scholarly journals Pendekatan Bottom Up Budgeting dalam Penganggaran Pemerintah Daerah (Studi tentang Penganggaran Partisipatif di Komunitas Nelayan Miskin di Kawasan Pantai Prigi Kabupaten Trenggalek)

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Fadillah Amin

Development programs dan projects funded by public budget (APBN and APBD) are frequently not inline with needs of the local fishermen. Due to this situation, there shoud be a participative forums to facilitate and accommodate interests of local communities in the formulation process of public budgeting. In the context of APBD (local government budget) budgeting, participatory events are implemented in form of Musrenbang (Discussion for Development Planning). The current article intends to describe and critically analise participatory forums of Musrenbang utilised by fishermen to participate in the process of APBD budgeting. Also, the paper aims at analising prominent constraining factors to optimise participation of local fishermen in the Musrenbang forums as manifestation of bottom-up budgeting approach. The article is written based on reseach conducted in the Regency of Trenggalek and the coastal area of Prigi. This study applies qualitative approach with analytical descriptive as its type. Data of the research are collected through interview, observation, and documentation. Furthermore, collected data got analysed in three stages include data condensation, data display, and drawing conclusion. The results demonstrate that the Musrenbang forums get executed in five phases as follows (1) village level Musrenbang; (2) sub-district level Musrenbang; (3) SKPD (local government agencies) Forum; (4) regency level Musrenbang; and (5) Pasca regency level Musrenbang. The local fishermen are mostly able to directly participate only at village level Musrenbang as  participation at higher level Musrenbangs is commonly in form of representative participation. Quality of participation is also considerably weak because of time lack, education lack, inappropriate timing, and apathy of fishermen.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-127
Donna Isra Silaban ◽  
Imelda Nahak

This study aims to examine development communication in community participation in village development planning. Community participation is very important because it can guarantee the effectiveness of development programs. There are a number of obstacles to community participation in development planning. Some identified barriers are the absence of legal support (Rumensten, 2012), lack of public awareness, low quality of human resources, length of stay and hours employment type (Wijaksono, 2013), lack of socialization from the government (Sagita, 2016), poverty and limited access provided by the government (Ompusunggu, 2017), and interest of bureaucracy in planning (Mbeche, 2017). These studies, indeed, have not considered yet cultural factor leading to disinvolvement. This qualitative case study extends previous studies by revealing the culture of mamfatin ukunrai discouraging community participation in development planning in Naran Village (pseudonym), Raimanuk Subdistrict, Belu Regency. Mamfatin ukunrai is a custom considering development planning is government's duties and responsibilities. Villagers are merely the executor of development programs. This custom is a legacy of royal government system and dominates the mindset of villagers. The tradition of highly appreciating the government unwittingly creates an invisible distance between government and society. It has discouraged villagers’ participation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Novy Setia Yunas

The success of the development in a region will be greatly determined by the quality of development planning. As planning became the sign posts are clear about what the needs of the citizens with has clear and measurable targets. Development Planning System emphasizes a combination of approaches between top-down and bottom up, which emphasizes the ways aspirational and participatory, so it is realized through the process of development planning or deliberation Musrenbang neighborhood start at various levels up to nationwide. This paper is the result of research that are descriptive studies library which describes the process of implementing E-Musrenbang in Surabaya with a variety of problems. E-Musrenbang successfully applied in Surabaya at least be innovations in development  planning system in which during this society wants a forum or social contacts among citizens with the Government in regional development planning. The application of the system of E-Musrenbang in Surabaya became an important lesson for the construction paradigm of society, where society is not only made of the objects but rather the subject of development. Keberhasilan pembangunan di suatu wilayah ditentukan oleh kualitas perencanaan pembangunannya. Sebagaimana perencanaan menjadi penunjuk arah yang jelas tentang apa yang menjadi kebutuhan warga dengan target yang jelas dan terukur. Sistem perencanaan menekankan kombinasi pendekatan antara top-down dan bottom-up, yang lebih menekankan cara-cara aspiratif dan partisipatif, sehingga hal tersebut diwujudkan melalui proses musyawarah perencanaan pembangunan atau Musrenbang di berbagai tingkatan mulai kelurahan hingga Nasional. Tulisan ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang bersifat deskriptif dengan studi kepustakaan yang menjelaskan proses pelaksanaan E- Musrenbang di Surabaya dengan berbagai permasalahannya. Sistem E- Musrenbang yang berhasil diterapkan di Kota Surabaya setidaknya menjadi inovasi dalam sistem perencanaan pembangunan dimana selama ini masyarakat menginginkan sebuah forum atau kontak sosial antara warga dengan pemerintah dalam perencanaan pembangunan daerah. Penerapan sistem E- Musrenbang di Kota Surabaya menjadi sebuah pelajaran penting bagi perencanaan pembangunan berparadigma masyarakat, dimana masyarakat tidak hanya dijadikan objek melainkan subjek pembangunan. 

Aos Kuswandi

This study aims to explain the local government's strategy in tourism development in East Nusa Tenggara Province, with a focus on: identifying tourism potential; leading tourism areas and destinations; identification of tourism problems; and local government strategies to achieve successful tourism development. This research uses descriptive analysis method. Data were collected through literature studies and documentation studies. Data obtained from secondary data through internet footprints based on the website of the West Nusa Tenggara Provincial Government and other related institutions. The results of the study concluded that first, West Nusa Tenggara Province was able to achieve the success of tourism development through a tourism potential identification strategy; determination of leading tourism destinations; stipulation of regional tourism strategy areas; and formulation of Regional Tourism Development Master Plans; The Tourism Office's Strategic Plan and the Tourism Office's Performance Plan, second, the tourism development planning system is formulated in stages, synergies and involves multi-stakeholders; third, sustainable tourism development through changing poor villages into tourist villages; fourth, developing tourism infrastructure and supporting facilities; marketing through tourism promotion; establish partnerships; improving the quality of tourism human resources; increasing the number and quality of tourism attractions. Keywords: Local Government Strategy; Tourism Development; Regional Tourism Strategic Areas; Tourism Destinations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (12) ◽  
pp. 1781-1793 ◽  
Julie Gardenhire ◽  
Natira Mullet ◽  
Stephen Fife

Individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) often experience poor mental and emotional well-being, which negatively affect their quality of life. Optimism is a protective factor which has been shown to promote resiliency, reduce distress in health crises, and protect against the effects of negative mental health outcomes. The current article utilized grounded theory methodology to examine personal accounts ( N = 85) detailing how individuals were able to cultivate optimism despite challenges presented by PD. The grounded theory indicated that a process occurs in which individuals with PD move through the following five phases on their journey toward optimism: (a) diagnosis, (b) initial reactions, (c) adjustment, (d) acceptance, and (e) living with optimism. These findings indicate that individuals with PD often struggle to experience optimism. Nevertheless, by reframing optimism as a choice rather than a feeling, participants were able to make decisions that allowed them to progress on their journey toward optimism.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 377
Any Wahyu Purwandari ◽  
Mussadun -

ABSTRACT The key to the implementation of the Village Development Planning Forum (Musrenbangkel) is community participation, so that the priority of development programs in accordance with community needs. However, there is a decrease in the implementation of community participation because no realization of development programs proposed society, especially the poor, as well as the implementation tends to be formal and monotonous so as to make people bored and tired. It happened also in the Kelurahan Semanggi which has the densest population with the highest number of poor people in Sub District of Pasar Kliwon. Under these conditions, the purpose of this study was to determine the public participation in the implementation of Musrenbangkel in Kelurahan Semanggu by reviewing Musrenbangkel process, forms of public participation, the level of community participation, as well as internal and external factors that affect the level of community participation. The method used is descriptive quantitative with a Likert scale for questionnaire, frequency distribution and multiple linear regression, as well as qualitative descriptive with purposive sampling and snowball sampling. This study shows that the bottom-up approach to the implementation of Musrenbangkel only be a compromise because the people (still) very dependent on the role of community and government leaders, as well as very poor community initiatives that the government (still) in control in determining local development priorities. Keywords: community participation, Musrenbangkel, Village ABSTRAK Kunci dari pelaksanaan Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan Kelurahan (Musrenbangkel) adalah partisipasi masyarakat, supaya prioritas program pembangunan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat. Namun demikian, dalam perkembangannya terjadi penurunan partisipasi masyarakat karena tidak terealisasinya program-program pembangunan yang diajukan masyarakat, terutama masyarakat miskin, serta penyelenggaraannya yang cenderung formal dan monoton sehingga membuat masyarakat bosan dan jenuh. Hal tersebut terjadi pula di Kelurahan Semanggi yang memiliki penduduk terpadat dengan jumlah penduduk miskin terbanyak di Kecamatan Pasar Kliwon. Berdasarkan kondisi tersebut, maka tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui partisipasi masyarakat pada pelaksanaan Musrenbangkel di Kelurahan Semanggi dengan cara mengkaji proses Musrenbangkel, bentuk partisipasi masyarakat, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat, serta faktor internal dan eksternal yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat partisipasi masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan kuesioner dengan skala likert, distribusi frekuensi dan regresi liner berganda, serta deskriptif kualitatif dengan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Hasil analisa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan bottom up pada pelaksanaan Musrenbangkel hanya bersifat kompromis karena masyarakat (masih) sangat bergantung pada peran tokoh masyarakat dan pemerintah, serta masyarakat sangat miskin inisiatif sehingga pemerintah (masih) memegang kendali pada penentuan prioritas pembangunan daerah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 228-235
Dekki Umamur Ra'is ◽  
Dody Setyawan ◽  
Yordanus Dimus

Keberhasilan pembangunan negara tidak semata-mata ditentukan oleh kekayaan sumber daya alam yang melimpah, tetapi juga ditentukan oleh proses perencanaan pembangunan yang sistematis, terukur, dan menyeluruh (komprehensif). Perencanaan pembangunan memiliki peran yang sangat strategis dan vital dalam pembangunan. Keberhasilan perencanaan, salah satunya diukur dari efektifitasnya. Ada empat indikator efektivitas,  yaitu Ketepatan Waktu, Ketepatan perhitungan biaya, Ketepatan Dalam Menentukan Tujuan, dan Ketepatan Sasaran. Penelitian in menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan penentuan informan menggunakan metode snowball sampling dan analisa data menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa perencanaan pembangunan daerah di Kota Batu sudah efektif. Walaupun begitu, masih ada beberapa faktor penghambat yang harus diperhatikan oleh pemerintah kota Batu,  yaitu program kegiatan yang tidak sesuai dengan RPJMD atau visi-misi kepala daerah, sistem ditingkat lokal pemerintahan daerah yang belum tersinkronisasi secara maksimal, sehingga proses input data masih perlu berulang-ulang. Faktor lainnya adalah kurangnya koordinasi antar OPD. Oleh sebab itu diperlukan konsistensi dari semua elemen yang terlibat dalam perencanaan. Komitmen dari kepala daerah, kepala OPD dan elemen lain yang terlibat dalam proses perencanaan harus diperkuat.The quality of a country's growth is decided not just by the availability of plentiful natural resources but also by a formal, tangible and rigorous method of development planning. Planning for construction plays a very pragmatic and vitally significant position in planning. Planning performance, in which one is calculated by its effectiveness. There are 4 efficacy metrics, that' Timeliness, Accuracy in costs, Accuracy in Setting Goals, and Accuracy of Targets. There are four effectiveness measures, which is timeliness, expense accuracy, objective setting accuracy, and aim accuracy. This research uses a qualitative methodology and the snowball sampling process to pick the informant and use triangulation as interpretation of the results. The results showed that regional development planning in Batu had been effective. Even so, there are still some inhibiting factors that must be considered by the local government, the program of activities that are not in accordance with the RPJMD or the vision and mission of the regional head, the system at the local level of the local government that has not been synchronized maximally, so the data input process still needs be repeated. Another factor is the lack of coordination among the OPD. It requires continuity with all the components involved in preparation. Commitments will be reinforced from department leaders, manager level and other aspects participating in the planning phase.Key Words: Effectiveness; Planning; Development; Regional; Government; Governance

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Setiadi Setiadi ◽  
Henny Ekawati ◽  
Fadlan Habib

The implementation of Law No. 6 2014 faces obstacles due to the weak quality of village officials and institutions. This has an impact on the weakening role of the village government in its function as a development accelerator. It is necessary to increase the capacity of the apparatus in order to understand how development planning processes should be carried out at the village level, and how these processes are supported by strong village government institutions. In addition, there needs to be a control mechanism for the village government. This can be done by strengthening the role of the BPD. With the increased quality and capacity of village government apparatus and institutions, as well as strong civil society control played by the BPD, there will be a synergy in implementing good development at the village level. Village officials are no longer the sole player in village development. Efforts to create these ideal conditions continue to be in progress at the village level and will always be dynamic due to the influence of supralocal powers which are sometimes not in line with the development and will of the local community.====Implementasi UU No. 6 Tahun 2014 menghadapi kendala akibat lemahnya kualitas aparat dan kelembagaan desa. Hal ini berdampak pada semakin lemahnya peran pemerintah desa dalam fungsinya sebagai akselerator pembangunan. Perlu adanya peningkatan kapasitas aparat agar memahami bagaimana proses-proses perencanaan pembangunan harus dilakukan di tingkat desa serta bagaimana proses-proses tersebut didukung oleh kuatnya kelembagaan pemerintah desa. Selain itu, perlu ada mekanisme kontrol terhadap pemerintah desa. Hal ini bisa dilakukan dengan penguatan peran BPD. Dengan meningkatnya kualitas dan kapasitas aparat dan kelembagaan pemerintah desa serta kontrol masyarakat sipil yang kuat yang diperankan oleh BPD, akan ada sinergi pelaksanaan pembangunan yang baik di tingkat desa. Aparat desa tidak lagi menjadi pemain tunggal pembangunan desa. Upaya penciptaan kondisi ideal ini terus berproses di tingkat desa dan akan selalu dinamis akibat pengaruh kekuasaan supralokal yang terkadang tidak sejalan dengan perkembangan dan kehendak masyarakat lokal.

Sandra Ežmale

Spatial planning is a practical and useful instrument introduced by the European Community and national governments throughout the last decade with the aim to promote development of regions and reach territorial cohesion. In order to assess interconnections between quality of spatial planning documents of local governments of Latgale region and territorial development indicators the following tasks were performed: to describe the methodology for evaluation the quality of spatial planning documents, to describe the results of interconnections between quality of spatial planning documents in local governments of the region and development indicators.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 006 (03) ◽  
pp. 356-364
Febriana Panca Yusnita

As a process, development is carried out continuously and well planned which covers all aspects of life in the country such as politics, economy, social culture and defense and security. Development is a way to achieve the ideals of independence stated in the Preamble of Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 that must be carried out carefully, effectively, efficiently and integrated. In implementing development, each local government requires accurate planning and expected to be able to evaluate development. The main key to the success of development lies in the quality of the development planning. One example of a development planning document is Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Daerah (RKPD). The objectives of this study is to describe and analyze the process of preparing RKPD. This study shows that the planning process in the preparation of RKPD has gone through the stage of problem diagnosis; formulation of objectives; and forecasts and projections. As for the alternative development stage; feasibility analysis; and evaluation, not done yet.

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