2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Putri Lynna Adelinna Luthan ◽  
Yogi Nikman ◽  
Hasanatun Nisa Hasibuan ◽  
Jaka Prima Albertus Malau

Kota Medan dengan pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi ditambah dengan pembangunan pesat seringkali mengubah konfigurasi alami lahan sehingga merugikan keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH). RTH Kota Medan yang ada saat ini baru 5,6 % atau 14,84 km2. lorong Sidodadi Kecamatan Medan Helvetia dipilih karena kawasan tersebut merupakan pemukiman padat yang kurang akan RTH dan memiliki kelompok ibu rumah tangga non-produktif. Kebijakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk memulihkan kembali kondisi lingkungan hidup dan mengatasi permasalahan RTH di lorong Sidodadi yaitu dengan menerapkan program urban farming secara vertikultur dengan melibatkan ibu rumah tangga non-produktif. Metode pelaksanaan pelatihan urban farming dengan vertikultur dilakukan dengan 5 tahapan, yaitu tahap persiapan, sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan urban farming di lorong Sidodadi mendapat respon yang positif dan antusiasme kelompok sasaran. Seluruh peserta merasakan banyak manfaat dari segi estetika, kenyamanan thermal dan psikis, kesehatan serta ekonomi dan mengakui bahwa lorong Sidodadi terlihat lebih asri dari sebelumnya. Banyak warga non-peserta yang mulai tertarik untuk ikut serta menerapkan program urban farming di rumah mereka sendiri. Warga yang telah menerapkan program tidak lagi membeli beberapa jenis sayur ke pasar. Masalah yang timbul dalam kegiatan ini adalah hama tikus dan aktivitas anak-anak di sekitar lingkungan.Kata kunci : Permukiman Padat, Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Vertikultur Urban Farming Abstract Medan City with high population growth coupled with rapid development often change the natural configuration of the land to the detriment of the existence of Green Open Space (RTH). RTH of Medan City is currently only 5.6% or 14.84 km2. Lorong Sidodadi in Medan Helvetia subdistrict is chosen because the area is a densely populated settlements that lacks of Green Spaces and has a group of non-productive housewives. Policies that can be done to restore environmental conditions and overcome the Green Spaces problem in Sidodadi is by implementing verticulture urban farming program involving non-productive housewife. The method of implementation of urban farming with verticulture training done with 5 stages, namely the preparation stage, socialization, training, mentoring and evaluation. The results of the urban farming training activities in Lorong Sidodadi received a positive response and the enthusiasm of the target group. All participants felt a lot of benefits in terms of aesthetics, thermal and psychic comfort, health and economy and admitted that the aisle Sidodadi looks more beautiful than ever. Many non-participating citizens are getting interested to participate in implementing urban farming programs in their own homes. Residents who have implemented the program no longer buy some types of vegetables to market. Problems that arise in this activity are rat pests and children activity around the environment. Keywords : Densely Populated Settlements, Green Open Space, Verticulture Urban Farming

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Mafazah Noviana ◽  
Nur Husniah Thamrin

ABSTRAK Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kualitas visual sebuah kawasan adalah dengan seni mural. Selain dianggap memperindah tampilan kawasan, keberadaan gambar-gambar dan warna ini juga dapat memperkuat karakter sebuah kawasan. Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad merupakan salah satu panti asuhan yang terletak di Kelurahan Loa Buah. Panti asuhan ini mempunyai misi menolong anak-anak yatim atau yang tidak mampu yang berpotensi untuk memperoleh pendidikan yang baik. Sebagai bekal untuk menghadapi kehidupan di masa depan, anak-anak asuh panti harus banyak memperoleh bekal keterampilan salah satunya adalah pelatihan dan pendampingan membuat mural. Khalayak sasaran program ini adalah anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad.  Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan metode ceramah, praktik dengan bimbingan, serta evaluasi. Dalam kegiatan pelatihan dan ini tahap-tahap yang lakukan adalah memberi materi pendahuluan, tahap persiapan pembuatan mural, tahap melukis dan tahap finishing. Pelaksanaan kegiatan ini berjalan dengan baik sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan dan memberi respon yang positif. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa pembuatan mural ini memberi keterampilan baru bagi peserta yaitu anak asuh Panti Asuhan Baitul Walad sekaligus secara umum memperbaiki aspek estetika visual Kawasan Loa Buah Kota Samarinda. Kata Kunci: loa buah; mural; pelatihan; pendampingan.ABSTRACT One effort that can be done to improve the visual quality of an area is with mural art. Besides being considered to beautify the appearance of the region, the presence of images and colors can also strengthen the character of an area. Baitul Walad Orphanage is one of the orphanages located in the Village of Loa Buah. This orphanage has a mission to help orphans or underprivileged people who have the potential to get a good education. As a provision to face life in the future, orphanage children have to get a lot of skills, one of which is training and assistance in making murals. The target audience for the program is the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage. The method used is the lecture method, practice with guidance, and evaluation. In the training activities and the stages, the steps taken are to provide preliminary material, the preparation stage for mural, the painting stage and the finishing stage. The implementation of this activity went well as planned, participants enthusiastically participated in the activity and gave a positive response. The community service activity in the form of making murals gave new skills to participants, the foster children of the Baitul Walad Orphanage, while at the same time improving the visual aesthetic aspects of the Loa Buah Samarinda City.Keywords: accompaniment; loa buah; mural; training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 193
Muh. Fakhri Jamaluddin ◽  
Mohamad Sapari Dwi Hadian ◽  
Awaludin Nugraha

The rapid development of Bali tourism sector, especially in the tourist area of Lake Batur, lead to many changes in community cultural patterns. Several issues, such as the transition of space functions and the development of tourism designations, have not considered the environmental, economic, social and cultural conditions in the local area. Several regional policies were established in order to maintain the local wisdom of the Hindu-Balinese community and become the basis for organizing tourism in Bali. The availability of open space in a tourist attraction in an destination can be a supporting factor for tourists and local communities. This was a qualitative descriptive study. This method aims to obtain an in-depth description regarding the forms of local wisdom of the Hindu-Balinese community which contain the elements of balance which further be adjusted into spatial planning. A sustainable tourist park may be a site for the activities and interaction among local community, tourists, and also be able to become a forum for education regarding Balinese culture and the natural environment, both of which need to be preserved for the sustainability of Lake Batur tourist area which has a great potential in the development of tourism sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 447
Shelly Efwinda ◽  
Riskan Qadar ◽  
Nita Rananda ◽  
Fanzuruni Fauhatun Mabrurah ◽  
Rahman Setiyawan

Tujuan Pelatihan Pembelajaran STEAM bagi Guru IPA SMP di Kalimantan Timur adalah agar guru dapat memiliki keterampilan membuat proyek pembelajaran IPA jenjang SMP dan sederajat dengan mengintegrasikan bidang Science, Technology, Engineering, Art. dan Mathematics. Pelatihan diselenggarakan selama lima hari, mulai tanggal 22 hingga 26 Juni 2021 dan diikuti oleh 10 guru IPA SMP dan sederajat di Kalimantan Timur. Indikator keberhasilan kegiatan dirumuskan: 1) 80% peserta atau sebanyak 8 peserta hadir dalam pelatihan, 2) terlaksananya seluruh kegiatan pelatihan, 3) 70% peserta atau sebanyak 7 peserta mampu membuat proyek STEAM dan menyusun laporan; serta 4) respon positif dari peserta kegiatan. Instrumen yang digunakan antara lain soal pre-test dan post-test pemahaman pembelajaran berbasis STEAM serta angket respon peserta. Adapun tahapan pelaksanaan kegiatan pelatihan meliputi: 1) Tahap persiapan; 2) Tahap pelaksanaan; 3) Tahap monitoring, evaluasi dan pelaporan. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan kegiatan pelatihan mencapai seluruh indikator keberhasilan kegiatan yaitu: 1) seluruh peserta yang diundang hadir dalam pelatihan yaitu sebanyak 10 orang, 2) seluruh kegiatan pelatihan dapat terlaksana sesuai jadwal, 3) 80% peserta mampu membuat proyek dan menyusun laporan yaitu sebanyak 8 orang, serta 4) diperoleh respon positif dari peserta kegiatan, hasil angket respon berada pada kategori sangat baik dengan persentase sebesar 95%. The purpose of the STEAM Learning Training for Junior High School Science Teachers in East Kalimantan is to have the skills to create science learning projects by integrating the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art. and Mathematics. The training was held for five days, from 22 to 26 June 2021 and was attended by ten junior high school science teachers in East Kalimantan. The indicators for the success of the activities were formulated: 1) 80% of participants or as many as 8 participants attended the training, 2) the implementation of all training activities, 3) 70% of participants or as many as 7 participants were able to do STEAM projects and compile reports, and 4) positive response from activity participants. The instruments used include pre-test and post-test questions on understanding STEAM-based learning and participant response questionnaires. Implementing the training activities includes 1) Preparation stage; 2) Implementation stage; 3) Monitoring, evaluation and reporting stages. The results of the evaluation show that the training activities achieved all indicators of activity success, namely: 1) all participants invited to attend the training were 10 participants, 2) all training activities were carried out according to schedule, 3) 80% of participants were able to do projects and compile reports, which amounted to 8 participants, and 4) a positive response was obtained from the activity participants, the results of the response questionnaire were in the very good category with a percentage of 95%. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 243-248
Danil Fahreza Pohan ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi ◽  
Sugianto Sugianto

Abstrak. Pesatnya pertumbuhan penduduk dan tingginya perkembangan pembangunan, menyebabkan banyaknya kawasan yang beralih fungsi menjadi kawasan yang bukan peruntukan yang sesuai yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah termasuk ruang terbuka hijau (RTH) yang berfungsi untuk menunjang kualitas hidup masyarakat di dalam suatu kota baik dari segi lingkungan maupun kesehatan. Pesatnya perkembangan suatu kota tentu banyak menarik minat masyarakat untuk pindah menuju kota tersebut, semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk tentu juga meningkatkan kebutuhan akan oksigen. Untuk itu Kota Bireuen dituntut mampu menyediakan RTH untuk mengimbangi kebutuhan oksigen masyarakat kota itu sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghitung ketersediaan RTH yang direncanakan di dalam RDTR Kota Bireuen. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada lah metode deskriptif dengan teknik survai. Sedangkan analisis kecukupan RTH menggunakan rumus berdasarkan luas daerah dibagi dengan RTH yang tersedia. Hasil perhitungan analisis RTH di dapat bahwasannya RTH Kota Bireuen sebesar 46,96%.Kata Kunci: Bireuen, RTH, RDTR Abstrack. The rapid growth of population and the high development of the developmental, causing the number of areas that switch functions to areas that are not appropriate designation established by the government including green open space (GOS) that serves to support the quality of life of people in a city both in terms of environment and health . The rapid development of a city would attract many people to move to the city, the increasing number of people of course also increases the need for oxygen. For that Bireuen City is required to provide GOS to compensate for the oxygen needs of the people of the city itself. This study aims to calculate the planned GOS availability in the DSP of Bireuen City. The method used in this research is descriptive method with survey technique. While the analysis of GOS adequacy using the formula based on the area divided by the available GOS. The calculation result of GOS analysis can be that the GOS of Bireuen City is 46.96%.Keyword: Bireuen, GOS, DSP

2021 ◽  
pp. 263
Cokorda Istri Arina Cipta Utari

Teba land change of function at Nyuh Kuning Village. Nyuh Kuning Village is one of four pakraman (traditional) village in Mas Village, Ubud District, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province which has developed well because of its tourism sector. The rapid development of tourism has resulted significant changes in the useof land in this village. This study aims to explore the pattern of teba landuses changes due to tourism, the factors that cause these changes, and the consequences of these changes on green open space. The research method used was qualitative research. The sample selection used was purposive random sampling technique which was processed by systematic triangulation. The result showed that the change of teba was as follows: 22,7% for domestic dwelling, 6,8% for comercial buildings/domestic buildings with half of the land functioned for plantation for religious purposes and for food needs, 15,9% without teba land, 9,1% are still intact, and the rest of 45,5% as a commercial building for financial needs of the community. The factors that affect the change in the function of teba were internal factors; social, economic and cultural. As well as external factors such as political and policy factors. Futhermore, the consequences of changes in the function of the teba have a significant impact on the disruption of the bio-ecological (physical) functions, social and cultural functions, the balance of the ecosystem, and the aesthetic/architectural functions of the traditional Balinese heritage.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Mukhoriyah Mukhoriyah ◽  
Nurwita Mustika Sari ◽  
Maya Sharika ◽  
Lidya Nur Hanifati

ABSTRACTThe development of big cities in Indonesia especially Jakarta City which is developing very rapidly is marked by the rapid development of physical development, thus affecting the increasing population and land use resulting in a decrease in the amount of vegetation cover. The main problem of the existence of Open Green Space (RTH) in Jakarta is the increasingly reduced / limited land and inconsistencies in implementing spatial planning. The reduced green space is caused by changes in land use that is relatively significant so that green space in Jakarta has not met the target of 30% of the total area, especially in the District of Kramatjati. The purpose of this study is to calculate the need for green space within a district. The method used is the initial data processing (radiometric correction, pancarrage, mosaic, cropping) and calculation of vegetation density values based on Normalized Defference Vegetation Index (NDVI). Based on the results of NDVI calculations using Pleiades Image Data in 2015, that in Kramat Jati Subdistrict there were 225.17 ha as vegetation areas, while 918.93 ha were non-vegetation areas. The results of the calculation are then divided into density levels, ie, a rare density of 48,595 ha, medium density of 34,446 ha, and high density of 160,609 ha. The conclusion obtained is that green open space in Kramat Jati Sub-district is planned to cover 12.38% of the entire Kramat Jati area. However, based on NDVI results, green open space in Kramatjati has reached 19.68% of the entire district area. And  terms of quantity, then the amount of green space has been fulfilled. Key Word : open green space (RTH), Normalized Defference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Pleiades Image ABSTRAKPerkembangan kota-kota besar di Indonesia khususnya Kota Jakarta yang berkembang dengan sangat pesat ditandai perkembangan pembangunan fisik yang cepat, Sehingga mempengaruhi semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan pemanfaatan lahan yang mengakibatkan berkurangnya jumlah tutupan vegetasi. Permasalahan utama keberadaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kota Jakarta adalah semakin berkurangnya/keterbatasan lahan dan ketidak konsisten dalam menerapkan tata ruang. Berkurangnya RTH disebabkan oleh perubahan penggunaan lahan yang relatif signifikan sehingga RTH Jakarta belum memenuhi target 30% dari total luas wilayahnya terutama di Kecamatan Kramatjati. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menghitung kebutuhan RTH dalam satu lingkup kecamatan. Metode yang digunakan adalah pengolahan data awal (koreksi radiometrik, pansharpen, mozaik, cropping) dan perhitungan nilai kerapatan vegetasi berdasarkan Normalized Defference Vegetation Indeks (NDVI). Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan NDVI dengan menggunakan data Citra Pleiades Tahun 2015, bahwa di Kecamatan Kramat Jati terdapat 225,17 ha merupakan daerah vegetasi, sedangkan 918,93 ha adalah daerah non vegetasi. Hasil perhitungan tersebut kemudian di bagi dalam tingkat kerapatan yaitu kerapatan jarang sebesar 48.595 ha, kerapatan menengah sebesar 34.446 ha, dan kerapatan tinggi sebesar 160.609 ha. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah RTH di Kecamatan Kramat Jati direncanakan seluas 12,38 % dari seluruh wilayah Kramat Jati. Namun, berdasarkan hasil NDVI, RTH di Kramatjati sudah mencapai 19,68% dari seluruh luas kecamatan dan dari segi kuantitas, maka jumlah RTH telah terpenuhi.    Kata Kunci: Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH), Normalized Defference Vegetation Indeks (NDVI), Citra Pleiades

2019 ◽  
pp. 79-100
John Macdonald ◽  
Charles Branas ◽  
Robert Stokes

This chapter looks at interventions for land and open spaces and their impact on public health and safety. Abandoned, vacant, and neglected land is of great and growing concern in many cities. The chapter considers recent efforts to address this sort of land-based blight and how planners can partner with scientists to implement and evaluate land-remediation and zoning strategies to best improve public health and safety. In many ways, these changes represent the innate human desire for nature and green spaces. Without action from planners and landscape architects, such natural spaces would not exist in many of the cities. The chapter then showcases several studies that provide evidence that the mere presence of green spaces have healing and calming effects, an effect that occurs even if residents do not actively use these spaces. Indeed, there have been myriad efforts over the past decade or so by cities to revisit and reinvigorate their green and open-space planning efforts. Much of this effort has been to insert managed green spaces into smaller parcels and equitably distribute them across neighborhoods that lack access to larger green spaces. This pocket-park movement has economic drivers but, in some cities, also seeks to leverage the likely health benefits to local residents.

Energies ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (8) ◽  
pp. 1455 ◽  
David Katz ◽  
Arkadiy Shafran

The Levant area of the Middle East suffers from both chronic water scarcity and high population growth. It is also a region highly dependent of fossil fuels. In order to address current and expected water demands, several countries in the region, including Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority (PA), are depending increasingly on desalination, which is expected to intensify energy consumption and energy related emissions. Given that the region also benefits from high levels of solar irradiation nearly year-round, much attention has been given to the possibility of developing renewable energy in general and for desalination specifically. This paper presents partial results of a pre-feasibility study assessing the prospects of transfers of desalinated water from Israel and/or the PA, which have access to the Mediterranean Sea, to Jordan, in exchange for renewable solar-produced electricity from Jordan, which, unlike its neighbors, has an abundance of available open space suitable for solar production. The analysis shows that single-axis tracking photovoltaic (PV) systems appear to be the most economically feasible option. Moreover, the study shows that the proposed idea of international cooperation and water-energy exchanges, while facing political obstacles, could provide numerous economic, environmental and geopolitical benefits to all parties involved. As such, an arrangement such as that examined may be a more promising means of promoting both desalination and renewable energy than if each country unilaterally develops desalination and renewable energy in isolation from one another.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 430
Muhammad Ridha Azzaki ◽  
Sugiono Soetomo

Semarang is the capital city of Central Java Province, as a metropolitan city, Semarang has the capablity to support the rapid development of the city , one of the evident is the highly of activity on physical infrastucture, one of them is the construction of residential areas along the high rate of population growth. Settlement area development activities emerge the negatively impact to reduce the existence of open space area. This study uses a quantitative method through positivistic approach. Research data presented by the form of figures and the analysis using the statistics. This study was first carried out in 2006 and 2011 to analyze the spatial through digitized the image map of Semarang, and the results of the digitization of spatial land area of open space and a residential area, which is used to formulate some stage subsequent analysis: 1) Identification and analysis of the influence of the development of residential areas against the open space in the city, 2) Analysis of the acceleration of the projected change of land per year in Semarang in 2006-2020, 3) Analysis of the application of open space 30% (sample in District Tembalang). The result of this analysis showed the relationship between the relevant mutual influence. The rate of population growth and development of residential areas with a relationship of mutual influence supply and demand. Then, as the development of residential areas causes the reduction of open space. In additon, the background of this problem is how to formulate the recommendations to control the land use plan , in order to create an ideal city land use in the future.

2015 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2 ◽  
Carolyn Dimitri ◽  
Lydia Oberholtzer ◽  
Andy Pressman

As the finishing touches go on this themed issue, evidence of widespread enthusiasm for urban farming is apparent in many developed countries. Farming in the city, commonly referred to as urban agriculture, has been put forth as a solution to multiple social problems, including the provision of new green spaces, control of runoff and provision of shade that offsets the heat of the concrete city. In cities with abundant vacant land and abandoned plots, urban agriculture promises a reduction of urban blight.

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