scholarly journals Sex Reassigment Surgery sebagai Penentuan Ulang Status Gender dalam Kajian Maqashid Syariah

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 459-487
Dian Meiningtias

Abstract: Postgenderism is a social movement about understanding the balance between men, women and nature. The development of the times and technological advances has brought people to various conditions with various attitudes to life, including a new way of looking at humans regarding gender status. This is intended as a space for human potential by eliminating gender status biologically and psychologically because it is considered an arbitrary limitation space. Postgenderism faces the limitations of social constructionist views on gender and sexuality, as well as the possibility of gender transcendence through social and political means that can be resolved by means of technology. Maqashid Syariah is here to provide a bridge of thought in viewing discourses and phenomena that move with the times. This is as a role in providing a legal footing that is oriented to the benefit of the people. In order to provide a sharp analysis, this study uses a qualitative library research with the theory of Maqashid Syariah. The method used in this research is descriptive analytical by describing a problem, and qualitative analysis with reference to the literature and applicable legal provisions. So that through the research method used, the use of Sex Reassigment Surgery technology as a re-determination of gender status can be studied using the Maqashid Syariah theory which legally has benefits or brings new problems in its implementation in social life. Keywords: Maqashid Syariah Postgender, Sex Reassigment Surgery, Technology Abstrak: Postgenderisme adalah gerakan sosial tentang memahami keseimbangan antara laki-laki, perempuan dan alam. Perkembangan zaman dan kemajuan teknologi telah membawa manusia pada berbagai kondisi dengan berbagai sikap hidup, termasuk cara baru dalam memandang manusia mengenai status gender. Hal ini dimaksudkan sebagai ruang bagi potensi manusia dengan menghilangkan status gender secara biologis dan psikologis karena dianggap sebagai ruang pembatasan yang sewenang-wenang. Postgenderisme menghadapi batasan pandangan konstruksionis sosial tentang gender dan seksualitas, serta kemungkinan transendensi gender melalui sarana sosial dan politik yang dapat diselesaikan dengan sarana teknologi. Maqashid Syariah hadir untuk memberikan jembatan pemikiran dalam melihat wacana dan fenomena yang bergerak mengikuti perkembangan zaman. Hal ini sebagai perannya dalam memberikan pijakan hukum yang berorientasi pada kemaslahatan umat. Guna memberikan analisis yang tajam, penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian library research bersifat kualitatif dengan teori Maqashid Syariah. Metode yang dipakai di dalam penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif analitis dengan memaparkan mengenai suatu permasalahan, dan analisa kualitatif dengan acuan literatur dan ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. Sehingga melalui metode penelitian yang digunakan tersebut, penggunaan teknologi Sex Reassigment Surgery sebagai penentuan ulang status gender dapat dikaji menggunakan teori Maqashid Syariah yang secara muatan hukum memiliki kebermanfaat ataupun membawa permasalahan baru dalam implementasinya di kehidupan sosial. Kata kunci: Maqashid Syariah Postgender, Sex Reassigment Surgery, Teknologi

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Krisna Sujaya

Tradisi angklung badud merupakan salah satu bentuk kesenian berjenis angklung buhun yang berasal dari Dusun Margajaya Kecamatan Cijulang Kabupaten Pangandaran. Tradisi angklung badud tumbuh dan berkembang dalam masyarakat Dusun Margajaya, Kecamatan Cijulang. Hal ini diindikasikan dari penggunaan tradisi angklung badud sebagai media dalam ritual pertanian padi, yang merupakan mayoritas profesi masyarakat Dusun Margajaya, Kecamatan Cijulang. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang memberikan gambaran mengenai keadaan atau gejala yang terjadi tanpa melepaskan objek yang diteliti. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman dan kemajuan teknologi yang semakin maju, perkembangan dan pelestarian tradisi angklung badud semakin memprihatinkan. Banyak faktor yang yang menjadikan eksistensi tradisi angklung badud berada di posisi yang mengkhawatirkan. Beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi terhambatnya perkembangan angklung badud diantaranya: 1). Perubahan sistem pertanian masyarakat sebagai akar tradisi angklung badud, 2). Sistem pewarisan yang kurang optimal, 3). Akulturasi budaya yang menggerus pelestarian angklung badud. 4). Mind set masyarakat yang lebih menyukai hal-hal yang bersifat modern, 5). Kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam melestarikan tradisi lokal, 6). Kepedulian pemerintah daerah yang kurang optimal terhadap pelestarian angklung badud.AbstractThe tradition of Badud angklung is one of the art forms of angklung buhun originating from Margajaya Hamlet, Cijulang District, Pangandaran Regency. The Badud angklung tradition grows and develops in the people of Margajaya Hamlet, Cijulang District. This is indicated by the use of the angklung badud tradition as a medium in rice farming rituals, which constitutes the majority of the profession of the people of the Margajaya Hamlet, Cijulang District. This research is included in descriptive qualitative research, namely research that provides an overview of the situation or symptoms that occur without releasing the object under study. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, interview and documentation techniques. The results of this study that along with the development of the times and increasingly advanced technological advances, the development and preservation of the Badud angklung tradition is increasingly alarming. Many factors that make the existence of the Angud Angklung tradition in a worrying position. Several factors that influence the development of badud angklung include: 1). Changes in the community farming system as the root of the Badud angklung tradition, 2). Less optimal inheritance system, 3). Cultural acculturation which undermines the preservation of badud angklung. 4). The mind set of people who prefer things that are modern, 5). Lack of public awareness in preserving local traditions, 6). The sub-optimal government's concern for the preservation of badud angklung.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 2457
Muhammad Nasir

In zama then until now the study of philosophy has many orientations that are still abstract, but social life is a reality of life or facts that naturally occur and must be lived byhumans. The purpose of this research is to provide support to other scientific progress processes and try to find answers to human problems arising from rapid technological advances. The answer to science to human needs is the benefits of science for humans. writing this article uses the method of literature research study (Library Research),in addition to using the development ofliteracy and subsequent reading analysis using the method of content analysis  (Contect Analyisis). Science is essentially neutral depending on humans. Axiologically, humans can determine and give judgments about the usefulness or absence of a science. Therefore, in the axiological side, science must make a more beneficial contribution to human life. This journal seeks to explain how axiology as one of the main pillars of philosophy reveals the benefits of science for humans

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 43
Evrim Caglayan

The Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, which started in the People’s Republic of China in December 2019, spread to the entire world at the beginning of 2020 and affected all areas of social life. Under the measures were taken by governments; education in countries was stopped temporary and art and design education were carried to the computer environment. This research aims to determine the students’ opinions about the art and design education are made through distance education during the Covid-19 pandemic. A descriptive research method was used to determine the current situation. The data required for the research were collected with a data collection tool developed by the researcher. The obtained data were analysed using frequency (f) and percentage (%) and the results of the research are revealed. As a result of the research, it has been found that following art and design education with a distance education model was not convenient for the majority of students. In addition to this result, it has also been found that 224 of 326 students felt that they could not achieve the aims of practical courses in the distance education model. From all these mentioned results, it may be recommended that additional measures should be taken to transfer the aim of practical courses to students in distance education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-121
Herson J. Chandra ◽  
Rony G. Sunaryo

Title: Alley as the Center/ Generator of Locality Values of the Community Life in Urban Kampong The people in the urban kampong as part of settlement area with rather high intensity tend to maximize their property. The community along with their value system build and develop spaces following their particular meaning. Through this research the spaces as the embodiment of the local life in physical form in Kampong Keputran would be observed and aimed to find the meaning of it. This study will use Regionalism of Indonesia Architecture as one of the approach to find the local values that lives in the kampong, and Spatial Recoqnition as an operational theory applied to study and to get the community understanding about values perceived in this settlement area. This study would be a library research using data as documentation drawings of the existing condition, and also research journal as supportive information. The result of this research would be finding on the most dominant spaces that influencing the quality of social life in kampong. This result could be used as a design criteria for a multi story housing that accomodating the local values of urban kampong community. And hopefully there will be more understanding about how the community give meaning to the space in the kampung as their living space.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 243-256
Deden Najmudin

In the development of Islamic law that covers all aspects of people's lives, both in the hereafter problem with all its problems, as well as world problems with all these problems require a new paradigm of scientific mindset. The more advanced development of science and technology also influences the progress of social life, culture, politics, economics and others. So the authors take up this theme using descriptive and comparative methods, and the type of data used in this study is qualitative data. Islamic law requires a new paradigm of mindset and renewal of the views of a problem, especially in everyday life or we can call it contemporary fiqh. The paradigm of the new paradigm becomes more severe, due to contemporary problems, even more complicated when seen from the perspective of fiqh. However, the tradition of the fuqaha used to guide the dynamics of life in his day, so that in this day and age we can imitate the ulama fuqaha by at least contributing to the development of science and understanding, with various kinds of problems in society in accordance with the times, so that the problems of religious life the people are always guided. This paper will raise the opportunity given by Islamic law itself to its people to always criticize it, which allows the emergence of new paradigms along with the emergence of new problems in society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Athoillah Islamy

This study aims to find the paradigm of Islamic legal philosophy contained in the Fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) regarding guidelines for social interaction through social media. This type of research is qualitative research (library research). Data sources of this study is the Fatwa of MUI, No.24 of 2017 Concerning Law and Guidelines for Bermuamalah through Social Media and various relevant literature. The theory used in this research is the Maqasid Shariah theory. This study concludes that the Fatwa of MUI legal provisions that limit freedom of social interaction through social media are legal provisions in realizing the benefit of individuals (al-maslahat al-khassah) and the public (al-maslahat al-ammah) in the context of social life. To realize these two benefits, the five objectives of Islamic law (maqasid shari'ah al-khomsah), such as hifz al-nafs, hifz al-aql, hifz al-mal, hifz al-nasl can be manifested in various legal provisions of the fatwa of MUI which limits freedom of social interaction on social media. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-202
Wildana Zulfa ◽  
Masruchan Masruchan

Studi ini merupakan kajian interrelasi terhadap kitab tafsir Faidl al-Rahman dan budaya Jawa dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kepustakaan dan pendekatan linguistik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menelaah keterkaitan antara teks tafsir dengan budaya lokal masyarakat Jawa yang dianggap sebagai kedinamisan pemaknaan dan pemahaman terhadap al-Qur’an. Berdasarkan teorilinguistik struktural Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, tulisan ini mengungkap bahwa relasi kebudayaan Jawa dalam tafsir Faidl al-Rahman merupakan signifikansi makna terhadap realitas masyarakat penerima teks sehingga mampu menjelaskan kontekstualisasi ajaran yang terkandung di dalamnya. Implikasi dari kajian ini adalah terbentuknya peta interrelasi antara interpretasi dan kebudayaan sehingga dapat membuat stagnasi teks menjadi makna dinamis agar dapat berdialog dengan masyarakat dan mudah terinternalisasi dalam kehidupan sosial.   This study is a study of the interrelationship of the book of interpretation of Faidl al-Rahman and Javanese culture. By using library research methods and linguistic approaches, this study tries to examine the relationship between the interpretation text and the local culture of the Javanese people which is allegedly the dynamic meaning and understanding of the Qur'an. Based on the structural linguistic theory of Nasr Hamid Abu Zaid, this paper reveals that the relation of Javanese culture in Faidl al-Rahman's interpretation is the significance of meaning to the reality of the people who receive the text so as to be able to explain the contextualization of the teachings contained in it. The implication of this study is the formation of a map of the interrelationships between interpretations and culture so that it can make text stagnation into a dynamic meaning in order to have a dialogue with the community and be easily internalized in social life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Aji Santoso Nugroho

This paper aims to observe the presence of the Hip Hop Puppet in the middle of the Yogyakarta community which is developing quite dynamically. Talcott Parsons’s theory of social action and Derrida’s deconstruction theory is used as a theoretical framework to explain the presence of this Hip Hop Puppet. The theory was chosen because the Hip Hop Puppet was created by Ki Catur Kuncoro by fusing two cultures and simultaneously deconstructing the pure shadow puppets that were present first. Hip Hop puppets were created to meet the needs of today’s young generation. The Hip Hop Puppet was created by Ki Catur Kuncoro with the aim that the young generation does not lose their cultural roots and at the same time still be able to keep up with the times. In addition, the Hip Hop Puppet is intended as an alternative media to convey criticism and proof that traditional culture can be aligned with modern culture. The acceptance of the Hip Hop Puppet as a spectacle that attracts audiences from all walks of life, proves that there is a cultural change in the middle of the social life of the people of Yogyakarta. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengamati kehadiran Wayang Hip Hop di tengah masyarakat Yogyakarta yang berkembang cukup dinamis. Teori Talcott Parsons tentang tindakan sosial dan teori dekonstruksi Derrida digunakan sebagai kerangka teori untuk menjelaskan kehadiran Wayang Hip Hop ini. Dipilihnya teori tersebut karena Wayang Hip Hop diciptakan oleh Ki Catur Kuncoro dengan meleburkan dua kebudayaan dan sekaligus mendekonstruksi wayang kulit purwa yang telah hadir lebih dulu. Wayang Hip Hop diciptakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan generasi muda zaman sekarang. Wayang Hip Hop diciptakan Ki Catur Kuncoro dengan tujuan agar generasi muda tidak kehilangan akar kebudayaan dan sekaligus tetap dapat mengikuti arus perkembangan zaman. Selain itu Wayang Hip Hop dimaksudkan sebagai media alternatif untuk menyampaikan kritik dan sebuah pembuktian bahwa budaya tradisi dapat disejajarkan dengan budaya modern. Diterimanya Wayang Hip Hop sebagai tontonan yang menarik penonton dari semua kalangan, membuktikan bahwa terjadi perubahan budaya di tengah kehidupan sosial masyarakat Yogyakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-61
Siti Rahmah ◽  
Iskandar Iskandar

Islam is a perfect religion that not only regulates ritualistic relationships between humans and their creators, but Islam is a comprehensive religion that regulates all aspects of human life both spiritually and physically, as well as regulates human affairs in social life and lays down the principles of the nation and state. State, including matters related to politics, power and government, political education, in political Islam known as siyasa which studies matters concerning matters concerning the affairs of the people and the state with all forms of law, regulation, and policies made by the holder of power. The Qur'an also uses the term Sulthan, "Physical ability to exercise influence and or coercion on other people or society" Mulk, "Power as an object of right (ownership)", and bukm "Organizing order in human life. What is more discussed is related to the principles of leadership where humans are the main subject and at the same time the object in politics. These principles are deliberation, trustworthiness, fair dealing, leadership is responsibility, leaders must not deceive their people, leaders do not do wrong to their people, leaders must pay attention to the condition of the Islamic Ummah (welfare), leaders must act fairly in governing, leaders love their people and their people love him, positions because they are trusted are mandated not requested. This research is a research library (library research).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-36
Zamakhsyari Abdul Majid

This paper aims to critically analyze the succession of da'wah in a community approach and to review the paradigm of scientific development systematically. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive method by trying to explore various works and writings related to the focus of the study, either directly or indirectly. The works are read carefully and then analyzed and interpreted qualitatively according to predetermined study problems. This research is a library research. This result is the message of succession in facing big challenges due to the variety of challenges and the intensity of changing times, and considering the multi-dimensional needs of society or human interests now tend to be more critical because of information disclosure, multi-disciplinary da'wah is very much needed. Da'wah will run optimally if the dynamic factors of human life can be projected to an objective approach to resolution and consider socio-historical and cultural aspects. So that the potential of da'wah in this context makes the existing reality a consideration in the planning of the methodology and approach of the da'wah being carried out. The development of modern science is given space for the existence of da'wah in changing conventional approaches to multinational ones. To achieve this, it requires thinking that is oriented towards local aspects to become global. Emphasis on da'wah in moderate or modern societies can be done substantially because current conditions show that society is increasingly critical, so what is needed is preaching that is oriented towards global transformation and which can accept the conditions of the times and sustainable technological advances.

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