2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105
Anna Górecka

CONCEPT OF A DATABASE IN BASIS OF COPYRIGHT AND NEIGHBOURING RIGHTS ACT AND DATABASE PROTECTIONSummary Collecting and processing of different kinds of data is commonly practiced nowadays. The novelty under the polish law is an introduction of the legal protection of such data bases. This protection is provided in two particular regulations: the act on copyrights and neighbouring rights of 4th February 1994 and the act on the protection of the database of 27thJuly 2001.The database is defined as any kind of collections, lists of information, materials or any other elements systemized according to specified criterion. Its essence consists in collecting and confronting given data using the settled method but not in the materials collected in such kind of evidence. Any database consists of various information thus it is treated as a collection of materials. That is of no importance if the collected elements are subject to the legal protection therefore it seems that such collection may contain any data not only these protected under the copyrights and it does not matter if they are protected under the law or no or if they are confidential or easy available.Each of the regulations mentioned above provides the different system of protection. The act on copyrights regards the external aspects of a collection (the creativity must consist in a selection, systématisation or confrontation of the information) and protects only the creative elements of the collection. Thus with regard to databases (constituting protected good within the meaning of the copyrights law) it must be noticed that they will be protected only within the scope of their creativity that could be however expressed in many aspects.The other regulation gives the possibility of protecting the contents of the database (the internal aspect of the database). Applicability of one of these regulations excludes applicability of the other as the article 1 of the law on the protection of the database states that the object of the legal protection under this law is a database which does not constitute protected good within the meaning of the law on copyrights. However such database has to comply with the requirement of a substantial investment. Such substantial investment has to be undertaken in order to prepare, verify or present the contents and it may consist in the quality as well as the quantity of the investment while the method of the collection of the data is unrestricted. Thus there is no possibility of the cumulative protection of the database. However it was constituted the new and genuine right allowing collection of the data and its subsequent processing as a whole or in part, according to both the quality as well as the quantity. Such right is of the exclusive and transferable nature.

Yuridika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
Sriti Hesti Astiti

The law of bankruptcy basically has to pay more attention and give a proportionate legal protection between the interests of debtors to creditors, even also the interests of other credi-tors, who do not have a file in the bankruptcy process. Unfortunately, the legal protection for the other creditors which is regulated in Article 10 Law No. 37/2004 contains many weak-nesses and give many erroneous interpretation in the field of its structure, culture and the substance. Therefore, the legal enforcement and the conservatoir measures in bankruptcy law which has been intended to protect the legal interests of what we called “the other credi-tors” in the commercial court decision becomes unpredictable.Keyword : bankruptcy, other creditors, debtors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26
Fransisca Kusuma Aryani ◽  
Gunawan Djajaputra

The process of granting credit with the guarantee of Mortgage Rights experienced many obstacles, one of which is the cancellation of credit agreement due to a lawsuit from a third party. Examples of problems that will researchers take is a case between PT PNM as creditor and Erlinawati as a debtor. Erlinawati applied for credit to PT PNM and pledged SHM No. 1716 without her husband's agreement, Bagus Satriya. As time went by, Erlinawati could not fulfill its obligations as stipulated in the credit agreement, and then PT PNM sent a warning letter to Erlinawati. Good people who know the land and buildings of his property are used as a direct guarantee to file a lawsuit to the Blora District Court. The Blora District Court ruled that credit agreements and Deed of Mortgage Rights (APHT) are invalid and null and void. So far the legal protection for debtors who have sued from the other party on the guarantee given by the creditor has not been regulated specially in the legislation. The law only regulates bad debts and debt repayment through the execution process stipulated in the Law on Banking and Insurance Rights Act. Legal protection that creditor can use when obtaining a lawsuit from a third party is by using the general guarantees provided for in Articles 1131 and 1132 of the Civil Code.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Mansari Mansari ◽  
Reza Maulana

ABSTRAKAnak yang telah mumayiz diberikan kebebasan memilih tinggal bersama ibu atau ayahnya. Kesempatan untuk memilih harus dinyatakan secara eksplisit dalam putusan untuk menghindari konflik di kemudian hari antara kedua orang tuanya. Berbeda dalam Putusan Nomor 175/PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA yang tidak langsung menetapkan anak yang telah mumayiz diasuh oleh ibu atau ayahnya. Hal ini dikhawatirkan akan menimbulkan persoalan hukum di kemudian hari demi memperebutkan anak tersebut. Permasalahannya adalah bagaimana aspek kepastian hukum terhadap pemeliharaan anak mumayiz dalam Putusan Nomor 175/PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA, dan bagaimana perlindungan hukum bagi anak mumayiz yang belum menentukan pilihannya? Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian empiris dan datanya diperoleh melalui wawancara hakim dan putusan Mahkamah Syar’iyah Banda Aceh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Putusan Nomor 175/PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA tidak mencerminkan kepastian hukum bagi anak yang telah mumayiz. Hal ini dikarenakan anak yang berumur 14 dan 18 tahun tidak jelas berada di bawah pengasuhan ibu atau ayahnya. Perlindungan hukum bagi anak mumayiz yang belum menentukan sikap/pilihan menjadi kewajiban bersama kedua orang tua untuk mengasuh dan memeliharanya. Jika anak sudah menentukan pilihan dan memilih ibu sebagai pengasuhnya, maka ia wajib memelihara dan mengasuhnya hingga dewasa dan ayah berkewajiban memberikan nafkah kepadanya. Sebaliknya, jika ayah menjadi pilihannya, kewajiban mengasuh, merawat, dan menafkahi menjadi kewajibannya.Kata kunci: kepastian hukum, pengasuhan, perceraian, anak mumayiz. ABSTRACTA Minor who has been mumayiz is given freedom to choose to live either with the mother or father. The decision should be explicitly stated in court decision to avoid future conflicts between the parents. In contrast, Court Decision Number 175/PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA did not in a straight line determine the status of a minor who has been mumayiz to be raised by either the mother or father. This could lead to legal dispute of fighting over the minor in the future. The question is how the legal certainty in the custody of minors with mumayyiz status in Court Decision Number 175/PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA and how the law provide protection for them who have not made their choice yet? This study is done by empirical research and the data collected through interviews of judges and the ruling of Syar’iyah Court of Banda Aceh. The results show that the Court Decision Number 175/ PDT.G/2011/MS-BNA does not reflect legal certainty for the minors with the status of mumayiz. This is because the law does not set off that minors aged of 14 and 18 are in care of their mother or father. While the law has set for minors who have not mumayiz because of the existence of parenting to the mother has been confirmed in the verdict. Legal protection for undecided custody of mumayiz minors will be obliged to their both parents to nurture and raise. If the child has made a choice and chooses the mother as the caregiver, then she is obliged to care and nurture the child to adulthood, and the father is obliged to provide a livelihood for the child. On the other hand, if the father becomes the child’s choice, the obligation to care, nurture, and provide a livelihood becomes his duty.Keywords: legal certainty, custody, divorce, mumayiz minors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-35
Zulvia Makka

ABSTRAKHak terkait adalah hak yang berkaitan dengan hak cipta yang merupakan hak ekslusif bagi pelaku pertunjukan, producer fonogram, atau lembaga penyiaran. Berdasarkan pengertian hak terkait tersebut maka dapat dipahami bahwa yang merupakan pemilik hak terkait adalah pelaku pertunjukan, produser fonogram (lebih dikenal sebagai produser rekaman), dan lembaga penyiaran. Perlu adanya perlindungan untuk pelaku karena pelaku pertunjukan memiliki hak moral dan hak ekonomi yang terdapat pada pasal 23 UUHC. Yang memuat pada pelaku pertunjukan yang tidak dapat dihilang atau tidak dapat dihapus dengan alasan apapun. Namun pada prakteknya seringkali hak terkait ini dikesampingkan, karena lingkup perlindungan tidak hanya mencakup hak ekonomi dan hak moral. Permasalahan diatas menimbulkan isi hukum bentuk perlindungan terhadap hak terkait menurut undang-undang Hak Cipta dan perolehan Hak Terkait dalam Hak Cipta Isu hukum ini diteliti dengan menggunakan metode dengan tipe penelitian Normatif.Bentuk pelindungan Hukum terhadap Hak Terkait menurut Undang-Undang Hak Cipta terdiri dari 2 (dua) yaitu, perlindungn hukum preventif dan perlindungan hukum represif. Perolehan hak terkait dalam UUHC yaitu hak moral dan hak ekonomis. Hak moral pelaku pertunjukan merupakan hak yang melekat pada pelaku pertunjukan yang tidak dapat dihilangkan atau tidak dapat dihapus dengan alasan apapun walaupun hak terkait telah dialihkan. Hak Ekonomi Pelaku Pertunjukan adalah suatu hak yang diberikan oleh Undang-undang secara eksklusif kepada Pencipta untuk untuk memanfaatkan keuntungan suatu ciptaan yang biasanya berupa publikasi suatu salinan ciptaan atau fonogram supaya dapat tersedia untuk publik dalam jumlah tertentu. Kata Kunci : Perlindungan, Hak Terkait, Hak Moral, Hak Ekonomi  AbstractRelated rights are rights relating to copyright which are exclusive rights for performers, producer phonograms, or broadcasters. Based on the understanding of related rights, it can be understood that those who are related rights holders are performers, phonogram producers (better known as record producers), and broadcasting institutions. There needs to be protection for the perpetrators because the performers have the moral rights and economic rights contained in article 23 of UUHC. Which includes the performers who cannot be lost or cannot be removed for any reason. But in practice often these related rights are ruled out, because the scope of protection does not only cover economic rights and moral rights. The above issues give rise to the contents of the law in the form of protection of related rights according to the Copyright law and the acquisition of Related Rights in Copyright This legal issue is examined using methods with normative research types.The form of legal protection against Related Rights according to the Copyright Act consists of 2 (two), namely, preventive legal protection and repressive legal protection. The acquisition of related rights in the UUHC is moral rights and economic rights. The moral rights of performers are the rights inherent in the performers who cannot be removed or cannot be removed for any reason even though the related rights have been transferred. The Economic Rights of Performers is a right granted by the Law exclusively to the Creator to utilize the benefits of a work which is usually in the form of the publication of a copy of a work or phonogram so that it can be available to the public in a certain amount. Keywords: Protection, Related Rights, Moral Rights, Economic Rights

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (101) ◽  
pp. 631
Marc Carrillo

Resumen:La previsión de la jurisdicción constitucional en la Constitución de 1978 ha sido un instrumento que ha reforzado su condición de norma jurídica. El indudable prestigio institucional del Tribunal Constitucional adquirido en los primeros años se ha visto reducido posteriormente por la influencia política en su composición y funcionamiento. La interpretación constitucional forma parte de la Teoría de la Constitución y los criterios hermenéuticos del empleados por el Tribunal han tenido una notable influencia en la jurisdicción ordinaria. Por otra parte, el sentido objetivo y las nuevas reglas sobre admisión del recurso individual (amparo), han permitido que el Tribunal pueda ejercer con mayor eficacia el juicio sobre la ley del Parlamento. Por otra parte, su función de garantía de losderechos fundamentales no puede ser concebida al margen del sistemaeuropeo de jurisdicción multinivel. Abstract:The provision of constitutional jurisdiction in the 1978 Constitution has been an instrument that has reinforced its status as a legal norm. The undoubted institutional prestige of the Constitutional Court acquired in the first years has been subsequently reduced by political influence on its composition and functioning. The constitutional interpretation forms part of the Theory of the Constitution and the hermeneutical criteria of the employees by the Court have had a notable influence in the ordinary jurisdiction. On the other hand, the objective meaning and the new rules on admission of the appeal for Constitutional rigth’s legal protection (amparo), has allowed the Court to exercise more effectively the judgment on the law of Parliament. On the other hand, its function of guaranteeing fundamental rights can not be conceived outside the European system of multilevel jurisdiction. Summary:1. The constitutional justice and the Constitutional Court. 2. The constitutional interpretation. 3. The control of constitutionality of the law. 4.-The objective meaning of the appeal for Constitutional rigth’s legal protection (amparo). 5. The conflicts of competences: the constitutional jurisdiction and the ordinary jurisdiction. 6. The sentence of the Constitutional Court and the Dissenting vote’s function. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 161-166
Muhammad Jarnawansyah ◽  
Reza Muhammad Rizqi

There is a law called Law Number 8 of 1999 that deals with consumer protection. It says that disputes between consumers and business people can be settled through both litigation and non-litigation channels and that both types of channels can be used to do this. Using the courts to settle consumer disputes is a way to do this. This type of dispute resolution refers to the rules for general courts. So that consumers need to get help from the law to get their rights as consumers. Consumer protection is becoming more and more important as science and technology move faster and faster. This is because the speed of science and technology is what drives the productivity and efficiency of producers for the goods or services they make in order to reach their business goals. As a result of this, either directly or indirectly, the Consumers are the ones who feel the effects of these two things the most. In this case, the consumer protection law says that businesses must give legal protection to their customers, so this shows that businesses must do this. And legal remedies for resolving disputes between customers and business people in the event of a dispute can be used both in court and out of court. In order for a dispute to be resolved through litigation, one party has filed a lawsuit against the other party. However, non-litigation dispute resolution can be done in a number of ways, such as through negotiation, consolidation, mediation, arbitration, and so on. Keywords: Legal Protection, Consumers, Consumer Disputes, Litigation, Laws.

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 573
Tomasz Woś

<p>The article addresses the notary’s systemic position under the first Polish Law on Notaries of 27 October 1933. The analysis of the position of the notary carried out in part one of this article pointed to serious difficulties in the precise defining of this position, both among the scholars in the field and the judicature. To precisely define the systemic position of the notary, part two has provided an analysis of the provisions of the Law on Notaries regarding the professional self-government of notaries, supervision over notaries and their activities, disciplinary liability and compensatory liability of the notary, and the rules of preparation for the profession of notary. The analysis of the Law on Notaries of 1933 presented in the first and second part of this article, leads to the conclusion that the notary’s position included in its legal position a combination of features of a public officer and a liberal profession. The legislature, using in Article 1 the term “public functionary”, and not “state official”, and giving notaries in Article 23 of the Law on Notaries the legal protection enjoyed by state officials, wanted to clearly emphasize the existing differences between them while at the same time underlining their close relationship to the state. The adoption of such a definition made it possible to grant notaries a wide range of powers. At the same time, it provided the basis to establish a professional self-government and entrust its bodies with significant powers in the area of disciplinary jurisdiction. The dualistic approach to the position of the notary was also reflected in the separate rules of training for the profession and in the special rules of notary’s liability for damages. The state, by entrusting notaries with activities related to non-contentious judiciary, secured for itself an exclusive influence on the staffing of notary positions and covered the system of notaries by a strict supervision exercised by the Minister of Justice. The discussion presented in the article leads to a conclusion that the legislature approached the position of a notary in the Law on Notaries of 1933 in a special way, creating a combination of official and professional elements, which can be called a public function. In terms of the political and administrative system, regardless of the definition itself, the notary in practice performed the function of a person of public trust.</p>

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 291-308 ◽  
Ino Augsberg

How can the law deal with religion in an adequate manner, if on one hand it must guarantee religion its status of autonomy and therefore cannot construct its own idea of religion, and on the other it needs to know the object of legal protection? The present paper scrutinizes one possible solution to this problem developed by the German Federal Constitutional Court. According to this judicial strategy, the law orients itself by referring to the relevance of religious self-concepts that are to a certain degree legally binding.

2017 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 195-209
Monika Setkowicz

A NOTARY AS A LEGAL PROTECTION AUTHORITY UNDER THE POLISH LAW AND THE EUROPEAN UNION LAWThe paper aims to examine the role of a notary as a legal protection authority in Polish and European Union law systems. The European Union Regulation on Succession has changed the existing role of a notary. It has established the new institution of legal protection — a European Certificate of Succession. The competence to issue a European Certificate of Succession has been entrusted to the notaries beside the courts. This new notarial action has direct effect in the other Member States of the European Union. The scope of legal protection exercised by a notary went beyond national borders and its role has become cross-border.

2015 ◽  
pp. 166-183
Yelia Natasya Winstar ◽  
Devie Rachmat Ali Hasan R

The Fiduciary Act should provide legal protection of the parties and legal certainty, but on the other hand there are still some weaknesses of the Fiduciary Act. This paper analyzes the weaknesses of Act Number 42 Year 1999 on Fiduciary and the need for revising the Act. The type of research is a normative legal research or library which includes a study of the principles of law and the systematics of law. The research uses the statute approach and the conceptual approach. Based on the analysis it can be concludde that it requires to revise the Fiduciary Act. Legislators should produce the law not only ensuring the legal certainty but they also can provide the law presenting justice and prosperity for the people. Revision of the Fiduciary Act is expected to provide maximum protection to the people who use the fiduciary as a guarantee agency; so that the justice will be obtained by the people to create a conducive atmosphere in the economy to increase the prosperity for them.

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