scholarly journals Islamic Philantrophy Development in Digital Era: New Strategy of Fund Raising and Supervision Program

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 129
Mansur Efendi ◽  
Ferdi Arifin

<p>Industry 4.0, which is a shape of fourth stage of industrial revolution, influences human life such as new media development. Nowadays, most people are being active users in digital world as a new social sphere. Many activities in social media affects various creative ideas, one of them is a medium of fund raising. As fourth stage of industrial revolution it does not cut off humanitarian acts for caring each others, even its appearance can be alternative media to create various humanitarian acts. Islamic philantrophy has take for granted New Media as developing model of fund raising and supervision program to enhance humanitarian acts. This study attempts to analyze developing of Islamic philantrophy phenomena in new media by utilizing qualitative method. The results is going to find a model of fund raising throughout new media and to create a program of supervision for sustainability acts as an effort to establish prosperous society. By this research, Islamic philantrophy is able to develop rapidly and achieve wider success through a new strategy. The main aspect of new strategy model must be syncronized to Islamic laws embedded in Quran and Hadits for avoiding inappropiate ways and debatable rules.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 156-164
Amandha Aulia ◽  
Ajar Rohmanu

ABSTRAK   Era revolusi industri 4.0 atau revolusi industri dunia ke-empat telah berjalan seiring berjalannya waktu, dimana teknologi telah menjadi basis dalam kehidupan manusia. Setiap hal menjadi tanpa batas dan tidak terbatas akibat perkembangan teknologi digital. Era ini mempengaruhi banyak aspek kehidupan baik di bidang ekonomi, politik, kebudayaan, pendidikan dan industri. Industri merupakan salah satu tempat teknologi yang berguna untuk membantu berjalannya industri di perusahaan. PT Indonesia Epson Industry yang berlokasi di Kawasan East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Cikarang Bekasi merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang memproduksi berbagai macam barang elektronik. Produksi merupakan hal yang terpenting dalam proses pembuatan produk dari proses awal hingga akhir proses produk, perhitungan hasil produksi sangatlah penting untuk mengetahui hasil produktifitas dari proses hingga ke finish good. PT Indonesia Epson Industry dalam perhitungan hasil produksi masih menerapkan sistem manual dalam perhitungan dengan menambah pekerjaan karyawan yaitu dengan operator produksi melakukan packing produk sekaligus menghitung barang dan mencatat hasil jumlah produksi barang dan memerlukan waktu untuk admin produksi mengetahui hasil produksi yang real time. penulis dalam hal ini membuat suatu sistem yang bertujuan untuk menampilkan jumlah produk yang di produksi langsung ke bagian admin dengan menggunakan alat arduino, sensor ultrasonic, Ethernet Shield dan program menggunakan bahasa pemrograman php kemudian menggunakan database mysql yang terhubung dengan XAMPP agar dapat menjadikan aplikasi sistem yang berguna untuk menampilkan jumlah barang secara langsung tanpa harus menunggu lama.  Penulis juga menggunakan  metode prototyping untuk menjadikan sistem yang dibuat sesuai apa yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan dan yang direncanakan. diharapkan dengan adanya sistem ini tidak ada lagi kekeliruan dalam perhitungan dan pekerjaan menjadi lebih efisien dan mudah serta sistem ini diharapkan  dapat di pergunakan dalam jangka panjang.   Kata kunci : Arduino Uno R3, Metode Prototyping, Perhitungan Hasil Produksi   ABSTRACTS   The era of the industrial revolution 4.0 or the fourth world industrial revolution has gone by over time, where technology has become the basis of human life. Everything becomes limitless and unlimited due to the development of digital technology. This era affects many aspects of life in the fields of economy, politics, culture, education and industry. Industry is one of the places where technology is useful to help run the industry in the company. PT Indonesia Epson Industry, which is located in the East Jakarta Industrial Park (EJIP) Cikarang Bekasi area, is a company that produces various kinds of electronic goods. Production is the most important thing in the process of making products from the beginning to the end of the product process, the calculation of production results is very important to know the productivity results from the process to the finish good. PT Indonesia Epson Industry in calculating production results still applies a manual system in calculations by adding employee work, namely with production operators doing product packing while counting goods and recording the results of the production of goods and it takes time for the production admin to know real time production results. the author in this case makes a system that aims to display the number of products produced directly to the admin section using Arduino, ultrasonic sensors, Ethernet Shield and programmed using the PHP programming language then using a MySQL database connected to XAMPP in order to make system applications which is useful for displaying the number of items directly without having to wait long. The author also uses the prototyping method to make the system that is made according to what is needed by the company and what is planned. it is hoped that with this system there will be no more errors in calculations and work will be more efficient and easy and this system is expected to be used in the long term.   Keywords: Arduino Uno R3, Prototyping Method, Calculation of Production Results

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Stoyan Ilev ◽  

Our encompassing digital world imposes a new digital aesthetics. Applied visual software, printers, etc. offer a new imagery of plastic arts. Digital possibilities lead to the delusion that they can dethrone the classical arts. Painting has brought its adaptability to the new media over time, but the modern digital era puts it under a new set of problems. Extremely material (painting) against non-material (virtual), war in territory.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 37-55
Tasnim Lubis ◽  
Nashran Azizan ◽  
Maulana Arafat

Education becomes a spear in developing the potency that exists in students both physically and spiritually.Besides increasing competence, interpersonal intelligence is an important thing to apply to the learning process. Learning is not always about values, but it can shape attitudes, so that later students can be intelligent, skilled and characterized citizens. Innovations that develop continuously that is begun from the industrial revolution 1.0 to 4.0, become challenges and opportunities for educators in developing the potentials of students in order to create competently, character and reliable graduates. The presence of the industrial revolution 4.0 which is known as the digital era is not only opens wide interactions but also disrupts various fields in human life. One of them is education. Therefore the role of interpersonal intelligence in schools is expected to be able to bridge the student’s  attitudes to be in accordance with the Qur'an and the Constitution 195 and can be integrated in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 66-82
Alexius Dwi Widiatna

The development and advancement of information and communication technology has permeated all aspects of human life today. Technological progress led to an industrial revolution and at the same time influenced the human lifestyle that formed the characteristics and character of a very varied generation. The character of this generation causes the world of education to adjust in terms of learning, teaching, pedagogy, and in the management of education. The church and its educational institutions are inseparable from the influence of advances in the digital world in educating young children in facing the challenges of 21st century education. As a higher education institution, STKIP Widya Yuwana is challenged to transform his learning in preparing his candidates of catechist and Catholic religion teachers who are digital generation or internet generation whose fingers are attached to their devices at any time. Creatively and collaboratively, educational persons are encouraged to build an atmosphere of freedom of learning by conducting digital metanoia and transforming themselves to be able to continue their preaching work to young people.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-66
Adhania Andika Prayudanti ◽  
Devi Urianty Miftahul Rohmah

Digital era is a characteristic of Industrial Revolution 4.0 that influence towards all aspect of human life. Social media marketing is considered to be one of the technologies in the digital era that can facilitate SMEs to do business activities especially marketing activities, customer relationship, promotion, and innovation. The importance of social media marketing in digital era that its technology easy to use and need low cost. It can be applied in our smartphone, can effectively communicate with customer for promotion and branding. The aim of this paper is to define whether SMEs urgently need social media marketing in industrial revolution 4.0. This paper will review the aspects that can be motivate and disruptions of SMEs using social media marketing. The advantage of social media marketing is one of the case that can motivate SMEs using social media marketing.Meanwhile the trust and lack of the ability to using social media marketing can be disruption.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 161-174
Nur Rohmah Hayati

Indonesia is currently entering the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Mid-century (digital revolution) was marked by a combination of technology and blurring of physical, digital space lines. Changes in the world in the era of the Industrial revolution which is so fast certainly provide demands for progress. Islamic boarding schools or Islamic boarding schools are one of the Islamic education in Indonesia. The reform and reconstruction of Islamic education and its institutions seems to need to be carried out immediately, especially looking at the development of the world which requires that every Islamic education institution be it Islamic boarding schools or madrasas to continue to improve themselves if they do not want to be abandoned by their interested ones. The inclusive attitude of Islamic education in this context is very necessary. inclusiveness becomes very important given that however, Islamic education institutions cannot isolate themselves from the dynamics that occur outside themselves. Era of Industrial Revolution 4.0 (hereinafter: Era 4.0) has an unimportant impact. It affects all aspects of human life. Included in this case is education. This era was marked by the increasingly central role of cyber technology in human life. The challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era are very complex. Not to mention in the world of education, all have already converted in the digital world. If in the past it was quite a manual, old-fashioned, primitive system, now everything must be completely cyber. Examples of e-library (digital library), e-learning (digital learning), e-books (online books).

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-143
Elena I. Yaroslavtseva

The article examines the impact of digitalization on human life and intellectual experience. The development of computer technology demands an understanding of new aspects of human development and requires a capability to overcome not only external conditions but also ourselves. Entering a new level of development cannot imply a complete rejection of previous dispositions, but should be accompanied by reflection on personal experience and by the quest for new forms of interaction in society and with nature. Communicative and cognitive activity of a person has an ontological basis and relies on processes that actually evolve in nature. Therefore, the creation of new objects is always associated with the properties of natural material and gives rise to new points of support in the development of man. The more audacious his projects, the more important it is to preserve this connection to nature. It is always the human being who turns out to be the initiator who knows how to solve problems. The conformity of complex technical systems to nature is not only a goal but also a value of meaningful construction of development perspectives. The key to the nature orientation of the modern digital world is the human being himself, who keeps all the secrets of the culture of his natural development. Therefore, the proposed by the Russian philosopher V.S. Stepin post-non-classical approach, based on the principle of “human-sizedness,” is an important contribution to contemporary research because it draws attention to the “human – machine” communication, to the relationship between a person and technological systems he created. The article concludes that during digital transformation, a cultural conflict arises: in an effort to solve the problems of the future, a person equips his life with devices that are designed to support him, to expand his functionality, but at the same time, the boundaries of humanity become dissolved and the forms of human activity undergo simplification. Transhumanism engages society in the fight against fears of vulnerability and memory loss and ignores the flexibility and sustainability of natural foundation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 190-212
Avelinus Moat Simon

In the age of Industrial Revolution 4.0, human life is influenced by various of sophisticated technologies. One of them is social media that increasingly develop, and take some impacts in human life. The fact is there are some priests ignore their pastoral duty and this takes the result that the church is separated. Many of priests don’t live up to their calling as good shepherds. They cannot recognize the church members who entrusted to them by a bishop. This study focus on the influence of social media for a priest’s duty. The research method used in the issue is a qualitative method by using literature approach. I found out that a priest is a shepherd for members of catholic community. A priest ordained by a bishop to continue Christ duty. Social media can become a tool and an equipment for a priest to develop the spiritual life and ministry. The attendance of a priest is the presence Christ as a good shepherd for His sheeps.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 356
Jacinto Jardim

For most professionals to succeed in the current job market, they need some entrepreneurial skills (ES). This study aimed to describe and systematize these skills, considering the current globalization and digital transformation phenomena. The documental analysis and the critical reflection on the collected data allowed us to identify the socio-economic and socio-cultural reasons for the relevance of this problem. Consequently, to elaborate a frame of reference intended to be adequate to the needs of the professionals of the current global and digital era. The results pointed to a tripartite ES model—to be open to novelty, to create solutions to emerging problems, and to communicate effectively—which integrates the following skills: Creativity and innovation, the spirit of initiative, self-efficacy and resilience, strategic planning, and evaluation, resolution of problems and decision-making, transformational leadership, clear and visual communication, teamwork and networking, and digital communication. In the continuation of this study, an ES scale will be created and validated according to this model, which will make it possible to measure the degree of development of these competencies.

Maska ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (200s3) ◽  
pp. 98-108
Miško Šuvaković

Abstract This text was written on the occasion of the 200th issue of Maska magazine. My goal is to identify and interpret the time when the text is written and when the 200th issue of Maska will be published. I identified a situation of sociability at the time of the coronavirus pandemic and the dominance of digital/postdigital communications. I am interested in the difference between media representation, virus events and political-or-artistic interpretation of modern and transitional forms of human life. If we are talking about digital art/culture/society in relation to the technological turns from the mechanical to the analogue-electronic world, from the analogue to the digital world, from the digital world to the post-digital world, and from the post-digital world into a De Re media possible world, then we are facing a conflict between the dialectic of emancipation through the new and the differentiation of the production/and/consumption of the new in a time and space where the human being is becoming the product of its own product. It is important to index the contemporary antagonism between the ‘digital proletarian’ and ‘digital fascism’. Confronted with digital fascism, digital proletarians pursue a risky process of self-fulfilment and thereby liberation/emancipation in complex digital practices and their impacts on other forms of existence – in a critical and dialectic ontology. Therein lies the essential difference between the politics of functionalism and that of liberation.

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