scholarly journals SOCIAL CULTURE AS KING OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT “Perspective of Village Chief Election System Distortion Analysis in Pucung Village, Kismantoro District, Wonogiri Regency” BUDAYA SOSIAL SEBAGAI RAJA PEMERINTAHAN DESA

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Anwar Sanusi ◽  
Bima Wahyu Bintoro ◽  
Graha Dwi Wijaya ◽  
Alfalachu Indiantoro

The village chief election is a form of village autonomy in the political aspect which aims to choose a prospecting leader od the village. It is a form of democracy in the village level. This is because the society is directly involved in it. The problem which arise regarding the Village Chief Election in Indonesia is the deviation of campaign activities which is against the regulation. Some deviations found by the researcher include incitement from the supporters to the society. This incitement is done by insulting other prospecting village head or negative campaign which may disturb the village head election system. Based on the Constitution No. 6 year 2014 Article 36 paragraph 3, “Prospecting Village Chiefs may undergo campaign based on the condition of the village society and the provisions of the constitutional regulations”. Yet, the reality is sometimes not according to the regulations

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 178
Roro Merry Chornelia Wulandary ◽  
Abd. Rohman

The Role of Tourism Office Batu City and Punten Village Government in tourism empowerment is very influential to the progress of Apple Picking Tour which is located in Punten Village, Batu City. This research aims to describe the role of Culture and Tourism Office also The Village Government in manifestation and implementation the mechanism of the tourism maximally. The research uses qualitative method with data collection techniques through interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis is done in several stages, including data eduction, data presentation and taking the conclusion. The results show that the role of Culture and Tourism Office and Village Government in empowering An Apple Picking Tour was carried through collaboration and give encouragement to the society, to establish the Group of Tourism Consciousness/Kelompok Sadar Wisata, and Joint Farmer group/Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Pokdarwis & Gapoktan), having coordination among the Culture and Tourism Office, Village Government and community, and also to have a Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang) in a village level. Peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu dan Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam pemberdayaan wisata sangat berpengaruh pada perkembangan wisata petik apel yang ada di Desa Punten, Kota Batu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu serta Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam memajukan pariwisata secara maksimal, terutama wisata petik apel yang ada di Desa Punten. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan tehnik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, diantaranya reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa peranan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Batu serta Pemerintah Desa Punten dalam mengembangkan wisata petik apel dilakukan melalui kerjasama dan memberikan dorongan kepada masyarakat dengan membentuk Kelompok Sadar Wisata dan Gabungan Kelompok Tani (Pokdarwis & Gapoktan), melakukan koordinasi antara Dinas Pariwisata, Pemerintah Desa dan masyarakat, serta mendorong adanya musrembang di tingkat desa.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Heri Priyatmoko

Intisari:Tulisan ini membahas proses konflik tanah bengkok di Desa Telukan yang terjadi pada permulaan abad XXI. Masyarakat pedesaan dicitrakan komunitas yang tenang, jauh dari sikap kritis, dan hidup guyub rukun mendadak berubah dengan pecahnya konflik tanah bengkok. Tanah bengkok dipahami warga sebagai kekayaan desa yang harus dijaga dan umumnya berlokasi tidak jauh dari desa. Sengketa agraria ini dipicu oleh rasa ketidakpuasan masyarakat terhadap pamong desa dan tokoh masyarakat yang melakukan tukar guling tanah kas desa. Sebagian masyarakat merasa ditinggalkan oleh aparatur desa dalam mengambil keputusan penting itu. Akumulasi kekecewaan warga tersalurkan dengan membentuk organisasi Format dan melancarkan aksi demonstrasi yang digelar beberapa kali. Konflik tanah ini menyebabkan kehidupan desa sempat memanas dan masyarakat terbelah dalam beberapa kubu, yaitu mendukung ruislag, menolak, dan netral. Konflik atau ketegangan sosial merembet di ranah politik yang tercermin dalam pemilihan kepala desa dan Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD). Kelompok yang bersengketa masing-masing mengajukan jagonya demi memenangkan kasus tukar guling. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa konflik tanah telah berimbas pada kehidupan sosial-politik masyarakat. Abstract: This paper discusses the conflict of tanah bengkok (communal land managed by the village government) in Telukan village in early 21st century. Villagers are depicted as calm and peaceful communities and lack of critical thinking. However, the hamonious life in Telukan village suddenly became a chaos due to the conflict related to tanah bengkok. The people recognize tanah bengkok as a property of the village that needs to be preserved. This land is usually located close to the village. Agrarian dispute was triggered by the lost of trust toward the village leaders and public figures who were supposed to conduct the ruislag of tanah bengkok. Some villagers felt that they were not involved in taking communal decisions by their leaders. The people’s disappoinment triggering them to established an organisation and several demonstrations. The community was divided into several groups: those who support the ruislag, those who refuse, and status quo. This conflict was spread to the political sphere, showed in the election of Kepala Desa (head of village) and Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (Village’s Representative Board). The disputing groups chose their own representatives in order to win the ruislag case. This signifies the evidences that the agrarian dispute impacted on the people’s socio-political lives.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 19
Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
Safi Safi ◽  
Rina Yulianti

<p>The poor people's difficult access to formal judicature system, in fact, has been a national problem, as indicated with previous studies. Although the largescale change of justice access has been made by government through a variety of policies such as justice program for everyone including poor people and marginalized group in Presidential Instruction Number 3 of 2010, mobile justice system, in fact, has not been able to give the way out. This study was a nondoctrinal/ socio legal research law taken place in Madura area. The objective of research was to formulate A Three-Pillar Synergism Reinforcement Model in Judicial Function Policy at Village Level as one of juridical instrument or legal basic argument for formulating and developing policy at village government. The result of research showed that in Madura area, considering inventorying and identification, the legal problem encountered by poor people in village included trading, inheritance, land, debt-loan disputes, drugs, domestic violence, murder, chicken fighting and different faiths. Law Number 6 of 2014 about Village Government, Article 28 obliges the Village Head to resolves a variety disputes occurring in village, it is also supported by Republic of Indonesia Police Head Regulation (Peraturan Kapolri) Number 7 of 2008 about Basic Guideline of People Policing Strategy and Implementation in Organizing Polri's Duty, and furthermore followed up with Telegram Letter of East Java Local Police Head Number: ST/38/I/2014/ DITBINMAS on January 2014 about the optimization of Pre-emptive activity by empowering the three pillars existing at village (bhabinkamtibmas, babinsa, and village head/lurah as well as society leader). Polri Institution's initiative to empower the community in Kamtibmas (society orderliness and security) field should be appreciated, as it will encourage the creation of justice access at village level cheaply, quickly, and simply. This three pillar legitimacy can be formulated in government policy model at village level with the reinforcement through Village Regulation.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Yefi Dian Nofa Harumike ◽  
Anam Miftakhul Huda

This research aims to provide information to the society related to the information openness and transparency of Blitar Government and Village Government in the implementation of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) of Village Fund Allocation. Several issues stated in MoU include safety and orderliness, action, investigation, apparatus source, society protection, and connection. Other issues include prevention, supervision, and security of village fund. This research employed qualitative method with descriptive approach. The data were obtained from the document of interactive dialog broadcast named “Hallo Bupati-- aired by Local Public Broadcast Department (LPPM) radio, Persada FM, Blitar, edition of Monday, January 23, 2018. The informant of this interactive dialog program was the Regent of Blitar. Data analysis was performed by transcribing the broadcast document, organizing and analyzing data, and interpreting the findings.  The result showed that all the village governments getting Village Fund Allocation in Blitar have madeMemorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Regent and the Chief Police Officer of the Regency Then, it was followed by supervision and evaluation towards the expenditure of the fund in village level.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Ilham Yuli Isdiyanto ◽  
Anom Wahyu Asmorojati

This research discusses an important issue in the rural administration, that is the urgency of institution transformation of the status and position of the Village Head in dispute resolution among villagers. The purpose of this research is to highlight the urgency of institutionalization of dispute resolution through the Village Mediation Institution. The first concern is to find the status and legal basis of the Institution; the second is to describe the urgency of establishing this institution as a dispute resolution mechanism among villagers; and the third is to build the model or system that matches with the condition in Wukirsari. The research method used was a normative-empirical-concept and the data were analyzed qualitatively to be presented as a descriptive-prescriptive analysis. The result of this research shows that there is an urgency for Wukirsari Village government to form a Village Mediation Institution due to socio-geographic considerations and also as an implementation of Article 26 paragraph (4) letter K of Village Law No. 6 of 2014. The Village Mediation Institution in Wukirsari Village should consist of a balance composition between the elements of Village Government and professionals so that it will become an effective and efficient institution in resolving disputes among the members of Wukirsari Village society.

2021 ◽  
Pitriani Padatu

Abstract. The leadership stlyle of the village head ini building roads in the village (makkodo village, simbuang sub-district). The village heads is the head of government at the village level who is expected to be able to run the wheels of villageadministration to show strong performancecarry out village gevernment. The village head as a leader in the village area has personality aspects of a leadership style that can support his efforts to create good relationship with community members. Leadersship style the village head is closely related to the goals to be achieved by a village government. Therefore, the leaership style of the village head is alsways associated with the activities of the village head in directing, motivating, communicating, takingdecisions, and supervision of membrs that are realized the goals of the village government. The purpose of this study was to determine the leadership style of the village head in carrying out road construction in the village of makkodo.Key words: village head, leadership, govermentAbstrak Gaya kepemimpinan kepada Desa dalam pembangunan jalan di Desa ( Desa makkodo kecamatan simbuang) . kepala desa merupakan kepala pemerintahan di tingkat desa diharapkan mampu menjalankan roda pemerintahan Desa dengan baik dan memberikan pelayanan terhadap masyarakat.sehingga apalah kepala desa menunjukan kinerja yang bagus dalam menyelenggarakan pemerintahan desa. Kepala Desa sebagai seorang pemimpin dilingkup desa memiliki aspek-aspek kepribadian gaya kepemimpinan yang dapat menujang usahanya dalam mewujudkan hubungan yang baik dengan anggota masyarakat.Gaya kepemimpinan kepala desa erat hubungannya dengan tujuan yang hendak dicapai oleh suatu pemerintahan desa. Oleh karena itu, gaya kepemimpinan kepala desa selalu dihubungkan dengan kegiatan kepala desa dalam mengarahkan, memotivasi, berkomunikasi, mengambil keputusan, dan pengawasan anggota yang mewujudkan tujuan pemerintahan desa.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gaya kepemimpinan kepala desa dalam melaksanakan pembanguna jalan di desa.Kata kunci: kepela Desa, Kepemimpinan, Pemerintahan

2018 ◽  
Vol 54 ◽  
pp. 08012
Erma Rusdiana ◽  
Eny Suastuti ◽  
Syamsul Fatoni

This research is based on the criminal acts of human trafficking phenomenon through the Indonesian migrant workers delivery initially impersonating the recruitment activities by the scalpers in the village level in number of ways. The evidences show the poor village authorities regarding the issue at hand and relating to its people working abroad. This research aims to analyze Law No 18 of 2017 mandating the village government to actively participate in protecting the Indonesian especially the criminal acts of human trafficking cases. This is doctrinal legal research; employing the law approach in the sense of law in the book applying the statute approach. This research demonstrates the argument of Law No. 18 of 2017 legalization which is to provide the village authorization setting to extend migrant workers protection before, during, and after completion of their work. To implement the Article 42 pertaining to village’s duties and responsibilities, its government can arrange the village regulation about PMI. It is clearly stated in Law No 6 of 2014 about Village. It is subsequently beneficial in a way that the village, as the main key of worker distribution, actively participates in criminal acts of human trafficking anticipation impersonating the Indonesian migrant workers delivery and simultaneously provides the Indonesian migrant workers protection.

Rd. Ahmad Buchari

Secara demografis Kabupaten Garut sangat rentan terjadinya Bencana tanah longsor, banjir, angin puting beliung dan kebakaran dikarenakan wilayah didominasi pegunungan. Mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal dalam pencegahan menghadapi bencana. Undang-undang nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana dan diatur tentang teknis dan kewenangan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2008. Mitigasi bencana yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Garut yakni dengan membentuk desa tanggap bencana dengan menggunakan tiga aspek yakni perencanaan, kelembagaan ditingkat Desa dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat sebagai sebuah upaya membangun masyarakat tahan dan tanggap pada bencana. Melalui perencanaan ditingkat desa dengan melibatkan berbagai unsur pengambil kepentingan serta dukungan kebijakan kegiatan mitigasi bencana sangat bermamfaat bagi warga desa yang rentan dengan bencana. Kelembagaan yang dibentuk di Desa berguna untuk mengorganisir warga untuk semakin meningkatkan kepedulian dan rasa sosial yang tinggi. sedangkan pengembangan kapasitas adalah bentuk melatih sumberdaya desa untuk menjadi relawan yang bergerak dan fokus pada tugas kerelawanan dan kebencanaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tanggap bencana belum optimal diberikan kesemua warga, dan masih sebatas kepada relawan yang dibentuk di masing-masing RT/RW, hal tersebut dikarenakan keterbatasan dukungan anggaran dari lembaga kebencanaan maupun dari pemerintah Desa dalam melakukan pemberdayaan dan pendampingan masyarakat. selain itu lemahnya komunikasi antar pemerintah Desa yang menjadi Desa tangguh bencana. Sarannya, Pemerintah Desa harus meningkatkan peran serta warga melalui pelatihan disemua kelompok melalui perencanaan dan memaksimalkan desa tangguh bencana dengan kelembagaan dan pengembangan kapasitas baik relawan kebencanaan maupun warga desa guna mengurangi resiko kerugian kebencanaan dan mendorong warga desa untuk giat melakukan kegiatan penghijauan dan menjaga lingkungan agar tetap asri.  Secara demografis Kabupaten Garut sangat rentan terjadinya Bencana tanah longsor, banjir, angin puting beliung dan kebakaran dikarenakan wilayah didominasi pegunungan. Mitigasi bencana merupakan langkah awal dalam pencegahan menghadapi bencana. Undang-undang nomor 24 tahun 2007 tentang Penanggulangan Bencana dan diatur tentang teknis dan kewenangan oleh Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana yang diatur dalam Peraturan Presiden Nomor 8 tahun 2008. Mitigasi bencana yang dilakukan di Kabupaten Garut yakni dengan membentuk desa tanggap bencana dengan menggunakan tiga aspek yakni perencanaan, kelembagaan ditingkat Desa dan penguatan kapasitas masyarakat sebagai sebuah upaya membangun masyarakat tahan dan tanggap pada bencana. Melalui perencanaan ditingkat desa dengan melibatkan berbagai unsur pengambil kepentingan serta dukungan kebijakan kegiatan mitigasi bencana sangat bermamfaat bagi warga desa yang rentan dengan bencana. Kelembagaan yang dibentuk di Desa berguna untuk mengorganisir warga untuk semakin meningkatkan kepedulian dan rasa sosial yang tinggi. sedangkan pengembangan kapasitas adalah bentuk melatih sumberdaya desa untuk menjadi relawan yang bergerak dan fokus pada tugas kerelawanan dan kebencanaan.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pelatihan tanggap bencana belum optimal diberikan kesemua warga, dan masih sebatas kepada relawan yang dibentuk di masing-masing RT/RW, hal tersebut dikarenakan keterbatasan dukungan anggaran dari lembaga kebencanaan maupun dari pemerintah Desa dalam melakukan pemberdayaan dan pendampingan masyarakat. selain itu lemahnya komunikasi antar pemerintah Desa yang menjadi Desa tangguh bencana. Sarannya, Pemerintah Desa harus meningkatkan peran serta warga melalui pelatihan disemua kelompok melalui perencanaan dan memaksimalkan desa tangguh bencana dengan kelembagaan dan pengembangan kapasitas baik relawan kebencanaan maupun warga desa guna mengurangi resiko kerugian kebencanaan dan mendorong warga desa untuk giat melakukan kegiatan penghijauan dan menjaga lingkungan agar tetap asri.  Demographically Garut Regency is very vulnerable to landslides, floods, whirlwinds, and fires due to mountainous dominated areas. Disaster mitigation is the first step in preventing disaster. Law number 24 of 2007 concerning Disaster Management and regulated technical and authority by the National Disaster Management Agency as stipulated in Presidential Regulation No. 8 of 2008. Disaster mitigation carried out in Garut Regency is by forming disaster response villages using three aspects namely planning-, institutions at the village level and community capacity building as an effort to build a community resilient and responsive to disasters. Through planning at the village level, involving various elements of stakeholders and policy support for disaster mitigation activities is very beneficial for villagers who are vulnerable to disasters. The institution formed in the village is useful for organizing citizens to further increase awareness and high social sense. whereas capacity building is a form of training village resources to become volunteers who move and focus on volunteerism and disaster tasks. The results of this study indicate that disaster response training has not been optimally provided by all residents, and is still limited to volunteers formed in each RT / RW, this is due to the limited budget support from disaster agencies and the village government in carrying out community empowerment and assistance. in addition to that the weak communication between the village governments which became disaster-resilient villages. The suggestion is that the village government should increase the participation of citizens through training in all groups through planning and maximizing disaster-resilient villages with institutions and capacity building for both disaster volunteers and villagers to reduce the risk of disaster losses and encourage villagers to actively engage in greening activities and preserve the environment beautiful. 

Maurice Rogers ◽  

This study examines the development of village authority arrangements, since the independent Republic of Indonesia until the issuance of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and Implementing Government Regulations. The purpose of this study is to understand the legal basis of village authority in Indonesia after the independence of the Republic of Indonesia until the issuance of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages and to find out the development of the political direction of the government's law regarding village regulations related to the authority of the village government. The research method uses the type of research that researchers use is normative legal research. Obtaining data from library materials or secondary data, then the technique of collecting data or legal materials in this research is carried out by literature/documentation studies. This research uses a statute approach and a historical approach, which is carried out to track the history of legal institutions from time to time. This research produces an overview of the journey of regulating village authority, the ups and downs of village authority can be seen from the successive Laws of Regional and Village Governments, relating to the existence of village governments within the framework of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The conclusions that can be drawn from this research are regarding. These include: The existence of ups and downs regarding the regulation of village authority, both at the level of law and at the level of government regulations, the existence of the political will of the government to restore the existence of the village, which actually existed before the birth of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as the growing recognition of village autonomy and Traditional villages are of special concern to legislators (the President and the House of Representatives).

Ernst Bruckmüller

The Power of the Peasants? The Transformation of Agrarian Society. This chapter examines the development of a clear estate consciousness among the Lower Austrian peasantry in the nineteenth century and considers its implications for power relations in the land. Prior to 1848, the peasant population were ruled by feudal landowners, and were entitled to an insignificant degree of self-governance only on the village level. When the landholding reform (Grundentlastung) put an end to feudalism in 1848, autonomous communes were formed in which the upper peasantry now had some say. The liberalism that prevailed from 1861/67 onwards shattered the traditional societal foundations, and crisis set in with debt and a steep decline in prices from 1880 onwards. The articulation of peasants’ problems by a vintner (Steininger) and experts and politicians with an interest in social welfare saw the emergence of an increasingly dense agrarian network via specialist associations and trade unions. Ultimately, these efforts culminated in the foundation of a successful political organisation, the Lower Austrian Farmers’ Association, which may be considered a manifestation of athe emergence of an estate consciousness realisable on the political level.

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