scholarly journals Sosialisasi Strategi dan Web Pemasaran Online (PPDM di Desa Rasau Jaya Satu)

Linda Suwarni ◽  
Eko Sarwono ◽  
Edy Suryadi ◽  
Selviana Selviana

The Covid-19 pandemic that occurred had an impact on various aspects of life, including Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) in Rasau Jaya Satu Village. UKM Mekar Sari and Sekapur Sirih which are engaged in the production of rengginang, marning corn, rice crackers and tofu chips have also been affected by this pandemic. Limitations in marketing that currently cannot conventionally lead to a decrease in partner income. Another problem is the partners' ignorance of online marketing strategies. The solution carried out by the LPPM UM Pontianak service team is by socializing the strategy and providing online web marketing through the partner village development program (PPDM) in the third year. The method of activity uses lectures and demonstrations of online web marketing management. This service activity was carried out well. There was an increase in the knowledge of the target audience before and after this service activity was carried out. The village government needs to provide assistance through Village-Owned Enterprises (BumDes) so that online marketing continues to run optimally.

Surahma Asti Mulasari ◽  
Fatwa Tentama ◽  
Tri Wahyuni Sukesi ◽  
Sulistyawati Sulistyawati ◽  
Lu'lu' Nafiati ◽  

Latar belakang: Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) Bangkit merupakan sebuah unit usaha yang didirikan oleh organisasi Kreatif dan Wisata Lokal yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit memiliki unit usaha kuliner berupa kripik dari sayuran, olahan singkong, olahan pisang, dan olahan potensi lokal lainnya, serta unit pariwisata. UKM Bangkit dibentuk untuk mewadahi kelompok produktif di Desa Ngoro-oro dengan harapan dapat saling mendukung untuk menguatkan ekonomi masyarakat di era kenormalan baru Covid-19. Tujuan: Membangkitkan kembali perekonomian di Desa Ngoro-oro yang terdampak selama pandemi Covid-19 baik dari pemasaran, manajerial, modal, optimalisasi pemasok bahan baku pembuatan produk, pembuatan jejaring pemasaran serta pelatihan Protokol K3 Covid-19 dan risikonya dalam menjalankan aktivitas ekonomi di era adaptasi Covid-19. Metode: Program UKM Bangkit ini dilaksanakan dengan kerjasama antara tim pengusul, mahasiswa dan mitra (Pemerintah Desa Ngoro-oro). Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan pelatihan motivasi berwirausaha, penyuluhan Adaptasi Covid-19 di sektor ekonomi, dan Focus Grup Discussion (FGD) untuk membuat sistem jejaring produsen, pemasok bahan baku dan pemasaran. Program terjadwal selama tiga bulan dari Oktober – Desember 2020. Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini merupakan bagian dari kegiatan Hibah UKM Indonesia Bangkit 2020 yang didanai oleh RISTEK-BRIN. Hasil: Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di Desa Ngoro-oro menghasilkan terbentuknya UKM Bangkit yang dikelola oleh masyarakat di tingkat desa. Dengan adanya potensi bahan baku yang ada di Desa Ngoro-oro mampu dimanfaatkan menjadi makanan yang dapat dijual di sekitar wilayah Desa Ngoro-oro serta sebagai pendukung bidang kuliner Desa wisata Ngoro-oro. UKM Bangkit menyediakan jejaring beberapa toko/warung yang bisa digunakan untuk menitipkan barang dagangannya di sekitar Patuk Gunungkidul. Dampak: Masyarakat menjadi lebih bersemangat untuk berkegiatan di Era Adaptasi Covid-19, masyarakat bisa kembali produktif dengan adanya kegiatan di UKM Bangkit serta dapat menambah penghasilan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Objek wisata, UKM, Kuliner, Covid-19, Adaptasi ABSTRACT Background: “Bangkit” Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) is a business unit established by the Creative and Local Tourism organization in Ngoro-oro Village, Gunungkidul District. UKM Bangkit has a culinary business unit in the form of chips from vegetables, cassava, bananas and other local potentials and a tourism unit. UKM Bangkit was developed to accommodate productive groups in Ngoro-oro with an expectation to support each other aimed to strengthen the community economy in the new era of Covid-19. Purpose: To revive the economy in Ngoro-oro Village which was affected by the Covid-19 pandemic – in term of marketing, managerial, capital, optimization of suppliers of raw materials for product manufacture, creation of marketing networks, training on the Covid-19 health protocol and the risks involved in carrying out economic activities in the era of Covid-19 adaptation. Methods: The UKM Bangkit program is implemented in collaboration between the team, students and partners (Ngoro-oro Village Government). The method used to reach the aim is entrepreneurial motivation training, counselling on Covid-19 adaptation in the economic sector, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) to create a network system for producers, suppliers of raw materials and marketing. The program is scheduled for three months from October to December 2020. This community service is part of the 2020 grant namely Bangkit Indonesia Bangkit for UKM that funded by RISTEK-BRIN. Result: The activities carried out in Ngoro-oro Village resulted in the formation of UKM Bangkit which was managed by the community at the village level. With the potential for the existing raw materials in Ngoro-oro Village, it can be used as food that can be sold around the Ngoro-oro Village area and as a supporter of the culinary field of the Ngoro-oro tourism village. UKM Bangkit provides a network of several shops that can be used to deposit their merchandise around Patuk Gunungkidul. Impact: The community becomes more enthusiastic about doing activities in the Covid-19 adaptation era, the community can return to productivity with the activities at UKM Bangkit and can increase people's income. Keywords: Tourism, UKM, Culinary, Covid-19, Adaptation

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (01) ◽  
pp. 100-107
Novianto Eko Nugroho ◽  
Krido Eko Cahyono ◽  
Okto Aditya Suryawirawan

The impact of the corona virus pandemic (covid-19) is felt in all aspects of community life, especially Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Through various training and mentoring activities which include the use of online marketing and sales improvement strategies is a concrete and concrete manifestation in an effort to increase entrepreneurial awareness among students of SMK IPIEMS Surabaya. The purpose of the realization of Community Service Activities through Online Marketing Training and Assistance by Utilizing the Shopee Mobile Marketplace Platform and Strategies to Increase Sales in the Covid Pandemic Period at SMK IPIEMS Surabaya is to provide insight and understanding of the importance of the ability to do online marketing and increase sales of goods to consumers. students of SMK IPIEMS Surabaya so that when they graduate they become entrepreneurs. In addition to lecturers from the School of Economics Indonesia Surabaya as the implementer of this Community Service activity, the counseling and mentoring carried out also involves strategic partners, namely Shopee Indonesia. The results obtained from this training and mentoring activity are students' understanding of the online marketing of the Mobile Marketplace Platform and sales improvement strategies, in order to increase product value and the resulting sales turnover.

2014 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 129-140 ◽  
Didit Praditya

The central government often puts the village as an object, so the utilization of ICT programs only reached district or subdistrict area. Therefore the emergence of movement from villages that use internet, become a lesson that the initiative can be done from the bottom (village). The research was conducted through a case study by performing interviews and observations in Panjalu Village, Subdistrict Panjalu, Distric of Ciamis. Interview guidance is used to find out the condition of the village before and after the utilization of ICT. The result showed that Panjalu Village has held ICT training to the village employees and cadres. The utilization of ICT related to the business sector is quite complete and informative. The available website is used by the village government to promote agricultural, tourist sites, and handicrafts from SME (Small Medium Enterprises). In terms of e-government solution, the utilization of ICT largely are in the information stage, and a little bit are still in the interaction stage. The utilization of ICT in Panjalu Village is used to distribute or disseminate the information regarding the development activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 36
Heni Safitri ◽  
Aris Sanjaya

The development of diversification of local food processing is seen as strategic in supporting the creation and development of productive economic enterprises. One of the agricultural potentials in Ambawang Kuala Village that can be developed is papaya fruit. Besides being able to be processed into papaya extract and dodol, papaya can also be processed into papaya chips with various flavors. The basic problem is the lack of processing of existing resources into other products that are more attractive and durable. The method used to carry out this service activity is direct socialization and practice. Basically all activities that have been carried out are expected to be able to provide benefits to the society in the Village and help the development of Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Ambawang Kuala Village.

2021 ◽  
Andi Tenri Sompa

One main goal of village development is to develop development or at least reduce poverty, improve a more decent standard of living. Village development must involve the majority of the population, the results of which can be enjoyed by the entire community. This research uses a qualitative research approach with a phenomenological research type. This is intended to find out and describe in detail and depth about the role of the village government in community economic empowerment in Alalak Island Village, Barito Kuala Regency. The data analysis technique used is an interactive model analysis consisting of data reduction, data presentation, and concluding. The results showed that community economic empowerment in Alalak Island Village Barito Kuala District was intervened by the local government. This is in line with the policy of two programs, namely the empowerment program for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Empowerment of the capital sector in the village government is not involved in ever providing financial assistance in the form of empowerment in the capital sector. Factors that support the role of the government in increasing community economic empowerment in Alalak Island Village, Barito Kuala Regency, include the response of community members to village government policy programs. The awareness to participate in community economic empowerment, community members try to dig up information about the possibility of contributing to the implementation of community economic empowerment programs, community culture that can accept changes and developments in aspects of social life.

Almira Aurellia ◽  
Dwi Lestari ◽  
Ega Putri Novitasari ◽  
Laeli Amelia Melani ◽  
Lia Lusanti ◽  

Gajah Village is one of the villages located in Baureno District, Bojonegoro Regency. In Gajah Village there is Bukit Kapur which is a former mining activity in the form of an elongated basin or valley, residents call it the Valley of Love. However, according to the local village government, there is no management related to the Valley and it is still unknown to the wider community. In addition, in Gajah Village, there are also several Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (UMKM) actors, the majority of which are in the food sector. However, the current Pandemic period has had an unfavorable impact on MSME players, this impact is on a decrease in sales, in terms of production and distribution. The purpose of the service we carry out is to help introduce the Valley of Love tourism to the wider community by creating a program in the form of video branding that we will upload on various social sites that show the beauty of the Valley of Love behind Gajah Village. In addition, to expand the reach of the UMKM market in Gajah Village so that it can increase sales and turnover from MSMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic. The method used is assistance to the community. The results of our activities are in the form of videos of the charm of the Elephant Village which are uploaded on various social media. The village branding video covers three main elements, namely tourism potential, people's activities, and village harmony. In addition, UMKM branding is by taking photos of products used for marketing through social media. abstrakDesa Gajah merupakan salah satu desa yang berada di Kecamatan Baureno, Kabupaten Bojonegoro.Di Desa  Gajah  terdapat  Bukit  Kapur  yang  merupakan  bekas  kegiatan  penambangan  yang  berbentuk cekungan atau lembah memanjang, warga sekitar menyebutnya Lembah Cinta. Akan tetapi, menurut pemerintah desa setempat, belum ada pengelolaan terkait Lembah tersebut dan masih belum diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Selain itu, di Desa Gajah juga terdapat beberapa pelaku Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM) yang mayoritas di sektor makanan. Akan tetapi masa Pandemi saat ini memberikan dampak yang kurang baik bagi pelaku UMKM, dampak tersebut terdapat pada  penurunan penjualan, dalam hal produksi dan distribusi. Tujuan pengabdian yang kami laksanakan adalah membantu mengenalkan wisata Lembah Cinta kepada masyarakat luas dengan cara kami membuat program berupa branding video yang akan kami unggah di berbagai sosial bahwasanya ada keindahan Lembah Cinta di balik  Desa  Gajah. Selain  itu,  untuk memperluas  jangkauan  pasar  UMKM  yang  ada  di  Desa  Gajah sehingga dapat meningkatkan penjualan dan omzet dari UMKM tersebut disaat pandemik Covid-19 ini. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendampingan kepada masyarakat. Hasil kegiatan kami yaitu berupa video pesona Desa Gajah yang diunggah di berbagai media sosial. Video branding desa tersebut mencakup tiga unsur utama yakni potensi wisata, aktivitas penduduk serta harmonisasi desa. Selain itu, branding UMKM dengan melakukan pengambilan foto produk yang digunakan untuk pemasaran melalui media sosial.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-298
Tri Hariyono

Substantially, Law of concerning Village No. 6 of 2014 has the aim of realizing a village government that is professional, efficient, effective, open and accountable. Karangsari village, Kulonprogo DIY in managing village assets provides space for every villager, especially women, vulnerable and marginalized groups to be involved in managing village assets, especially in optimizing sustainable livelihoods. The involvement of women, vulnerable and marginalized groups can be seen through the Village Deliberation Forum (Musdes), they participate in providing input and suggestions related to village development and economic arrangement based on sustainable livelihoods. In addition, women and marginalized groups in villages also have the same opportunity to utilize assets in three sector areas, namely the agricultural sector, MSMEs, and tourism. More than that, the economic dynamics of village women not only get institutional support, such as organizing groups such as KDDK, KWT, and skills, but they also get support for marketing access that integrates the local village economy into the market for products of micro, small and medium enterprises ( UMKM) are wider.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-109
Hadrianti H.D Lasari ◽  
Safaruddin Safaruddin ◽  
Ka’bah Ka’bah

The potential of this agribusiness can be found and developed in Gunung Perak Village. In the village fresh milk is produced which is then processed in the Sintari Dairy Cooperative, better known as Susin. Aiming at product innovation, the community service team conducted this Community Service Activity smoothly for five months. Participants in this activity generally work as teaching teachers, housewives and farmers. This activity is dominated by participants aged 18-45 years and 100% participants are female. This activity was also followed by PKK in Gunung Perak Village. Mc Nemar X2 test with a Significant value of 0.007 <0.05 so that there are differences in knowledge before and after exposure to material about Processing and Online Marketing of Kefir Dairy Products in Gunung Perak Village, West Sinjai District, Sinjai District. This activity, public knowledge increased by an average value difference of 1.88 with the addition of knowledge reaching 9.4%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 434-440
Betari Maharani ◽  
Arinda Lovita Fendisty ◽  
Ulfa Luthfiana Masjidin ◽  
Dwi Ardiyan ◽  
Nita Dian Rizky ◽  

There are 26 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Srumbung Village registered at the village office. However, not all MSMEs run well. Most of the MSMEs players have limited knowledge and skills in using information technology. Meanwhile, information technology for MSMEs players is critical, especially since the emergence of the Covid-19 and the implementation of the PSBB (Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) policy. The existence of MSMEs will be hampered or slumped if they do not utilize technology in their business. Therefore, this society's dedication aims to improve the knowledge and skills of MSMEs players on utilizing Facebook and Instagram as online marketing tools. Society dedication was conducted from October 20, 2020, to November 5, 2020. The participants are 4 MSMEs, consist of Jenang & Krasikan, Keripik Pegagang, Sagon Kering dan Manisan Salak. The method used is education (socialization) about online marketing and operating and management training of Facebook and Instagram. This society's dedication is the increase of knowledge and skills of participants in operating and managing social media Facebook and Instagram as digital marketing media.

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Jajat Sudrajat ◽  
Meiryani Meiryani ◽  
Nugroho Juli Setiadi

The Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi program through the collaboration of lecturers from various departments and students in the Community Service Program, through the media information website Ayokedesa The purpose of the long-term Community Service Program implementation in this program is to produce a partnership model. This strategy is carried out to build partnerships with related parties that can increase success in the Small and Medium Enterprises sector as well as communities in the Campakamulya and Pasirmulya Banjaran Villages of Bandung and the Thousand Islands of DKI Jakarta, by implementing strategies through online marketing of products through the UMKMGool website. This Online Marketing Partnership application aims to accelerate business development in the village so as to increase sales. The method to be used is the fact finding method, in addition to collecting data in the literature, also conducting interviews with MSMEs and the community and business process surveys to collect supporting data. The output of this service is the Online Marketing Partnership Application in the form of the UMKMGool website and the ayokedesa information media website, as a means of business idea media, entrepreneurial spirit, business concepts. In addition, through the development of the ayokedesa website, optimizing the implementation of higher education Tridharma namely Teaching, Research and Community Service can help accelerate the development of prosperous villages

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