2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-107
Eko Adhi Sumariyanto

  Al-Ajanihah Al-Mutakasirroh’s novel was written by Gibran Kahlil Gibran ( 1883 – 1931 ) a Lebanese-born literary writer. Various works have been published in various countries. One of them is the Al-Ajnihah Al-Mutakasirroh novel as an autobiograpical novel. This novel takes theme of a love story that fails when there is love for two human beings. Novel Memang  Jodoh, by Marah Rusli ( 1889 – 1968  ) he is an Indonesian literary force at Balai Pustaka. Novel Memang Jodoh a match as an autobiographical novel of the author. This novel tells the story of love that happily interwoven. The method used is comparative descriptive method. Through this method teh date is first described and then compared. The approach used is the heuristic and hermeneutic approach, Michael Riffaterre to describe the role of moral values contained in the novel Al-Ajnihah Al-Mutakasiroh and Memang Jodoh. This study aims to determine the comparison of moral values contained in the novel. The results showed a dfiference between the characters who encourage the creation of moral values, the end of the love story in the novel and the causes of conflict in the novel.   Novel Al-Ajnihah Al-Mutakasirroh dikarang oleh Gibran Kahlil Gibran ( 1883-1931 ), seorang penulis karya sastra kelahiran Lebanon. Beragam karya nya telah diterbitkan kedalam berbagai negara. Salah satunya yakni novel Al-Ajnihah Al-Mutakasirroh  sebagai novel otobiografi. Novel ini mengangkat tema kisah percintaan yang kandas dikala tumbuhnya cinta pada dua insani. Novel Memang Jodoh karya Marah Rusli ( 1889 – 1968 ) ia seorang sastrawan Indonesia angkatan Balai Pustaka. Novel Memang jodoh sebagai novel otobiografi dari pengarang. Novel ini bercerita tentang kisah cinta yang terjalin bahagia. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deksriptif komparatif. Melalui metode ini terlebih dahulu data dideskripsikan kemudian dibandingkan. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan heuristik dan hermeneutik, Michael Riffater untuk mendeskripsikan peranan nilai moral yang terdapat dalam novel Al-Ajnihah Al-Mutakasirroh  dan Memang Jodoh. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan Nilai Moral  yang terdapat dalam novel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan antara karakter tokoh yang mendorong terciptanya nilai moral, akhir dari kisah cinta dalam novel dan penyebab pertentangan dalam novel.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Wulandari Ramadania

ABSTRACTThe moral value conveyed by the author to the reader through works of fiction especially novels is useful and useful to the reader. This study aims to describe the moral values associated with social messages and expose the moral values associated with the religious message contained in the novel Tasawuf Cinta by M. Hilmi As'ad. The method used in this research is analytic descriptive method. The results of this study indicate the moral values associated with social messages are: (1) social in social life; (2) relations between human beings of religion, and (3) association between the opposite sex. The moral values associated with the religious message are: (1) the relationship of man and God; (2) human nature and conscience; (3) the personal freedom that man possesses; And (4) the dignity and dignity of each individual.Keywords: moral value, novel                                                

Pujangga ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Lustantini Septiningsih

<p>ABSTRAK  <br /> <br />Novel merupakan media yang dapat menjadi sarana untuk menyampaikan nilai moral kehidupan. Nilai moral dimaksudkan untuk menerangkan apa yang seharusnya dan tidak seharusnya dilakukan manusia terhadap manusia lain. Dari nilai itulah muncul  moralitas.  Novel Para Priyayi karya Umar Kayam dapat digali dari aspek moralitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan moralitas dalam novel Para Priyayi karya Umar Kayam. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian kualitatif. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu penelitian dilakukan atas dasar fakta yang ada. Untuk mengetahui moralitas yang terkandung dalam novel Para Priyayi digunakan pendekatan sosiologi sastra, yaitu pendekatan sastra yang mengungkapkan aspek  moralitas dalam karya sastra. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam novel Para Priyayi terkandung moralitas yang meliputi moralitas sebagai  kepala keluarga, moralitas sebagai guru, moralitas sebagai pemangku budaya, dan moralitas sebagai seorang yang sukses. Moralitas yang dilukiskan itu merupakan nilai atau ajaran yang  disampaikan oleh pengarang. </p><p>Kata Kunci: moralitas, sosiologi sastra, deskriptif, nilai  <br />      </p><p>ABSTRACT <br /> Novel is a medium that can be a means to convey the moral values of life. Moral values is intended to explain what man should and should not do to other human beings. From that values comes morality. Umar Kayam's novel Para Priyayi can be extracted from the aspect of his morality. This study aims to describe morality in Umar Kayam's novel Para Priyayi. This research includes qualitative research. The method used in this research is descriptive method, that is research conducted on the basis of existing facts. To know the morality contained in the novel Para Priyayi used the approach of literary sociology, the literary approach that expresses the aspect of morality in the literary work. The results show that in the novel Para Priyayi contained morality that includes morality as head of the family, morality as a teacher, morality as a cultural bearer, and morality as a success. The depicted morality is the value or teaching conveyed by the author.  </p><p>Key Words: morality, sociology of literature, descriptive, value</p>

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Milla Benicio

RESUMO O principal objetivo deste artigo é traçar o itinerário científico e filosófico que permitiu à modernidade a criação de um novo campo de visibilidade dentro da ciência, enfraqueceu o antigo pressuposto da centralidade do homem em relação aos demais seres e levou a uma complexa transformação nas relações do homem com o mundo natural. Nosso foco será, portanto, a grande reorganização epistemológica e cultural do Ocidente, cujas quebras de paradigmas revolucionaram não apenas as noções ligadas à natureza, mas, principalmente, ao papel do homem nesse cenário.Palavras-chave: Reorganização Epistemológica; Homem; Mundo Natural.      ABSTRACT This article aims to draw the scientific and philosophical route which allowed to modernity the creation of a new field of visibility within science. This field weakened the old assumption of the centrality of human beings in relation to other and led to a complex transformation in human relationships with the natural world. Our focus will therefore be the major epistemological reorganization of the Western, whose breaking paradigms revolutionized not only the concepts related to the nature, but, mainly, to the role of the man in this scenario.Keywords: Epistemological Reorganization; Man; Natural World.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
N. Mikhaylovna Malygina ◽  

The relevance of the article is determined by the researcher of the semantic poetics of Platonov’s story “Potudan River”. We carry out an analytical review of the lifetime criticism and articles of modern researchers about the story, on the basis of which we formulate the purpose of the study, due to the need for a new approach to the interpretation of the work and the identification of the principles of its poetics. The novelty of the article is determined by the identification of the multilayered symbolism of the title of the story, which allows to establish the insufficiency of the conclusions that the content of the “Potudan River” is limited to the family theme. At the level of micropoetics we reveal symbolic details that connect the content of the story with the motive of love for the distant, medical and construction subjects and revealing the planetary scale of the author’s thinking. For the first time, it was established that Platonov’s story “Potudan River” was written based on part of the plot of the novel “Chevengur” – the love story of Alexander Dvanov and Sonya Mandrova. We show that the heroes of the story “Potudan River” Nikita Firsov, Lyuba Kuznetsova and Nikita’s father are doubles of the characters in the novel “Chevengur” by Sasha Dvanov, Sonya Mandrova, and Zakhar Pavlovich. The connection of the image of Lyuba with the archetype of the bride is considered. The paper reveals for the first time the intertextual connections of the story “Potudan River” with the poem “The Bronze Horseman” and the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by A. Pushkin, in the texts of which the writer found material for modeling the ordinary fate of the hero. Multi-level connections of the content of the story “Potudan River” with Platonov’s artistic world, which is a complete metatext, are found, which opens up new opportunities for determining the role of the editing technique and the principles of returning to the plots and motives of the works of the 1920s, as well as their transformation in the writer’s work of the 1930s.

Magdalena Bielenia-Grajewska

In this paper an attempt will be made to show how the grapevine shapes the relations between companies and stakeholders. To narrow the scope of the research, attention will be focused solely on one type of colloquial corporate socializing, namely gossiping. The company, its organizational environment and its relation with gossip are studied by implying the notion of company identity. The interrelation between gossiping and company identity has not been discussed by many researchers, although informal communication as such spans a number of disciplines. Consequently, in this work the author will try to show both the negative and positive sides of gossip in forming corporate communities and their character. Taking into account the growing role of networks in creating and sustaining different types of communication, gossiping is studied through the perspective of Actor-Network Theory that facilitates an understanding of how human beings and non-living entities shape the way company identity is constructed and maintained.

2016 ◽  
Vol 55 (3-4) ◽  
Éva Pataki

Investigating the literary representation of urban spaces and identities, my paper untangles the complex psychological and emotional relationship between the heroine and her beloved and hated cities in Sunetra Gupta’s The Glassblower’s Breath (1993). Drawing on Gernot Böhme’s (1993) theory of the atmospheric qualities of space, Steve Pile’s psychogeographical approach to reading cities, Walter Benjamin’s concept of phantasmagoria and various interpretations of fascination, the paper explores the creation of atmospheres in the novel and the role of fascination in the perception of London and Gupta’s female protagonist as phantasmagorias. I argue that – as urban imaginaries – the emotional fabric and atmosphere of the cities portrayed are as much created by their spaces and places, their inhabitants and visitors, as are manifested and formulated in emotional states of being, whether real or fictional, phantasmagoric or imaginary.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-34
Suerna Suerna

This research aims to examine in depth the role of women in two novel Garis Perempuan and Tempurung.  The role of women in the field of social, cultural, educational, and economic conteks. Then to compare all those roles and summed and find the relevance in education.This study used a qualitative descriptive method with a structural approach and the approach of comparative literature that discusses. 1) a description of each character, setting, and plot lines in the both novels. (2) the roles of women in the field of socio-cultural, educational, and economic,3) comparison of the role of women in the those two novels, (4) the relevance of the role of women in education. The research data in the form of a statement  contains of sentences or paragraphs include narrative, dialogue or monologue, as well as interviews with researcher colleagues.Novel Garis Perempuan and Tempurung tells about the struggle of women in playing their roles in various fields such as the social field of culture, education, and economics.In order to play those  roles they have to choose; worth of free choice or value. The role of women as mothers was found to be a figure or a model of all those women in struggle. Penilitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji secara mendalam peran perempuan dalam novel Garis Perempuan dan novel Tempurung. Peran perempuan dibidang sosial budaya, pendidikan, dan ekonomi, lalu membandingkan peran-peran tersebut kemudian menyimpulkan dan menarik relevansinya dengan pendidikan.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan struktural dan pendekatan sastra bandingan yang membahas tentang (1) deskripsi masing-masing tokoh, latar, dan alaur novel Garis Perempuan dan novel Tempurung, (2) peran-peran perempuan dibidang sosial budaya, pendidikan, dan ekonomi, (3) perbandingan peran perempuan di dua novel, (4) relevansi peran perempuan dengan pendidikan. Data penelitian berupa pernyataan yang berupa kalimat atau paragraf yang berupa narasi, dialog, ataupun monolog, serta wawancara peneliti dengan rekan sejawat.Novel Garis Perempuan dan novel Tempurung mengisahkan tentang perjuangan perempuan dalam memerankan perannya diberbagai bidang seperti dibidang sosial budaya, pendidikan, dan ekonomi. Dalam rangka memerankan peran ini mereka harus memilih; pilihan senilai atau bebas nilai. Peran perempuan sebagai ibu ternyata dapat menjadi figur atau contoh dalam sebuah perjuangan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Andi Widiono

Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui makna yang terkandung dalam buku Kumpulan Legenda Daerah di Provinsi Lampung karya Achmad. D. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif, yaitu legenda yang dijadikan sebagai objek penelitian dianalisis dan diinterprestasikan. Langkah awal yang penulis lakukan adalah menganalisis unsur intrinsik legenda meliputi tema, penokohan, dan latar, selanjutnya menganalisis kajian hermeneutik yang difokuskan pada pemahaman teks dan simbol. kajian hermeneutik yang dapat direlevansikan yaitu dari pemahaman teks seperti nama Lampung. Hal ini dapat mengetahui asal usul daerah Lampung dan seluk beluknya. Menurut kajian hermeneutik, yang dapat direlevansikan yaitu dari simbolnya adalah Raja. Simbol raja mempunyai makna pemimpin pada sebuah daerah pada zaman lampau yang didapat dari garis keturunan. Dalam hal ini, dapat diterapkan jiwa kepemimpinan yang baik, bijkasana, adil, pandai, dan tanggung jawab melalui simbol raja dalam legenda yang dikaji dengan ilmu hermeneutik. Kajian hermeneutik melalui karya sastra jenis legenda merupakan langkah awal untuk melakukan pendidikan tentang tata cara penganalisisan suatu karya sastra yang baik dan bermutu. Dalam hal melakukan pembelajaran sastra, dituntut untuk melakukan kegiatan-kegiatan menggali unsur-unsur pembangun karya sastra tersebut baik yang bersifat intrinsik maupun ekstrinsik. Serta dapat diarahkan cara mengkaji sebuah legenda dengan pendekatan hermeneutik melalui pemahaman teks dan simbol. Dari hasil kajian hermeneutik tersebut yang meliputi pemahaman teks dan simbol terdapat nilai-nilai moral, pandangan hidup, agama, dan kebudayaan.Kata Kunci: legenda, hermeneutik, pemahaman teks dan symbol Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning contained in the book Collection of Local Legends in Lampung Province by Achmad. D. The method used is descriptive method, which is a legend that is used as an object of research analyzed and interpreted. The first step that the authors do is analyze the intrinsic elements of the legend including themes, characterizations, and settings, then analyze the hermeneutic study which is focused on understanding texts and symbols. hermeneutic studies that can be relevant are from understanding texts such as the name Lampung. It can find out the origin of the Lampung region and its ins and outs. According to a hermeneutic study, one that can be evaluated is that of the symbol is the King. The symbol of the king has the meaning of a leader in an area of the past that is obtained from the lineage. In this case, a good, wise, fair, clever, and responsible leadership spirit can be applied through the symbol of the king in legends which are studied with hermeneutic science. Hermeneutic study through literary works of legend is the first sitep to conduct education about the procedures for analyzing a good and quality literary work. In terms of learning literature, it is demanded to carry out activities to explore the building elements of the literary work both intrinsic and extrinsic. And can be directed how to study a legend with a hermeneutic approach through understanding texts and symbols. From the results of the hermeneutic study which includes understanding texts and symbols, there are moral values, outlook on life, religion, and culture.Keywords: legend, hermeneutics, understanding of texts and symbols

2019 ◽  
erludu austriano gianini gomes

This study aims to determine the important role of the Guidance and Counseling teacher in the development of student character. Character is developed through stages of knowledge (knowing), implementation, and habits. Character is not limited to knowledge. Someone who has knowledge about goodness is not necessarily able to act in accordance with his knowledge, if not trained (become a habit) to do good. Character also reaches into the area of emotions and personal habits. This is needed so that students and / or other school members involved in the education system can simultaneously understand, feel, respect, and practice virtue (moral) values. Counseling teachers here are really needed in terms of Guidance and Counseling that can guide students in developing better characters, so they can become human beings with character. In the signs of organizing guidance and counseling in the formal path it is explained that the guidance and counseling services provided by the guidance and counseling teacher are in the context of service area assignments aimed at developing social care, developing positive emotional aspects, guiding students in guiding life lessons through taking decisions, choosing, achieving, and maintaining achievement. Teacher Guidance and Counseling must facilitate the development and growth of student character. This article is useful to add insight to the students of the Guidance and Counseling study program so that it can be a reference in developing the character of students in high school effectively.

Bohovyk O.A.

Purpose. The task of this article is to study the use of gemination that is the stylistic device of repetition. It is used to depict the emotional states of the characters in the novel “451 degrees Fahrenheit” by the American writer Ray Bradbury. Until now this topic has not been examined thoroughly in scientific studies. It seems interesting to mark gemination as positive and negative one by means of the context that helps to acquire a certain expressive and evaluative judgment.Methods. The research is carried out using a descriptive method for cataloguing, systematization, and classification of factual material, as well as methods of theoretical generalization and analysis. The method of contextual analysis is used to clarify the role of expressive means in the text of the novel. This method is aimed at revealing the context, taking into account the author’s intention, and commented on the means of expression used by the writer. The application of these methods allows analyzing the use of the stylistic figure gemination as an expression of the characters’ different emotional states.Results. The article considers the theoretical aspects of repetition and stylistic devices which are based on its principle. In the novel, repetition functions as one of the principles to verbalize the expression of the characters’ emotional states. The views of linguists on the peculiarities of gemination’s functioning in the language are analyzed. The attempt to give the definition to this stylistic device is made. In linguistics, gemination is characterized as a phenomenon of the expressive syntax that has a contact location. The achievement of the influential effect is due to redundancy. Conclusions. The analyzed examples which are based on gemination mostly describe negative emotions. The number of examples in the novel where gemination is used to denote positive emotions is rather small. It is emphasized that such a distribution is not usual as it depends on the genre, the text’s general tone, and the context of the analyzed stylistic device.Key words: repetition, stylistic devices, expressive syntax, fiction, function, emotion. Мета наукової розвідки полягає в дослідженні вживання стилістичної фігури повтору гемінації, яку використано для зображення емоційного стану персонажів у романі американського письменника РеяБредбері «451 градус за Фаренгейтом», що до сьогодні не ставало предметом ретельних наукових студіювань. Цікавим видається позитивне та негативне маркування стилістичної фігури, яка залежно від контексту набуває певного експресивно-оціночного судження.Методи. Дослідження здійснено за допомогою описового методу – для інвентаризації, систематизації і класифікації фактологічного матеріалу, а також методів теоретичного узагальнення та аналізу. Для з’ясування ролі експресивного засобу в тек-сті роману було використано метод контекстуального аналізу, який спрямовано на розкриття контексту з урахуванням задуму автора та було прокоментовано виражальні засоби, якими послуговувався письменник. Використання зазначених методів дозволило здійснити аналіз уживання стилістичної фігури гемінація як виразника різних емоційних станів персонажів твору.Результати. У статті розглянуто теоретичні аспекти фігури мови повтору та стилістичних фігур, які засновані на його принципі. У тексті роману повтор функціонує як один із принципів вербалізації вираження емоційних станів персонажів. Детально проаналізовано ті з них, які використано як інструмент досягнення експресивності. Розглянуто точки зору вчених-лінгвістів на особливості функціонування гемінації в мові та зроблено спробу надати дефініцію зазначеному явищу. У науко-вих лінгвістичних розвідках гемінація характеризується як фігура експресивного синтаксису. Зазначене явище має контактне розташування, а досягнення впливового ефекту відбувається за рахунок надлишковості. Вживання гемінації у тексті привер-тає увагу читачів, акцентує увагу на найголовнішому, допомагає відобразити настрій та емоції героїв твору.Висновки. У статті звернено увагу на вживання стилістичних фігур, які засновано на принципі повтору і є семантико-стилістичною домінантою у творі письменника. Досліджувані приклади, які засновані на вживанні фігури мови гемінації, в основному описують негативні емоції. Кількість прикладів у романі, де гемінація вживається на позначення позитивних емоцій, складає незначну кількість. Наголошено, що такий розподіл не є закономірним, а залежить від жанру, загального тону твору та контексту аналізованої фігури. Ключові слова: повтор, стилістичні засоби, експресивний синтаксис, художній текст, функція, емоція.

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