scholarly journals Analisis Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Desa Sumber Urip, Rejang Lebong, Bengkulu

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-53
Ika Pasca Himawati ◽  
Marwan Arwani ◽  
Dayu Silviana

This study aims to explain the stretching of the tourism village development in terms of the form of community participation. Research uses  qualitative descriptive approach, the analysis is carried out using the exchange theory. The research results show the form of participation by the community can be seen from the construction of tourist facilities. Pokdarwis involvement as a tourism manager is carried out by taking four stages of participation: namely, participation in planning through the activity of conveying ideas in the form of criticism and suggestions at the planning meeting for tourism village development activities. Furthermore, the implementation stage is manifested in the form of personnel participating in the form of mutual assistance activities to improve the condition of tourist facilities, environmental maintenance by cleaning up trash on the hiking trail and becoming parking guards. On the other hand, the form of skill participation carried out by the community is manifested through activities of making tourist souvenirs and promotion on social media. Meanwhile, the utilization stage is carried out through efforts to open business opportunities and opportunities for youth who do not have a job. Finally, the evaluation stage is carried out by taking a comparative study activity to other Tourism Villages as a comparison to see the success of the Bukit Kaba Tourism Village.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Andhyarnita Pratami ◽  
Sugiarto Sugiarto ◽  
Masduki Ahmad

Curriculum management is one of the important components in the process of providing education in an educational unit. Therefore, curriculum management should receive more attention as an effort to optimize the quality of education. This study aims to analyze curriculum management in intercultural schools. The focus of this research is the component of curriculum management which consists of the curriculum planning stage, the organizing stage, the implementation stage, and the evaluation stage. This research is research using a qualitative descriptive approach. The data in this study were collected through observation and interviews with principals, teachers, and representatives of curriculum developers. The data that has been collected is then analyzed using the data analysis method according to Milles and Huberman which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results of the study indicate that curriculum management/management in intercultural schools has been implemented by following the stages of curriculum development which include planning, organizing/coordinating, implementing, and evaluating curriculum stages. The implementation of the stages of curriculum development shows that the curriculum management process has been carried out in a good category.

Restaurants also contribute to the generation of solid waste in tourism destinations. Participation needs to be identified because restaurants participate in utilizing and getting benefits from the tourism development. This research aims to analyze the participation of restaurants in solid waste management started from the planning stage, implementation stage, benefit stage, and evaluation stage. The research is located on the beach Ngrenehan, Ngobaran Beach, Baron Beach, Sepanjang Beach, Kukup Beach and Drini Beach. The consideration that underlies location selection is the existence of restaurants and tourists. Quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire distributed to 48 restaurant owners. The data that has been collected is then processed using simple statistics to see the frequency and average. Simplified data were then analyzed using a qualitative descriptive approach and strengthened by the results of field observations and interviews. In general it can be concluded that restaurant owners actively participate in solid waste management. Participation in the planning stage was 73%, the implementation stage was 66%, the benefit taking stage was 100%, and the evaluation stage was 81%. Restaurant owners since the early stages of participation have shown positive activity. At the implementation stage, participation is influenced by the lack of knowledge and understanding related to the solid waste they have. Perception in taking benefits is influenced by how cleanliness of restaurants is felt to be beneficial both directly and indirectly. Participation in the evaluation was shown by the majority of respondents feeling that solid waste management was in accordance with planning and expectations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Mohammad Hidayaturrahman ◽  
D.I Ansusa Putra

This research was conducted to find out how the role of technology and social media in spreading Al-Quran and hadith by the mubalig. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach, while the method of collecting data with observation on the activities of the mubalig and dai who perform religious da’wa activities, both in mosques, langgar, and majlis taklim assemblies held at homes of pilgrims or mubalig house. This research found that, mubalig already flat using technology and social media for the purposes of their da’wah. The preachers use technology and social media for various purposes of da’wa, communicating with the congregation of recitation, to read references of religious material, as well as as a means to store the propagation material which subsequently submitted during the recitation. The last is to make existing apps their devices to recall verses or hadiths that happen to be forgotten when delivering lecture material. The mubalig rate, technology and social media are something positive to use as a medium of communication preaching. So that mubalig are not allergic to technology and social media, even some of them become active users in social media. Similarly, in his own devices there are many applications of the Qur'an and Hadith. Carrying a device is an effective way of learning, carrying the reference of the book, because it does not have to bring a large book of physical to come preach to various places and locations. Technology is considered to be able to connect them with the other ustaz, kiai or religious figures in the same or different organization.

Rifki Irawan

The aim of this research is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using LMS-Edmodo based on the teacher’s perceptions. This research is a qualitative descriptive approach that involved one teacher as a participant. Observation, documentation, and interview are three kinds of instruments which were applied to this research. The data were collected by using three stages of qualitative analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994), which were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Based on the teacher’s perception, the strengths of teaching speaking by using Edmodo are its economy, privacy, simplicity, and flexibility. On the other hand, time-consuming, harm to the teacher’s health, slow loading if The aim of this research is to explore the strengths and weaknesses of teaching speaking by using LMS-Edmodo based on the teacher’s perceptions. This research is a qualitative descriptive approach that involved one teacher as a participant. Observation, documentation, and interview are three kinds of instruments which were applied to this research. The data were collected by using three stages of qualitative analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994), which were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and verification. Based on the teacher’s perception, the strengths of teaching speaking by using Edmodo are its economy, privacy, simplicity, and flexibility. On the other hand, time-consuming, harm to the teacher’s health, slow loading if lacks of internet connection, the error of the system, easy for students to copy and paste their classmates’ assignments are its weaknesses.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-20
Ganjar Hermadi

Implementation of services, especially in education and training services has not run optimally. Especially if the training is held in two different locations, Bandung and Cisolok. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of education and training services in Diklat Teknis Pelaksana I (TP I) in 2018 held in Bandung and Cisolok, Sukabumi. The research method uses a qualitative descriptive approach based on the author's observations as one of the instructors in the training and analysis of the results of the evaluation of the training implementation and an interview. The informant is the one of the training officer that involved at Diklat TP I. The expected results of the study are recommendations for better implementation of Diklat TP I in the future and the implementation of education and training in the PPSDMA in general. The other expected results of this study is to be a reference for the implementation of training that is more optimal in accordance with the services applicable in PPSDMA. ABSTRAKImplementasi pelayanan, khususnya pada pelayanan diklat belum berjalan secara optimal. Terlebih jika penyelenggaraan diklat dilaksanakan didua lokasi yang berbeda Bandung dan Cisolok. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa implementasi pelayanan diklat pada Diklat Teknis Pelaksana I (TP I) pada 2018 di Bandung dan Cisolok, Sukabumi. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif berdasarkan pengamatan penulis sebagai salah satu pengajar pada diklat tersebut dan analisis data hasil evaluasi penyelenggaraan diklat serta wawancara. Informan penelitian adalah salah satu petugas di bidang penyelenggaraan diklat yang terlibat pada Diklat TP I. Hasil yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah rekomendasi untuk pelaksanaan Diklat TP I yang lebih baik di masa depan dan penyelenggaraan diklat di PPSDMA secara umum. Hasil lain yang diharapkan adalah penelitian ini bisa menjadi referensi untuk pelaksanaan pelatihan yang lebih optimal sesuai dengan pelayanan yang berlaku di PPSDMA.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Zikri Alfandry ◽  
Rosane Medriati ◽  
Nyoman Rohadi

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif metode survey yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan masalah-masalah yang dialami guru fisika SMA se-kabupaten rejang  lebong dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 9 guru fisika sma yang terdiri dari 3 orang masing-masing sekolah yaitu SMA 1, SMA 2 dan SMA 8 Kabupaten Rejang Lebong. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara pengisian angket dan wawancara responden. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa hambatan yang dialami guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013 pada tahap perencanaan sebesar 48%, tahap pelaksanaan sebesar 51,49% dan tahap evaluasi sebesar 55,79%. kesulitan yang dihadapi guru dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013 pada tahap perencanaan sebesar 75,56%, tahap pelaksanaan sebesar 92,93% dan tahap evaluasi sebesar 94,14%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa guru mengalami kesulitan dan hambatan dalam menerapkan kurikulum 2013. Kata kunci:  Kurikulum 2013, Kesulitan guru, Hambatan guru, Tahap perencanaan, Tahap pelaksanaan, dan Tahap evaluasi.ABSTRACT This research was a qualitative descriptive research survey method that aimed to describe the problems Rejang Lebong district high school physics teacher in implementing the 2013 curriculum. The subject of this research was the 9 teachers of physics, consisting of 3 individual schools, namely SMA 1, SMA 2 and SMA 8 Regency Rejang Lebong. This research was done by filling the poll and interview respondents.The result of this research showed that the teacher’s barriers to applying the 2013 curriculum at the planning stage of 48%, of the implementation stage of 51,49%, and the evaluation stage of 55,79%. The difficulties were faced by teachers in implementing the 2013 curriculum at the planning stage of 75.56%, the implementation stage of 92.93% and evaluation stage of 94.14%. Based on the results the study can be concluded that teachers have difficulties and obstacles in implementing the 2013 curriculum. Keyword: Curriculum 2013, Teacher difficulties,teacher barriers, planning stage, implementation stage, and stage evaluation

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-33
Abdul Muntaqim Al Anshory

The Holy Quran was filled with the miracle of God, one of isBadi’.  Badi’ is  the sciences of rhetoric, which is the science of Arabic language, which examines the rules of the Arabic language method used in writing and conversation. Badi’ is looking at the meaning or the word in terms of decorating and refining it. Mahmoud Sheikhan said that he knew of the object of improving the speech that is appropriate and clear. The researcher looked for the science of Badi’ in Surrah Al-Fath because this surrah is Madaniyah surrah, The Victory surrah for believers on infidels. And its has characteristics by the other in terms of wonderful methods that indicate the eloquence of the Quran. The methodology of this research is qualitative descriptive approach. The result of the research is: 1. The verses that include the numerals: verses 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 27, and 29; Verses containing the interview: verses 24 and 25. 2. The verses that include verbal enhancements in Surat Al-Fath are as follows: The verses that include the Courage: Verse 4-5, 11-13, 16-17, 19-20, 21-22, 25-26 and The verses that include the budget: Verse 6-11, 13-15, 18-19, 24-25, 27-29. Keyword: Badi’, Al-Fathi surrah.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-90
Mursid Mursid

This research used qualitative descriptive approach which lead into a field research. BCCT learning in RA Ngalian was regarded as an effective data obtained. It was 73 percent stated agree and the other of 27 percent stated very agree. Constitutionally, supporting factor in applying BCCT method appears in some aspects, such as the location, the headmaster’s competence, and teachers’ competence. As for the implementation in RA (PAUD) of Ngalian District, most of 67 percent of respondents stated agree and the other of 18 percent of respondents stated disagree. The role of teacher as inspiration for their students and as center of learning was not applied yet holistically. The data obtained, it was almost 45 percent of respondents stated agree and 10 percent stated very agree. It means the role of teacher as inspiration was not applied. Meanwhile the weaknesses factor of BCCT learning in RA (PAUD) of Ngalian district was the lack of time management in implementing BCCT method. This took effect in the learning process. The obtained data showed 45 percent stated agree and 9 percent stated very agree. It means that the time management was most recommended in order the BCCT learning could run well. Because of seeing the allotted time was limited, it made students were forced to accomplish some steps being passed. So that, the time management was required. Key words: the application of BCCT, the supporting factor, the weaknesses factor.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 38-47
Irfan Supriatna

Questioning is a primary part of student learning activities. Questioning activity is asking factual or hypothesis question that begin with guidance from teacher until the student understand themselves and become habitual activity.This research aims to describe Student Questioning Ability in Environment is Our Friend Theme of Environmental Conservation Movement Sub Theme of Thematic Subject and describe the obstacle experienced by the student of 5th Grade 60 Bengkulu City Elementary School year 2019/2020. The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive approach, that is why this research emphasize the processes rather than results. Subjects in this research are 18 students of 5th Grade 60 Bengkulu City using observation and interview sheet instruments. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation.The result of this research is there are 7 students who have fulfill all questioning ability indicator requirements, on the other hand there is one student who only achieve one point from the requirements, two requirements of questioning ability indicators fulfill by 6 students, there are two students who can’t fulfill any requirement of questioning ability indicators. Obstacles experienced by students have not been able to use Indonesian language correctly, lack focus in asking, lack of confidence, afraid of being wrong, embarrassed when laughed by their friend and unable to raising the voice so the question can reach the entire class. Conclusion of the research is every student student of 5th Grade 60 Bengkulu City have different questioning ability.

Heidy Ayu Rosita ◽  
Lukita Nurul Hidayah ◽  
Aisyah Agus Safitri ◽  
Hernik Farisia

 This article describes the use of animated daily prayer videos to support learning activities during the pandemic and its impact on the cognitive development of students in RA Sunan Ampel, Pasuruan. This study used a qualitative descriptive approach with instruments. The results of this study indicate that the use of video animation instructional media consists of two stages, namely preparation and implementation. The preparation stage is the initial activity carried out before the video application stage. These stages include analyzing the material and learning objectives, identifying the contents of the animated video, and discussing with a group of friends about the video to be selected. Meanwhile, at the implementation stage, the animated video was shared in the Whatsapp group. So that children can still learn to use animated video media during the pandemic. This video helps increase children's enthusiasm for learning while at home. By listening to animated video shows, children can improve their cognitive abilities, namely memorizing prayers fluently.

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