scholarly journals Value Components of Life Strategies in Graduates of Vocational Postsecondary Institutions

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 727-734
M. A. Bilan ◽  
E. N. Ermolaeva

The research featured value components of life strategies exhibited by graduates of secondary vocational education institutions. The research methods involved M. O. Mdivani and P. B. Kodess’s method of life strategies, M. Rokeach’s method of value orientations, R. Inglehart’s method modified by M. S. Yanitskiy, C. Rogers and R. Dymond’s method of social and psychological adaptation diagnostics, etc. The authors analyzed the hierarchy of values in graduates with different levels of social and psychological adaptation. The graduates were divided into groups on the basis of C. Rogers and R. Dymond’s methodology adapted by A. K. Osnitsky. The test revealed common and variable values in the structure of the graduates’ life strategies. Respondents with a high level of adaptation were purposeful and ready to take responsibility for important decisions; their scenario of the future was optimistic; socializing value type predominated; the value component included specific life values and values of professional self-actualization. Graduates with a medium level of socio-psychological adaptation adhered to conformist values; their dominant value types were socializing and adapting; they had a high level of anxiety and uncertainty about the future while showing no willingness to overcome difficulties and achieve their life goals. The values of professional self-actualization had an advantage in the long-term perspective. The authors included that graduates with low and medium adaptation levels need psychological and pedagogical support when they enter independent life.

2018 ◽  
Vol 51 ◽  
pp. 01005
Vladimir Uryvaev ◽  
Larisa Subbotina ◽  
Anatoliy Karpov ◽  
Ivan Senin ◽  
Aleksandr Karpov

Introduction – socio-political and socio-economic changes in society largely define a developing personality. Goal – to conduct a psycho-diagnostic evaluation of the changes in basic personal characteristics of young students in the context of Russian society development. Results: the comparison of two groups of medical student (both groups are identical: the second course, the department of general medicine, Yaroslavl State Medical University). Testing of 1992 (n = 243) and 2016 (n = 197) using the 16-PF Questionnaire and the POI reveals two main tendencies. The first tendency is the increase of the general level of tension (the 16-PF scales: C, I, O, Q4 – all the quantitative indices have increased, p < 0.01, Student's t-test). The second tendency is a significant growth of the efficiency of personal characteristics providing self-regulation and voluntary behaviour (the 16-PF scales: E, G, H, Q3 are analogous to the first tendency; the SAV scale of the POI also reports a growth with high statistical values). Discussion: the respondents from the first group were born in 1972–1973. Prenatal maturation, babyhood, junior school, and early adolescent age took place in the epoch of a high degree of stability and succession in the development of society. The respondents from the second group were born in 1998–1999. The samples are separated by a generation. The second group (2016 testing) reports a high level of neuro-psychic tension during socio-psychological adaptation and, consequently, the growth of efforts in developing voluntary regulation of social behavior. Evidently, there is value of self-actualization in the new reality.

M. D. Kungurtseva

Speaking about empirical approaches to the study of the socio-psychological adaptation of students with visual impairments (hereinafter referred to as SPAVI), it is necessary to proceed from the understanding that the very process of adaptation for students with the indicated health limitations is the basic process of social and mental development of the individual. In addition, this process is constant in terms of active adaptation of students with visual impairments to the environment in which they integrate and interact in it. In this regard, the relevance and significance of empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI is determined by their position and the degree of formation of the ability to be included in the life of the microsocium in which they are socialized and to occupy a full-fledged creative "membership" in it. The article identifies and characterizes the main empirical approaches to the study of SPAVI. The identification of the types of approaches is given in the author's concept-interpretation. Within the framework of each identified approach, the author defines a range of indicators that make it possible to draw up the most complete picture of the socio-psychological adaptation of students in higher educational institutions. The author concludes that that the support of the SPAVI process on the basis of the identified approaches will effectively contribute to the development of a high level of self-actualization and social activity of this category of students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 28-42
Sergey G. Ushkin ◽  
Ekaterina A. Koval

This article shows that studying the views of future Russian lawyers on the projective future of society is a relevant development, since this particular socio-professional group does not only put forward certain demands in regards to projective subjective social wellbeing, but also possesses the lawmaking potential necessary for the transformation and normative engineering of Russian society. The article analyzes the results of the author’s own research, conducted in 2016 in 12 cities of Russia (based on All- Russian State University of Justice and its subsidiaries). According to the author, the results of research in the field reveal a relatively high level of subjective wellbeing registered among the respondents, with their core values being justice, freedom, upholding law and order, public initiative. In order to measure normative expectations, those surveyed were offered to characterize three models of a supposed society using an array of parameters: “the best society” (utopian), “a bad society” (dystopian) and “a good society” (one that’s attainable and suitable for life and personal growth). As a result, certain projective requirement indexes were obtained for implementing these models in a future society. It came as somewhat of a surprise that, in spite of the widespread belief that the value orientations of modern youth have a “consumer” nature to them, material wellbeing turned out to be far from the most significant parameter. The highest values were shown by indexes which correlated with such virtues as justice, equality and lawfulness, which speaks to their considerable influence on the respondents’ evaluation of their subjective wellbeing. The authors also noticed a fundamental difference when it comes to future Russian lawyers’ thoughts on the paths towards attaining justice. The indexes for a society constantly subject to reform and a conservative society were practically on the same level. This indirectly points to the existence of a deeply rooted divide when it comes to values, indicating that people are looking into the future with uncertainty, which is proven by a multitude of studies done by other authors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (25) ◽  
pp. 64
R. O. Liashenko

In the article, particular aspects of the activity approach to professional self-actualization of personality have been analyzed. The author considers the main characteristics of the action component in the structure of professional self-actualization. Particular attention has been paid to the theoretical basis of the correlation of the concepts of activity and action, the features of the personality action as one of the leading factors of its professional self-actualization have been researched. The role of self-actualization in its turn as a manifestation of the aspiration to activity, the obligatory characteristic of which is the purposefulness, has been revealed. The indicator of a high level of action has been distinguished by the correspondence of conscious, purposeful, active and creative personality attitude to this category.Keywords: personality, professional self-actualization, action approach, activity, action.Кандидат педагогічних наук, Ляшенко Р. О. Аспекти діяльнісного підходу до професійної самоактуалізації особистості / Центральноукраїнський державний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Винниченка.У статті проаналізовано деякі аспекти діяльнісного підходу до професійної самоактуалізації особистості. Автором розглянуто основні характеристики діяльнісного компоненту в структурі професійної самоактуалізації. Особлива увага приділяється теоретичним основам співвіднесеності понять активності і діяльності, досліджено особливості діяльності особистості як одного з провідних чинників її професійної самоактуалізації.  Розкрито роль самоактуалізації як вияву прагнення до діяльності, обов’язковою характеристикою якої є цілеспрямованість. Виокремлено показником високого рівня діяльності відповідність свідомого, цілеспрямованого, активного й творчого ставлення особистості до цієї категорії.Ключові слова: особистість, професійна самоактуалізація, діяльнісний підхід, активність, діяльність.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (192) ◽  
pp. 120-123
Nelya Podlevska ◽  
Oksana Raniuk ◽  

The concept of «rhetorical competence of a philologist» is analyzed in the article. It is determined that the rhetorical training of students is a necessary component of the formation and development of the personality of the future specialist. However, for a future philologist this competence is professionally necessary. Based on the research of scholars on rhetorical competence, this concept is interpreted as a set of practical skills of a student of philology, who has learned the necessary block of theoretical knowledge and realizes it in reality, it allows him to successfully and effectively interact with other subjects. It is noted that a high level of rhetorical competence allows to achieve professional and life success, it is an indicator of intellectual development. The article emphasizes that rhetoric is not an independent subject in all universities, it is necessary to use elements of rhetoric in classes in higher education. Exercises and tasks that contribute to the formation of rhetorical competence are highlighted. It is noted that training exercises have a practical orientation and are intended to activate mental processes (memory, thinking, imagination, etc.), to improve speech and communication skills. Preparatory exercises help to reduce stress and overcome psychological barriers, distract and help to relax during the learning process. Analytical exercises help to train students ability to work with text, develop memory, analyze stylistic devices, structure information, etc. Creative (with the creation of own texts) and constructive (reconstruction of sentences, texts, etc.) exercises are productive in the training of philologist. Particular attention should be paid to the use of non-verbal means by students, including facial expressions, gestures. Equally important is the construction of dialogues, questions, the use of communicative exercises, games and situational tasks, because such tasks motivate students, arouse interest in learning, allow them to practice speech. The article emphasizes that working in groups, in pairs develops the ability of constructive dialogue, listen and hear the interlocutor, understand the position of the interlocutor, the ability to use verbal and nonverbal means, to overcome certain closeness in communication. Practical classes in the form of discussion, such as talk shows are important for the formation of rhetorical competence of future philologists. The authors summarize that rhetorical competence will make possible a high level of further professional self-education, will promote the realization of professional knowledge in productive and civilized ways of thinking and speaking.

Oleksandr Balanutsa

The article considers the problem of the future diplomat self-development professional training. With the development of the humanistic paradigm of education the forming an active, creative personality became relevant. The personality of a specialist in the field of international relations must distinguish between clear goals and socially significant value orientations, a creative attitude to work, the desire for high productivity, for continuous self-development. It is found that the main feature of man, which determines the significant characteristics of his nature, is the system-forming unity of a special objectively given creative activity – activity and subjectivity, which contains the need, need, ability and ability to change, expand, design such activities, attitude to it as a condition of their existence and their growth and development in it. A clear idea of the future diplomat about his professional future, the ability to build their professional and educational space at different stages of professional development and willingness to be realized in it is a diagnosed result of personal self-development during training. The self-development of the future diplomat promotes a high level of self-improvement and self-realization in future professional activity. The complexity of a diplomat's professional activity involves a specially organized space for professional training. The formation of such a space consists of several conditions: strategic – approaches, conceptual positions that determine the result, and technical – technologies of professional training in higher education institutions. Introspection is an important thing in self-realization. First, it helps the future diplomat to adapt to the conditions of the living environment. Secondly, it is the basis of the dynamics and development of self-awareness of the future diplomat, which allows you to change your perception of yourself and attitude to yourself in the process of life. Thirdly, it puts the future diplomat in an active position concerning his life, making him a subject of his life (a subjective life position is formed).

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 228-235
Валентина Вовк

Стаття присвячена дослідженню феномену суб’єктної позиції особистості майбутньго фахівця.  Актуалізовано  проблему   розвитку  суб’єктної  позиції   в   середовищі   вищої  школи,   оскільки   втрата  суб’єктних проявів особистості є переважаючими характеристиками багатьох студентів вузів. Здійснено  аналіз  та  систематизацію  характеристик  означеного  поняття  у  розумінні  низкою  вчених.  Уточнено  поняття суб’єктної позиції студента, сутність якого полягає у системі особистісно-значущих, ціннісно- смислових ставлень до процесу навчання, до обраної професії, до себе як до фахівця і до свого майбутнього  професійного шляху, спрямованих на саморозвиток та самоактуалізацію. Суб’єктна позиція реалізується у  таких  критеріях  та  показниках,  як:  ціннісні  орієнтації,  що  відображають  осмисленість  минулого,  теперішнього життя та майбутніх перспектив; характер мотивів учбово-професійної діяльності, що  передбачає     наявність     внутрішньої     мотивації     учбово-професійної     діяльності;     прагнення     до  самоактуалізації, яка є провідним мотивом, що спонукає до максимальних досягнень у майбутній професії  через    самопізнання,    саморозвиток,    самовдосконалення,    самозміну,    самоздійснення;    властивості  особистості як суб’єкта діяльності, які генералізуються в таких якостях, як активність, відповідальність  та автономність; локус контролю, який передбачає взяття на себе відповідальності за події власного  життя та пояснення їх власною поведінкою, волею, прагненнями, можливостями та адекватно оціненими  здібностями;  саморегуляція,  яка  реалізується  в  уміннях  усвідомлювати,  контролювати  та  коригувати  власну  поведінку; самоставлення  як  здатність  поважати  і  цінувати  себе  таким,  який є,  розуміючи  і  приймаючи як свої можливості, так і обмеження, та рефлексивність, що виявляється в адекватній оцінці  та осмисленні власних професійних можливостей.  This article is devoted to studying the phenomenon of the subjective position of the future specialist. The  problem of the development of a subjective position in a higher school is outlined because the loss of subjective  manifestations  of  personality characterized  most  of the  students.  It  have been  analysed  and  systematized  the  characteristics of the concept in the understanding of a number of scientists on a theoretical level. Elaborated  concept of «subjective position of the student» the main point of which is  the system of meaningful, valuable and  semantic attitudes to the learning, to the chosen profession, to himself as a specialist and to the own future  professional way that are aimed at self-development and self-actualization. It realizes in such criteria and indicators  as a value orientations that are shows meaningfulness of the past, present life and future prospects; the character of  the  motives  of educational  and  professional  activity  that  are  assumes  the  presence  of  internal  motivation  of  educational and professional activity; the desire for self-actualization is a main cause that motivates for the best  achievements in the future profession by self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement, self-change, self- realization; humans features as a subject of activity  are generalizes in such qualities as activity, responsibility and  autonomy;  locus  of  control  which  is  involve  an  acceptance  responsibility  for  events  of  their  own  lives  and  explanation of their own behavior, will, aspirations; the self-regulation which is realized in the ability of  self  controlling; the self attitude as  the ability to respect and appreciate himself  understanding and accepting own  possibilities and as the limitation and reflexivity that appears in realizing of adequate assessment of personal  professionals’ skills

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Tatiana Terekhova

On the basis of theoretical analysis of the scientific psychological literature, the article defines the phenomenon of the boundary in determining the innovative potential of the personality, The author identifies that the qualitative originality of the boundary phenomenon demonstration in determining a high level of the innovative potential of the personality is associated with such individual psychological characteristics as value orientations, creativity, temporary competence, desire for self-actualization, need for cognition, spontaneity. The single direct link to synergy is made at the low level of IPP. The «boundary» allocation at the high and low levels of IPP allows to differentiate the groups of relationships of the certain personal qualities and indicators of the personal innovative potential. By characterizing the existence of the close statistically significant links between the individual and personal characteristics of respondents with an integral indicator of the innovative potential of the personality, it is made possible to compile a psychological portrait of the innovator. The art of defining the «boundary» becomes actual by establishing the interrelationships of these individual psychological characteristics with the features of the manifestation of the innovative potential of the personality.

The authors turn to the consideration of the issue of social intelligence and value orientations of high school students. Speaking about the relevance of the study, the authors indicate that social intelligence and the value orientations provide students with psychological adaptation to new socio-economic conditions and education systems, and participate in the formation of professional self-determination. Considering social intelligence, the authors turn to the interpretation of this concept by researchers E.L. Thorndike, F. Moss and T. Hunt, G. Olport. When considering the concept of “value orientations”, the authors turn to history and give its definition, based on the study of psychological and pedagogical literature. In order to study the social intelligence and value orientations of high school students, the authors conducted an experiment, which is based on a test for the study of social intelligence by J. Guildford and M. O’Sullivan. The students' value orientations were evaluated according to three universal factors: grades (values), strengths (potency) and activity, developed by C. Osgood.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (35) ◽  
pp. 63-84
Nadiia Yu. Pikulina ◽  
Dmytro M. Samoilenko ◽  
Yuliia H. Horiashchenko ◽  
Kostyantin S. Zhadko ◽  
Yuliia S. Nikitchenko

Professional economic education in Ukraine requires significant reforms because of thriving to integrate into the world economic space, which is impossible without the education of highly professional staff. The development of the entrepreneurial climate in the higher educational institution (HEI) by training the ability to work in a team and the general culture of doing business is an important task. It is specialized economic education that should lay the foundation for the dynamic economic development of the country. Methods used: survey, remote collection and processing of information (GOOGLE Forms), self-actualization test (SAT) (determining the level of general cultural competencies), study of value orientations (according to M. Rokych), methods of personal adaptation to a new professional environment (according to L.V. Yankovskyi), cultural and value orientations test (L.H. Pochebut). According to the study, students are convinced that entrepreneurial skills can be acquired. Students called self-organization the main competence for doing business. It was found that 50% of students have a low level of readiness for teamwork. Only 21% of respondents showed a high level of readiness for teamwork. It was found that special pedagogical conditions for creating an entrepreneurial climate can improve the level of higher economic education.

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