Intangible Conditions of Human Resources Factors in MSME Decade of Covid 19 in the Bandung City-West Java-Indonesia

Deden Sutisna, Et. al.

The purpose of this study is to compensate for the intangible variables of the human resources of MSME actors in Bandung City, related to Employee Engagement and Attitude at the time of the COVID-19. Therefore, the intact condition of the two related variables is important for stakeholders such as the government and other related parties to understand and serve as a basis for policy and decision making, especially when the economy is exposed to COVID-19. The research method used is descriptive, verification and comparative. Data were tested using the validity test, reliability test, classical assumptions and data normality, and to test the level of contribution between variables and variable dimensions used correlation and termination tests. The data were obtained from the MSME economic actors in the city of Bandung total 45 samples. The city of Bandung was chosen as a place of research because the city of Bandung is known as a model city, culinary, education, creative industries as well as the city of culture and government of West Java. The results showed that the contribution, enthusiasm, pride of business people towards MSMEs was not supportive, lost trust and small. Only MSME players have employee engagement in the form of willingness. Attitudes or attitudes in the form of motives, traits and self-concepts are still strong for every MSME actor in Bandung City, and this condition is in line with the willingness dimension of employee engagement. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the employee engagement of MSME actors in the city of Bandung is currently not good or has decreased, while the attitude at is still good.

Arsitektura ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 269
Betyona Bioza ◽  
Titis Srimuda Pitana ◽  
Gunawan Gunawan

<p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong><em>Solo Craft Gallery Expo is an effort to accommodate the presence of creative industries joined in the craft subsector SMEs, and facilitating MICE activities in the city of Solo. The space is in the form of art galleries as well as a market for good packaging and expo space with diverse capacities. Combining the two functions of this building is a strategy for mutually supporting each other’s existences. Gallery space presented as cultural charms, while the expo space plays a role in bringing visitors. The government policies in synergy with the city’s potential efforts to support and facilitate the development of the city for more advances physical quality and human resources. This system if it is associated with the city of Solo as location, intersects with the image which is the city of culture. This last issue is associated with contemporary architecture, which is an effort to locate and revive the values of cultural and society, as a reflection of the city’s identity. In this case, the Javanese architecture which is the local architecture and result of the Javanese cultural community life, deserve to be appreciated to exist as a force of local architecture. The process of aligning the image of the building with the city image of the building of Solo Craft Gallery Expo, carried out through the application of contemporary Javanese Architecture.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: MSME craft’s sub-sector, craft galleries, MICE facilities, contemporary Javanese architecture.</em> <em></em></p>

Devi Oktafrianti ◽  
Toddy Aditya ◽  
Nurhakim Nurhakim

The Tangerang Live application is a communication hub in helping the government achieve organizational goals and communicate with the community. With the existence of e-government can provide public services more effectively and efficiently. In its implementation, there is a need for a combination of institutions, humans and technology. This research focuses on institutional factors in managing the Tangerang Live application and aims to be able to see the capabilities of the city of Tangerang and make it easier for the public to obtain information. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. The data were processed from the results of interviews and observations and then analyzed. The results show that there are several things that are of concern, such as human resources who are not yet competent, services handling is yet optimal and there is no standard operating procedure (SOP) related to the application used. The application is not as expected, it has been socialized but it depends on the level of awareness of the community.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 55
Karto Wijaya ◽  
Heru Wibowo

This developing area provides a very wide potential in the development as an area that has excellent products or development projects in Bandung. Cigondewah area has the potential to become this area as a creative industrial area that can support the income of the people and the city of Bandung. Cigondewah is one of the areas known as the Cigondewah environment and surrounding areas as a creative industrial area about the utilization of textile industry waste that sells the rest of cloth from factories around the city of Bandung. The area of Cigondewah grows and develops with the uniqueness of the community itself that will take advantage of opportunities from the textile industry, homes along the road corridor that turns into the shelter, the community into warehouses and shops to sell fabrics.It is also the aim of the government to promote and develop tourist areas Cigondewah for the future to be better again to enhance the identity of the area Cigondewah as a tourist area fabric shopping in the city of Bandung. This study aims to determine the development of creative industries in Cigondewah. Cigondewah Textile Tourism Area of Bandung City, especially Capacity Building, to show the identity and image of Cigondewah area as a textile tourism area in Bandung City. The identity of Cigondewah area which is currently called Cigondewah as Tourism Shopping Area Cloth. From this research is expected to give an idea that the environment is in the corridor Cigondewah road.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1638
Lorenzo Marco ◽  
Gunawan Djajaputra

The BOT (Build Operate Transfer) Agreement between Bogor Municipal Government and PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia is an agreement to optimize Baranangsiang terminal assets as stated in the agreement Number: 601 / Perj.418-BPKAD / 2012 / Number: 005 / PGI / DIR / VI / 2012 . Until now, the agreement of both parties has not been able to be considered because of the change of authority of the terminal which formerly the authority of the City Government of Bogor to switch to the Central Government, resulting problems Whether the Government / Mayor Bogor can cancel the unilateral agreement BOT in the construction of Terminal Baranangsiang viewed from the point Civil Code? The research method used is normative legal research method supported by interview and field data. Based on the analysis that the BOT agreement between Bogor City Government and PT Pancakarya Grahatama is a valid and binding agreement between both parties and can not be canceled unilaterally by Bogor City Government, although there are new regulations that change the authority of terminal A Baranangsiang become the authority of Central Government . The Agreement may be canceled if it violates Article 1320 of the Criminal Code or violates the subjective and objective terms of the validity of the agreement. When the agreement is mutually agreed upon by both parties, the agreement must continue and act as a binding law as regulated in Article 1338 of the Criminal Code. Bogor City Government should immediately provide certainty to the PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia for Baranangsiang terminal revitalization project can be immediately realized and need a revision (adedendum) agreement between the Government of Bogor City with PT Pancakarya Grahatama Indonesia related to changes in authority of terminal A Baranangsiang between PT. PGI with the Central Government.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Ida Farida ◽  
Aryanto Aryanto ◽  
Sunandar Sunandar

Abstrak:. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui strategi pemberdayaan pengecer dan penjual tradisional dalam meningkatkan daya saing terhadap pasar modern di wilayah Kota Tegal. Dalam penelitian ini metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini menafsirkan dan menguraikan data yang bersangkutan dengan situasi yang sedang terjadi, sikap serta pandangan yang terjadi di dalam suatu masyarakat, pertentangan antara dua keadaan atau lebih, hubungan antar variable yang timbul, perbedaan antar fakta yang ada serta pengaruhnya terhadap suatu kondisi, dan sebagainya. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengecer dan penjual tradisional di Kota Tegal memiliki banyak kelemahan dalam menghadapi persaingan dengan minimarket modern. Meskipun ada beberapa undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah tentang perlindungan pengecer / penjual tradisional dalam menghadapi pasar modern, peraturan ini tidak berfungsi secara optimal. Pengecer dan penjual tradisional dalam menghadapi persaingan memiliki strategi agar tetap bisa bertahan. Namun, dalam menerapkan strateginya para pelaku mengalami bermacam-macam kendala dalam mengatasi kendala-kendala yang ada dibutuhkan dukungan dari pemerintah.   Kata kunci: Pengecer, Penjual Tradisional, Daya saing, Pasar modern   Abstract:  The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy of empowering traditional retailers and sellers in enhancing competitiveness of modern markets in the City of Tegal. In this research the research method used is descriptive analysis. This study interprets and describes the data concerned with the situation that is happening, attitudes and views that occur in a society, conflict between two or more conditions, the relationship between variables that arise, differences between existing facts and their influence on a condition, and so on . The results of the study concluded that traditional retailers and sellers in Tegal City had many weaknesses in facing competition with modern minimarkets. Although there are several laws and government regulations regarding the protection of traditional retailers / sellers in dealing with modern markets, these regulations do not function optimally. Traditional retailers and sellers in the face of competition have a strategy to stay afloat. However, in implementing the strategy the actors experienced various obstacles in overcoming the existing obstacles needed support from the government.   Keywords: Retailers, Traditional Sales, Competitiveness, Modern Markets

Reza Pahlawan ◽  
Edy Andrean

This study aims to find out and describe the implementation of garden management policies in the City of Palangka Raya through Regional Regulation No. 03 of 2006 in order to create useful gardening conditions. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. In this case, the researcher wants to describe and also explain the phenomena that occur related to gardening problems that are still lacking in management. The primary data source of this research is the people of the City of Palangka Raya and the Office of Cipta Karya, Spatial Planning and Housing. The results of this study address this shows that there is still low awareness and willingness of the community to participate together in maintaining and managing parks. In addition, the communication, supervision and human resources factors that are owned by the related Office as the implementation of the policy to the public is felt to have not run optimally

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-93
Merita Bernik ◽  
Deru R Indika ◽  
Rita Komala Dewi

Bandung is one of the halal tourist destinations in Indonesia. With the increasingly rapid growth of cafes and  restaurants, the competition is getting tougher. One of the highlights is whether the café and restaurant are halal certified. This becomes very important because Indonesia is one of the largest Islamic countries in the World. It is proper if halal is the main concern. The business people do not understand and realize the importance of fulfilling the halal standard set by the government. So through this community service will be carried out socialization regarding required halal tourism.   The method used in this study is the Deplat Pastisipatif which is conducting activities in the form of providing counseling and guidance on halal tourism and halal standardization on SMEs in the culinary sector in the city of Bandung, especially the Jatinangor region.   Counseling was carried out by inviting from the tourism , youth and  sport agency and also the MUI. Culinary business begin to understand halal standardization and the importance of having halal certification. There is still a need for assistance to be able to implement halal tourism properly.    

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-28
Ardani Ardani ◽  
Djaka Permana

This study aims to determine the level of community participation in fire prevention and management in Tanjung Priuk Subdistrict, the City of Administration against Fire Disasters in North Jakarta,  the theory used in this research is the opinion of M. Nuh Minister of Education in the era of President Bambang Yudhoyono in Climbing the Amstein ladder to organize an ideal participation. The research method used is a qualitative method to obtain key data from interviews with legitimate sources that are directly involved in fire prevention and management and are supported by data from field observations. The data is then analyzed by the triangulation process. To find out the level of community participation. The results showed that the level of participation in fire prevention in Tanjung Priuk District had a range of information, consultations and appointments. the training program, which is carried out as an annual program, is provided for the community to provide information one way. In the management process, the community is at the second level of the seventh stage because the community is already a partner in the fire department before the fire department arrives at the fire location, the community has tried to extinguish the fire independently. To increase community participation in fire prevention and management, the Fire Department of the North Jakarta City Administration Office must optimize human resources, as well as other fire management resources, to be able to act also to provide costs for Balakar (Voluntary Fire) every month.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 177-193
Merdu Arika ◽  
Novi Ramadhani

This research is titled feminism in Banat al-Riyadh novel by Rajaa Al Sanea. This novel tells the lives of four women in the city of Riyadh who experienced injustice due to the rules of the family as well as from the government, which restricted the freedom of women; therefore I am interested in reviewing this title. This research focuses on one core problem: how to illustrate the feminism in the novel. The research method used in this research is descriptive method of analysis, and the results obtained from this study found some images of feminism; firstly, the desired freedom of women in this novel is to demand freedom in choosing a life partner, and freedom in social interaction. Secondly, education for women because women also have an important role for the progress of the nation, the advancement of a nation depends on the advance of education for women. Thirdly, a husband cannot divorce his wife unilaterally; there is a specific rule on this matter, so that women are not harmed by the situation.--- Penelitian ini berjudul feminisme dalam novel Banat al-Riyadh karya Rajaa Al Sanea. Novel ini mengisahkan kehidupan empat perempuan di kota riyadh yang mengalami ketidakadilan yang disebabkan aturan dari keluarga maupun dari pemerintah, yang membatasi kebebasan perempuan, oleh karena itu saya tertarik mengkaji judul ini. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada satu permasalahan inti yaitu: bagaimana gambaran feminisme dalam novel. Adapun metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti pada penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dan hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian adalah peneliti menemukan beberapa gambaran feminisme adalah pertama: kebebasan perempuan yang diinginkan novel ialah menutut kebebasan dalam memilih pasangan hidupnya, dan kebebasan dalam berinteraksi sosial. kedua: pendidikan bagi perempuan karena perempuan juga memiliki peran penting bagi kemajuaan bangsa, majunya suatu bangsa tergantung majunya pendidikan bagi perempuan. ketiga: talak bagi seorang suami tidak boleh menceraikan istrinya secara sepihak, ada aturan tersendiri mengenai hal ini, sehingga perempuan tidak dirugikan dengan situasi tersebut.DOI : 10.15408/bat.v24i1.6536

2022 ◽  
pp. 189-197
Nana Noviana Nadarsyah

The problem of HIV/AIDS cases affects the number of human resources in education such as teachers, administrators, principals who are reduced due to illness or death. Increasing cases of HIV/AIDS that spread among adolescents make the government pay more attention to the increase in these cases. Empirical facts found during the study show that one of the stakeholders in the world of education stated that learning about HIV/AIDS prevention has not been considered an urgent matter. The research is qualitative research using a descriptive approach based on the perspective of public policy. In this case, researchers have developed a basic health promotion system about HIV/AIDS and have been introduced to sufferers newly infected with HIV/AIDS. The results of studies in the city of Banjarmasin explored policy issues in education for the prevention of HIV/AIDS. Study findings assist policymakers in making decisions regarding HIV/AIDS prevention policies.

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