novelas con vocación (y éxito) comercial, pero también escritas con voluntad de concienciación política del lector. Dentro de sus tramas se describen el ambiente necesario para que se pueda ejercer la dominación social que caracterizaba el sistema, así como las malas prácticas de sus gobernantes, ya fuera en el campo como en las grandes ciudades. Este artículo analiza cinco de ellas, reivindicando el gran valor de la literatura como fuente histórica.Palabras clave: corrupción, literatura, Restauración borbónica, Santiago Rusiñol, Felipe Trigo, Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria, José López Pinillos.Abstract: The Spanish Bourbon Restoration’s system (1875-1923) was completely based on corruption. A heterogeneous but restricted oligarchy ruled the country thanks to the remarkably miserable conditions that the vast majority of the Spanish society had to live in. Fraudulent elections were one of the most obvious kinds of corruption developed then, when the whole functioning of the State was lubricated by the favours trade. This underdeveloped society was portrayed by some Spanish intellectuals describing in their novels this tainted atmosphere and the necessary conditions to maintain it. Written with a political intention but with a commercial finality, these works are excellent historical sources. This article analyses five of these novels, which are excellent pictures of a crippled society, either in the countryside or the city.Keywords: corruption, literature, Spanish Bourbon Restoration, Santiago Rusiñol, Felipe Trigo, Carles Bosch de la Trinxeria, José López Pinillos.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 89-96
Dilbar Karshieva ◽  

This article demonstrates the great attention and care paid by the state to the military and their families in our country.Social protection of families of military men consists in creating necessary conditions for family members to develop and demonstrate their abilities in socio-economic, cultural, medical and other spheres.


LABURPENA: Eskumenak banatzeko sistemari dagokionez, ekainaren 28ko 31/2010 Epaiak, Kataluniako Autonomia Estatutuari buruzkoak, estatutu-arauek Estatuaren eta autonomia erkidegoaren arteko eskumen-egitura modulatzeko aukera bertan behera uzten du, nahiz eta sistema konstituzionalak estatutuen xedapenei nolabaiteko protagonismo teorikoa ematen dien konstituzionaltasunaren blokea egituratzean eta eskumenak hartzean. Hala, 31/2010 Ebazpenak erakusten duenez, Auzitegi Konstituzionalak kategoria orokorren gaineko interpretazioaren monopolioa berresten du, eskumenen definizio funtzionala egiterakoan (egileak eskumen-egituraren «hiperkonstituzionalizazioa» deitzen dio fenomeno horri). Gainera, autonomia erkidegoei aitortutako eskumenen esklusibotasun-kontzeptua lausotzen du, Estatuaren oinarrizko legeriaren kontzeptu orokor material eta formalari uko egiten dio, eta autonomia-erakunde horien eskumen betearazleen irismena mugatzen du. RESUMEN: En lo referido al sistema de distribución de competencias, la Sentencia del Tribunal Constitucional 31/2010, de 28 de junio, sobre el Estatuto de Autonomía de Cataluña, cierra la posibilidad de que las normas estatutarias modulen la estructura competencial entre el Estado y la Comunidad Autónoma pese al teórico protagonismo que el sistema constitucional confiere a las disposiciones estatutarias en la articulación del bloque de la constitucionalidad y en la asunción de competencias. En la doctrina emanada de la resolución 31/2010, el Tribunal Constitucional refuerza su monopolio interpretativo sobre categorías generales en la definición funcional de competencias (la llamada por el autor «hiperconstitucionalización» de la estructura competencial) diluyendo el concepto de exclusividad aplicado a las competencias reconocidas a las Comunidades Autónomas, renunciando a un concepto general material-formal de legislación básica estatal y restringiendo el alcance de las competencias ejecutivas de los mismos entes autonómicos. ABSTRACT: As far as the allocation of powers is concerned, the 31/2010 ruling by the constitutional Court, from June 28th, about the Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia, opens the door to the possibility that the Statute norms modulate the competences framework between the State and the Autonomous Community despite the theoretical prominence awarded to the Statute provisions for the articulation of the block of constitutionality and the assumption of competences. As the doctrine from the 31/2010 ruling by the Constitutional Court states, the Constitutional Court enhances its interpretative monopoly on the general categories regarding the functional definition of competences (the so called by the author hiperconstitutionalization of the competences framework) wakening down the concept of exclusivity applied to the competences recognized to the Autonomous Communities, renouncing to a general material-formal concept for the State basic legislation and restricting the scope of the executive competences of the Autonomous entities.

Miroslav Jovanovic

The Archive of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts in Belgrade holds three letters that the young writer Milutin Bojic (1892-1917) sent to dramaturge and politician Milan Grol (1876-1952). Bojic wrote to Grol from the island of Corfu, where, together with the Serbian government and the army, he was spending his days in exile. Bojic had a great desire to continue his education and thus to contribute to the Serbian people and the state. These letters are very important historical sources about the life of a young poet who has famously described the suffering of Serbian Army in World War I in his Ode to a Blue Sea Tomb.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (17) ◽  
pp. 197-220
Oscar Hernán Cerquera Losada

Este documento muestra el Estado de arte de los determinantes del rendimiento académico en la educación media, teniendo en cuenta las principales investigaciones realizadas, tanto a nivel nacional como internacional, acerca de los factores que influyen en el logro escolar de los estudiantes. Con este trabajo, se busca establecer las principales variables, tanto en Colombia como en algunos lugares del mundo, que afectan el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Este documento se organiza en dos sesiones, determinantes a nivel mundial y determinantes a nivel colombiano; cada sesión clasifica las investigaciones de acuerdo a los factores del estudiante, de la escuela y las características organizacionales y políticas. A pesar de existir muchas investigaciones sobre el tema, aún no se ha llegado a un consenso general sobre cómo determinar los factores del  rendimiento académico, pues en la realidad son muchas las características del individuo, la escuela o el sistema que se relacionan entre sí de diferente manera y pueden afectar el logro estudiantil.ABSTRACTThis document shows the state of the art of the determinants of academic achievement in secondary education, taking into account the main research conducted, both nationally and internationally, about the factors that influence school achievement of students. With this paper, we seek to establish the main variables which affect the academic achievement of students in Colombia as well as in some parts of the world. This document is organized in two sessions: world and Colombian determinants; each session classifies research according to the factors of the student, the school and organizational and political characteristics. Although there is much research on the topic so far it has not been possible to reach a consensus on how to determine the factors of academic achievement, because in reality many characteristics of the individual, of the school or of the system relate to each other differently and can affect student achievement.RESUMOEste documento mostra o Estado da arte dos determinantes do rendimento escolar no ensino medio, tendo em conta às principais pesquisas realizadas, tanto a nível nacional como internacionalmente, sobres os fatores que influenciam o desempenho escolar dos estudantes. Com este trabalho, se procura estabelecer as principais variáveis, tanto na Colômbia e em alguns lugares do mundo, afetando o desempenho acadêmico dos estudantes. Este documento está organizado em duas sessões, determinantes a nível mundial e determinantes a nível colombiano; cada sessão clasifica as pesquisas de acordó a os fatores do estudante, da escola e das características organizacionais e políticas. Embora haja muitas pesquisas sobre o tema, ainda não se chegou a um consenso geral sobre os fatores determinantes no desempenho acadêmico, porque na realidade são muitas as características do indivíduo, a escola ou o sistema que se relacionam uns com os outros de forma diferente e podem afetar o desempenho acadêmico.

Santiago Cambero Rivero

Esta investigación focaliza en los modelos de gestión de la edad de las personas que componen las entidades no lucrativas (ENL) como organizaciones sociales que garantizan la prestación de servicios básicos entre las personas más vulnerables. El progresivo envejecimiento en la sociedad española está cambiando el perfil de la ciudadanía en general, y en concreto en los miembros de las organizaciones que nconfiguran el sistema social. Así, se analiza el impacto de los procesos de intercambio intergeneracional de información y conocimiento en las ENL que actúan en la comunidad autónoma de Extremadura. Tales procesos pueden observarse desde los modelos de gestión de la edad de trabajadores y de voluntariado, para la ponderación del know how transmisible de generación en generación como parte de la cultura de estas organizaciones.This research focuses on the age management models of people who make up nonprofit organizations (NPOs) as social organizations that guarantee the provision of basic services among the most vulnerable people. The progressive aging in the Spanish society is changing the profile of the citizenship in general, specially within the members of the organizations that configure the social system. Thus, the impact of the processes of intergenerational exchange of information and knowledge inside the NPOs are performing in Extremadura. Such processes can be observed from the models of management of the age of workers and volunteers, for the weighting of the know how transmissible from generation to generation as part of the culture of these organizations. 

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Maria Teresa Sierra

La policía comunitaria es una institución de los pueblos indígenas de Guerrero conocida por su capacidad para enfrentar a la delincuencia y generar alternativas de paz social., através de un sistema de justicia y seguridad autónomo. En los últimos años, sin embargo, el sistema comunitario enfrenta el acoso de actores diversos vinculados al incremento de la violencia y la inseguridad que se vive en el país y especialmente en el estado de Guerrero; dicha situación está impactando a la institucionalidad comunitaria, obligando a su redefinición. En este trabajo destaco aspectos centrales de dicha conflictividad así como las respuestas que han dado los comunitarios para hacer frente a las tareas de justicia y seguridad en el marco de nuevos contextos marcados por el despojo neoliberal y la impunidad de actores estatales y no estatales. En este proceso se actualiza la relación de la policía comunitaria con el Estado revelando el peso de la ambigüedad legal y los juegos del poder así como los usos contra-hegemónicos del derecho para disputar la justicia. ---SEGURANÇA E JUSTIÇA SOB ACOSSO EM TEMPOS DE VIOLÊNCIA NEOLIBERAL: respostas do policiamento comunitário de GuerreroO policiamento comunitário é uma instituição dos Povos Indígenas do Guerrero conhecidos por sua capacidade de lidar com o crime e gerar paz social de forma alternativa, usando um sistema próprio de justiça e segurança. Nos últimos anos, no entanto, o sistema da UE enfrenta assédio de várias autoridades envolvidas no aumento da violência e da insegurança que reina no país e, especialmente, no estado de Guerrero; essa situação está afetando as instituições comunitárias, forçando a sua redefinição. Neste artigo, destaco os principais aspectos do conflito e as respostas que têm a comunidade para lidar com as tarefas da justiça e da segurança no contexto dos novos contextos marcados por pilhagem neoliberal e a impunidade de atores estatais e não estatais. Neste processo, a relação de policiamento comunitário com o estado é atualizada, revelando o peso da ambiguidade e dos jogos de poder legais, além de usos contra-hegemônicos do direito de disputar a justiça.Palavras-chave: violência neoliberal; Guerrero; comunidades indígenas---SECURITY AND JUSTICE UNDER HARASSMENT IN TIMES OF NEOLIBERAL VIOLENCE: responses of the Community Police of GuerreroThe community police is an institution of the Indigenous Peoples of Guerrero known for its ability to deal with crime and generate alternatives for social peace, using a system of justice and self security. In recent years, however, the EU system faces harassment from various people responsible for the increase of violence and insecurity within the country and especially in the state in Guerrero; this situation is impacting instituitions in the community, forcing their redefinition. In this paper I highlight key aspects of the conflict and the community's responses to deal with the tasks of justice and security in new contexts marked by neoliberal plunder and impunity of the state (as well as non state figures). In this process, the relationship of the community police with the state is updated revealing the weight of legal ambiguity and power plays, as well as counter-hegemonic use of the right to dispute justice.key words: neoliberal vilence; Guerrero; indigenous people.

Aurelian Craiutu

This chapter examines political moderation in Benjamin Constant's political thought, with particular emphasis on his search for a “neutral power” that would function as a moderating device, keeping the ship of the state on an even keel. It begins with a commentary on Constant's enigmatic personality before turning to his lesser-known political writings from 1795 to 1799 as well as his better-known works written during the First Empire and the Bourbon Restoration. It then considers the rhetoric of an “extreme center” in the context of moderation as well as Constant's notion of the middle way during the Directory. It also explores Constant's ideas on limited sovereignty and individual liberty, along with his theory of representative government based on the concept of pouvoir modérateur.

Philosophy ◽  
1964 ◽  
Vol 39 (149) ◽  
pp. 233-248
Lionel Kenner

The classical determinist argument is that every event has a cause, that every event in the universe is an effect whose sufficient and necessary conditions are the state of the universe immediately preceding it. For this reason we could not have done otherwise than we did. We do not have free-wills and hence we are not morally responsible for our thoughts and actions. The classical deterministmay, however, modify his position and agree that not every event inthe world has a cause, but only that every human activity—our thoughts and our actions—are causally determined. Butit would still follow that we could not have done otherwise than wedid. As the first formulation entails the second formulation, and is more usual, we shall adopt that one.

Pilar Laguna Sánchez ◽  
Ana Vico Belmonte ◽  
Jesús Palomo-Martínez

Creative cultural industries are businesses on the rise with a potential that has yet to be determined. They are not generally acknowledged by the State as economic pursuits, however. The notion that culture is a not-for-profit endeavour is firmly rooted in Spanish society, a circumstance that has led to the invisibility of the industry as a business opportunity. That lack of credibility as an economic proposition is reinforced by the industry’s organisation and management, its dependence on subsidies and its focus more on propagation than industrialisation. It consequently lacks both strategic business and sex equality policies. Keywords: Women, entrepreneurship, culture, creative cultural industries, SMEs, cultural development.

Walter Jesús Pin Figueroa ◽  
Franklin Edmundo Pin Figueroa

Las reformas en la educación superior en el Ecuador han generado que el Consejo de Educación Superior (CES) elabore reglamentos para regular y normar, bajo los preceptos de autonomía responsable, a las instituciones que conforman el Sistema. En esas circunstancias se emitió el Reglamento de Armonización de la Nomenclatura de Títulos Profesionales y Grados Académicos que confieren las Instituciones de Educación Superior. Por tal motivo las Universidades ecuatorianas deben adecuar su oferta Académica a lo que establece dicho Reglamento. Considerando que también lo que establece la Ley Orgánica de Educación Superior (LOES) enmarcado en el Principio de pertinencia la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí acogiéndose a las normativas vigentes se desarrolló el rediseño de la carrera de Ingeniería en Ecoturismo y tiene como oferta actual la Carrera de Licenciatura de Turismo. Se realizó el análisis y estudio de las necesidades inmersas en la planificación Nacional y regional impulsada por el Estado tales como el Plan Nacional del Buen Vivir 2013 –2017, la Agenda Zonal 4 Pacífico, planes de desarrollo turístico en los GAD municipales de la Zona 4, propuestas del Instituto Nacional de Patrimonio Cultural Regional 4 (INPC R-4) se consideró el estudio de la demanda de profesionales en turismo y de empleabilidad de los graduados. Se elaboró la nueva oferta académica de la UNESUM como carrera de Turismo demostrando su pertinencia para el país la cual se encuentra ya implementada.PALABRAS CLAVE: rediseño curricular; educación superior; principio de pertinencia; turismo.ABSTRACTThe reforms in higher education in Ecuador have led the Higher Education Council (CES) to draw up regulations to regulate and regulate, under the precepts of responsible autonomy, the institutions that make up the System. In these circumstances, the Regulation of Harmonization of the Nomenclature of Professional Titles and Academic Degrees conferred by Higher Education Institutions was issued. For this reason, Ecuadorian universities must adapt their Academic offer to what is established in said Regulation. Considering that also what is established by the Organic Law of Higher Education (LOES) framed in the Relevance Principle of the State University of the South of Manabí, in accordance with the regulations in force, the redesign of the Ecotourism Engineering career was developed and has as its current offer the Tourism Degree Course. The analysis and study of the immersed needs in the National and regional planning promoted by the State were carried out, such as the National Plan of Good Living 2013 -2017, the Zonal Agenda 4 Pacific, tourist development plans in the municipal GADs of Zone 4, proposals of the National Institute of Regional Cultural Patrimony 4 (INPC R-4) was considered the study of the demand of professionals in tourism and of employability of the graduates. The new academic offer of the UNESUM was developed as a tourism career demonstrating its relevance for the country which is already implemented.KEYWORDS: curriculum redesign; higher education; principle of relevance; tourism.

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