scholarly journals Communicative sabotage, suicide and avoidance as evidences of communicative discomfort

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S4) ◽  
pp. 1187-1201
Valeria Koroliova ◽  
Olena Hurko ◽  
Iryna Popova ◽  
Nataliia Holikova ◽  
Nataliia Maiboroda

Purpose of the study: The purpose of the article is to compare and distinguish between the communication phenomena of sabotage, suicide, and avoidance displayed in the speech of characters of modern Ukrainian plays; to define them as communicative tactics that do not always violate communicative comfort and lead to conflict in communication; to characterize the main communicative goals and maxims affected by these communicative tactics. The key methods of the study, in addition to general scientific ones, were such dedicated linguistic methods as contextual and situational, speech and action analysis of communicative sabotage, suicide, and avoidance, as well as the method of structural and pragmatic analysis to provide characteristics of speech abnormal behavior of characters in modern Ukrainian plays, to identify of the consequences of communicative sabotage, suicide, and avoidance. The tactics violating the rules of the communication code are communicative sabotage, communicative suicide, and communicative avoidance. Communicative sabotage is mainly used by characters in a negative psychoemotional state as a way to express irritation and contempt, which causes changes in the focus of communication and hinders the achievement of the objective, informative and communicative goals of communication.

Borkovska I.P. ◽  
Karachun Yu.H.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify the main types of encouraging constructions in English letters of confidentiality.Methods. Both general scientific methods and linguistic methods are used in the work. The research is methodologically based on analysis, descriptive method, continuous selection, definitional, semantic and syntactic analysis.Results. A confidential letter as a text version of the sub-style of commercial correspondence within the official business functional style is interpreted as a regulated type of business letters, which has both specific and general features, due to the affiliation of genre groups to one functional style. It is characterized by certain language features; stability of stylistic devices of the genre, its form provides the communicative properties of the document, which are manifested in the composition and architectonics. The text of the confidential letter provides information about the reason for writing the letter, states the need to ensure the confidentiality of information related to the contract, regulates specific mechanisms of cooperation between partners in the use and disposal of classified information. Since the main purpose of such a letter is to force the recipient to perform certain actions, a confidential letter contains many constructions with a motivating value. Encouraging constructions in the texts of business letters are diverse in their semantics, among which the most frequent constructions express directives.The directive is implemented in the form of three types, which are classified by the degree of categoricalness: the actual directive (with the maximum degree of expression of categoricalness); directive-instruction (the degree of categoricalness decreases); directive-request (categoricalness is minimal, but the directive remains). Typical language formulas are presented, which help to classify these types of speech.Conclusions. Therefore, a confidential letter refers to regulated letters, the purpose of which is to establish the procedure for the use of confidential information. To do this, the addressee uses encouraging constructions, diverse in their semantics, among which constructions that express directives stand out.Key words: business letter, genre, modal verbs, confidentiality, directives. Мета. Мета цієї статті – виявити основні типи cпонукальних конструкцій в англомовних конфіденційних листах.Методи. У роботі використано як загальнонаукові методи, а саме: аналізу, описовий метод, суцільного вибирання, так і лінгвістичні методи: дефініційний, семантичний та синтаксичний аналізи.Результати. У процесі дослідження доведено, що діловий лист виокремлюється як жанр, який має критерії, що характерні будь-якому жанру, а саме: текстовий варіант ділового листа має свою назву завдяки наявності формуляру, який і відповідає назві цього документа; ділові листи оформлюються з урахуванням чітких вимог до композиції, що співвідноситься з жанро-вою формою; сюжет, що представлений у тексті листа, наповнений мовними етикетними формулами; діловий лист має обсяг, який відповідає типу листа; жанрова група ділових листів представлена різними текстами-варіантами.Конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів зі своїм набором реквізитів, архітектонікою і композицією. Текстова частина дає інформацію про привід складання листа, констатує необхідність забезпечення конфіденційності відо-мостей, пов’язаних із договором, регулює конкретні механізми співпраці партнерів під час користування і розпорядження секретною інформацією. Оскільки основна мета такого листа – змусити адресата виконати певні дії, конфіденційний лист міс-тить значну кількість конструкцій зі спонукальним значенням. Спонукальні конструкції в текстах ділових листів різноманітні за своєю семантикою, які можуть виражати розпорядження, прохання, пропозиції. Розпорядження реалізуються у вигляді трьох типів, які прокласифіковано за ступенем категоричності: власне-розпорядження (з максимальним ступенем вираження категоричності); розпорядження-інструкція (ступінь категоричності знижується); розпорядження-прохання (категоричність мінімальна, але директивність зберігається).Представлено типові мовні формули, які допомагають класифікувати зазначені типи мовлення. Типова мовна формула для першого типу мовлення, а саме власне-розпорядження, акцентує увагу на тому, що суб’єкт повинен здійснити певні дії, необхідні для досягнення результату. Ефективність виконання розпорядження визначається правильно поставленою метою адресантом та адекватним вибором мовних засобів, серед яких превалюють модальні дієслова will, must, shall. Розпоряджен-ня-інструкція належить до другого типу розпоряджень, коли ступінь категоричності в повідомленні знижується. Такий тип розпорядження означає висловлювання вимоги щодо правил і необхідних умов типових дій у тій чи іншій ситуації. Розпоря-дження-прохання реалізує комунікативну мету адресанта змусити адресата підписати лист або зробити заключні дії, необхідні для підписання контракту.Висновки. Отже, конфіденційний лист належить до регламентованих листів, текст яких розвивається в певну жанрову форму і реалізує мовний задум адресанта встановити порядок використання конфіденційної інформації. Конфіденційний лист як текстовий варіант жанру ділового листа містить спонукальні конструкції, які характеризуються різноманітністю мовних засобів вираження.Ключові слова: діловий лист, жанр, модальне дієслово, конфіденційність, розпорядження.

2021 ◽  
pp. 25-50

Introduction. The article discusses the features of proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. Attention is paid to the description of structural and semantic features of anthroponyms. We investigate proper names as the part of the structure of advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The purpose of the article is the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The object of the study is proper names in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals. The subject of the study is anthroponyms in advertising texts in the beginning of the 20th century. Materials and methods. The purpose determines the choice of methods in our study: general scientific methods of systematization, analysis and synthesis, quantitative analysis were used. The descriptive method of advertising texts is used in the work. Among the special linguistic methods, structural one was used, which helped in determining the features of the structure of anthroponyms. Anthroponyms for our research have been taken from the newspaper “Public Veterinary Bulletin” for the period of 1904-1906 years. Results. As a result of the study, structural and semantic features of anthroponyms were established. Сonclusions. Anthroponyms learned in advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in the beginning of the 20th century had been used almost in all analyzed texts. The practical value of the work lies in the fact that the analysis of anthroponyms in advertising texts opens up prospects for further researches, which may be connected with the identification of the specific characteristics of proper names in the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals in different languages. Summing up, a thorough analysis of the advertising texts of veterinary pharmaceuticals helped to establish the structure and functioning peculiarities of anthroponyms.

Nadiia Pashkova

The purpose of the article is to analyze the views on the relation between sign and symbol in modern linguistics and cultural studies and to formulate a theoretical conclusion in order to avoid misunderstandings in scientific works. The methodology is based on the application of an interdisciplinary approach to the study of the central concepts of semiotics, linguistics, and cultural studies. In addition to general scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, a cultural-genetic method was used, as well as such linguistic methods as descriptive, comparative, methods of functional and conceptual-ideographic analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is that it first revealed the cause of differences in the interpretation of the relation between sign and symbol in traditional semiotics, modern linguistic and cultural studies, and formulated recommendations for their definition. Conclusions. It is proved that the opposition of sign and symbol in modern humanities is based on the special symbolism of the symbol, which distinguishes it from the other signs, classified by Ch. Pierce in traditional semiotics. Genetically, a symbol is a sign that has developed particular anthropogenic trait distinctions, contrasting with other signs, which nevertheless does not completely remove its sign properties and functions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Ekaterina N. Morozova

The article analyzes in detail methodological framework used for phraseological stock studies in the Mari language. It results in increasing level of validity and reliability of the research. The subject of the article is the methods and techniques of phraseological studies (general scientific, philosophical and specialized ones). The objective of this research is to reveal the methodological procedures used to study phraseological units of the Mari language. The article is based on monographs, articles, textbooks, theses on phraseology of the Mari language. When considering the methodological framework for phraseological studies in the Mari language, it employed general research methods such as analysis, synthesis, generalization and chronological classification combined with specialized linguistic techniques (e.g. data collection method) within diachronic and synchronic approaches. The first research into the field of Mari phraseology are characterized by the application of semantic and contextual analyses in order to systematize and classify phraseological units. The interpretation of empirical material is closely connected with the semantic description, valence and communicative-functional methods. Further development of the methodology is related to the application of culture and historical, anthropological and linguistic genetic approaches, as well as the elements of transformational analysis and syntactic modeling. Modern phraseological science takes into consideration interdisciplinary approach while exploring phraseological stock of the Mari language. In the initial state of the development of phraseology the most productive techniques in Mari linguistics were general research methods of description and analysis (semantic-syntactic, structural, componential and contextual ones). In 1980–1990 methodological framework was supplemented by specialized linguistic methods of comparative-historical, typological, comparative and communicative-functional studies. Nowadays interdisciplinary approach interpreted from psycholinguistic, linguoculturological and cognitivistic standpoints is widely applied to reveal the nationally significant concepts functioning in the described linguoculture.

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 95-105
Natalia Bigunova ◽  
Marharyta Kosovets

The article reports on the communicative strategy of manipulation and the communicative tactics that manifest it. The samples for the analysis have been taken from English detective discourse. The object of the study is the personages’ speech: the detective’s interrogation of witnesses and suspects. The scope of the study is the communicative tactics applied by the police officers to manipulate witnesses and suspects into revealing the truth about the murder. The purpose is cognitive and pragmatic analysis of the communicative tactics applied by the police officers to manipulate the witnesses and suspects. The investigation is based on the general and special linguistic methods: synthesis and analysis, method of observation, descriptive method, pragmatic and linguistic method, cognitive method, analysis of contextual interpretation. The cognitive and pragmatic analysis of the strategic plan of the police officer, the personage of the detective discourse, has resulted in our own classification of communicative tactics and strategies applied by the police officer during the interrogation of witnesses and suspects. It has been established that one of the major communicative strategies used by the police officer is manipulation. Manipulation is realized by the following communicative tactics: provocation, warning, menace, blackmail, persuasion, flattery. Each of these tactics is manifested by certain lexical, morphological and syntactic means of the English language. The perspective for further research is seen in the comprehensive study of the linguistic mechanisms of manipulative impact on the recipient in fiction.

Svetlana Kalinina ◽  
Lyubov’ Kotsyubinskaya ◽  

The purpose of this research is to identify the motivation characteristics of English oil refining terms, the focus being on lexical units that entered the English terminological system in the mid-20th century as a result of active development of the oil refining industry. Special attention is paid to the concepts of inner form and motivation: key approaches to the definition of these phenomena are analysed, their essential properties are revealed, and the main types of term motivation are considered. The collected material included both motivated and unmotivated terms; however, unmotivated units remained outside the research scope. Methodological tools applied in this study are both general scientific and linguistic methods proper. In the course of the analysis, the conceptual areas containing the largest number of motivated terms were identified. Within the framework of semantic motivation, based on the conceptual metaphor theory, metaphorical models of industrial terms were reconstructed, and the most productive ones were named. When studying morphological motivation, a projection was made from the word-forming affixes of terms to the conceptual areas of technical knowledge expressed by them, and it was concluded that the information potential of the affixal and root segments, as well as the conceptual space of the term system, act as motivational attributes. In addition, we found prevalence of morphological motivation over semantic motivation. The results obtained can help us to understand the role of terms’ motivation in the verbalization of technical concepts, to further study the formation sources and development patterns of specialized vocabulary, as well as to streamline the oil refinery term system and harmonize the language for specific purposes.

K.I. Levchenko

Nowadays there is growing popularity of medical blogs as new communicative environment and one of the promising areas of linguistic knowledge. However, in Ukrainian linguistic studies, there are few works devoted to exploring their genre characteristics that predetermines the relevance of this research. The purpose of the work is to analyze the medical blog as a genre of Internet communication. To achieve this aim, we designed and fulfilled the following objectives: to clarify the criteria for identifying a medical blog as an independent genre and to describe its genre characteristics. The methodology of this research included general scientific and linguistic methods and techniques: a descriptive method, observation techniques, comparisons and generalizations, discourse analysis, conversational analysis. The genre characteristics of medical blogs have been analyzed based on T.V. Shmeleva’s genre model. The communicative purpose, the author’s role and representation as a test addressor and the characteristics of potential addressee, the image of the past, the image of the future, and the type of dictum context and the linguistic tools for their implementation into the texts. The communicative goal of a medical blog is to convey the professional opinion of a specialist to readers, highlight issues that most often arise in medical practice, and disseminate medical and scientific knowledge among Internet users that is typical of information genres. Medical blogs also promote a healthy lifestyle and illustrate the nuances of medical procedures to help readers choose the right strategy for keeping fit and healthy. This type of communicative behaviour implements the informative and imperative goals of blogging. The author is presented from the standpoint of education, professionalism, responsibility, unselfishness and morality. Another distinctive feature is no phenomena of author’s anonymity, “virtual” and speech masks inherent in the diary blogs. The medical blog provides an unlimited number of recipients: fellow doctors and patients. This is an initial genre, providing for the extension of the communication of the addressor-addressee in the future. Dictum context of a medical blog is focused on reality, with a clear scientific position and rationality. The authors mainly use standard speech patterns within this type of genre.

Светлана Владимиривна Панченко

Исследован корпус хантыйской лексики с переносными значениями, зафиксированной в статусе слов-вкраплений в русских письменных источниках 1870–1930 гг. Цели анализа: 1. Выявить способы номинации и семантические особенности указанной лексики. 2. Добавить новую информацию к этимологическому словарю хантыйского языка В. Штейница. 3. Показать причины возникновения лексико-семантических вариантов лексем и специфику передачи хантыйских слов в русских текстах. Методами исследования выступили общенаучные (анализ, синтез, сравнение) и частные лингвистические методы: описательный, этимологический, сопоставительный, метод реконструкции и статистической обработки материала. Переносные значения слов показаны в контекстах из источников, даны этимологии лексем по словарю В. Штейница, буквальный перевод. В результате исследования в статье приведены лексемы и их графические варианты по хронологии в рамках отдельных групп с учетом способа номинации: типы метафорического переноса 1) по форме (6 единиц), 2) по цвету (2), 3) по расположению в пространстве (3), 4) по функции (2); примеры метонимического переноса (4) и синекдохи (1). Указана многокомпонентная лексика, называющая животных и включающая в буквальном значении слова «мужчина» (2), «женщина» (4), «зверь» (4). Перечислены новые лексемы, дополняющие диалектные данные этимологического словаря хантыйского языка В. Штейница с учетом разных говоров, соседних или отдаленных друг от друга диалектов. Отмечены 4 сложных слова, не зафиксированные в указанном словаре. В статье проанализированы причины возникновения вариативности на лексико-семантическом уровне, отраженной в источниках: 1) в сравнении с фиксациями в словаре В. Штейница некоторые лексемы имеют новый компонент и вследствие этого семантический оттенок сложного слова (3 единицы); 2) полисемия в хантыйском языке в лексемах с компонентом ЮХ «дерево», при которой одно из значений на основе метонимии — «приспособление из дерева» (4). Исследование отражает специфику передачи в русских письменных текстах переносных значений словвкраплений в дописьменный период хантыйского языка, а также особенности осознания и отражения авторами внутренней формы сложных лексем при переводе: обобщение литературным словом, сокращение одного из компонентов при сохранении переносного смысла слова, буквальный перевод, описание предметов при переводе или без него. Статья вводит в научный оборот новый материал и может быть интересна для лингвистов, этнографов, историков, археологов. The study examines Khanty lexemes with figurative meanings recorded as borrowings in Russian written sources from 1870 through 1930. Analysis objectives: 1) Establish nomination methods and semantic characteristics of recorded lexemes; 2) Add new content to the etymological dictionary by W. Steinitz; 3) Show reasons for lexemes’ emerging lexico-semantic variations and specifics of how Khanty words get recorded in Russian texts. The study’s methodology incorporates general scientific (analysis, synthesis, comparison) and specific linguistic methods: descriptive, etymological, comparative, as well reconstructive and statistical processing of materials. Figurative meanings of words are presented in the source context, accompanied by their etymologies from the Steinitz dictionary, as well as literal translations. The study lists lexemes and their graphical variants chronologically, in groups based on the nomination approach: metaphoric transference according to 1) form (6 units); 2) color (2); 3) spatial orientation (3); 4) function (2); examples of metonymic transference (4) and synecdoche (1). Included multicomponent lexemes are used for naming animals and including the words “man” (2), “woman” (4), and “beast” (4). The study lists new lexemes, which complement the dialect data of the Steinitz dictionary taking into account various geographic variants and dialects. They include 4 compound words not recorded in the above dictionary. The study analyzes the causes of emerging lexico-semantic variability as presented in the examined materials: 1) compared to those recorded in the Steinitz dictionary, some lexemes show new components and therefore semantic facets of a compound word (3 units); 2) polysemy of the Khanty language in lexemes with component ЮХ “tree” includes cases with one of the metonymy-based meanings being “a wooden utensil” (4). The study points out specific ways, in which Russian written texts recorded figurative meanings of borrowings from the Khanty language before it became a written language. The study shows cognitive and linguistic processing, on the part of creators of examined sources, of the inner form of complex lexemes when translating them: using a more general literary term; shortening one of the word components while preserving its figurative meaning; literal translation; describing an object (in combination with translation or without it). The article introduces new material to the scientific domain and could be of interest for linguists, ethnographers, historians and archeologists.

Olena Kruhlij ◽  
Oksana Cherniak

The article is devoted to the study of distributive characteristics of combining forms in Modern English. The material of the study is words and terms taken from the Modern English dictionaries. A number of general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, classification, systematization), as well as purely linguistic methods (method of continuous sampling from lexicographic sources, lexico-semantic analysis, study of vocabulary definitions, contextual interpretation) is applied. The morpheme structure of derivatives with these formants is considered. The positions of the studied units in the morpheme structure of the word are analyzed, as well as the classes of morphemes that are in contact with them. The ways of word formation with the participation of combining forms in Modern English word formation and term formation are singled out. It is revealed that combining forms take an active part in terminological word formation in accordance with the existing patterns and models in the language. In derivation with the participation of the studied elements, depending on the formal means of word formation, affixation, composition and abbreviation are distinguished. The classification of distributive classes with a relatively free and fixed position in the word is given through a detailed study of the sum of all environments of combining forms, order and place, compatibility, properties of their use in relation to other elements are fixed. It was found that the studied elements are characterized by wide combinatorial possibilities, which are manifested in their ability to occupy different positions in the word, which can be relatively free or fixed. Three distributive classes are traced among combining forms the units with relatively free position in a word and fixed position. Bases and prefixes are found in the contact environment of a limited number of combining forms. The vast majority of these forms are combined with elements of the same status and suffixes. Only conditionally complex combining forms are characterized by an identical contact environment on the left and right. Combining forms are mainly characterized by the environment of units with the same status as them (right and left) and suffix environment. A characteristic feature of these elements’ compatibility is the absence of grammatical affixes among the morphemes adjacent to them, and the limited number of prefixes and root morphemes among their contact environment. It seems promising to expand the scope of the study by studying these derivational forms, which function in different terminological systems and in different styles of texts in Modern English. The comparison of combinatorial forms in different modern languages is of particular interest.


The purpose of the research is to analyze the creative naming of Nizhny Novgorod public catering establishments (restaurants, cafes, bars, burgers, coffee shops, pizzerias) from the point of view of graphics. The source of the material for the study was the personal card index of ergonyms. During the course of study, the following research methods were applied: general scientific method, particularly generalization, interpretation and classification of material, word-formation analysis and pragmatic analysis. It was discovered that innovations created by means of graphic hybridization act as a productive way of influencing the consumer. Ergonyms-innovations are easy to remember, have expressiveness, form positive associations, identify the institution. The analysis of the material showed that the most productive patterns of graphic hybridization were monographixation (33%), polygraphixation (47%) and tographixation (18%). It is noted that for a more powerful impact on the recipient, the nominators combine different paterns in one ergonym (2%).

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