2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (38) ◽  
pp. 110-124
João Carlos Morais de Araújo Júnior ◽  

Normally, the relationship between human beings and the environment, particularly water resources, is not always harmonious and conscious. In this context, the present study aims to analyze the macroscopic environmental impacts observed in three springs located in an urban area in the village of Carne de Vaca, Pernambuco, as well as to investigate whether there are changes in the environmental quality of the springs. Through the Environmental Impact Index on Springs and the application of the analysis of main components, it was possible to distinguish the environmental quality between the springs, as well as the main environmental impacts acting on this ecosystem. Thus, the springs show signs ofenvironmental degradation, mainly due to irregular dumping of solid waste, use by humans and cemeteries built close to the springs. Through the analysis of main components, two groups with distinct environmental impacts were recognized, group 1 consistingof spring 3 presents lesser impacts and greater environmental conservation, however, group 2 formed by springs 2 and 3 indicate regions impacted by human activities. In this context, inspection and environmental education activities are suggested to raisethe awareness of the people who use these springs, in addition to analyzing the quality of this water to verify that it is properly within the limits established by Brazilian legislation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1377
Larissa Tinoco Barbosa ◽  
Rosemary Matias ◽  
Vânia Lúcia Brandão Nunes ◽  
Silvio Favero ◽  
Andreia Fernandes Brilhante ◽  

Estudos realizados no Distrito Águas do Miranda, município de Bonito – MS apontam alto índice de infecção por protozoários e helmintos em crianças que frequentam a escola local evidenciando grande necessidade na avaliação da qualidade da água que é distribuída para a população. Portanto, este trabalho tem o objetivo de avaliar a qualidade da água do Distrito de Águas do Miranda, por parâmetros físico-químicos, microbiológicos e parasitológicos, bem como conhecer o perfil dos moradores do Distrito. O trabalho foi realizado no Distrito de Águas do Miranda, município de Bonito-MS, onde foram realizadas quatro coletas de água em nove pontos do Distrito. As análises físico-química, microbiológica e parasitológica seguiram métodos padrões. Para verificar a variância entre os meses e os parâmetros analisados utilizou-se o teste MANOVA e a Análise dos Componentes Principais (ACP). A partir dos resultados pode-se constatar que a população do Distrito de Águas do Miranda é jovem, a maioria são pescadores, tem acesso a luz elétrica e mora em residência própria. Em relação à qualidade da água, os resultados da análise parasitológica mostram que não há contaminação por protozoários e helmintos em nenhuma das amostras. Observa-se que todas as variáveis analisadas apresentaram correlação superior a 0,5. Esses dados somados ao fato de que o lixo é descartado a céu aberto levam a conclusão de que o saneamento básico local é deficitário.  A B S T R A C TPrevious studies developed at the village of Águas do Miranda, county of Bonito – MS showed high index of infection by protozoan and helminths in children that study at the local school, demonstrating great necessity of evaluating the quality of the water distributed to the population. Therefore, this work had as its goal to evaluate the quality of the water from the village of Águas do Miranda, via physicochemical, microbiological and parasitological parameters, as well as to survey the profile of the people from the county. The work was developed at the village Águas do Miranda, county of Bonito-MS, where four samples were taken in nine different points of the village. The physicochemical analysis, microbiological and parasitological followed the same pattern. To verify the variance between the months and the analyzed parameters, the MANOVA test and the Analyses of the Main Components (ACP) were used. Based on these results we can assume that the population of the village Águas do Miranda is young, the majority are fishermen, have access to electricity and live in their own residence. Regarding the quality of the water, the results of the parasitological analysis show that there is no contamination by protozoan and helminths in none of the samples. It is observed that all variables analyzed presented correlation major than 0,5. These data added to the fact that waste is disposed of in the open, lead to the conclusion that the local sanitation is deficient.Key words: social economic profile, parasites, water contamination. 


The Village Community Empowerment With Traditional Culinary Business in the Group of Boga Ganesha Buleleng The development of fast food must be balanced with the consumption of traditional foods because fast food is allegedly to be a risk factor for the emergence of various diseases. This study aimed to analyze the behavior of IbIKK group of Boga Ganesha. The choice of location of the research was determined purposively with the consideration that the Boga Ganesha is one of the groups to empower the people with the traditional culinary efforts. The method used in collecting the data in this study was interviews with questionnaire instruments. Based on the research results, the potential of the IbIKK of Boga Ganesha is a kosher, hygienic and healthy traditional food processing. Behavior that was demonstrated by the members can be classified into an excellent category (4,6). The achievement of the implementation of the empowerment program that is included in the category of successful (4,2). Empowerment of program aimed to improve the quality of human resources. In this regard, members of the group should implement their skills so that they can open up business opportunities in order to improve the economy of the family. To support this, the facilitator should use the appropriate method so that all participants can obtain information equally.

Sinta Wahyuni

<p align="center"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Industri pembuatan genteng merupakan salah satu mata pencaharian masyarakat Desa Ngembalrejo, hampir sebagian besar masyarakat di desa ini bekerja sebagai pembuat genteng. Hingga menjadi ciri khas bagi desa Ngembarejo sendiri yang terkenal dengan desa pembuat genteng dengan kualitas yang bagus. Pembuatan genteng ini sebenarnya sudah ada di daerah ini cukup lama, dapat di katakan warisan para leluhur. Para pembuat genteng ini selalu mengutamakan kualitas dari genteng yang mereka buat, hal ini terbukti dengan mereka masih menggunakan pembakaran secara manual meskipun saat ini perkembangan teknologi sudah sangat canggih. Tak lepas dari itu, ada pula dampak negatif yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di sekitar tempat pembuatan genteng. Asap dari pembakaran genteng yang sampai saat ini belum dapat diatasi, asap tebal hitam dan pekat menjadi pemandangan setiap hari bagi masyarakat desa Ngembalrejo. Keadaan ini menjadikan menurunnya kualitas udara di Desa Ngembalrejo, namun situasi ini belum juga dapat membuat masyarakat sadar akan pencemaran udara yang terjadi. Mereka tetap menjalankan kehidupan mereka dengan baik-baik saja, padahal tanpa sadar mereka menghirup udara yang tidak sehat setiap harinya.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>Abstrak</em></strong></p><strong><em>            </em></strong><em>Tile making industry is one of the jobs of the people in Ngembalrejo Village, most of the Ngembarejo Village community work as tile makers. To become a characterisic for the village of Ngembalrejo it self which is famous for its tile making village with good quality. This tile making has actually been around in this area for quite a long time, it can be said as the legacy of the ancestors. These tile makers always prioritize the quality of the tile’s they mae, this is proven by their still using manual combustion even though the current technological development has been vety sophisticated. It cannot be separated from that there are also egative impact that can interfere with the health of the people who live around the roof tile. Smoke from the burning of tiles which until now has not been able to be overcome, thick black and thick smoke becomes a daily sight for the people of the Ngembalrejo Vilage. This situation makes the air quality decline in the village og Ngembalrejo, but this situation has not been able to make the community aware of the air pollution that occurs. They still run their lives well, even though they unconsciously breathe un healthy air every day.</em>

2013 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Langen Bronto Sutrisno

Setrek adalah jenis kesenian tradisional terbangan atau slawatan yang berfungsi sebagai media dakwah agamaIslam. Sebagai jenis kesenian tradisional slawatan, perpaduan unsur-unsur estetis seni yang bernafaskan Islamdengan unsur-unsur estetis kesenian rakyat tradisional merupakan akulturasi budaya yang mencerminkan bentukkreativitas lokal. Pengaruh seni Islam tidak dimaksudkan untuk merubah wujud keseluruhan koreografi nya, tetapilebih merupakan formalitas nilai Islam dalam wajah kesenian tradisional untuk tujuan dakwah. Oleh karena itubentuk penyajiannya tetap dalam format tradisi dengan sedikit sentuhan nafas Islam. Misalnya penyajian gerak tarihampir tidak dijumpai nafas Islam kecuali gerak takbiratul ihram Allohu Akbar, tokoh Kyai Ba’in yang merupakanrefresentasi seorang ulama dengan tata busana khas Islam, iringan diberi nafas Islam dengan syair-syair kitab AlBarjanzi dilengkapi instrumen terbang dan jidor mewakili musik Islam. Nafas Islam sebenarnya lebih merupakanlegalitas spirit Islam dalam kesenian setrek dengan harapan semua pemain dan penonton dapat mengamalkan agamaIslam dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu media dakwah dapat dilihat dalam setiap ungkapan nilainilaiajaran Islam berkait dengan Tuhan Allah SWT dan Rosul-Nya Nabi Muhammad SAW. Dengan demikiansetiap gerak dan musik iringan atau syair dalam kesenian setrek harus dijiwai nilai-nilai ajaran Islam. Ikon-ikondemikian penting untuk dipahami agar mereka dapat selamat hidup di dunia dan di akhirat. Kehadiran agama Islamdalam nafas perkembangan kesenian setrek tampak memperkaya penampilannya, sehingga kehadiran kesenian inidalam kehidupan masyarakat semakin menumbuhkan kualitas dalam beragama Islam, meskipun disadari sisa-sisakepercayaan kuno masih mewarnai kesenian setrek, seperti atraksi ndas-ndasan yang berupa atraksi mengimitasibinatang. Variasi atraksi arak-arakan ndas-ndasan dengan mengelilingi dusun bertujuan untuk mengusir pengaruhroh-roh jahat.Keywords: setrek, kesenian Islam, slawatan.ABSTRACTIslam infl uence on Setrek art in Magelang. Setrek is a type of traditional terbangan art or slawatan (Islamicsong) that serves as a medium for preaching Islam. As a kind of traditional slawatan art, it seems to blend Islamic aestheticelements with aesthetic traditional elements which become a form of cultural acculturation refl ecting the local creativity.The infl uence of Islamic art is not intended to change the overall form of the choreography, but the Islamic elements aremore of Islamic value formality in the form of traditional arts for the purpose of preaching Islam religion. Therefore, theform of presentation remains in the format of Islamic tradition. For example, the presentation of dance movement hardlyfi nds Islam infl uence except takbiratul ihram Allohu Akbar, KyaiBa’in as the representation of Islam priest wearing typicalIslamic outfi t; the music is also Islamic with given poems from Al Barjanzi’s book equipped with terbang and jidor. Islaminfl uence is actually more of a Islamic spirit legacy in setrek art with the hope that all the players and audience can practiceIslam in their daily lives. Therefore, the preaching media of Islam can be seen in any expression of Islamic values in relationto Allah SWT and His diciplesNabi Muhammad SAW. Thus every movement and musical accompaniment or poem insetrek art should be imbued the values of Islam. Icons, thus, are important to understand so that the people can live safelyin this world and in the hereafter. The presence of Islam in the breath of the setrek artistic development looks enriching itsperformance, so the presence of this art among the people living in Kedungan III improves the quality of embracing Islam,although there are the remnants of ancient beliefs which still characterize setrek art, such as ndas-ndasan attraction in theform of imitating animal . Variations in ndas-ndasan attraction parade around the village aims to expel the infl uence ofevil spirits.Keywords: setrek, Islam music, slawatan.

Dr. Shivakumar GS

Every human being has the right to decent life but today there are elements in our environment that tend to militate against the attainment and enjoyment of such a life. The exacerbation of the pollution of environment can cause untold misery. Unhappiness and suffering to human beings, simply because of our lack of concerns for the common good and the absence of sense of responsibility and ethics for sustaining a balanced eco-system. If we are to aspire to a better quality of life – one which will ensure freedom from want, from disease and from fear itself, then we must all join hands to stem the increasing toxification of this earth. What we need in order to defuse this environmental time bomb is immediate concerted action of all the people, but such needed action will come only if we reorient such citizenry values, i.e., imbibe them with proper awareness and values (ethics), specifically those that will lead to a greater concern for preserving balance in the ecosystem, besides teaching them how to save the environment from further degradation, and to help, make it more healthful and progressive place to live in, springs from a strong sense of social responsibility. KEYWORD: Environmental Ethics

Abdullah Mir Ahmadi ◽  
Hossein Turkman ◽  
Parvaneh Naqdalian

The torment of metamorphosis is one of the traditions of divine correction that afflicts a person or special group following religious and moral deviations. Such a tradition is reported in the verses of the Qur'an in two ways: One of them is apparent metamorphosis that belonged to the people of Israel Who suffered it for disobeying the ban on fishing and using trickery. And the other is spiritual metamorphosis that is general and not belong to a particular nation and all human beings are suffered to it. Many verses with different words have reminded of the second type of torment. There is disagreement among the commentators of Sunni and the Shiite about the formal metamorphosis of the children of Israel. This difference has led to three views among them with different arguments. The Wise Men, especially the followers of Sadra's wisdom, while adhering to the appearances of verses and hadiths, based on the theory of divine metempsychosis and the type of types, it provides a more accurate approximation that includes external and internal metamorphosis. These views are based on the sequence of the bodies of the population and attention to the middle type and the lower genius. In this research, by means of content analysis. We will examine and evaluate the views and reasons of commentators and scholars about the quality and types of metamorphosis.

2018 ◽  
pp. 35
Ida Ayu Komang Candraningsih ◽  
Ida Bagus Gde Pujaastawa ◽  
I Gusti Putu Sudiarna

This research aims to examine the environmental conservation system based on local wisdom in Tigawasa Village, Banjar District, Buleleng Regency which is one of the villages belonging to the Bali Aga or Bali Kuna Village in Bali. The problems in this study focused on local forms of wisdom related to forest conservation and their implications for ecological and economic aspects. The theory used in this research is the interpretive theory by Connie Geertz and the etnoecological approach by Conklin and Frake. The concept used in this research is conservation, forest and local wisdom. The research method used is qualitative method, with complete data of observation, interview, literature study and document examination. The results of the research revealed that the conservation activities of customary forests conducted by the people of Tigawasa Village are based on the local wisdoms of the ancestors that are still maintained. These local wisdoms include community conceptions of the existence of forest areas, the myths that develop in the community, forest-related ritual practices and written and non-written regulations on customary forests. Tigawasa Village community considers that the customary forest in the village is a sacred area that should not be entered or utilized other than for the purposes of traditional ceremonies, so that the forest ecosystem is maintained. The implications of forest conservation based on local wisdom are the preservation of the environment of the local forest and the development of economic opportunities in the form of forest management as an ecotourism attraction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Yenny Iskandar ◽  
Suharmiyati Suharmiyati ◽  
Reni Maralis

This research was conducted in Rantau Mapesai village. This research aims to determine the performance influence of village apparatus on the quality of service to the people in Rantau Village Mapesai Sub District Rengat District Indragiri upstream. The population is the total number of people in the region of Rantau Mapesai 993 in 2018 and for the number of samples taken are as many as 91 people. With data analysis used simple linear regression, F test, instrument test, and normality test. The results of the study can be seen that the performance of the village apparatus is very influential in the quality of service to the people in the village of Rantau, it is also supported by the village head assisted staff who are working to guide and control village governance. The presence of village apparatus in society is intended to foster passion, initiative and new ideas in order to improve the lives of its village society.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 ◽  
Noor Suzilawati Rabe ◽  
Mariana Mohamed Osman ◽  
Syahriah Bachok ◽  
Nur Farhanah Rosli ◽  
Muhammad Faris Abdullah

Quality of life (QOL) is both individual and collective attributes. Quality of life should encompass both objective and subjective measures whilst promoting for balance in every aspect of human existence. The objective of this study is to assess the QOL of the population in Malaysia by using Selangor as a case study. 600 samples from four districts in Selangor were selected through random sampling method. From literature review, 9 main components of QOL were identified and included in questionnaire form. Relative importance index (RII) equation was then used to report on the analysis of QOL components. Results from the survey indicated that majority of the respondents were likely to perceive QOL components as moderate and highly satisfied. Overall, respondents claimed that they were satisfied and enjoying their lives and at the same time satisfied with their current quality of life. The results indirectly show that each of QOL component was interrelated with each other in creating the satisfaction on quality of life of the people. This is in line with the findings on the three basic human relationships with Allah SWT, with other human and with nature in protecting their faith (din), human self (nafs), intellect ('aql), posterity (nasl) and wealth (mal) through establishing justice, eliminating prejudice and alleviating hardship by promoting good and preventing harm to self and others.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Purnomo Purnomo ◽  
Dwi Sulistyaningsih ◽  
R. Ery Wibowo Agung

The availability of breadfruit is abundant in the village of Meteseh in RW. X Tembalang District, Semarang City. BAROKAH farmers group develops breadfruit chip business. This group of farmers utilizes the abundantly available breadfruit fruit in the Meteseh area to make breadfruit chips. BAROKAH has problems in terms of limited equipment to support product manufacturing, and limited knowledge and skills in the processing and diversification of breadfruit preparations. The purpose of this activity is to develop a business through diversification of BAROKAH breadfruit processed products so that this business and all the people involved are able to become economically independent communities. It also improved product quality, creative and innovative skills, skills in using appropriate technology in the cutting, draining, and packaging of breadfruit processed products. The method used is to improve product quality, creative and innovative skills through the use of appropriate technology in the cutting, draining, and packaging of processed breadfruit products. In addition, diversification of breadfruit processed products was also developed. The results show that the application of appropriate technology has been able to increase the capacity of chopping, and the durability of processed products from breadfruit. In addition, the quality of processed breadfruit products has increased.

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