scholarly journals Implementation Of Electronic Money In Developing Payment Transactions Through Islamic Economic Perspective

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-34
Abdul Majid Toyyibi

AbstractPurpose - By upholding the value of sharia principles economic activities. Electronic money is a financial transaction that is used by the community as a substitute for cash, and ottopay is part of it, to help become a financial intermediary with an electronic system through QR and billers.Method - The research is based on researching ottopay in its transactions by using a descriptive qualitative.Result - From the research method process used in the study resulted in the study that the implementation of ottopay in topping up by filling directly via the bank ATM or through an agent by clicking the wallet menu then top up and following the steps until the confirmation is successful and the balance is ready whenever it can be used.Implication - The existence of the Ottopay system is a support for the community to be able to think forward in the world of finance and technology, in addition, ottopay can be used as a business opportunity to provide benefits in the form of added value in the form of turnover that can be owned by merchants and can be used as additional income for the community.  Originality - The implementation of ottopay between users and publishers and users and merchants is in accordance with the rules of the DSN MUI fatwa, therefore the benefits of the ottopay application can guarantee security, easy and practical use so that people's economic turnaround is faster because it has an electronic digital system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Abdul Majid Toyyibi

<p class="StyleIABSSSLatinBoldGray-80">Abstract</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Purpose</strong> - By upholding the value of sharia principles economic activities. Electronic money is a financial transaction that is used by the community as a substitute for cash, and ottopay is part of it, to help become a financial intermediary with an electronic system through QR and billers.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Method</strong><strong> </strong>- The research is based on researching ottopay in its transactions by using a descriptive qualitative.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Result</strong><strong> </strong>- From the research method process used in the study resulted in the study that the implementation of ottopay in topping up by filling directly via the bank ATM or through an agent by clicking the wallet menu then top up and following the steps until the confirmation is successful and the balance is ready whenever it can be used.</p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Implication</strong> - The existence of the Ottopay system is a support for the community to be able to think forward in the world of finance and technology, in addition, ottopay can be used as a business opportunity to provide benefits in the form of added value in the form of turnover that can be owned by merchants and can be used as additional income for the community.  </p><p class="IABSSS"><strong>Originality</strong> - The implementation of ottopay between users and publishers and users and merchants is in accordance with the rules of the DSN MUI fatwa, therefore the benefits of the ottopay application can guarantee security, easy and practical use so that people's economic turnaround is faster because it has an electronic digital system.</p>

At-Taqaddum ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 28
Muyassarah Muyassarah

<p><em>The purpose of this research is to know the potential and self satisfaction womans in empowerment of creative economy with science and tecnologi and self satisfaction of Islamic economic perspective in fisherman of Kragan village. Rembang. Interview approach, documentation, observation and literature searching are use in order to collect data. Analyzing the researchers to be scientific then by reflective thinking by pacing between the method of deduction and induction. The results of this study is to know the various potensis  business that is very varied or creative by the womans of fishermen village Kragan Kab. Rembang. In addition to knowing self-satisfaction means the womans of fishermen in carrying out their creative economic activities in addition to beneficial for himself also useful for his family. Potential women fishermen need local government support to develop the creative potential of women fishermen, for example by using village funds budgeted by the central government. This potential can produce various kinds of creative processed fish such as crispy with various flavors, fish chips with various types of fish and crackers. Satisfaction experienced by the womans of fishermen is the sustenance and enjoyment given by Allah SWT who need to be grateful.</em></p><p>==============================================</p><p><span>Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui potensi perempuan dalam mengembangkan<span>  </span>pemberdayaan ekonomi kreatif<span>   </span>dan upaya pendekatannya sudah<span>  </span>bersifat modern ataukah masih manual atau tradisional. Pemberdayaan ekonomi dan self satisfaction yang dilihat dari kaca mata Islam di pesisir<span>  </span>nelayan desa Kragan kab. Rembang menghasilkan kemanfaatan atau kemaslahatan baik diri sendiri maupun maslahatan untuk masyarakat yang lebih luas. Metode penulisan ini menggunakan<span>  </span>cara wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi dan penelusuruan literatur kepustakaan digunakan dalam rangka untuk mengumpulkan data. Penganalisaan yang dilakukan peneliti agar ilmiah maka dengan kritis dan kreatif dilakukan mondar-mandir antara metode yang melalui kesimpulan yang logis dan dengan metode pengumpulan data kemudian dievaluasi untuk menyimpulkan. Penelitian ini mengetahui berbagai potensi bisnis bervariasi atau kreatif perempuan nelayan desa Kragan kab. Rembang. Self satisfaction nelayan dalam aktifitas ekonomi bermanfaat bagi dirinya juga bermanfaat bagi keluarganya. Potensi perempuan nelayan perlu dukungan pemerintah setempat guna mengembangkan<span>  </span>potensi kreatifitasnya perempuan nelayan, misalnya dengan pemanfaatan dana desa yang dianggarkan pemerintah pusat.<span>   </span>Kepuasan yang dialami perempuan-perempuan nelayan merupakan rezeki dan<span>  </span>kenikmatan yang diberikan Allah swt perlu disukuri<span>  </span>sebagai kwajiban perempuan untuk membantu suaminya<span>  </span>merupakan kwajiban istri<span>  </span>bukan merupakan beban.</span></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 125-138
Moh. Musfiq Arifqi

The main problem of economic development such as poverty, unemployment, asymmetry of economic among individuals could not be removed succecfully in Indonesia. One of the reasons is caused with unreadable other variables such as social law, politics, culture and so on. The size of the success Islamic economic growth is not measured only from the material achievement perspective or the results of quantity, but also from the improving religious perspective, social and society life. The motodology of this research is library research. To get more information, the reference is taken from some book that have relation with the topic. The result is that Ibn Khaldun’s thought is referring to the term "umran al-alam" or prospering the world. It is formed from three components, namely; history (tarikh), cooperation among society (al-ijtima 'al-insani) and the universe (al-kawn). Ibnu Khaldun offered the concept of Islamic economic development: First, the contribution of humans (ar-Rijal). Second, the contribution of development (al-Imarah), Third, the contribution of institutions and government. Fourth, the contribution of wealth (al-mal). Umer Chapra believed that the means of quittable development requires "efficiency" and "equalization" of the use of all resources, both "efficiency" and "justice" cannot be applied or actualized without the supporting with moral dimensions in economic activities. Umer Chapra's thoughts are following: First, Efficiency, justice and morality. Second, the contributions of the state. Two thoughts on Islamic economic development below are known that the concept of Islamic economic development does not only measure the level of welfare in the world, but also the more important is how to prosper in the hereafter. The built concept of the two thinkers is directed more to the concept of empowerment or empowering natural resources efficiently and equitably by the role upholding ethical values and social justice.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (03) ◽  
pp. 181
Musta’an Musta’an ◽  
Herlina Kusuma Wardani

Accounting is information submitted by companies through financial statements to provide a very clear picture of the various circumstances or conditions of the company. The purpose of this research is to know the concept of accounting in terms of the eyes of sharia and Islamic economics. The concept of Islamic accounting emerged long before the conventional accounting concepts that existed to date, even Islam itself has made a series of rules in accounting that have never been thought of by conventional accounting experts. The method used in this research is by using library method. Syariah Islam strongly supports the existence of accounting activities in every activity of activities undertaken by humans especially related to financial problems. The Islamic economic system studies and studies the people's economy by making the Qur'an and Hadith as its basis. Similarly, accounting, because the science of accounting related to the economic activities of people who have been described also in the Qur'an and Hadith. Islamic accounting in it covers issues that are not commonly thought of by capitalist accounting or conventional accounting. Human behavior while in the world will be judged in the afterlife. So that accounting is considered and considered as one of hisab or derivasinya is to advocate the good and forbid something bad. How to cite:  Musta’an, M., & Wardani, H. (2017). Akuntansi Dari Kacamata Syariah Dan Ekonomi Islam. Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Islam, 3(03), 181-185. doi:

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-130
Achmad Faqih Supandi

This research focuses on models, concepts, practices and the role of the Mosque-Based Economy in the perspective of Islamic economics in the Masjid Jamik Al Baitul Amien in improving Community Welfare. The purpose of this study is to describe the models, concepts, practices and roles of mosque-based economics in the perspective of Islamic economics in the Masjid Al-Baitul Amin Jember. This research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type, this is because researchers want to describe the Model of Mosque-Based Economic Development in the Islamic Economic Perspective at the Jamik Al-Baitul Amien Mosque in Jember Regency 2015. The results of the study show that the economic economic model of the Ummah uses financing or the provision of facilities by providing funds in accordance with sharia principles. To support investments that have been planned based on an agreement between the institution and other parties, financed by the concept of optimizing productive Zakat or better known as micro business loans without interest that can burden small communities, so that people can meet their economic needs. Then the capabilities possessed by the Jami Mosque 'Al-Baitul Amin Jember are professional human resources, strategic location, adequate infrastructure and sufficient facilities for the economic empowerment of the Ummah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-129
Wahyu Wahyu ◽  
Rahmadi Indra Tektona

Islam strongly emphasizes that all economic activities carried out by humans in the world are an accountability that must be in accordance with Islamic law. In the Sharia economy there are khiyar rights which are expected to provide good benefits in the sale and purchase agreement and make buying and selling activities in accordance with the principles of Islamic law, it is consensual and also providing benefits to the parties in accordance with the provisions in Islamic law and the existence of willingness or sincerity in buying and selling activities in accordance with the Koran and hadith. Currently, many buying and selling transactions are carried out online, one of which is using the social media, Instagram, which has millions of users who can exceed time and space. Many business actors ranging from housewives, students, state employees, private employees who post goods to be traded on Instagram, behind this convenience, of course there are problems, it is the existing image and the merchant’s reputation is something that is highly valued in online trading. The problem that arises in the online buying and selling contract is the mismatch of goods with pictures and descriptions on social media resulting in a one-sided cancellation of the purchase of ordered goods by the buyer and this results in losses to the seller, even though before the transaction the two parties have mutually agreed. The research objective of this paper was to analyze legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar in purchasing ordered goods in online buying and selling transactions via Instagram, the research method used is normative juridical, the results of research on the form of legal certainty in the implementation of khiyar. Keywords: Legal certainty, Khiyar Syarat, Bai’ Salam Online

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 206
Nunung Nurlaela ◽  
Muthi Luthfiyana ◽  
Andini Sulastri ◽  
Evy Sulvy Wahyunita

The tendency of the community towards halal products is currently increasing, not only related to objects/goods but also related to muamalah/interactions. The development of the latest fintech applications needs to be examined and detailed again, to be linked with related sharia law. In addition to examining legal status, an interesting thing to develop is how to formulate a fintech application that is following the Islamic economic perspective. Therefore, it is crucial to always review the National Sharia Board – Indonesian Council of Ulama (Dewan Syariah Nasional – Majelis Ulama Indonesia – DSN-MUI)’s fatwa related to fintech applications in Islamic financial institutions (LKS). The results of this study will be used as input for DSN-MUI to formulate policies and fatwas that is issued. This research is a qualitative type. The research subjects are; (1) Sharia Cards, (2) Sharia Charge Cards, (3) Transfers and Collections, (4) Payment Services, and (5) Sharia Electronic Money. There are differences in the bases for determining the contract of each of these products between Islamic countries. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the sharia card product is more appropriate to use the hawalah contract than the kafalah contract, and it is necessary to fix fines due to maturity, monthly fees that are not related to the amount of debt, and to write off merchant fees; (2) Sharia Charge Card products should use a hawalah contract rather than a kafalah contract and need to eliminate fines due to late payment; (3) the use of the wakalah contract on transfer and collection products is correct; (4) payment service products that use a wakalah and ijarah contract should be sufficient to use one of the two; and (5) electronic money can function as money, with transactions using the hawalah principle, as well as debit cards (wadi'ah principles). So, four improvements are proposed to the DSN-MUI fatwas related to the fintech application.========================================================================================================Tinjauan Terhadap Fatwa Terkait Penerapan Fintech pada Lembaga Keuangan Syariah di Indonesia. Kecenderungan masyarakat terhadap produk-produk halal saat ini semakin meningkat, tidak hanya terkait dengan benda/barang namun juga terkait muamalah/interaksi. Perkembangan aplikasi fintech terbaru perlu dicermati dan didetailkan lagi, untuk dikaitkan dengan hukum syariat terkait. Selain pencermatan status hukum, hal yang menarik untuk dikembangkan adalah bagaimana merumuskan aplikasi fintech yang sesuai dengan pandangan ekonomi Islam. Oleh karena itu sangat perlu untuk selalu meninjau fatwa DSN-MUI terkait aplikasi fintech pada lembaga keuangan syariah (LKS). Hasil kajian ini akan menjadi masukan bagi DSN-MUI untuk merumuskan kebijakan-kebijakan dan fatwa-fatwa yang dikeluarkannya. Penelitian ini berjenis kualitatif. Subjek penelitiannya adalah: (1) Syariah Card, (2) Syariah Charge Card, (3) Transfer dan Inkaso, (4) Jasa Pembayaran, dan (5) Uang Elektronik Syariah. Terdapat perbedaan dasar-dasar penentuan akad dari setiap produk tersebut di antara negeri-negeri Islam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) produk syariah card lebih tepat menggunakan akad hawalah dibandingkan dengan akad kafalah, serta perlu membenahi denda akibat jatuh tempo, monthly fee yang  tidak dikaitkan dengan jumlah utang, dan menghapus merchant fee; (2) produk Syariah Charge Card sebaiknya menggunakan akad hawalah dibandingkan dengan akad kafalah serta perlu menghilangkan denda akibat keterlambatan pelunasan; (3) penggunaan akad wakalah pada produk transfer dan inkaso sudah tepat; (4) produk jasa pembayaran yang menggunakan akad wakalah dan ijarah seharusnya cukup menggunakan salah satu dari keduanya; dan (5) uang elektronik dapat berfungsi sebagaimana uang, dengan transaksi menggunakan prinsip hawalah, sebagaimana kartu debit (prinsip wadi’ah). Jadi, diusulkan empat perbaikan atas fatwa–fatwa DSN-MUI terkait aplikasi fintech.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-67
Frisztina Anisa ◽  
Veni Soraya Dewi ◽  
Ade Vira Agustina

Islam has arranged all matters relating to human life in the world, including economic activities. In carrying out economic activities must be in accordance with the purpose of life of a Muslim with its implementation is mashlahah on the activities of maqasid syaria. Maqashid sharia has five factors, namely guarding religion, guarding the soul, guarding reason, guarding offspring, and protecting property. Sharia Commercial Bank as a supporter of the community's economy in carrying out all its activities must be based on sharia provisions. Annual Report reflects the activities of Sharia Commercial Banks both financial and non-financial. Maqasid Sharia as an indicator of the implementation of sharia principles must be reflected in the Sharia Commercial Bank Annual Report. This study aims to determine the implementation of the Maqasid Syaria in the Sharia Commercial Bank annual report. The sample in this study is Bank Syariah Mandiri Annual Report. The research method used in this study is qualitative research that is descriptive research and analysis based on theories and other supporting sources. The results of the study are Bank Syariah Mandiri has implemented all aspects of the maqasid syaria as reflected in the Annual Report.Islam sudah mengatur segala urusan yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan manusia di dunia, termasuk aktifitas ekonomi. Dalam melakukan aktivitas ekonomi harus sesuai dengan tujuan hidup seorang muslim dengan implementasinya adalah mashlahah pada aktivitas maqasid syariah. Maqashid syariah memiliki lima faktor, yaitu menjaga agama, menjaga jiwa, menjaga akal, menjaga keturunan, dan menjaga harta. Bank Umum Syariah sebagai salah satu pendukung perekonomian masyarakat dalam menjalankan segala aktivitasnya harus berdasarkan ketentuan syariah. Annual Report mencerminkan dari aktifitas Bank Umum Syariah baik keuangan maupun non keuangan. Maqasid Syariah sebagai indikator terlaksananya prinsip syariah harus tercermin dalam Annual Report Bank Umum Syariah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi maqasid syariah pada annual report Bank Umum Syariah. Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah Annual Report Bank Syariah Mandiri. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif yaitu penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dan analisis berdasarkan teori dan sumber-sumber lain yang mendukung. Hasil dari penelitian adalah Bank Syariah Mandiri telah mengimlementasikan seluruh aspek maqasid syariah yang tercermin pada Annual Report.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 62-85
Kusumajanti Kusumajanti ◽  
Ni Putu Eka Widiastuti ◽  
Asep Kamaluddin Nashir

Business in Era 4.0 uses a lot of information from internet-based digital media. The world of tourism has a very promising business opportunity for tourism entrepreneurs. Sunge Jingkem in Samudra Jaya Village, Bekasi Regency is a tourism business pioneered by young people, especially from Kampung Sembilangan. The development of the area that was originally only a fishing village turned into a tourist area has become the background for the development of Sunge Jingkem Ecotourism. The main profession of residents in Kp. Sembilang as fishermen is considered not able to do optimally because of fish availability, competition, weather, and pollution, so they have to look for alternative income. Community service carried out by a team from the Jakarta Veteran National Development University in collaboration with the Bekasi District Research and Development Agency aims to create a mentoring strategy for tourism actors to create alternative employment opportunities through Ecotourism by promoting collaboration and creativity. The method of mentoring carried out for tourism actors in Kampung Sembilang, Samudra Jaya Village starts from extracting information directly to the object of guidance, then carrying out FGDs involving tourism actors, and finally direct guidance to tourism actors. Tourism actors consisting of Managers, Local Governments, and Travelers undertake efforts to foster communication so that collaboration can be created, creative ecotourism management, and in the end, the objectives of this guidance can be achieved. Sunge Jingkem Ecotourism is an alternative for fishermen to have additional income apart from being traditional fishermen. Abstrak Bisnis di Era 4.0 ini banyak memanfaatkan informasi dari media digital berbasis internet. Dunia Pariwisata memiliki peluang bisnis yang sangat menjanjikan bagi para pelaku usaha wisata. Sunge Jingkem di Desa Samudra Jaya, Kabupaten Bekasi merupakan usaha wisata yang dipelopori oleh para pemuda khususnya dari Kampung Sembilangan. Pengembangan wilayah yang semula hanya desa nelayan berubah menjadi daerah wisata menjadi latar belakang pengembangan di Ekowisata Sunge Jingkem.  Profesi utama penduduk di Kp. Sembilangan sebagai nelayan dinilai sudah tidak bisa dilakukan secara optimal dikarena faktor ketersediaan ikan, persaingan, cuaca dan pencemaran sehingga mereka harus mencari alternatif penghasilan. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh tim dari Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta bekerjasama dengan Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kabupaten Bekasi bertujuan untuk membuat strategi pendampingan pada para pelaku wisata dalam upaya menciptakan lapangan pekerjaan alternatif melalui Ekowisata dengan mengedepankan kolaborasi dan kreativitas. Metode pendampingan yang dilakukan kepada pelaku wisata di Kampung Sembilang, Desa Samudra Jaya dimulai dari penggalian informasi secara langsung ke objek pembinaan, kemudian melaksanakan FGD dengan melibatkan para pelaku wisata, dan terakhir dilaksanakan pembinaan langsung ke pelaku wisata. Pelaku wisata yang terdiri dari Pengelola, Pemerintah Daerah, dan Pelancong dilakukan  upaya pembinaan komunikasi sehingga dapat tercipta kolaborasi, pengelolaan ekowisata yang kreatif, dan pada akhirnya dapat tercapai tujuan pembinaan ini. Ekowisata Sunge Jingkem sebagai salah satu alternatif bagi nelayan untuk memiliki penghasilan tambahan selain sebagai nelayan tradisional. Kata Kunci: komunikasi; ekowisata; pelaku wisata

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 178-192 ◽  
Ferdiansyah Ferdiansyah ◽  
Siti Hajar Othman ◽  
Raja Zahilah Md Radzi ◽  
Deris Setiawan

After Bitcoin Introduced around the world, many Cryptocurrencies was created that followed the standard of bitcoin.  The use of Bitcoin or other Cryptocurrency as a currency is also an interesting study from an Islamic economic perspective. They tried to use gold with value back by gold , which gold itself is famous for its exchange rate stability. From abu bakar There is a need for monitoring organization of the cryptocurrency, to controlling from Riba (Interest), Maysir (gambling) and ghahar (Uncertainty). To solve this problem there is a need a tool that can predict with certainty based on valid historical data, to produce accurate prediction results and produce Economic value estimations that are close to Gold real value. With the results we can monitoring day by day, see next day value and continuously based on Cryptocurrency with value back by gold, and see what other impact influences the value by looking the factor negative or positive with sentiment analysis. In the last section we discuss and provide method that we analyse from previous work to produce method to estimate  value cryptocurrency value back by gold. 

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