scholarly journals Marketing Channels of Sengon (Falcataria moluccana) on the Local Community Sawn Timber Industry in Sukamarga Village, Abung Tinggi Sub-district, North Lampung Regency

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 195
Rafical Cahaya Utama ◽  
Indra Gumay Febryano ◽  
Susni Herwanti ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat

Marketing channel is one of the influencing factors for sustainability sawmills managed by local people that use sengon timber as raw materials. The research objective is to explain the marketing channel for sengon sawn timber derived from sawmills managed by local people. Data were collected through interviews and observation; where the fifth respondents for interviews; were selected by purposive sampling. The collected data were then analyzed qualitatively to determine the marketing channels of sengon sawn timber. The results show that there are four marketing institutions, namely: sawmill, woodshop in Kotabumi, industry outside of the Kotabumi, and broker. The four institutions form three marketing channels: (1) sawmill –  woodshop in Kotabumi – industries outside of the Kotabumi, (2) sawmill –  industry outside of the Kotabumi, and (3) sawmill – broker – industry outside of the Kotabumi. A business will be more profitable when the sawmill owner purchased logs directly from the farmers, henceforth the benefits of both the farmers and the sawmill owner will be maximized.Keywords: marketing, marketing channels, Falcataria moluccana, sawmill, sawn timber

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-80
Tika Annisa Koeswandi ◽  
Ery Adam Primaskara

AbstractHaving a role as the 'backbone' of the Indonesian economy, SMEs growth has decreased from year to year. One of them occurred at Badii Farm which experienced a decrease in sales volume due to the absence of an integrated marketing channel model. This study iaims to determine the integrated marketing channel system and the value network of Badii farm as an SME in increasing sales volume. This study is a qualitative descriptive study involving purposive sampling and using interview, observation and documentation instruments. The result shows that Badii Farm directly sells its products to customers so that there are no other alternative channels to distribute the products. Such a system runs almost in the majority of similar SMEs. Therefore, opening other marketing channels is necessary in order to increase sales volume and alternative markets. Some alternatives that can be used as other marketing channels is a wholesaler. Badii Farm is suggested to start breeding cattle for later distributed to other wholesalers so that the product is not glued to adult cattle and retailers where Badii Farm can have other market bags.Keywords: integrated-marketing channel; sales volume; small-medium enterpriseAbstrakMemiliki peran sebagai ‘tulang punggung’ perekonomian Indonesia, pertumbuhan UMKM mengalami penurunan dari tahun ke tahun. Salah satunya terjadi pada UMKM Badii Farm yang mengalami penurunan volume penjualan karena tidak adanya model saluran pemasaran yang terintegrasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem saluran pemasaran terintegrasi dan jaringan nilai UMKM Badii Farm dalam meningkatkan volume penjualan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan melibatkan purposive sampling dan menggunakan instrument wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi.  Dari hasil penelitian mendapatkan Badii Farm langsung menjual produknya kepada pelanggan sehingga tidak ada alternatif saluran lainnya untuk mendistribusikan produk. Sistem seperti ini berjalan hampir di mayoritas UMKM sejenis. Oleh karena itu, pembukaan saluran saluran pemasaran lainnya dirasa perlu dalam rangka meningkatkan volume penjualan dan alternatif pasar. Beberapa alternatif yang bisa digunakan sebagai saluran pemasaran lainnya diantaranya bias berupa wholesaler. Badii Farm disarankan untuk mulai melakukan pembibitan ternak untuk kemudian disalurkan kepada wholesaler lainnya sehingga produk tidak terpaku kepada ternak dewasa saja dan Retailer, sehingga Badii Farm bisa memiliki kantung kantung pasar lainnya.Kata Kunci: Saluran Pemasaran Terintegrasi; Volume Penjualan; UMKM 

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-58
Ahsan Mardjudo ◽  
Ade Ayu

This research aims to find out the fumigation process (local: roa fish)and the added value of fumigation processing, and knowing the marketing channels for roa fish in Buajangka village, South Bungku District of Morowali regency in Central Sulawesi Province. Data collection in this research was carried out by census method to all people who conduct fumigation of smoked-baffled fish (roa fish) in Buajangka Village. The data were analysis through qualitative and quantitative descriptive approaches. The research results show that technically, the fumigation process for roa fish starts from receiving raw materials, washing, transporting, clamping and fixing clips, structuring, fumigation process, and packaging or packing. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in Buajangka Village, South Bungku District in per bunch of roa fish is Rp. 6,082. The added value generated from the cocoa fumigation business in the study area was relative low with a value added ratio> 50% (40.54%). While the marketing channel of Roa's fish fumigation business sells smoked roa fish products directly to consumers and collectors who come from outside the region such as Kendari, Bungku Tengah, Tentena, Poso and Palu who come directly to the place of roa fumigation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Sidik Kusnadi ◽  
Ita Novita ◽  
Himmatul Miftah

Medicinal plants or biopharmaca plants are horticultural plants which are currently being developed to meet the needs of herbal medicinal raw materials that are experiencing high demand. One type of biopharmaca plant is turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val). Turmeric has many benefits as medicine and cooking spices. One of the turmeric producing regions is Sukabumi Regency, which is produced by Gapoktan Jaya Bakti farmers in Ciemas District. The objectives of this study are: (1) the income of Turmeric farming in Gapoktan Jaya Bakti, (2) the marketing channels (3) Analyzing the marketing efficiency of Turmeric. The research location is the area of Turmeric farmers who are members of Gapoktan Jaya Bakti in Sukabumi Regency, with the number of samples taken is 30 Turmeric farmers from 100 population of farmers in Gapoktan .The analysis used in this research is descriptive analysis and quantitative. The results showed that the income of Turmeric farmers on cash costs with an average land area of 4,269 m2 amounted to Rp1,477,511.11 and a total cost of Rp 1,373,877.78 with R / C of 1.20 and 1.18 for the total cost, this value shows the Turmeric farming in Gapoktan Jaya Bakti profitable. Tetrdapat 4 Turmeric marketing channels consisting of farmers, collector traders, village collector traders, wholesalers, retailers. The marketing function performed by each marketing institution is the exchange, physical and facility functions. Marketing efficiency can be seen in terms of farmers and traders, in terms of farmers marketing channel 4 is the most efficient channel and in terms of traders the most efficient marketing channel 1.Keywords : Medicinal Plants, Farm Income, Marketing Efficiency.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-128
Fahrizal Imam ◽  
Hasnudi Hasnudi ◽  
Rasmulia Sembiring ◽  
Tumpal H.S. Siregar

This study aims to identify and analyze marketing channels, marketing margins, farmer share levels, marketing efficiency and cattle marketing strategies in Batubara Regency. This research was conducted in May - June 2017. The research location was selected by purposive sampling and carried out in 3 (three) districts, Lima Puluh, Sei Suka, and Medang Deras Districts. The research respondents were taken by classified random sampling as many as 85 cattle farmers, and the sample of traders selected by snowball ball sampling were 11 local collectors and 2 large traders. Data analysis was performed descriptively quantitative. The results showed that there were 4 channels formed from marketing institutions namely marketing channel I (breeder-local collecting agent-big-slaughterer), marketing channel II (breeder - local-consumer collecting agent), marketing channel III (breeder-collecting agent local-traders outside the region) and marketing channels IV (breeder-consumer / butcher). The highest marketing margin is in channel I and the lowest is in marketing channel IV. The highest portion received by farmers occurred in marketing channel IV by 100% and the lowest occurred in marketing channel I. Marketing channel IV was the most efficient channel seen from the calculation of the efficiency index.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-396
Tuti Alawiyah ◽  
Wahyu Hidayat Riyanto ◽  
Hendra Kusuma

The purpose of this study was to analyze the business income of the gedogan weaving industry, analyze the level of business efficiency of the gedogan weaving industry, and analyze the marketing channels of the gedogan weaving industry, and analyze the marketing channels of the gedogan weaving industry in Pringgasela Village, Pringgasela District, East Lombok Regency. The method used in this research is descriptive with the unit of analysis, which is a craftsman who works on the gedogan weaving industry in Pringgasela Village. In this study using a sample of 45 respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using income analysis, R / C ratio analysis and descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the average income received per month amounted to Rp936,543.17 with an R / C ratio of 1.88. The marketing channel taken by craftsmen through two channels, namely channel one, the craftsman directly sells the products to the final consumer and the channel of the two craftsmen through the retailer then to the final consumer. The obstacles faced by craftsmen are marketing difficulties (52.00%), capital (34.00%) and raw materials (14.00%)

This research aimed at finding out the condition of tourist attraction of Loloan traditional houses from the internal and external aspects. This study is a descriptive qualitative study using a SWOT analysis. The informants were chosen based on purposive sampling. The results of the internal aspect analysis reveal that Loloan traditional houses are unique and have their own characteristics. Besides, other tourist attractions can support the attractiveness of Loloan traditional houses. They are Makam Keramat Buyut, a sacred cemetery, Baitul Qhadim Mosque, and Ijo Gading River. But, on another side, Loloan traditional houses also posses some weaknesses that need to be improved. Their weaknesses are no an organization manage the tourist attraction as well as the facilities which are still considered lack. The results of external aspect analysis show that Loloan traditional houses bring the possibility for the local community to earn more income and to improve their economic state. It also can be a form of culture conservation. But it cannot be neglected that Loloan traditional houses will disappear one day as most of the local people started to build their houses in modern style. The competition with other tourist attractions can be considered as another threat to the existence of Loloan traditional houses Keywords: SWOT Analysis, Traditional House, Loloan Community

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-25
Made Setena ◽  
Ida Ayu Sri Meitri

Abstract Hortensia plants are prospective flower plants to be developed because hortensia flowers other than as ornamental plants are also used as a means of traditional ceremonies in Bali. The development of hortensia flower prices at the producer (farmer) level greatly fluctuates from the lowest price of Rp 2,000 to Rp 25,000. Hortensia flower marketing involves several marketing institutions. The research objective is to identify and analyze hortensia flower marketing channels and to find out and analyze hortensia flower marketing margins, cost sharing and profit of marketing institutions, and share prices received by farmers in each marketing channel. Data includes primary and secondary data. The number of samples is 29 farmers, with the consideration that the respondents are homogeneous and 5 are traders, 5 small traders and 15 retailers as informants. The sample uses a purposive sampling method. The results show that there are four hortensia flower marketing channel models, namely: Channel I: Farmer  Collector Trader  Small Trader  Retailer ons Consumer; Channel II: Farmers umpul Collector traders  Small traders  Consumers; Channel III: Farmer peng Collector trader  retailer ons Consumer Channel IV: Farmer peng Collector trader ons Consumer The biggest marketing margin is received by the collecting traders, which is IDR 4,250, and the smallest is received by the small traders, which is IDR 2,750. The highest marketing costs are spent by the traders, which is Rp. 1,010 per kg and the lowest is Rp. 170 per kg. The profits from each marketing institution are Rp. 2,930, - collector traders, Rp. 3,240, - small traders, Rp. 2,480, and retailers, Rp. 3,280, -. The level of marketing efficiency in each marketing institution is: farmers by 2%, collecting traders 9%, small traders 1% and retailers 1%. The most widely used marketing channel is channel I, which is 50% and the least marketing channel, channel IV, which is 10%. Keywords: efficiency, marketing channels Abstrak Tanaman hortensia merupakan tanaman bunga yang prospektif untuk dikembangkan karena bunga hortensia selain sebagai tanaman hias juga digunakan sebagai sarana upacara adat di Bali. Perkembangan harga bunga hortensia ditingkat produsen (petani) sangat berpluktuasi mulai dari harga terndah Rp 2.000,- sampai Rp 25.000,-. Pemasaran bunga hortensia melibatkan beberapa lembaga pemasaran. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalsis saluran pemasaran bunga hortensia dan mengetahui dan menganalsis besarnya marjin pemasaran bunga hortensia, share biaya dan keuntungan lembaga pemasaran, serta share harga yang diterima petani pada masing-masing saluran pemasaran. Data meliputi data primer dan skunder. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 29 petani dengan pertimbangan respondennya homogim dan 5 orang pedagang pengumpul, 5 pedagang kecil dan 15 pengecer sebagai informan. Sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Hasil menunjukkan ada empat model saluran pemasaran bunga hortensia, yaitu: Saluran I: PetaniPedagang PengumpulPedagang kecil Pengecer Konsumen; Saluran II: PetaniPedagang pengumpul  Pedagang kecil  Konsumen; Saluran III: PetaniPedagang pengumpul pengecer Konsumen Saluran IV: PetaniPedagang pengumpulKonsumen. Marjin pemasaran terbesar diterima oleh pedagang pengumpul yaitu sebesar Rp 4.250,- dan terkecil diterima oleh pedagang kecil yaitu sebesar Rp 2,750,-. Biaya pemasaran tertinggi dikeluarka oleh pedagang pengumpul yaitu Rp 1.010,- per kg dan terendah petani yaitu Rp 170,- per kg. Keuntungan yang diperoleh masing-masing lembaga pemasaran adalah petani Rp 2.930,- pedagang pengumpul Rp 3.240,- pedagang kecil Rp 2.480,- dan pengecer Rp 3.280,-. Tingkat efisiensi pemasaran di masing-masing lembaga pemasaran yaitu: petani sebesar 2%, pedagang pengumpul 9%, pedagang kecil 1% dan pengecer 1%. Saluran pemasaran yang paling banyak dipakai adalah saluran I yaitu sebesar 50% dan saluran pemasaran yang paling sedikit yaitu saluran IV sebesar 10%. Kata Kunci: efisiensi, saluran pemasaran

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-56
Fahruddin Fahruddin ◽  
Fortuna Syahna Syaqillah

Food is anything that comes from biological sources and water, either processed or unprocessed, which is intended as food or drink for human consumption. This includes food additives, food raw materials, and other materials used in the preparation, processing and or manufacture of food or beverages. This food is very attached to the theme we are currently taking, namely "Sustainable Food Homes. Just like the theme we took, we finally built a sustainable food house in Midang Hamlet, Midang Village, Gunung Sari District. In making sustainable food houses, we are also assisted by local residents ranging from men or women, both young and old. We obtained land in Midang Hamlet which is also one of the lands leased by the village to be managed by POKDARWIS (Tourism Awareness Group). The purpose of making this sustainable food house is to optimize the existing land as a place for providing food for the local community. So that people can consume vegetables and some other food for free, easy and close. In addition to the POKDARWIS area, we also socialize with local people to take advantage of their respective yards. Besides being able to optimize their house yards, they can also save more for certain costs. Sambal builds a sustainable food house and does not forget that we also do counseling or presentations on plant care, nurseries and so on. So that local residents have knowledge about plant care and do not forget we also invite residents to carry out joint planting and distribution of planting seeds that they shared previously so that they can be taken home and cared for privately in their respective homes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Fery Murtiningrum ◽  
Gracia Gabrienda

In Bengkulu Province, the area of coffee plantations reached 124,510 hectares spread in several districts with production reaching 60,790.08 tons per year (BPS, 2018). Most coffee production (Coffea Spp) is produced by smallholder farmers. Nearly a quarter of the coffee production was produced by Rejang Lebong Regency, namely: 13,459 tons with a total plantation area of 27,828.12 hectares of coffee plantations. Constraints in the development of coffee are in the case of coffee marketing channels that have not been maximized by farmers, transportation due to the topography of the area and the location of the factory that is far away, low marketing production, quality of coffee (quality ), and capital that influences the selling price of the coffee. This situation is certainly inseparable from the influence of the factors of the coffee industry production itself, namely in the form of capital, raw materials, labor, transportation, marketing and income of business owners that also affect the income of workers. For this reason, researchers are interested in researching the marketing channels of Coffee in Rejang Regency. Lebong, and analyze the efficiency of the Coffee marketing channel in Rejang Lebong Regency. From the results of the study, it was found that the coffee marketing channel occurred in Rejang Lebong Regency had 5 types of marketing channels. Marketing margins and the biggest profits are obtained by large traders.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 172-178
Rhaysha Nashifa ◽  
Romano Romano ◽  
Agustina Arida

Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap jumlah produksi salak di Kecamatan Sukajaya Balohan Sabang dan untuk mengetahui pemasaran hasil salak di Kecamatan Sukajaya Balohan Sabang. Lokasi penelitian ini dilakukan di Kecamatan Sukajaya Sabang, Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sengaja (purposive sampling) dengan pertimbagan bahwa Kota Sabang merupakan salah satu pusat produksi salak. Objek dari penelitian adalah petani salak di Kecamatan Sukajaya Balohan Sabang.Adapun ruang lingkup penelitian ini di batasi pada analisis produksi dan saluran pemasaran salak di kecamatan sukajaya balohan sabang. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis cobb douglas dan analisis margin pemasaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variable (Luas tanam), (Jumlah bibit), (Pupuk Kandang), (Pupuk KCL), (Pupuk Urea), (Pupuk TSP), (Pupuk Daun), (ZPT), dan (Pestisida) berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi salak, sedangkan variable Jumlah Tenaga Kerja tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap jumlah produksi salak . Adapun besarnya pengaruh determinasi kesemua variable yaitu 99,40% dan sisanya 0,60 dipengaruhi oleh factor diluar penelitian. Sedangkan saluran pemasaran 1 tingkat lebih efektif dibandingkan saluran pemasaran II tingkat.Analysis of Production and Marketing System of bark  in Kecamatan Sukajaya Balohan SabangAbstract. The purpose of this study to determine what factors that influence the amount of production in the District Sukajaya Balohan bark Sabang and to determine the marketing of bark in the District Sukajaya Balohan Sabang. The location study was conducted in the District Sukajaya Sabang, Location research done intentionally (purposive sampling) with  that  Sabang is one of the production centers bark. The object of the research is barking farmers in Sub Sukajaya Balohan Sabang.  scope of this study is limited to the analysis of the production and marketing channels Sukajaya Balohan barking in the district of Sabang. The analytical method used is the analysis cobb douglas and analysis of marketing margins. The results showed that the variable (area planted), (Number of seedlings), (Manure), (Fertilizer KCL), (Urea), (Fertilizer TSP), (Fertilizer Leaf), (PGR), and (Pesticides) significantly towards the production of bark, while the variable Total Labor did not significantly affect the amount of production barking. As for the effect of all these variables determination is 99.40% and the rest 0.60 are affected by factors beyond the research. While the marketing channel 1 level is more effective than marketing channel II levels.

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