Anna Fitri Hindriana ◽  
Yeyen Suryani ◽  
Lilis Lismaya

The development of moral and environtmental ethics must be started early. This is because someone�s success is deeply affected by their characther that has been nurtured since childhood. 0 � 5 years old is the period when the children are capable to do information accomodation processing from their suroundding very quicky, thus the ealy years of children is an opportunity to give them understanding about proper ethics and environtmental moral. The nurture of ethics and environtmental moral is not only the obligation of the teacher but also parents. In accordance with that, the aim of this community service is to 1) give understanding to parents about the necessity of sinergy between parents and pre-school teachers for children�s ethics and environtmental moral development, 2) enhance pre-school teachers� and parents� understanding about the principals that need to be applied in developing ethics and evinrontmental moral. The method used in this activity were 1) Training for pre-school teacher and parents on early childhood ethics and moral development, 2) assistance in creating ethics and moral based lesson plan for pre-school teachers. The result that attained is the improvement of pre-school teachers� and parents� understanding on ethics and moral and the improvement of ethics and moral based lesson plan quality.Abstrak�Indonesia tengah mengalami proses kehilangan, mulai kehilangan aspek fisik, alam hayati, manusia dan budaya. Wanita mampu berperan baik di bidang pendidikan dan domestik sebagai� pendidik pertama dan utama yang harus mengambil langkah-langkah strategis untuk menyelamatkan generasi bangsa. Pengembangan moral dan etika lingkungan harus dimulai sejak dini,� hal ini dikarenakan �keberhasilan dan kesuksesan� seseorang sangat dipengaruhi oleh karakter yang terbangun semenjak kecil, usia 0 sampai 5 tahun yang merupakan� masa dimana anak melakukan proses akomodasi informasi dari lingkungan yang sangat cepat oleh karena itu pada masa-masa awal pertumbuhan merupakan kesempatan diberikannya �pemahaman tentang etika dan moral lingkungan yang baik. Pembentukan moral dan etika lingkungan bukan hanya merupakan tanggung jawab� guru tetapi harus bersinergi dengan orang tua� di rumah. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini untuk : 1) memberikan pemahaman pentingnya sinergi� pengembangan etika dan moral lingkungan pada anak oleh guru PAUD dan orang tua, 2) meningkatkan pemahaman guru PAUD dan orang tua tentang prinsip-pinsip yang harus dikembangkan dalam mengembangkan etika dan moral lingkungan. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini; 1) pelatihan kepada orang tua dan guru PAUD tentang progam pengembangan etika dan moral lingkungan �anak usia dini, 2) pendampingan pembuatan rancangan pembelajaran berbasis etika dan moral bagi guru-guru PAUD. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan pemahaman orang tua dan guru-guru PAUD tentang etika dan moral lingkungan dan peningkatan kualitas rancangan pembelajaran berbasis etika dan moral lingkungan.Kata Kunci : Etika, Moral, Lingkungan, Anak Usia Dini

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 116
Oktarina Puspita Wardani ◽  
Turahmat Turahmat ◽  
Evi Chamalah ◽  
Aida Azizah ◽  
Leli Nisfi Setiana ◽  

AbstrakPendidikan dasar merupakan sekolah yang memiliki peran yang strategis dan fundamental bagi pembangunan bangsa. Sehingga penyelenggaraan pendidikan di sekolah dasar harus diarahkan dan menunjang secara optimal demi mencapai tuuan pendidikan nasional. Peraturan baru yang mengharuskan syarat pernah melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas bagi guru sebagai syarat naik golongan menjadi sebuah kendala yang cukup berat. Hal tersebut dikarenakan guru SD tidak terbiasa menulis atau melakukan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Guru harus membuat dalam memenuhi kewajibannya jika ingin naik golongan dan pangkat khususnya dari IV a ke IV b atau dari pangkat Pembina ke Pembina tingkat 1 ke atas. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini ialah menjadikan guru mampu membuat karya tulis ilmiah antara lain PTK agar mampu dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan profesi. Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru ialah bagaimana mengoptimalkan pembuatan penelitian tindakan kelas guru-guru SD di desa Geneng. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan workshop. Kegiatan menggunakan metode ceramah, diskusi dan latihan. Hasil dari kegiatan ini mencapai target. Capaian tersebut ialah guru mampu menghasilkan penelitian tindakan kelas yang baik. Pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat diikuti oleh 25 guru. Ketercapaian target pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat diikuti oleh 25 guru dari target 30 guru. Sehingga, ketercapaian peserta 83% atau dapat dinilai baik. Simpulan dalam kegiatan ini ialah ketercapaian target materi yang telah direncanakan pada kegiatan pengabdian ini dapat dinilai baik. Kata kunci: PTK; guru SD; karya tulis ilmiah. AbstractBasic education is a school that has a strategic and fundamental role for nation building. Related to the implementation of education in elementary schools must be aimed at optimally supporting and achieving national education. The new regulation which requires the requirement to carry out Classroom Action Research for teachers as a condition for boarding a class is a considerable obstacle. This is because elementary school teachers are not used to writing or conducting Classroom Action Research. The teacher must make it in fulfilling his obligations if he wants to rise in class and rank especially from IV a to IV b or from the rank of coach to coach level 1 and above. The purpose of this activity is to make teachers able to make scientific papers including PTK so that they can be utilized for professional development. The problem faced by the teacher is how to optimize the making of classroom action research for elementary school teachers in Geneng Village. Service activities are carried out using a Workshop approach. The activity uses lecture, discussion and practice methods. The results of this activity reach the target. The achievement is that the teacher is able to produce good classroom action research. The implementation of community service was followed by 25 teachers. The achievement of the target of implementing community service was followed by 25 teachers from the target of 30 teachers. So, the participants' achievement is 83% or can be considered good. The conclusions in this activity are the achievement of material targets planned for this service activity can be considered good. Keywords: PTK; elementary school teacher; scientific writing

Gulsen Buyuksahin Cevik

Current study aims to reveal the problems that pre-school teachers and parents face, in relation to guidance and counseling services, at schools without psychological counselors. The purpose of including pre-school teachers and parents in the current study was to find out both whether they considered the guidance and counseling services a need and whether their methods of intervention against the problems that they face were functional. The current research was designed with interview technique as a qualitative study method. Research data were collected through a semi-structured interview form developed by the researcher. The researcher met the participants individually and asked the questions on the interview form for the current research. The responses that the participants provided were recorded and later transferred onto computer environment. The study group, formed based on voluntary participation, included total 30 participants with 15 pre-school teachers and 15 parents of pre-school children. Pre-school teacher participants 10 females and 5 males, worked for five different preschools in Adiyaman. Total 15 parents in the study group included nine females and six males. An examination of pre-school teachers’ responses based on the current study findings indicated that majority of the teachers did not prepare an annual counseling and guidance plan. Another finding of the current study was that children of most parents and teachers experience adjustment problems in pre-school. Another finding of the current research is about children’s individual problems. Main individual problems that parents experienced with their children included self-care and social development.

Fiki Setiawan ◽  
Hery Prambudi ◽  
Pipin Supenah ◽  
Supriyatin Supriyatin

The government has issued various policies to stop the spread of COVID-19. One of them is online learning (on the network) which is carried out by almost all levels of education in Indonesia. Learning models are developed based online (e-learning). Nevertheless, on the other hand, the implementation of online learning experiences obstacles such as teachers' lack of knowledge and skills in managing to learn online. This community service aims to improve the abilities and skills of elementary school teachers in using e-learning applications based on Google Classroom in helping the online learning process during the pandemic. The target of this activity is the Gegunung Village Elementary School teachers. Execution method using lectures, practicum, and question and answer. Training participants are given an understanding concept about distance learning media or online and practising use of the Google Classrooms application. The results of this activity include training participants very enthusiastic about participating in the training. The Gegunung Village Elementary School teacher can understand the use of google classroom with an indicator that the teacher can create online learning. The Gegunung Village Elementary School teachers have operated the application Google Classroom as an alternative medium. However, assistance still needs to be done until the teacher understands and uses Google Classroom as an online learning medium during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Wahyudi Wahyudi ◽  
Muhammad Chamdani ◽  
Kartika Chrysti Suryandari ◽  
Rokhmaniyah Rokhmaniyah

<em>One of the problems faced by elementary school teachers is the problem of making and using learning media in schools.This is due to the lack of readiness of human resources about understanding media in learning. For this purpose the community service activities are: (1) increasing the competence of elementary school teachers about learning, (2) developing learning media in elementary schools, (3) structuring learning media in elementary schools. This Community Service activity uses the design of the transfer of science and technology from the university to the stakeholders which includes: (a) workshops, (b) training and mentoring. This dedication activity was carried out in the activities of the  Teachers Working Group Cluster "Banyumudal" in Kebumen District year  2019. The results of these community service activities are: (1) improvement of teacher competency about learning media in elementary schools, (2) products of various types of learning media in elementary schools, (3) the formation of "Mini Laboratory" for learning in elementary schools</em>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Latifah Binti Monnas

Due to the revision of the National Pre-School Standard Curriculum (KSPK) 2017, the strengthening of Science and Technology Support and STEM integration early childhood education in Malaysia is now being aggressively developed in line with national education policies. This case study is conducted to find out how pre-school teachers apply science process elements in their teaching and learning activities. Observation was carried out on a pre-school teacher during a lesson in one of the national pre-schools in Tawau. Observation findings show that preschool teachers understand the need for  early science education though they lack the knowledge and application of the scientific skills. Therefore, it is highly recommended for pre-school teachers to improve appropriate pedagogical practices, and support the early process of science in early childhood education by contextually emphasizing and linking  their teaching to the 21st century curriculum.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Dwi Fajar Saputri ◽  
Syarifah Fadillah ◽  
Nurhayati Nurhayati ◽  
Nurussaniah Nurussaniah

Workshop on Creating Lesson Plans and Making Learning Media for Teachers at 34 Elementary Schools in Pontianak City Teachers still have difficulty in making learning tools with the conditions of students in the class, and teachers have limitations in making learning media. The purpose of this program was to increase teacher knowledge about creating lesson plans and learning media. The method was training and mentoring held for two months from planning to evaluation. Fourteen elementary school teachers attended the training as participants. Pre-test and post-test were done to evaluate teacher knowledge about lesson plans. This community service was useful, and it can be concluded that this activity increased teacher knowledge about making learning tools. The teacher's knowledge score during the pre-test, ie, before training, was 57,87 points. The score at the post-test increased to 73,61. The teacher was skilled at making learning media materials so that they were available to students at affordable prices and attractive designs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 48
Khansa H. AL- Bahadli ◽  
Rasim T.Jehjooh

Good teaching is the most basic important thing has teachers try to do in their classes and it is also in it the most frequently used language skills in communication activities. It plays an important role in the language learning process and facilitates the use of language skills. In this study the researchers tackled teaching anxiety that refers to the psychological response of a person to teaching task, which is determined by effect of feelings, believes and behaviors. And the relationship between teaching anxiety and the mastery of the daily lesson plan, which teaching means a system that enables a teacher to express himself/herself effectively with his/her interlocutors of a target language. The study questions are: Do Iraqi EFL preparatory school teachers have teaching anxiety? Do Iraqi EFL preparatory school teachers have mastery daily lesson plan? And is there any relationship between teaching anxiety and mastery daily lesson plan? Accordingly, the current study aims at finding out: Iraqi EFL preparatory school teachers’ teaching Anxiety level, Iraqi EFL preparatory school teachers’ mastery daily lesson plan level, and the relationship between Iraqi EFL preparatory School teachers` teaching anxiety and the mastery of the daily lesson plan. The sample of the present study consists of (30) male and female teachers from Iraqi EFL preparatory school teachers chosen randomly from Baghdad city.To achieve the aims of the present study, two instruments have been applied by the researchers, English Foreign language teaching anxiety scale and a English Foreign language lesson plan scale is constructed by the researchers themselves. After ensuring the validity and reliability of the instruments, the instruments have been applied and the data have been collected. Then a number of statistical tools have been used to analyze the obtained data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-179
Mulianah Khaironi

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penanaman sikap beragama dan moral anak usia dini di TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2, meliputi: perencanaan pembelajaran, proses pembelajaran, pembiasaan di luar kelas, pihak yang berperan, dan aktivitas pendukung. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif studi kasus. Informan kunci guru dan orang tua. Pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan kajian dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) perencanaan pembelajaran berupa program semester, rencana pembelajaran program mingguan, dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran harian; (2) langkah-langkah pembelajaran adalah  pijakan sebelum main, inti, dan penutup; (3) pembiasaan di luar kelas, seperti: mengucapkan salam, berjabat tangan, meminta maaf, membuang sampah pada tempatnya, saling menolong dan bersedekah; (4) pihak yang berperan adalah sekolah, orang tua, dan masyarakat sekitar (secara tidak langsung); (5) Aktivitas pendukung anak adalah kegiatan bakti sosial, manasik haji, kunjungan edukatif, kegiatan ekstrakurikuler, dan undang tokoh. Aktivitas pendukung guru adalah pembinaan akidah. Aktivitas pendukung orang tua adalah parenting dan sekolah orang tua salman. Inculcation religious and moral attitudes of early childhood in TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2 AbstractThis study was aimed to describe the inculcation of religious and moral attitudes of early childhood in TKIT Salman Al Farisi 2, including: the lesson plan, the learning process, the habituation outside the classroom, the participants, and the supporting activities. This study is a qualitative research using case study design. The key informants are teachers, and parents. The data were obtained observation, in depth interview, and document review. The results show that: 1) there are lesson plan in the form of semester learning plan, weekly learning plan, and daily learning plan; (2) the learning steps are done on a opening before play, core, and closing; (3) habituation outside the classroom are such as: greeting, shaking hands, apologizing, disposing of garbage in its place, helping each other and alms; (4) the participants are school, parents, and the surrounding community (indirectly); (5) there are supporting activities for children, such as social activities, rituals of hajj, educational visits, extracurricular activities, and invite characters. Supporting activities for teachers is namely the formation of teacher aqidah. Support activities for parents are namely parenting and salman parents school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 133-137
Ratih Mahardika

The introduction of nutritious food is very important to be introduced to early childhood, of course introductioncan be done by parents, especially mothers by utilizing the time when playing. Teachers and parents have ahabit of getting play equipment or learning support tools to buy. But of course, these habits can fosterconsumptive nature and culture early on. It also triggers the weakening of creativity and innovation for children.Therefore there is a need for training to make or design educational toys based on simple craftsmanship withthe concept of introducing nutritious foods to children from an early age. This training will be aimed at mothersof early childhood. The method used in community service is to provide training to make an educational gametool about the introduction of nutritious foods from simple crafts.

2018 ◽  
pp. 183
Dea Mustika ◽  
Elpri Darta Putra ◽  
Dyara Atmy Febriyanti

Abstrak: Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membantu guru sekolah dasar dalam merancang dan menyusun RPP tematik. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan di kecamatan siak hulu kabupaten Kampar, Riau. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan individu dan pendekatan klasikal. Pendekatan individu dilakukan dengan mengadakan workshop berupa penyampaian materi, sedangkan pendekatan klasikal dilakukan  dengan membimbing peserta menyusun RPP tematik.iv  Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah guru-guru sekolah dasar yang menjadi peserta pengabdian dapat memahami penyusunan RPP tematik sesuai dengan panduan yang telah ada. Selain itu, dengan adanya pengabdian ini dapat memberi konsep pengetahuan baru bagi peserta agar dapat melaksanakan pembelajaran yang lebih baik di kelas-kelas sekolah dasar.Abstract: This community service aims to help primary school teachers in designing and compiling thematic lesson plans. Service activities carried out in the Siak Hulu sub-district, Kampar district, Riau. The approach used is an individual approach and a classical approach. The individual approach is carried out by holding a workshop and the classical approach is carried out by guiding participants to develop a thematic lesson plan. The results of this service are participants can understand the preparation of thematic lesson plans in accordance with existing guidelines. In addition, with this community service can provide new knowledge concepts for participants to be able to carry out better learning in primary school classes

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