scholarly journals Pengaruh Minat dan Pendidikan Kewirausahaan terhadap Motivasi Berwirausaha (Studi Kasus Mahasiswa Tingkat IV Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Samudra T.A 2018/2019)

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 183
Syardiansah Syardiansah

This research was conducted to find out how the influence of entrepreneurial interest and education on entrepreneurial motivation by level IV students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ocean. The research method was conducted by surveying and distributing questionnaires to IV level students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Samudra in 2018. Based on the Slovin formula the sample was taken as many as 60 respondents representing 150 level IV students of the Faculty of Economics, Samudra University in 2018 consisting of Management Study Program students 30 people, Development Economics 60 people and Accounting 60 people. Based on the results of the analysis, the multiple linear regression equation Y = 0.351 + 0.543X1 + 0.389X2 is obtained. From this equation can be translated that the constant of 0.351 shows the value of motivation for entrepreneurship if the interest in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education is worth zero (fixed) of 35.1%. The value of the independent test variable (interest in entrepreneurship) shows a significance value of 0,000 <0,05. The value of the independent test variable (entrepreneurship education) shows a significance value of 0.001 <0.05. Simultaneously it is shown that the value of F sig is 0,000, because the value of F sig is 0,000 <0,05, it can be stated that the interests and education of entrepreneurship simultaneously have a significant effect on motivation for entrepreneurship. The coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.611 or 61.1% means the variability of entrepreneurial motivation variables which can be explained by the variability of interest in entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education by 61.1%, while the remaining 38.9%, explained by other variables not included in the model this regression.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 493-505
Herman Rupat

The research was conducted at Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance at Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat. The research method is descriptive with quantitative approach, with the research population is teachers of Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat as many as 43 teachers. While the number of samples determined in this study is the entire population minus 1 principal so that a total of 42 teachers. Based on simple linear regression equation Y = 22,609 + 0,744X. hence seen constants equal to 22,609, so influace of principal leadership on teacher performance is positive proven b = 0,744 meaning that every increase of headmaster leadership one unit will increase teacher performance at Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat at 1,235. The Leadership variable with tcount 4,264 > ttable 2,021 with significant level 0.000 less than 5%. Then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, meaning the leadership variable of principal has a positive and significant effect on teacher performance in Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat. The value of R-square (coefficient of determination) is 0,313, this indicates that the principal's leadership contributes to the teacher performance in Elementary School 006 Of Perawang Barat by 31,3%, while the rest (100% - 31,3%) = 68,7% influenced by other variable outside of variable in this research.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Hayatun Nufus ◽  
Rezi Ariawan

This research is a correlational study that examines the relationship between cognitive style and habits of mind. The research subjects involved 4th semester students in the Department of Mathematics Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training of UIN Suska Riau which consisted of students with heterogeneous academic abilities. Cognitive style data was collected using the GEFT question instrument with test techniques. Habits of mind data were collected using a questionnaire instrument with a questionnaire distribution technique. The data analysis technique begins with the Pearson Product Moment correlation test which is continued with the significance test and the calculation of the magnitude of the relationship that occurs using the coefficient of determination. Because the data is positively correlated, it continues with determining the linear regression equation. The results showed that there was a significant weak correlation between cognitive style and habits of mind with a relationship score of 6% and a linear regression equation y '= 36.35 + 0.31 x.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-72
Intan Maizah Ela Yani ◽  
Myrna Sofia ◽  
Nurhasanah Nurhasanah

This study aims to determine the effect of training, work discipline and organizational culture on the organizational commitment of employees of PT. PLN (Persero) Tanjungpinang Area. The research method used is descriptive statistical method with a quantitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation and questionnaire. The number of research samples used was 74 respondents. Analysis of the data used is multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing in the form of T test and F test and analysis of the coefficient of determination. The research conducted resulted in training having a significant effect on the organizational commitment of employees of PT. PLN (Persero) Tanjungpinang Area because the value of t arithmetic> t table or 23,057> 1,994 and the significance value produced 0,000 <0,05. Work Discipline has a significant effect on the organizational commitment of employees of PT. PLN (Persero) Tanjungpinang Area because the value of t count> ttable or 2.649> 1.994 and the significance value produced 0.010 <0.05. Organizational culture does not affect the organizational commitment of employees of PT. PLN (Persero) Tanjungpinang Area because the value of t count <t table or -1.424> 1.994 and the significance value produced is 0.159> 0.05.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-83
Elis Silmi ◽  
Rudy Susanto ◽  
Ismail Dwi Cahyo

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of compensation on employee performance. The method used is a quantitative research method with the number of samples used is 54 respondents. The sampling technique was done by random sampling. The results of the study: The correlation coefficient (rxy) was 0.46. This shows that there is a moderate relationship between the variables of Compensation and Employee Performance at Kreasindo Jaya Abadi; Compensation variable contributes to Employee Performance variable by 21.16% and the remaining 78.84% is contributed by other variables; We get a simple linear regression equation Y = 18.30 + 0.5082X. The results of the hypothesis analysis show the value of t count > t table (3.7353 > 1.6747), so H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between the Compensation variable and the Employee Performance variable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 116-126
Ani Widosari Trisnaningsih ◽  
Haryono Umar

In making a profitability decision, of course the company must have sufficient capital to finance operations in the company. This is to see how the influence of working capital and operational costs on profitability. The research method used by researchers is the method of multiple linear regression analysis, the coefficient of determination test, also performed a classic assumption test that is the Normality, Multicollinearity, Heteroscedasticity and Autocorrelation Tests and also the Hypothesis Test which consists of the F Test and the t Test.Based on the t test (partially) it can be seen that working capital has a significant effect on profitability. Whereas Operational Costs do not affect the profitability. And based on the F Test the value of Fcalculates that working capital and operational costs affect profitability. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 332-338
Ferona Gustiana ◽  
Ahmad Soleh ◽  
Zahra Indah Ferina

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of CAR, LDR and BOPO on ROA at conventional state-owned banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample in this study were four conventional banks in Indonesia, namely BNI, BRI, BTN and Bank Mandiri. The study was conducted from 2010 to 2019. The data collection method used the documentation method. Data analysis used was multiple linear regression, coefficientof determination and hypothesis testing. From the calculation of the multiple linear regression equation, it can be seen that the effect of CAR, LDR and OEOI on ROAat conventional state-owned banks results in regression test results: Y = 11.602 + 0.01X1 + 0.005 X2 - 0.108 X3. The coefficient of determination obtained by R square is 0.785. This means that X1 (CAR), X2 (LDR) and X3 (BOPO) have an effect on ROA (Y) by 78.5% while the rest (100% - 78.5% = 21.5%) are influenced by variables. others who were not examined in this study. The t test results show that there is a significant effect separately between CAR, LDR and BOPO on ROA at conventional state-owned banks. The results of the F test show a significance value of 0.000, because the significant value is less than 0.05, it means that CAR, LDR and BOPO have a significant effect together on ROA at conventional state-owned banks. Keywords: CAR, LDR, BOPO, ROA 1) The Candidate of Bachelor in Economics (Accounting) 2) Supervisors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Chandra Nugraha ◽  
Rusmin Nuryadin

After-sales services are based on consumer needs, desires and requests. By paying attention to the quality of services provided to consumers, it is expected that companies can provide value, satisfaction, and quality that is in accordance with what consumers want. Thus companies can create long-term relationships with consumers or create customer loyalty.The results of the study concluded that the quality of after-sales service has an effect on customer loyalty on the Soekarno Hatta Bandung Auto 2000 with a linear regression equation Y = -3,051 + 0,735 X which means that every increase in the quality of after-sales service value will increase customer loyalty by 0,736 units. The correlation coefficient (r) = 0.952 means that there is a very strong (positive) relationship between the quality of after-sales service and customer loyalty. The coefficient of determination (Kd) = 90.7% means that the quality of after-sales service affects customer loyalty by 90.7%. The value of tcount (16,482)> t table (2,048) states that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, meaning that the quality of after-sales service has an effect on customer loyalty.

EkoPreneur ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Rini Septiowati ◽  
Rakhmawati Oktavianna

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of morale, hygiene factors and employee engagement on organizational effectiveness in the accounting department of Pamulang University. The research method used is quantitative research using a questionnaire, this study distributed 77 questionnaires to 77 representatives of several lecturers in the S1 Accounting University of Pamulang whose number of samples was taken by using the Slovin formula. The sample collection technique used is Purposive Sampling. Data analysis in this study was carried out using data quality tests, classic assumption tests, multiple regression analysis, coefficient of determination and hypothesis testing (t & F test).             The results showed that work morale partially influences organizational effectiveness, hygiene factor partially influences organizational effectiveness and employee engagement does not affect organizational effectiveness. While simultaneous work morale, hygiene factor and employee engagement affect the effectiveness of the organization in the S1 Accounting Study Program at Pamulang University. Keywords: morale, hygiene factor, employee engagement, organizational effectiveness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-96
Agung Rahmat Ilahi ◽  
Karona Cahya Susena ◽  
Wagini Wagini

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Non Performance Loans (NPL) and Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR) on Return on Assets (ROA) at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk. The sample in this study is the financial statements at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk for the period 2010 to 2019 The data collection method uses the documentation method. The data analysis used is multiple linear regression, coefficient From the calculation of the multiple linear regression equation, it can be seen  that the results of the regression test: Y = 14.944– 1.072 X1 - 0.099X2. The coefficient of determination obtained is 0.846. This means that X1 (Non Performance Loan (NPL)) and X2 (Loan Deposit Ratio (LDR)) have an effect on Return on Assets (ROA) (Y) by 84.6% while the rest (100% - 84.6% = 15.4%) is influenced by other variables not examined in this study. The results of the t test show that there is a significant effect between NPL and LDR on Return on Assets (ROA) (Y) at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk partially or separately The results of the F test show that there is a significant influence between NPL and LDR on Return on Assets (ROA) (Y) at PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero), Tbk simultaneously or collectively.of determination and hypothesis testing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 213-223
Elisabeth Simangunsong ◽  
Joana L. Saragih ◽  
Betniar Purba ◽  
Imelda R Purba

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation and work environment on employee morale at the CU Mandiri Tebing Tinggi Kopdit. Benefits of Research: Provide information material to the management of CU Mandiri Tebing Tinggi Kopdit about the effect of compensation and work environment on employee morale and For other researchers it can be used as a reference in conducting studies or research with the same subject matter as well as input for interested parties directly with this research. The number of samples was 96 respondents, the method of collecting data was through questionnaires and documentation, the variables studied were about the effect of compensation and work environment on employee morale at the Cooperative Unit of CU Mandiri Tebing Tinggi partially and simultaneously on work morale and data analysis methods with multiple regression. The results showed the linear regression equation: Linear regression equation: SK = 0.558 + 0.797Kom + 0.448LK., indicating the regression coefficient of the compensation variable (Kom) and work environment (LK), which was positive, meaning that all variables had a positive influence on work morale. The correlation coefficient (R) = 0.886, which means that the relationship between the compensation variable (Kom) and the work environment (LK) on work morale is very strong. The coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.785 means that the variable compensation (Kom) and work environment (LK) is able to explain 78.5% of work morale, while 21.5% is influenced by other factors. The calculated t value of the compensation variable = 6.871 and the work environment = 3.273 > t table which shows a significance number of 0.000 < 0.05, then the two variables have a partially significant effect on work morale. The calculated F value = 83.058 > F table with a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05, then Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted, meaning that the compensation variable (Kom) and work environment (LK) have a significant effect simultaneously on work morale. Based on the conclusion above, it is better if the Cooperative of CU Mandiri Tebing Tinggi needs to increase the compensation provided and the work environment to encourage employee morale so as to create job satisfaction. , Judging from the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) = 0.785, it means that compensation and work environment variables are able to explain 78.5% of work spirit while 21.5% is influenced by other factors. Other factors that affect morale should be investigated from the internal and external environment.

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