2016 ◽  
Vol 64 (15) ◽  
pp. 130-138
Edyta Rudawska ◽  
Ewa Frąckiewicz ◽  
Małgorzata Wiścińska

The growing importance of sustainable development concept finds its consequences in companies’ marketing policy, on both micro and macro level. A new concept of sustainable marketing has emerged. It focuses on the necessity of satisfying the needs with profit, while creating, communicating and delivering value for consumers, partners and the society. Therefore concentrating activities on achieving values of social, ethical and / or environmental character, while maintaining economic efficiency, marketing can be seen as an activity, which enables the implementation of sustainable development at a company level. The article fits into the current discussion on the new management concept, including marketing activities. The goal was to identify the impact of sustainable development on marketing tools of modern organizations. The article is a review and has been prepared based on an analysis of recent literature.

2014 ◽  
Vol 6 (4-2) ◽  
pp. 67-74
Tomasz Trojanowski

Abstract The article focuses on the essence and importance of a sustainable marketing mix in business enterprises. In the first chapter the concept of this work the concept of sustainable product is brought closer. The characteristics of a sustainable product are presented. The further part of the article describes the prices of the products in terms of sustainability. Inter alia, the impact of the use of sustainable corporate policy on the price level of products is indicated. The third chapter addresses the issues of sustainable products distribution including the description of sustainable distribution channels. The final part of the work includes the information on sustainable marketing communication with the use of promotion mix instruments. The paper presents the main objectives of sustainable marketing communication and identifies means of marketing messages. The paper concludes with a summary.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (24) ◽  
pp. 10659
Magdalena Kowalska

Current changes in the business environment mean that the pursuit of economic development—without accounting for social welfare and environmental constraints—is replaced by the concept of sustainable development. Enterprises, in order to meet market requirements, adopt sustainable marketing as part of their strategy to provide long-term benefits in the social, economic, and environmental dimensions. The article aims to assess the differences in the use of marketing mix tools (5P) according to the concept of sustainable development in countries with different socioeconomic conditions. The empirical study was based on 262 questionnaires conducted among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in two different countries, i.e., 150 companies operating in Poland (as an example of a developed country) and 112 in Sri Lanka (as an example of a developing country). The obtained results show that there are statistically significant differences between the analyzed markets in terms of implementing sustainable marketing tools. The results allow us to conclude that the sustainable marketing mix activities are significantly more important for SEM managers in Sri Lanka than in Poland.

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Valeriy Anshin

The paper reviews the issues of strategic management and activity arrangement of the company committed to the goal of sustainable development. The conceptual model of instituting the mechanism of company management is proposed. The author investigates the structure of organizational objectives in the context of sustainable development concept and analyzes the product, resource and operational strategies of the company in terms of sustainable development strategy. To facilitate analysis and elaboration of adequate managerial structures the author proposes three models to build structures for managing sustainable development of a company: reporting and monitoring model; active-task model and problem-distributed model. The strategies of sustainable development are implemented through two types of projects: sustainable projects and projects aimed to maintain stability. It is proposed to fine-tune project system to further implement sustainable development strategies through operational processes, functional areas, competencies and assessment of the project systems maturity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Arwa Hisham Rahahleh ◽  
Monira Abdallah Moflih ◽  
Zaid Ahmad Alabaddi ◽  
Jihad Farajat ◽  
Sanaa Nawaf AL-Nsour

These days, businesses are conscious that they cannot carry on without being aware of environmental problems. Firms generally face more limited natural resources, and must develop new or alternative ways of marketing. This is how green marketing comes into view, as it looks at how marketing activities utilize those limited resources while satisfying consumers' wants― both of individuals and industry― as well as achieving the organization's objectives. The general purpose of this study is to discuss the impact of green marketing strategies on green consumer behaviour in Jordan. This study used the quantitative method to gather accessible data from the study sample. The variables present in this study are marketing mix (product, place, price, promotion), and green consumer behaviour. The Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach as a statistical method was used to analyse the data. The population of the study is 2000 daytime visitors of a traditional day in two Amman malls, from which a sample of 500 randomly distributed questionnaires was analysed, according to 32 items. Results indicated that three out of four variables had a statistically significant relationship to green consumer behaviour. The exception was for the green price factor, which did not show a discernible statistical impact.

Agnieszka Suska

If a company wants to be innovative and competitive in the international market, it needs to act responsibly and have good relationships throughout the supply chain. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a management concept that addresses those challenges. The author attempted to identify the idea of CSR and relate it to the practical aspects. The projects supporting the development of CSR in Poland, which were implemented in the National Strategic Reference Framework 2007-2013, were analyzed. An attempt was made to assess the impact of projects co-financed from the Operational Program "Human Capital" on the promotion of CSR in Poland. The study was based on data from the National Information Infrastructure which collects information about contracts from the financial perspective 2007-2013

Mirela Teodorescu

Currently, the image of a company, its corporate identity and culture have become of fundamental importance. Involvement in the community is necessary for a company that wants to ensure not only commercial success but also the respect in which society operates. Donations, sponsorship and corporate social responsibility are forms that companies can interact with the community in which it operates. The difference between a company's social responsibility and philanthropy is that the former involves the development of a strategy for community involvement and partnerships in which the company has in turn gain, while in the case of philanthropy, NGO strategy is oriented towards solving the problems of beneficiaries. Corporate Social Responsibility is a concept increasingly more present in Romanian business society. Obviously, the main driver in this process have established multinationals that have done a transfer of organizational culture locally. Like almost every important concept, undergo accelerated assimilation needs, has become more like a fashion initially, than as a result of full awareness of the needs. As expected in an economic and social framework rather immature and unstable social responsibility in Romania was valued more for its commercial valences than the ethical. In a market that was becoming increasingly competitive, players quickly discovered the potential of this dimension in the construction process of the image and reputation building, as the prerequisite for commercial success in the short and medium term (Hawkins, 2006). I want to emphasize from the outset that, the complexity of processes and phenomena referred to, the impact they have on the living standards and health of the population, Sectoral Strategies for Sustainable Development, which will be launched today, concern equally to state authorities at central and local level, and each of Romanian citizens. Therefore, it is natural to train as many social partners in public debates on sectoral strategies launched during the session, so that they integrate with society's expectations Romanian, medium and long term, says President Ion Iliescu in opening allocution of First Session on Strategy of Sustainable Development of Romania “Horizon 2025” (Ion Iliescu, 2004).

2021 ◽  
pp. 83-95
Atanaska Reshetkova

Marketing strategy is an important part of every business strategy because it is crucial in attaining marketing goals and to grant the overall success of a company. Broadly speaking, marketing strategy allows to define the long-term marketing goals of a firm and what needs to be done in order to achieve these goals. This provides a set of planned steps to bring the marketing mix into the desired state to achieve the overall business goal. In this sense, the marketing strategy is never created independently based on the corporate level strategy. Marketing management has evolved over the past decade to become customer-cantered, and it continues to change along with consumers. It is not surprising that the concept of sustainable development (SD) has left its footprints on marketing strategy, as today it has strong impact on the consumer’s mind and behaviour. Managers face the challenge of incorporating the main dimensions of sustainability into the marketing strategy—environmental, social and economic aspects. The main goal of this chapter is to explain how SD is integrated with marketing.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Semir Vehapi

In the modern and turbulent environment we live in, it is the imperative of numerous businesses to become sustainable.This requires that they alter their business practice both in terms of production and marketing.Organic production is one of the types of production which completely support sustainable development through the maximum adherence to the economic, ethical, legal and ecological principles. Within marketing, this type of production requires the adaptability of the complete marketing mix to the requirements of sustainable marketing. This paper will analyze each individual instrument of the marketing mix in the function of organic food production: the product, price, marketing channels and market communication. This has indicated the existence of the specific nature of the given instruments in relation to those which are used by the more conventional food producers. In addition, a comparative analysis of the organic producers from Serbia and those from developed countries of the world was carried out with the aim of indicating the differences in the effectiveness of the marketing activities in their business practice. As a significant contribution to the topic, the appropriate measures and actions which should help local producers to find the optimum combination of marketing instruments was suggested, which should lead to the improvement of their competitiveness both on the local market and abroad.

Tsalis Kurniawan Husain ◽  
Farizah Dhaifina Amran

Chocolicious Indonesia is a company engaged in the downstream agribusiness industry that is actively conducting marketing activities through Instagram.  This research to analyzes the effectiveness of Chocolicious Indonesia’s products advertising through Instagram.  The method used is the descriptive analysis method. Sampling using the incidental sampling method with 100 respondents. The respondents are the followers of Chocolicious Indonesia’s Instagram account. This study conducted a validity and reliability test using SPSS software version 20. The analytical method used to measure the effectiveness of advertising is the EPIC model which includes four critical dimensions : empathy, persuasion, impact, and communication (EPIC).  The results showed that Chocolicious Indonesia’s product advertising through Instagram is very effective with a value of 4,21. The four dimensions measurement shows that the dimensions of empathy, persuasion, and communication are very effective. While the impact dimensions are in the effective category.

2015 ◽  
Vol 47 (4) ◽  
pp. 123-132
A. Chiran ◽  
Elena Gîndu ◽  
A. F. Jitareanu ◽  
Mădălina-Oana Apetre

Abstract Online promotion of wine products is a new but indispensable approach in all promotional activities initiated by companies and producers of wine, whereas there is a need for a greater focus on this specific market, not separated from the real one, but a new component, increasingly prevalent. The new market, where demand is getting bigger in our country and where consumers are becoming more and more faithful to this type of promotion, is the online environment, which generated, as a response from manufacturers and distributors in almost all food industry areas, online marketing. Promoting in the virtual environment follows the same stages of development as any promoting strategy from other environments of intersection with customers: initial research, market segmentation, setting goals, market positio-ning, marketing mix, implementation of the promotional campaign itself and the implementation and post implementation control. The key features of wine products online promoting is interactivity and socialization. Internet communication occurs in two directions, unlike traditional marketing, which is unidirectional. The other characteristic of virtual promotional methods - socialization characterizes the future of cyberspace. The research purpose is not to separate the new form of promotion of other forms of nonvirtual marketing activities, but to emphasize that online marketing is the component that should not be missing from any promotional cam-paign launched by a company. The research was based on information provided by the S.C. Cotnari S.A. Department of Marketing. In order to determine the characteristics of online communication and modern promoting trends, we analyzed the website and social media accounts of this wine producer, as well as news portals and blogs. Questionnaires were applied on a sample of 133 consumers, to analyze the impact on their use of online marketing. The studied sample consisted of consumers of wine and, most of them, Internet users, from urban or rural areas. Each questionnaire contained 16 questions, with a total of 63 variables, and aimed to compare the behavior of respondents towards online promotion activity of S.C. Cotnari S.A., Iaşi county.

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