2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 88
Marina Silalahi

AbstractThe Sundanese have been long used the home garden as a source of food, medicines, and construction materials. This study aims to document the plants diversity and its utilization in the Sindang Jaya Village, Disstict Cianjur, West Java. The research method was conducted by ethnobotany approach through surveys and interview. The data obtained were analyzed qualitatively by using descriptive statistics. This study found  100 species of the useful plants belonging 88 genera and 46 families in the yard in the Sindang Jaya home garden. The plants in the home garden uses as an ornamental (46 species), fruit (18 species), vegetable (14 species), and traditional medicine (species). The mangkokan (Polyschias scutellaria) and kedondong pagar (Polyscias fruticosa) are potential to be developed as the living fence as well as function as a source of food or vegetables. The Dioscorea hispida in home garden is one of the efforts of local communities to conserve wild plants.Keywords: Disocorea hispida, Etnis Sunda, Polyschias scutellaria, Polyscias fruticosa.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Juliana Juliana ◽  
M. Adib Sulthan ◽  
Muhammad Fathir

This research is based on the phenomenon of problems in MSMEs including poor administration, low product competitiveness, low human resources, lack of mastery of science, quality of service and use of quality goods (Halal & Thayyib). The purpose of this study was to measure the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics for MSME players in the PUSPA Bank Indonesia program in West Java in Bandung in 2017. The research method used was descriptive quantitative with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The number of research samples is 50 consumers from 4 MSMEs which are engaged in the service, food and craft sectors and. The results of the study show that the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics in micro business actors guided by the PUSPA program in Bank Indonesia in West Java in 2017 is in very good criteria, dimensions that need to be improved are the orderly administrative dimensions and the dimensions of freedom with good criteria. While the dimensions of responsibility, justice and truth are included in the criteria very well. The impact of this research shows the need for improvement of several indicators because it has implications for business progress and increased competitiveness of MSMEs themselves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Aurelia Fadhilah Sari ◽  
Elly Rasmikayati ◽  
Bobby Rachmat Saefudin

Mango marketing will be profitable for farmers if they are free to determine one of the first buyers in the market and get the maximum profit. But in reality, most mango farmers have a high dependence on selling their crops to middlemen. This is due to farmers' limitations on market information and access to capital. This research aimed at describe variation of first buyers for mango farmers and farmer's behavior in selling mango crops to first buyer parties. This research was conducted by survey research method. Respondents in this study were 50 mango farmers in Sedong District, Cirebon Regency. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and crosstabulation analysis. The results show that the variation of first buyers for mango farmers in Sedong District were a) 1 direction: wholesalers, middlemen/traders b) 2 directions: wholesalers, traditional markets; middlemen/traders, traditional markets; middlemen/traders, wholesalers, dan c) 3 directions: wholesalers, exporters, retailers; middlemen/traders, wholesalers, traditional markets. There are mango farmers who have sold to modern retailers, but have stopped doing partnerships because they are unable to fulfill the quality requirements set by modern retailers. However, majority of mango farmers (72%) in Sedong District still sell mango crops to middleman/traders.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 36
Juliana Juliana ◽  
M. Faathir ◽  
M. A. Sulthan

This research is based on the phenomena of problems that exist in MSMEs including poor administration, low product competitiveness, low human resources, lack of mastery of science, quality of service and use of quality goods (Halal & Thayyib). The purpose of this study was to measure the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics for MSME players in the PUSPA Bank Indonesia program in West Java in Bandung in 2017. The research method used was quantitative descriptive with data analysis techniques using descriptive statistics. The number of research samples is 50 consumers from 4 MSMEs engaged in the culinary, service, fashion and craft sectors. The results of the study show that the level of implementation of Islamic Business Ethics of micro business actors guided by the PUSPA program in Bank Indonesia in West Java in 2017 was very good. This can be seen from several dimensions used, namely honesty, the use of good quality goods, Ihsan, Building good relations with Consumers and Ethics sets the price of an average value of 5.8 which means very good

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Yani'ah Wardhani

Da’wa that done by Da’i in Indonesia can not be detached from the efectivity of rethorical use. By shape the form of narration, choosing the nuances of the exact word meaning, also choosing the linguistic and interested word, will help da’i to get the interesting programmatic, so that can made and influence audiences to listen. The research method of this writing is descriptive qualitative analyziz. The data that used is a form of rethoric in the programmatic of oral da’wa of all da’i in Jakarta, West Java, and central Java. The research sources are the programmatic of oral da’wa that located in the published book and also recording. The collective data method are; reading, and repeatedly listening into the da’wa subject of da’i. Analyziz data technic are; understanding and interpretation. The result of this research is that in generally, the da’i used the literature linguistic style in delivering the subject of da’wa in shaping the proverb (amsal) and hikmah, whether came from Arabic or Indonesia. The linguistic that used by da’i, came from Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist, wise word and from qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  The style of rethorical that used by KH.Zaenuddin MZ is to change belief, and in this term the da’i can change the attitude of audience. In a rethorical that used by Aa Gym is to inform, because many educational information that been accepted by aim to explain the things that has not known before. Meanwhile, the rethorical of UJE (Jefry alBukhory) has the unique style from other, because supported by his good voice while chanting the verse of Al-qur’an. Also, the rethorical style that used by Ahmad al Habsyi and Wijayanto that has similarity from the subject point, that used the beautiful style of locution by amtsal and hikmah---Dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i di Indonesia tidak dapat terlepas dari efektifitas pemanfaatan retorika. Dengan menata bentuk-bentuk tuturan, memilih nuansa makna kata yang tepat serta memilih gaya bahasa dan kata mutiara  yang menarik akan lebih sempurna  bagi penutur untuk mendapatkan wacana yang menarik sehingga mampu mempengaruhi pendengar.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif analisis. Data yang digunakan berupa bentuk retorika dalam wacana dakwah lisan para da’i di  DKI, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa tengah. Sumber data penelitian  berupa wacana dakwah lisan yang terdapat dalam buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan dan rekaman. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi: membaca dan mendengarkan secara berulang-ulang materi  dakwah para da’i. Teknik analisis data, meliputi: pemahaman,dan  interpretasi. Hasil temuan, bahwa secara umum para dai menggunakan gaya bahasa sastra  dalam menyampaikan materi dakwahnya dalam bentuk peribahasa (amsal) dan kata mutiara (hikmah) baik berasal dari bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Indonesia. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh para dai mayoritas bersumber dari Al Qur’an, Al-Hadist, kata-kata bijak dari qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  Bentuk retorika yang sering digunakan oleh KH. Zaenuddin MZ adalah to change belief, dan dalam hal ini penceramah mampu mengubah sikap.  Sedangkan bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Aa Gym adalah to inform (pendidikan) karena banyak informasi pendidikan  yang diterima dengan bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hal- hal yang belum diketahui sebelumnya.  Retorika UJE memiliki gaya khas dari yang lainnya, karena didukung  suaranya yang merdu menjadi pengikat hati ketika melantunkan cinta Allah dan Rasulnya. Demikian juga bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Ahmad  al Habsyi dan ustadz Wijayanto ada kesamaan dari sisi materi, yaitu menggunakan style gaya bahasanya yang indah dengan amtsal dan Hikmah

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-125
Petr Janda

This report presents current research on aboriginal activity centers in Taidong County, Taiwan, primarily in the townships of Chishang and Yanping with over 30% of the population being of aboriginal ancestry. Taidong County is the region with the most distinctive aboriginal communities in Taiwan. The research attempts to identify the actors behind the operation of such centers and their significance for aboriginal communities. The research investigates the process of selecting suitable location for the facilities, the specific features of such centers, the potential religious significance of the locations including the role of traditional beliefs in predominantly Christian aboriginal communities, the symbolic value of structures built in the traditional style for construction of ethnicity and financing that enables the construction of the facilities and the organization of the festivities held in them. The principle research method used was interviews with local actors including local representatives, organizers of festivities, as well as members of local communities. The research began in 2017.

Imam Mujtaba ◽  
Yufiarti Yufiarti ◽  
Elindra Yetti

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between students’ personality and environment with their Indonesian Language ability. This research was conducted in South Tangerang City involving 392 2nd grade students. This research method used correlational method with quantitative approach by using descriptive statistics. Data was collected using an assessment scale instrument and analyzed by using correlation technique (regression). The results of this study showed that: (1) There was a positive relationship between personality and students’ Indonesian Language ability with a significant level of α = 0.05, obtained tcal 8.77 ˃ ttable 1.97. (2) There wasa positive relationship between the environment and the students’ Indonesian Language ability with a significant level of α = 0.05, which obtained 9.03 ˃ t table 1.97. (3) There was a positive relationship between personality and environment with the students’ Indonesian Language ability; with a significant level of α = 0.05, obtained tcal 7.92 ˃ t table 1.97. The Implications of the study identified that Indonesian Language ability of the students can be influenced by their personality and environment.

Deden Sutisna, Et. al.

The purpose of this study is to compensate for the intangible variables of the human resources of MSME actors in Bandung City, related to Employee Engagement and Attitude at the time of the COVID-19. Therefore, the intact condition of the two related variables is important for stakeholders such as the government and other related parties to understand and serve as a basis for policy and decision making, especially when the economy is exposed to COVID-19. The research method used is descriptive, verification and comparative. Data were tested using the validity test, reliability test, classical assumptions and data normality, and to test the level of contribution between variables and variable dimensions used correlation and termination tests. The data were obtained from the MSME economic actors in the city of Bandung total 45 samples. The city of Bandung was chosen as a place of research because the city of Bandung is known as a model city, culinary, education, creative industries as well as the city of culture and government of West Java. The results showed that the contribution, enthusiasm, pride of business people towards MSMEs was not supportive, lost trust and small. Only MSME players have employee engagement in the form of willingness. Attitudes or attitudes in the form of motives, traits and self-concepts are still strong for every MSME actor in Bandung City, and this condition is in line with the willingness dimension of employee engagement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the employee engagement of MSME actors in the city of Bandung is currently not good or has decreased, while the attitude at is still good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-47
Lukman Hakim

ABSTRACT: Human resources' existence plays a significant role in the success of a company, so many companies realize that human resources in the company can provide a competitive advantage. In the company of labor is the motor of the company, the assets of the company, which is an investment for a company to increase productivity. As a company asset, the welfare guarantee given by the company to workers or employees is an obligation that must be adjusted to their needs. Also, to realize the goals of the company, of course, there needs to be compensated as one of the motivations for employees In this study, the author used a research method based on descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study consisted of 30 employees of the Bandung City Fire Department. The analysis used was multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the Occupational Health Insurance and Financial Compensation jointly had an effect of 85.8% on employee work motivation. The remaining 14.2% caused   ABSTRAK: Keberadaan sumber daya manusia memiliki peranan besar bagi kesuksesan sebuahperusahaan, sehingga banyak perusahaan menyadari bahwa unsur manusia dalam perusahaan itu dapat memberikan keunggulan daya saing. Di dalam perusahaan tenaga kerja merupakan motor penggerakperusahaan, aset perusahaan yang merupakan investasi bagi suatu perusahaan untuk meningkatkan pruduktivitas. Sebagai aset perusahaan, maka jaminan kesejahteraan yang diberikan oleh perusahaan terhadap buruh atau karyawan adalah kewajiban yang harus disesuaikan dengan kebutuhannya. Selain itu guna mewujudkan tujuan perusahaan, tentu perlu adanya kompensasisebagai salah satu motivasi bagi para karyawan Dalam penelitian ini Penulis menggunakan metode penelitian berdasarkan statistik deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif, sample dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30orang pegawai Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran Kota Bandung, analisis yang digunakan yaitu analisis regresi berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diketahui Jaminan Kesehatan Kerja Dan Kompensasi Finansial secara bersama-sama berpengaruh sebesar 85,8% terhadap motivasi kerja pegawai. Adapun sebesar 14,2% sisanya disebabkan oleh variabel-variabel lain diluar variabel tersebut yang tidak dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini.

Atiq U. Zaman ◽  
Juliet Arnott ◽  
Kate Mclntyre ◽  
Jonathon Hannon

This study analyses the case study of a deconstruction project called the ‘Whole House Reuse’ (WHR) which aimed, firstly, to harvest materials from a residential house, secondly, to produce new products using the recovered materials, and thirdly, to organize exhibition for the local public to promote awareness on resource conservation and sustainable deconstruction practices. The study applies characterization of recovered materials through deconstruction. In addition to the material recovery, the study assesses the embodied energy saving and greenhouse gas emission abatement of the deconstruction project. Around twelve tonnes of various construction materials were harvested through a systematic deconstruction approach, most which would otherwise be disposed to landfill in the traditional demolition approach. The study estimates that the recovered materials could potentially save around 502,158MJ of embodied energy and prevent carbon emission of around 27,029kg (CO2e). Deconstruction could eventually contribute to New Zealand’s national emission reduction targets. In addition, the project successfully engages local communities and designers to produce 400 new products using the recovered materials and exhibited to the local people. The study concludes that there is a huge prospect in regard to resource recovery, emission reduction, employment and small business opportunities using deconstruction of the old house. The socio-cultural importance of the WHR project is definitely immense; however, the greater benefits of such projects are often ignored and remain unreported to wider audiences as most of the external and environmental costs have not been considered in the traditional linear economy. It is acknowledged that under a favourable market condition and with appropriate support from local communities and authorities, deconstruction could contribute significantly to resource conservation and environmental protection despite its requirement of labour intensive efforts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Rais Hidayat ◽  
Yuyun Elizabeth Patras ◽  
Sutji Harjanto ◽  
Eka Suhardi

<p><em>O</em><em>rganization</em><em> trust</em><em> is "lubricant" in the organization. This </em><em>research</em><em> aims to obtain </em><em>instrument </em><em>items that can be used </em><em>in </em><em>the organization</em><em> trust research</em><em>, </em><em>to obtain the </em><em>items that are difficult to approve and vice versa, and </em><em>to obtain </em><em>the perceptions of respondents on each </em><em>instrument </em><em>item. This </em><em>research method </em><em>uses to test the instrument</em><em> items</em><em>. The research was conducted at Private Universities in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia with a sample of 133 lecturers who had a National Lecturer Registration Number (NIDN) and had a functional position. Research findings include: as many as 28 out of 33 items can be used to examine organizations</em><em> trust</em><em>, </em><em>and</em><em> fair rewards, effective communication and involvement of lecturers in decision making are things that must be corrected at private universities. It is hoped that these findings will be a material for discussion to increase organization</em><em>al trust</em><em>.</em></p>

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