Hafiza Ajeng Dianing Sukma

First 1.000 days of human’s life is a golden period which will determines the quality of  human’s health in the next lifetime period. Unfortunately, various health problems are found that interfere with the health condition of the baby in the first 1.000 days of human’s life, one of them is stunted babies and wasted babies. Stunted and wasted babies are nutritional problems faced by various countries in the World, including Indonesia. Community service is carried out in Grebegan Village, Kalitidu, Bojonegoro. Health conditions of children under five in Grebegan Village in 2019 are known to have 14 stunted and/or wasted toddlers. The purpose of community service activities is to implement the program as an effort to reduce the prevalence of stunting and wasting in Grebegan Village. Data related to stunted and wasted toddlers were obtained by Focus Group Discussion (FGD), indept interviews, and questionnaires activites. The data obtained were then used for searching the root of the problem using the fishbone method and then determined the priority of alternative solutions using the MEER method. The results of calculation using MEER method then found the highest ranking intervention program that is socialization related to parenting and toddler’s eating patterns and cooking demonstrations. Intervention activities carried out are expected to increase knowledge and can be applied by the community so as to reduce the prevalence of stunted and wasted children under five in Grebegan Village.

Gita Rizki Amaliya

Nutrition is one of the things that is still a global problem, including in Indonesia. Inadequate nutrition from in the womb to birth can cause various health problems for both mother and baby. One of the health problems that can occur in children under five due to malnutrition is stunting. This community service activity was held in Mojosari Village, Kalitidu, Bojonegoro. Undernutrition of children under five is one of the problems that must be addressed by the village government of Mojosari because based on Posyandu data, it was noted that in 2019 there were 38 underfives who were malnourished. The purpose of this community service is as an effort to improve nutrition for malnourished toddlers in Mojosari Village. The community service stages started from problem identification by obtaining primary and secondary data from observations, FGD, indept interviews and questionnaires as well as data from posyandu, ponkesdes and puskesmas. The data then obtained several lists of problems which were then prioritized using the CARL method so that the priority problem was obtained, namely malnutrition. After that, look for the root of the problem using the problem tree diagram, then prioritize alternative solutions using the MEER method. The results of the calculation of the MEER method found the priority alternative solutions, namely the development of the positive deviance (PD) program. So that the community service program carried out is the BOHLAM HATI Program (Providing Processed Healthy Nutritious Food) which contains a series of activities, namely the provision of nutritious food, the innovation of the RAZIA (Children's Nutrition Report) book, socialization in the form of talk shows, cooking demonstrations, and food decoration competitions. This series of activities is expected to increase the participation of mothers and toddlers in the PD program so that it can improve nutrition and reduce the number of under-five malnutrition.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Siti Fatimah ◽  
Asnawi Abdullah ◽  
Amin Harris

Background: Public participation generally seen as a form of health behavior is the participation of mothers of children under five in the of Maternal & Child Health Centre it program. Its is a form of integrated services organized for and by the community with work programs from related agencies to then obtain basic health services, decrease maternal and child mortality rates and for the achievement of Small Prosperous Happy Families (KKBS).Purpose: The study aims to analyze the coverage of weighing children under five to Maternal & Child Health Centre (D/S) in the area of the Banda Aceh City Health Center.Method: This research is a qualitative study with a descriptive approach conducted with a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of 3 main informants, 4 implementing informants and 7 policy makers in the lowest D / S region (Lampaseh Puskesmas area) and 3 main informants, 4 implementing informants and 8 informants policy makers in the highest D/S region (Kopelma Darussalam Puskesmas area).Results: The results of this study found that the availability of facilities is still limited, the role of cadres is still low (not yet able to carry out development programs), the role of the gampong government is still lacking in supporting the implementation and improvement of posyandu visits, policy makers do not fully understand that the conditions in posyandu are a big responsibility from the village, and in practice in the field there has not been an effort to monitor and evaluate the extent of the implementation of the posyandu by the health department.Conclusion: The cadres' low knowledge of development programs in an effort to increase community motivation for posyandu visits. Suggestions for implementing of Maternal & Child Health Centre activities to provide an understanding of how to implement a Maternal & Child Health Centre, improve competence, provide suggestions for development programs and for policymakers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (B) ◽  
pp. 331-336
Nadimin Nadimin ◽  
Kartini B. Theresia Dewi ◽  
Abdul Salam ◽  
Adriyani Adam

BACKGROUND: The conducive factor of stunting is the deficiency in nutrient intake due to the lack of quantity and quality of food consumed by the children. Children’s food consumption is strongly influenced by the mother’s nutritional knowledge and children’s feeding practices. AIM: The aims of this study were to determine the effect of providing local snacks in South Sulawesi with a substitute of snakehead fish flour (Tibus) and virtual nutrition counseling on the growth of stunting children. METHODS: The design of this study used a randomized pretest-posttest control design. The sample was divided in two groups using systematic random sampling. The first group was given local Tibus snacks and nutritional counseling virtually and the second group was only given virtual nutrition counseling. The intervention was carried out every day until 1 month. The sample of this research was mothers who have stunting children under five of age. RESULTS: Nutrition knowledge of mothers in group one increased significantly before and after intervention (63.78 ± 1.68 vs. 73.70 ±1.35 points), but this was not the case in group two. The increase in maternal nutritional knowledge was higher in group one than in group two, although it was not significant (p = 0.91). The comparison of the weight gain of children in group one versus group two was 0.37 ± 0.49 kg versus 0.07 ± 0.39 kg (p = 0.021). The increase in the height of the children in group one before and after was 84.15 ± 7.79 cm versus 85.97 ± 7.95 cm (p = 0.000). The ratio of the increase in the height of the children in group one and group two was 1.82 ± 0.94 cm versus 1.53 ± 0.68 cm (p = 0.402). CONCLUSIONS: Nutrition counseling virtual can increase nutrition knowledge. The providing of local snacks (Tibus) accompanied by virtual nutrition counseling can increase growth in body length and weight of stunting children. The efforts to accelerate prevention stunting in children under five can be done with utilization of local snacks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 58
Nidatul Khofiyah ◽  
Enny Fitriahadi Fitriahadi

The success of development is closely related to the quality of good human resources. Establishment of optimal quality of human resources, both physically and psychologically is very dependent on the process of growing and developing at an early age. Monitoring the growth and development of children that is carried out appropriately and directed guarantees more optimal growth and development of children that makes children of high quality, intelligent, responsible and efficient for the nation and the nation. Based on the results of observations, the Posyandu of Beji Sidoarum has been limited to growth checks only in the implementation of posyandu related to growth, namely weighing and measuring height. Development checks have never been carried out because of the limitations of cadres and not every month the puskesmas midwives conduct health checks at the posyandu. There has never been a Posyandu health cadre who participated in the early growth growth stimulation and intervention training. Therefore, increasing education for cadres related to growth and development is needed to improve the quantity and quality of services at this posyandu. Outputs produced are 1) Compilation of booklets/modules as information media, 2) results of examination of fallen children under five, 3) Ability of cadres and mothers of children under five in stimulation and early detection of development using KPSP, 4) publication. The results obtained by cadres and mothers of children under five in carrying out stimulation and early detection using KPSP independently. Based on this, it is expected that the implementation of activities for monitoring the growth of children under five can run routinely at the posyandu.Keywords: early detection, training, stimulation, growth and development

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 306
Fitria Nur Rahmawati

The number of  pneumonia  cases in children under five years found in Surabaya city in 2016  was 3,925 cases (40.89%). The number of  pneumonia  cases in children under five years in Kenjeran sub district was highers with 232 cases. This study was purposed to analyze the relationship between house sanitation and airborne bacterial number with pneumonia cases in children under five years old  in the Kenjeran sub district, Surabaya. This study was designed as a case control study using 12 cases and 12 controls as the samplers. This research was conducted in Kenjeran sub district  and took place from May to November 2017. Statistical test was using by chi square and multivariate logistic regression. The results of the study was that the cases of p neumonia in children under five years old were birth weight (p=0,01), nutritional status (p=0,01), sanitation house (p=0,03) and airborne bacterial number (p=0,01). Multivariate logistic regression test results showed that significant variables were nutritional status and airborne bacterial number. Nutritional status have the significance 0.04 (p <α) with OR=15,00. Airborne bacterial number  have the significance 0.04 (p <α) with OR=15,00. The conclusion of this study is nutritional status and airborne bacterial number  are associated with pneumonia under five years old. It is highly suggested to improve the quality of home health and child care.

Yuhanah Yuhanah ◽  
Grace Tedy Tulak

ASI eksklusif merupakan nutrisi yang paling tepat diberikan kepada bayi baru lahir hingga usia 6 bulan. ASI eksklusif dapat memperbaiki status nutrisi pada bayi serta meminimalkan angka kesakitan dan kematian pada bayi. Salah satu cara mensukseskan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan melaksanakan penyuluhan kepada kader kesehatan dan ibu yang memiliki balita. Kader kesehatan merupakan orang yang sering bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat dalam menyampaikan informasi terkait dengan kesehatan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran kader  kesehatan dan ibu balita tentang manfaaat ASI eksklusif dalam mendukung program pemerintah tentang peningkatan cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif . Program ini dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Januari 2020 dalam bentuk penyuluhan kesehatan kepada kader kesehatan dan ibu balita dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 75 orang. dengan mengajukan pertanyaan pada sesi diskusi. Dosen pengabdi mengharapkan partisipasi kader kesehatan untuk melakukan pendampingan kepada ibu hamil dan menyusui dalam rangka meningkatkan cakupan ASI eksklusif. Kata kunci: ASI eksklusif, Edukasi, Kader kesehatan, Ibu balita, Wowa Tamboli ABSTRACT Exclusive breastfeeding is the most appropriate nutrition given to newborns up to the age of 6 months. Exclusive breastfeeding can improve nutritional status in infants and minimize morbidity and mortality in infants. One way to succeed in giving exclusive breastfeeding is by conducting counseling to health cadres and mothers who have toddlers. Health cadres are people who often socialize with the community in delivering information related to health. The purpose of community service activities is carried out to increase the knowledge and awareness of health cadres and mothers of children under five about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding in supporting government programs on increasing the scope of exclusive breastfeeding. The program was carried out on January 25, 2020 in the form of health education to health cadres and mothers of children under five with 75 participants. The extension participants were very enthusiastic about the activity and gave feedback by asking questions in the discussion session. Dedicated lecturers expect the participation of health cadres to provide assistance to pregnant and lactating women in order to increase coverage of exclusive breastfeeding. Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, Education, Health care, Mother of children, Wowa tamboli

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 07
Mamik Ratnawati ◽  
Monika Sawitri Prihatini ◽  
Rini Hayu Lestari

Abstrak: Penyakit    diare    masih    menjadi    masalah  global      dengan      derajat      kesakitan      dan  kematian    yang    tinggi    di    berbagai    negara terutama   di   negara   berkembang,   dan   juga sebagai   salah  satu penyebab  utama  tingginya  angka    kesakitan    dan    kematian    anak    di  dunia. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk memberikan edukasi kepada ibu balita agar mengerti dan paham tentang diare dan pencegahannya di posyandu Desa Kali Kejambon Kecamatan Tembelang kabupaten Jombang. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan Pemberdayaan Ibu Dalam Mengenali Diare Pada Anak Dan Cara Pencegahan Diare di Posyandu Kali Kejambon Kecamatan Tembelang Kabupaten Jombang berjalan dengan baik, sebanyak 50 orang ibu balita yang hadir dalam kegiatan ini dan terdapat 80% ibu balita paham dengan materi yang disampaikan oleh tim pelaksana pengabdian masyarakat serta terdapat umpan balik dengan memberikan pertanyaan kepada pelaksana kegiatan untuk pembahasan yang belum dimengerti. Bagi para ibu balita agar selalu waspada dengan kejadian diare pada balita karena diare merupakan bukan kasus yang bisa diremehkan dan bagi tenaga kesehatan agar selalu memberikan edukasi tentang penyakit-penyakit yang sering terjadi pada anak-anak agar tidak terjadi bahaya dan komplikasi.Abstract: Diarrhea is still a global problem with high degrees of illness and death in various countries, especially in developing countries, and also as one of the main causes of high child morbidity and mortality in the world. The purpose of this activity is to provide education to mothers of children under five to understand and understand diarrhea and its prevention at the Posyandu in Kali Kejambon Village, Tembelang District, Jombang Regency. Community service activities with the Empowerment of Mothers in Recognizing Diarrhea in Children and How to Prevent Diarrhea in the Kali Kejambon Posyandu in Tembelang District, Jombang Regency went well, as many as 50 under-five mothers attended this activity and 80% of toddlers understood the material delivered by the team implementing community service and providing feedback by giving questions to the implementers of activities for discussions that have not been understood. For mothers of toddlers to always be aware of the incidence of diarrhea in toddlers because diarrhea is not a case that can be underestimated and for health workers to always provide education about diseases that often occur in children so that there is no danger and complications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (B) ◽  
pp. 462-467
Amiruddin Amiruddin ◽  
Bustami Bustami ◽  
Anasril Anasril ◽  
Tri Mulyono Herlambang ◽  
Muhammad Husaini ◽  

BACKGROUND: Stunting causes organs not to grow and develop optimally. One of the factors that indirectly influence stunting in children is the mother’s parenting style. Parenting includes the family’s ability to provide time, attention, and support in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of children growing in the family. AIM: This is to find out the nutrition parenting patterns of children who are stunted in the working area of the Health Center Pante Kuyun, Aceh Jaya Regency. METHODS: This study uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted in the working area of Pante Kuyun Health Center, Aceh Jaya Regency. The research was carried out for 1 month, starting from August to September. The choice of research location was due to the high incidence of stunting in the area. The number of samples was determined 15 people consisting of 10 children under five who were stunted, two people as the head of the Health Center, and two community leaders from various elements. This study uses recording devices, video recording devices (camcorders), tape recorders, group discussion guidelines, and field notes. Data analysis techniques used in qualitative research include transcript analysis of interview results, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and triangulation. RESULTS: Stunting is closely related to the social construction of society. There are differences in social constructs that shape the parenting styles’ understanding for toddlers who are stunted. During pregnancy, most mothers follow the restrictions recommended by their parents and in-laws. The number of taboo foods to be consumed during pregnancy to breastfeeding generally comes from the food group of animal protein sources such as squid, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and so on. These foods are believed to cause the, etc., become sticky, making it difficult for the delivery process, and milk is difficult to pass. It turns out that the customs, culture, and hereditary habits that continue to be carried out influence stunting in children under five. The pattern of nutrition parenting during the postpartum, postpartum period also causes stunting. During postpartum, the culture in society prohibits food other than white rice, and the fish is only anchovies. It turns out that the lack of intake during the postpartum period up to 40 days has an impact on the health of the postpartum, postpartum mother, especially only a little breast milk, dry skin, weakness, dizziness, and even sickness. Community beliefs also influence nutritional care patterns. For infants aged 0–6 months, none of the informants’ toddlers receive exclusive; breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding is not given to children due to the mother’s lack of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding benefits. The eating habit prioritizes elders’ advice such as parents, in-laws, and religious leaders are still related to myths about health and nutrition in pregnant women and toddlers. The pattern of nutrition parenting performed by mothers for infants >6 months is not under the Indonesian Ministry of Health recommendations. In the Aceh Jaya district, mothers habitually give instant noodles as a substitute for the rice to consume toddlers. However, their mothers also have parenting styles, whereas if the working mothers provide food for toddlers, they are older siblings, grandmothers, or nieces. Inadequate care, such as improper feeding from infancy to toddlerhood, causes toddlers to suffer from illness more often due to disruption of digestion because the baby’s intestines are still vulnerable. CONCLUSION: Parenting affects toddlers who experience stunting in the working area of Pante Kuyun Community Health Center, Aceh Jaya Regency.

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