scholarly journals Implication of social isolation on mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic: a look at its religious and spiritual coping

Amna Gohar ◽  
Alonso Bezerra de Carvalho ◽  
Carlos da Fonseca Brandão

China was the center of Covid-19 which rapidly spread out all over the world. The rapid outbreak of Covid-19 in Asian countries has severely affected psychological and social life of people. Which also has a great influence on religion and faith. Spiritual and religious copping is an effective approach for mental relaxation and belief on the creator specifically during the Covid-19 outbreak. The main purpose of this study is observing the situation of Asian countries existing literature on human psychology and social life further it also explores religious and spiritual coping during Covid-19. Different studies were retrieved from online sources. In which the published articles were classified according to three themes such as human psychology, religious and spiritual coping and social life during Covid-19. It is evident from the literature that covid-19 has a great influence on human psychology. Majority people suffered from anxiety and depression in these tough days of life. Also, most of the people suffered from fear, depression, stress, loneliness during lockdown which effects their social life. The positive point was found that religion and spirituality helping people to reduce their stress and create positivity in their life. Spirituality helps out people in mental relaxation at times of crisis and epidemic situations while religious copings and strong believe on creator reduce anxiety and depression.

محمد ماجد الدّخيل (Mohammad Majid al-Dakhil)

ملخص البحث: يُجلي هذا البحث اهتمام ابن خاتمة الأنصاري الأندلسي بتربية النفس البشرية والسمو بها، وغرس القيم السلوكية الحميدة فيها، خصوصاً، أن الشعر الأندلسي أتاح المجال واسعاً لاستيعاب قيم إنسانية نبيلة من شتى جوانب الحياة الأندلسية، ومن تلك الجوانب العلاقة بالآخر التي نبعت من اتجاهات قصيدة الخوف الأندلسية، مُتمثلة في وصايا ابن خاتمة وحِكمه الشعرية، على نحو يستجلي علاقات تقابلية ثنائية جدلية، التي تشعبت لتشمل علاقة: الأعلى أو الأدنى، والإساءةأو الإحسان، والكلام أوالصمت، والغربة أو الإقامة؛ لتظهر النفس البشرية أمام الآخر بصورة سوية. لعلني أستطيع من خلال هذا السعي وكنتيجة له أن أقدّم أهم القيم السلوكية الحميدة الكامنة في العلاقات الثنائية التقابلية الجدلية التي وجّهت ابن خاتمة الأنصاري الأندلسي من جهة، وحِرصَه الشديد على بثّها وترسيخها في نفوس أبناء عصره من جهة أخرى بوساطة سلطة القارئ على النص.الكلمات المفتاحية: الخوف- العلاقة بالآخر- وصايا الحِكَم- قيم سلوكية- تقابل.Abstract:This study will polish Ibn. Khātimah Al–Anṣāriy concern on Human psychology Education; and how to erect good behavior value in it, for the reason that Andalus poems gave a wide chance to accommodate human behavior value in different Andalus social life. Among this sides is the relationship with others which flow out from Andalus Al-Khawf poem trends, such as Ibn. Khātimah injunctions and poetry wisdom. It draws out from its dual opposite relationships the following relationship that comprise highest and lowest, good and misdeed, speaking and silence, migration and residence, to exhibit human minds in front of other with a straight illustration. I will present in this work the most important good human behavior value that exist in dual opposite controversial relationship that guide Ibn. Khātimah in a side, and his strong desire to disseminate and plant it in mind of the people of his time in other side, towards power of reader on the text.Keywords: Fear- Relationship with Other- Conjunctions of Wisdom- Behavior Value- Opposite.AbstrakKajian ini memaparkan kecenderungan Ibn Khātimah Al–Anṣāriy Al-Andalusiy dalam menjadikan tema pendidikan jiwa serta nilai-nilai perilaku yang terpuji dalam hasil karangannya. Puisi di zaman Andalus adalah satu wadah yang luas yang mampu mencerap nilai-nilai kemanusiaan yang terpancar dari pelbagai aspek kehidupan Andalusia. Di antaranya ialah aspek hubungan dengan pihak lain yang timbul daripada halatuju yang menggariskan perjalanan puisi yang bertemakan perasaan takut di Andalus seperti yang di dapati dalam kumpulan wasiat Ibn Khatimah dan juga kata hikmah berpuitis beliau. Hubungan kontra dua hala yang turut merangkumi hubungan di antara pihak atasan dan bawahan, kebaikan dan kekejaman, luahan dan berdiam diri, duduk dan berkelana; menjadikan jiwa manusia terlukis dengan satu bentuk yang sama di mata pihak yang lain. Melalui kupasan ini, nilai perilaku terpenting yang tersirat dalam bentuk hubungan kontras dua hala tersebut yang mencorakkan hasil kerja Ibn Khatimah yang amat komited untuk melihatnya tersebar dan tertanam di kalangan pembacanya dengan autoriti mereka; akan diketengahkan.Kata kunci: Takut– Hubungan dengan yang Lain– Wasiat dan Kata Hikmah– Nilai-Nilai Perilaku– Kontras.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 236-242
Barnokhon Kushakova ◽  

This article discusses the conditions, reasons and factors of characterization of religious style as a functional style in the field of linguistics. In addition, religious style and its main peculiarities, its importance in the social life, and the functional features of religious style are highlighted in the article. As a result of our investigation, the following results were obtained: a) the increase in the need for the creation and significance of religious language, particularly religious texts has been scientifically proved; b) the possibility of religious texts to represent the thoughts of the people, culture and world outlook has been verified; c) the specificity of religious language, religious texts has been revealed; d) the development of religious style as a functional style has been grounded.

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  

ABSTRACT This article aims to explain the existence of Tari Piring dance as a culture identity of Minang- kabau people, both the people who live in the origin area and outside the area. Tari Piring dance is a traditional cultural heritage of Minangkabau people which is used and preserved by Minangkabau people in their life so that it becomes culture identity of Minangkabau people. As the identity of Minangkabau people, Piring dance is able to express attitudes and behaviors as well as the charac- teristics of Minangkabau people. The dance can serve as a reflection of social and cultural life style of Minangkabau society. Through Tari Piring performance, the outsider can understand Minangkabau people and their culture. Tari Piring, therefore, is getting more adhere to the social life of Minang- kabau people in West Sumatra and in the regions overseas. In the spirit of togetherness, Minang- kabau society preserves the existence of Piring dance as the identity and cultural heritage up to the present time. Keywords: Piring Dance, Minangkabau culture  ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas bu- daya masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang berada di daerah asal maupun di daerah peran- tauan. Tari Piring merupakan warisan budaya tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau yang digunakan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dalam kehidupannya sehingga menjadi identitas budaya Minangkabau. Sebagai jati diri masyarakat Minangkabau, Tari Piring mampu mengungkapkan sikap dan prilaku serta karakteristik orang Minangkabau. Tari Piring dapat berperan sebagai cerminan dari corak kehidupan sosial budaya masyara- kat Minangkabau. Melalui pertunjukan Tari Piring, masyarakat luar dapat memahami orang Minangkabau dan budayanya. Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini Tari Piring semakin melekat dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat maupun di daerah perantauan. Dengan semangat kebersamaan, masyarakat Minangkabau mampu mempertahankan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas dan warisan budayanya hingga masa kini. Kata kunci : Tari Piring, budaya Minangkabau

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Muhammad Suleman Nasir

Society means a group of people who are living together. People need society from birth to death. Without a collective life, man's deeds, intentions, and habits have no value. Islamic society is the name of a balanced and moderate life in which human intellect, customs, and social etiquette are determined in the light of divine revelation. This system is so comprehensive and all-encompassing that it covers all aspects and activities of life. Islam is a comprehensive, universal, complete code of conduct, and an ideal way of life It not only recognizes the collectiveness of human interaction. Rather, it helps in the development of the community and gives it natural principles that strengthen the community and provides good foundations for it and eliminates the factors that spoil it or make it limited and useless. The Principles of a successful social life in Islamic society seem to reflect the Islamic code of conduct and human nature. Islam is the only religion that advocates goodness and guarantees well-being. Islam gives us self-sacrifice, generosity, trust and honesty, service to the people, justice and fairness, forgiveness and kindness, good society and economy, good deeds, mutual unity, harmony, and brotherhood. Only by practicing the pure thoughts, beliefs, and unparalleled ideas of the religion of Islam, can a person live a prosperous life and he can feel real peace and lasting contentment in the moments of his life. A descriptive and analytical research methodology will be used in this study. It is concluded that for a prosperous social life it is necessary to abide by the injunction of Islamic principles, which provides a sound foundation for a successful social life here in the world and hereafter.

1924 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 307-373 ◽  
George Foot Moore

The centuries which we designate politically by the names of the dominant powers of the age successively as the Persian, Greek, and Roman periods of Jewish history constitute as a whole an epoch in the religious history of Judaism. In these centuries, past the middle of which the Christian era falls, Judaism brought to complete development its characteristic institutions, the school and the synagogue, in which it possessed, not only a unique instrument for the education and edification of all classes of the people in religion and morality, but the centre of its religious life, and to no small extent also of its intellectual and social life. Through the study of the Scriptures and the discussions of generations of scholars it defined its religious conceptions, its moral principles, its forms of worship, and its distinctive type of piety, as well as the rules of law and observance which became authoritative for all succeeding time. In the light of subsequent history the great achievement of these centuries was the creation of a normative type of Judaism and its establishment in undisputed supremacy throughout the wide Jewish world.

Anil Gopi

Food and feast are integral and key components of human cultures across the world. Feasts associated with religious rituals have special social and cultural significance when compared to those in any other festivities or celebrations in people’s life. In this study, an approach is made to comparatively analyze the feasts at religious festivals of two distinctive groups of people, one with a characteristic of simple society and the other of a complex society. The annual feast happening at the hamlets of the Anchunadu Vellalar community in the last days of the calendar year is an occasion that portrays the egalitarian nature of the people. While this feast is restricted within a single community of particular caste affiliation and geographical limitations, the feast associated with the kaliyattam ritual of village goddess in North Malabar is much wider in scope and participation. The enormous feast brings the people in a larger area and exhibits a solidarity that cuts across boundaries of religion, caste and community. Beyond the factors of social solidarity and togetherness, these events also illustrate its divisive characters mainly in terms of social hierarchy and gender. A comparative study of both the two feasts of two different contexts reveals the characteristic features of religious feasts and the value of food and feast in social life and solidarity and also how it acts as a survival of their past and as a tradition.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 699-724
Geraldo Andrello ◽  
Antonio Guerreiro ◽  
Stephen Hugh-Jones

Abstract The multi-ethnic and multilingual complexes of the Upper Rio Negro and the Upper Xingu share common aspects that frequently emerge in ethnographies, including notions of descent, hierarchical social organization and ritual activities, as well as a preference for forms of exogamy and the unequal distribution of productive and ritual specialties and esoteric knowledge. In this article we investigate how the people of both regions conceive of their humanity and that of their neighbours as variations on a shared form, since in both regions ritual processes for negotiating positions and prerogatives seems to take the place of the latent state of warfare typical of the social life of other Amazonian peoples. In this article we will synthesize, for each region, the spatio-temporal processes that underscore the eminently variable constitution of collectivities, seeking, in conclusion, to isolate those elements that the two regions have in common.

2003 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-39 ◽  
Yangwen Zheng

The history of opium is a major theme in modern Chinese history. Books and academic careers have been devoted to its study. Yet the question that scholars of the opium wars and of modern China have failed to ask is how the demand for opium was generated. My puzzle, during the initial stage of research, was who smoked opium and why. Neither Chinese nor non-Chinese scholars have written much about this, with the exception of Jonathan Spence. Although opium consumption is a well-acknowledged fact, the reasons for its prevalence have never been fully factored into the historiography of the opium wars and of modern China. Michael Greenberg has dwelt on the opium trade, Chang Hsin-pao and Peter Fay on the people and events that made armed conflicts between China and the West unavoidable. John Wong has continued to focus on imperialism, James Polachek on Chinese internal politics while Opium regimes: China, Britain, and Japan, 1839–1952, the latest work, has studied the political systems that controlled opium. But the political history of opium, like the opium trade and the theatre of war, is only part of the story. We need to distinguish them from the wider social and cultural life of opium in China. The vital questions are first, the point at which opium was transformed from a medicine to a luxury item and, secondly, why it became so popular and widespread after people discovered its recreational value. It is these questions that I address. We cannot fully understand the root problem of the opium wars and their role in the emergence of modern China until we can explain who was smoking opium and why they smoked it.

F1000Research ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
pp. 88
Soban Qadir Khan ◽  
Imran Alam Moheet ◽  
Faraz Ahmed Farooqi ◽  
Muhanad Alhareky ◽  
Faisal Alonaizan

Background: The purpose of the study was to compare  trends in the progression of COVID-19 among South Asian countries with more developed Western countries. Methods: COVID-19 data from South Asian countries were used for this observational study. Data were taken up to April 21, 2020 from the outbreak of the COVID-19. Four of the seven countries met the inclusion criteria and were included in the analysis. Results: An exponential increase in the average number of weekly cases was reported after the fifth week following the first case. The correlation between reported cases and tests was found to be strong and significant (r=0.90, p=0.037). However, on average, 315.25 tests per million population were performed, which was at least 12 times lower than the number of tests performed in countries with a large number of COVID-19 cases. Conclusions: At present, the number of confirmed cases from South Asia was found to be significantly lower than in Western countries. Hence, an increase in the strength of performing diagnostic tests is highly recommended. Strict measures are required to make the people of these countries follow the instructions of social distancing and comply with preventive measures.

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