scholarly journals PENGEMBANGAN EKOWISATA KAWASAN HUTAN DENGAN SKEMA HUTAN KEMASYARAKATAN DI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA (Development of Forest Area Ecotourism with Community Forest Scheme in Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 95 ◽  
Indah Novita Dewi ◽  
San Afri Awang ◽  
Wahyu Andayani ◽  
Priyono Suryanto

AbstractPengembangan Hutan Kemasyarakatan (HKm) oleh pemerintah bertujuan untuk pemberdayaan dan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat. HKm dapat dilaksanakan di area hutan produksi maupun hutan lindung. Petani HKm hutan lindung harus dapat mengembangkan potensi selain hasil kayu, salah satunya potensi wisata. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap peluang dan tantangan pengembangan ekowisata di kawasan HKm hutan lindung di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Penelitian dilakukan tahun 2014 di kawasan HKm Kulon Progo maupun Gunungkidul. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi dan wawancara. Data dianalisis dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Peluang pengembangan ekowisata sangat besar karena areal HKm hutan lindung yang ada sudah memiliki potensi masing-masing. Di Gunungkidul, pengembangan ekowisata HKm dilakukan pada area Hutan Turunan/obyek wisata Watu Payung. Di Kulon Progo, pengembangan wisata di Kalibiru sudah menunjukkan hasil yang cukup baik dan ada beberapa embrio pengembangan ekowisata di lokasi Watu Gembel dan Puncak Dipowono. Seluruh obyek ekowisata tersebut mengandalkan potensi yang relatif hampir sama, yaitu pemandangan alam yang indah serta berbagai atraksi wisata lokal. Tantangan pada semua lokasi serupa, yaitu mencakup masalah finansial, infrastruktur dan kesiapan masyarakat setempat. AbstrakThe development of community forests (HKm) by the government aimed to empower and increase the income of forest communities. HKm can be undertaken in production forest or protect forest. The protect forest HKm farmer should have to improve forest’s potential besides wood potential. One of it was tourism potential. This article aims to reveal the opportunities and challenges of tourism development in the area of protected forest HKm in Yogyakarta. The research was done in 2014 at HKm area in Kulon Progo and Gunungkidul. Data were collected by observation and interview. Data were analysed by qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that ecotourism development opportunities are very large because each area HKm existing protected forest already has the potential of each. In Gunung Kidul, ecotourism development conducted in the area of Turunan Forest/Watu Payung. In Kulon Progo, tourism development in Kalibiru has shown good results and there are some new development of ecotourism in Watu Gembel and Peak Dipowono. The whole object was rely on beautiful natural landscape and numerous tourism local attraction. Challenges at all locations, include financial problems, infrastructure and readiness of local communities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Peranciscus Aryanto ◽  
Reiza D. Dienaputra ◽  
Cecep Ucu Rakhman

Tourism is one of the important sectors whose value and movement is to drive the people's economy and influence other sectors. However, in developing tourism it can have an impact on natural damage, so it needs to be defeated by the uniqueness and condition of the existing area. To develop the tourism that is owned, it needs to be done gradually and continuously so that this sector can move the entire community so that community participation can be realized in real terms. Therefore, this study aims to measure community wisdom in developing the tourism potential of Tebat Rasau in Lintang Village, East Belitung Regency. The research used a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection through interviews and field. The results showed that the community was able to encourage tourism development as evidenced by the development and infrastructure, the object of marketing tourism objects through social media and participation in training activities. The research results can be used as a driving force for tourism development in Lintang Village, East Belitung Regency.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 184 ◽  
Suwarno Widodo ◽  
Rosalina Ginting ◽  
Supriyono P. S. ◽  
R. Istiyaningsih

The study was backed by the existence of equitable development and the acceleration efforts around countryside, has done several programs/activities at the village level -based community empowerment as well as optimize the local potential in the village such as tourist village. With the participation of the community directly in the tourist village development, then it can also be used for local community empowerment efforts. This research aim is to find the community participation in the legislation implementation through the Village tourism development Tanjungsari County of Rowosari Sub district Kendal. This research type is qualitative, descriptive research was carried out in the village in Kendal. Focus of the study was excavation of the tourism potential village, forms management in the development of tourism and other forms of activities upon community participation through the development of village tourism. Data collection methods used is interviews, observation, documentations. Technique of data analysis applies qualitative approach. The results shows that the Tanjungsari Village developed into a decent Education about how to cultivate fish and make crafts calligraphy that has tourism potential among other industrial centers household processing and marketing Fish Boiled & smoked fish, as well as the calligraphy craft. Tanjungsari Village Development model geared at empowering communities by involving the community in the development of tourist villages ranging from socialization and decision making in order to prepare the tourism components and the Pokdarwis formation. The research conclusion indicates that public participation can be rated high enough and enthusiastic but there has been no support program from the Government to prioritize the village tourism development. While the obstacles faced that there isn’t law regulation because the tourist village development program is not yet contained in the RPJMDES and RKP village then be followed up with SK (Circulating Letter) Regent Tanjungsari assignment as rural education. It suggests that socialization program in order to disseminate the existence in Tanjungsari Village with invites schools to learn to cultivate fish, creating crafts calligraphy through website and social media.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 139
Mustamin H. Idris ◽  
Nidya Putri Syahida ◽  
Andi Ardyansyah

Tourism is one of the most reliable sectors in national development, tourism also plays a role in creating employment and reducing unemployment. This is evidenced by the contribution of the tourism sector to the workforce in 2015 12.1 million people or 10.6% of the total national workforce, to support the tourism sector there is a need for community participation and professionalism from the government in providing tourism development policies in accordance with government regulations and provisions in the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 10 of 2009 concerning tourism. Departing from these conditions, the researchers tried to analyze the efforts of the Bima District Government in involving the community to build Lariti tourism in the Sape District of Bima Regency. The purpose of this study, to find out the efforts of the Bima District Government in involving the community to develop Lariti tourism, along with the factors that support and inhibit the Bima Regency Government in an effort to involve the community to develop Lariti tourism, the method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method with data collection techniques using interviews and documentation. The results showed that the efforts of the Bima Regency Government in involving the community in developing Lariti tourism in Sape Subdistrict were positive, this shows that qualitatively the Bima Regency Government through the Bima Tourism and Culture Office involved the community actively in Lariti tourism development, besides behavior community and infrastructure Larites are a supporting factor and a barrier for the Bima District Government to involve the community in developing Lariti tourism in the Sape District of Bima Regency.

Paradigma ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-86
Siti Noviatun ◽  

Abstract             The main fuction of the Bank as an funding and lending activities by offering various types of financial transaction services an attractive choice for people who do money laundering to hide money proceeds of crime. Because of that the government and Indonesian Banks make regulations related prevent money laundering that contains Customer Due Dilligence and Enhanced Due Dilligence. Bank Mandiri Syariah has implementation Customer Due Dilligence and Enhanced Due Dilligence as an effort to prevent money laundering. This analyze aims for knowing implementation Customer Due Dilligence and Enhanced Due Dilligence that has been applied by Bank Syariah Mandiri. In this study using a qualitative descriptive method. Data retrieval is done by observation, interviews and documentation to three sources of informants Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Bekasi Timur and one sources of informants that specifically handles money laundering prevention program that is SKAP( Satuan Kerja APU PPT) Bank Mandiri Syariah. Data analysis will be done by doing three steps, they are; data reductions, data display, and verification.The observation result shows that implementation Customer Due Dilligence done at the time prospective customer open the account and the Bank doubt information customer by doing identification and verification. implementation Enhanced Due Dilligence is done to customers Politically Exposed Person/ High Risk open the account, but in practiceat Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Bekasi Timur done when there is suspicious transaction or there is a case. Reporting process suspicious transaction through the system SIAP (System Aplikasi APU PPT) to Satuan Kerja APU PPT (SKAP) Bank Syariah Mandiri then SKAP reports to PPATK (Pusat Pelaporan Analisis Transaksi Keuangan). From implementation Customer Due Dilligence and Enhanced Due Dilligence Bank Mandiri Syariah has been prevent money laundering enter the financial system at Mandiri Sharia Bank.

Wahyu Khalik

Comfort and security are vital factors in tourism destination of Kuta Lombok with great tourism potential. However, this potential will not be desirable if the conditions are not created by comfort and security. This proves that there are factors that affect the comfort, community understanding of tourism awareness, and community participation in comfort and security of tourists. The study was conducted aimed to determine the factors that affect comfort and safety, the level of community understanding of tourism awareness, and community participation in the comfort and security of tourists in Kuta Lombok tourism.This study examines the comfort and safety of tourists in tourism of Kuta Lombok are included in the descriptive study. Therefore, the research conducted through a qualitative approach. Methods of data collection through observation, interview and documentation. Decision is determined by the method of purposive, with 15 informants. The theory applied is the theory of structural functionalism which analyzed the factors and community participation, and motivation theory is applied to analyze the level of community understanding about tourism awareness.The analysis results of research conducted by qualitative descriptive analysis presents the results of research through a narrative supported by photographs. The results of this study suggests that the comfort and safety factor is  influenced by the low level of community understanding in the elements of tourism awareness through Sapta Pesona. The low raises community understanding of factors that affect comfort and safety as a factor of environmental aspects of parking management and environmental hygiene, factors of economic activity and the hawkers aspects trasnportation service providers as well as factors in the aspect of tourism access roads were damaged. Community participation in the comfort and security of tourists is not functioning optimally. This is caused by unsynchronization between organizations. Forms of community participation in the form of the participation into the organization and the coast guard and empowerment of communities in the festival. Based on those results of the three studies, the government of Central Lombok is expected especially for Culture and Tourism Department particular attention to the factors that affect comfort and safety, and the formation of tourism awareness with benchmarks Sapta Pesona.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 159-165
Dian Setiawan

Describe the implementation of the fingerprint electronic absence policy on the discipline and performance of civil servants as well as the impact it has on implementing the fingerprint electronic absence policy. Qualitative descriptive method describes various conditions and situations as the object of research. The data collection techniques used were observation, documentation and interviews. After the implementation of fingerprint electronic attendance, discipline increases and obligations as employees have been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. The application of sanctions in the regional government of seluma regency is in accordance with the regulations of civil servants and the provision of rewards for employees who excel has been carried out properly, to inspire other employees, so that they can work better.  

Tatang Rusata

Cianjur Regency has a tourist destination that attracts world tourists, namely the Gunung Padang megalithic site. As a cultural destination in the midst of the community, the development of this tourist destination faces human and environmental problems. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of tourism in Gunung Padang which involves the participation of local communities. Through a qualitative descriptive method this study analyzes the forms of community participation in developing tourism with aspects of environmental sustainability in the vicinity. The participation of the local community in the Karyamukti Village in developing the tourism site of Gunung Padang is done by forming a community of lovers of Gunung Padang which is an embryo for the formation of the Tourism Driving Group or Kompepar. It can be concluded that there are positive benefits felt by the local community in the form of opening opportunities to open businesses that can improve the economic level of encouraging people to be more active in doing business and developing tourism in the region. However, the benefits of high mining are still a pressure on environmental sustainability in the region.

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Charles Bertomi ◽  
Ni Made Oka Karini ◽  
I Putu Sudana

Liang Ndara village is one of the village in Mbeliling sub-district, West Manggarai regency, Flores of East Nusa Tenggara Province. Liang Ndara village has many tourism potentials specifically regarding to the ecotourism. Free entrance fee in to those tourism places caused by unserious and less attention of the government are becoming problem, as well as Lack of human resources of people is another problem causing the potentials are not well organized yet and even it is not in a good tourism packaging. The research aim to find out the tourism potential that can be made ecotourism packages and packaging them to become an ecotourism in Liang Ndara village. The data collection of this research is by an observation, documentation, interviewing and as well as literature. The data analysis technic used is by analysis technic of qualitative descriptive. The results of this research showed that Liang Ndara village has three kinds of tourism potential which is in a packaging of ecotourism. Those potentials are the natural tourism potentials consist of Mbeliling Mountain, Cunca rami waterfall, Cunca Wae Kantor waterfall and Liang Niki Cave. The cultural tourism potentials are Caci dance, Compang Kafir Stone, Compang Serani statue, Batu Tiga, Hand Weaving of Songke, Farming Activities such as sopi/arak filtration, cultivating of rice field. Man made tourism potentials are information center in the village, guest house, and souvenir shops. The potentials above are packaged in to two kind of ecotourism packages they are Liang Ndara Village Tour and Mbeliling Green Forest Tour. The suggestions are the government is supposed to put their eyes on to develop those potential exist and need to be hand in hand with the tourism actors as well as the society. The travel agencies are expected to make an interesting tourism package like ecotourism and also supposed to be together with the society to take care and survive the tourism potentials existed.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Ida Ayu Praniti Tresna Putri ◽  
I N. Norken ◽  
I B. Rai Adnyana

Abstract : On the implementation of the construction project, financing is the main consideration due to the number of large and vulnerable to various risks. Cost control is the beginning of the estimates. An inaccurate estimation could have a negative impact on the whole process of construction. Because of estimation is reference in preparing the budget and used as control of the cost of projects, then required to major risk analysis that can be used as a basis in the mitigation. This research was conducted with qualitative descriptive method by interviews and survey. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires to the respondents using purposive sampling method, which simply selecting respondents who were competent and expert about the possible risks. The number of respondents was 25 who represent 8 construction project belonging to the government which is located in Denpasar. The results showed that there were 40 risks identified, from literature identified 16 risks and from brainstorming identified 24 risks. Than from 40 risks there are 34 major risks which was 9 risks classified as unacceptable and 25 risks classified as undesirable. Most dominant risks were the risks of estimator team and project. There were 16 mitigation measures at an unacceptable risk and 41 mitigitation measures at an undesirable risk. Most dominant risks were the risks of contractors and owner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 205-216
Rifqi Muflih ◽  
Dany Dany

Public Relations of Headquarters of the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI Headquarters) must work with the Government Public Relations strategy to maintain a reputation by maintaining credibility, trustworthiness, reliability, and responsibility in delivering positive news to the internal and external public. This study aims to see how the government public relations strategy of the Indonesian National Armed Forces Information Center (Puspen TNI) maintained the reputation of the TNI institution. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method by interviewing the Head of Puspen TNI, non-participant observation, and documentation. The results showed that Puspen TNI in maintaining the reputation of the TNI, first, maintained credibility by measuring the objectivity and quality of the news. Second, it proclaimed information about TNI and the contribution of the TNI to the nation-state to the public through mass media and social media. Third, it disseminated the news according to the facts. Forth, it reported the performance of the TNI to the external and internal public regarding responsibility to the state and nation professionally and proportionally by providing information delivered directly through the TNI website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and TV public relations TNI Streaming produced by Puspen TNI. It also maintained good relations between external media and editor in chief and journalists of print, electronic and online media.

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