scholarly journals The Effect of Shalat Movement on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in The Elderly

Zakiyah Darajat Munthe ◽  
Elman Boy ◽  
Al Furqon

Introduction: An elderly is a stage of human development after adulthood and the last period of the human life cycle. As a person gets older, the disability increases in activities of daily life as a result of decreasing physical level. The aging process shows physiological, cognitive and psychological changes in the human body. Decreased components of fitness, such as muscle strength, balance and the cardiorespiratory system affect the development of disabilities. Therefore, in Islam there is prayer service, which can be an effort to improve the cardiorespiratory fitness of the elderly. Where, with prayer, it can become a sports medium that is both physical and spiritual.Aims: To determine the effect of movement on cardiorespiratory fitness in the elderly. Research method: This type of literature study is a literature review.Method: the method used in writing this article is English studies relevant to the topic was carried out using the PubMed, Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar databases, restricted from 2010 to 2020. The keywords used in the article search were elderly, prayer movement and cardiorespiratory fitness.Results: The effect of prayer movement on cardiorespiratory fitness is that it can improve blood circulation from the heart to the rest of the body, increase blood flow to the brain and increase lung elasticity.Conclusion: There is a significant effect of prayer movement on the increase in cardiorespiration of the elderly.

Fitri Dyana Siagian ◽  
Elman Boy

Introduction: Over time, a person's age will increase in line with the decreasing cardiorespiratory fitness condition. Every human being certainly hopes to pass through the old age phase in a healthy and fit condition. For this reason, in order to improve cardiovascular fitness in the elderly, it is necessary to review what affects the decrease in cardiovascular fitness in the elderly so that later it can be modified for the better. Aims : To determine the effect of prayer movement and other factors on heart and lung fitness in the elderly. Method: This type of literature study is a literature review. The search strategy for English studies relevant to the topic was carried out using the ProQuest, SagePub, PubMed, Google Scholar, and Semantic Scholar databases limited from 2015 to 2020. The keywords used in the article search were elderly, influence, fitness, heart lung and prayer. Result: The factors that affect the fitness of the heart lung areheredity, age, gender, nutrition, smoking, physical activity and excessive salt consumption. Apart from that, the prayer movement can also improve blood circulation in the body and increase the supply of oxygen to the brain. Conclusion: There are many factors that affect cardiovascular fitness, some of which can be modified and cannot be modified. Meanwhile, the prayer movement is very beneficial for the health of the body both psychologically and mentally.

Max Fink MD

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an effective medical treatment for severe and persistent psychiatric disorders. It relieves de pressed mood and thoughts of suicide, as well as mania, acute psychosis, delirium, and stupor. It is usually applied when medications have given limited relief or their side effects are intolerable. Electroconvulsive therapy is similar to a surgical treatment. It requires the specialized skills of a psychiatrist, an anesthesiologist, and nurses. The patient receives a short-acting anesthetic. While the patient is asleep, the physician, following a prescribed procedure, induces an epileptic seizure in the brain. By making sure that the patient’s lungs are filled with oxygen, the physician precludes the gasping and difficult breathing that accompany a spontaneous epileptic fit. By relaxing the patient’s muscles with chemicals and by inserting a mouth guard (not unlike those used in sports), the physician prevents the tongue biting, fractures, and injuries that occasionally occur in epilepsy. The patient is asleep, and so experiences neither the painful effects of the stimulus nor the discomforts of the seizure. The physiological functions of the body, such as breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, blood oxygen concentration, and degree of motor relaxation, are monitored, and anything out of the ordinary is immediately treated. Electroconvulsive therapy relieves symptoms more quickly than do psychotropic drugs. A common course of ECT consists of two or three treatments a week for two to seven weeks. To sustain the recovery, weekly or biweekly continuation treatments, either ECT or medications, are often administered for four to six months. If the illness recurs, ECT is prescribed for longer periods. The duration and course of ECT are similar to those of the psychotropic medicines frequently used for the same conditions. Electroconvulsive therapy has been used safely to treat emotional disorders in patients of all ages, from children to the elderly, in people with debilitating physical illnesses, and in pregnant women. Emotional disorders may be of short or long duration; they may be manifest as a single episode or as a recurring event. Electroconvulsive treatment is an option when the emotional disorder is acute in onset; when changes in mood, thought, and motor activities are pronounced; when the cause is believed to be biochemical or physiological; when the condition is so severe that it interferes with the patient’s daily life; or when other treatments have failed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Zhengran Yu ◽  
Zemin Ling ◽  
Lin Lu ◽  
Jin Zhao ◽  
Xiang Chen ◽  

Osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases are two kinds of common disorders of the elderly, which often co-occur. Previous studies have shown the skeletal and central nervous systems are closely related to pathophysiology. As the main structural scaffold of the body, the bone is also a reservoir for stem cells, a primary lymphoid organ, and an important endocrine organ. It can interact with the brain through various bone-derived cells, mostly the mesenchymal and hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). The bone marrow is also a place for generating immune cells, which could greatly influence brain functions. Finally, the proteins secreted by bones (osteokines) also play important roles in the growth and function of the brain. This article reviews the latest research studying the impact of bone-derived cells, bone-controlled immune system, and bone-secreted proteins on the brain, and evaluates how these factors are implicated in the progress of neurodegenerative diseases and their potential use in the diagnosis and treatment of these diseases.

Monisha Veeravani

Music gives people a deeper understanding on the level of sensation and motivates them to become better and this element can change the world when it is wider than our own. It is music that connects the beginning to the end and becomes the literature of our heart. Fills the soul with affection, takes the mind from deep darkness to eternal heights. Music has the status of a® God, so purity has special importance in this genre. Music is the way to cultivate the mind through the seven pure and five vocal cords. Therefore, it can be said that music is necessary to keep the body and mind healthy, cheerful. This keeps the body, mind and brain healthy, and concentrates. Stress is also removed from music. It has been proved by various scientific experiments that both music practice and yoga practice develop strength in human life and many diseases can be treated. Music therapy i.e. music therapy nowadays plays an important role in relieving many health problems. Is playing If you live under high stress or are suffering from insomnia problem, then you can take help of this therapy. Each sound produces specific waves. These sound waves directly affect our brain. Everything in existence is affected by these waves. If a music is composed with the right words and the appropriate ragas, it will work on our brain in the same way that the software works inside a computer. Since our entire body is under the control of the brain, we can get the right result by having the expected effect on the brain through remedial music. संगीत लोगों को संवेदना के स्तर पर एक गहरी समझ देकर उन्हें बेहतर बनने की दिशा में प्रेरित करता है और यही तत्व जब निज से व्यापक होता है तो दुनिया भी बदल सकती है. ये संगीत ही है जो आदि को अंत से जोडकर हमारे हृदय का साहित्य बन जाता है। आत्मा को स्नेह से भर देता है मन को गहन अन्धकार से लेकर अनन्त ऊंचाइयों तक ले जाता है । संगीत क® ईश्वर का दर्जा प्राप्त है, इसीलिए इस विधा में शुध्दता का विशेष महत्व है। सात षुघ्द अ©र पांच क®मल स्वर®ं के माध्यम से मन क® साधने का उपाय है संगीत। अतः कहा जा सकता है कि शरीर तथा मन क® स्वस्थ््ा, प्रफुल्लित रखने के लिए संगीत आवश््यक है। इससे शरीर, मन, मस्तिष्क स्वस्थ््ा रहता है, एकाग्र रहता है। संगीत से तनाव भी दूर ह®ता है। विभिन्न वैज्ञानिक प्रयोगों द्वारा यह सिद्ध हो चुका है कि संगीत साधना व योग साधना दोनों से मनुष्य के जीवन में शक्ति का विकास होता है और अनेक बीमारियों का उपचार किया जा सकता है म्यूजिक थेरेपी यानी संगीत चिकित्सा आजकल अनेक स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं से राहत दिलाने में अहम भूमिका निभा रही है। आप अगर ज्यादा तनाव में रहते हैं या अनिद्रा की समस्या से पीडित हैं तो इस चिकित्सा की सहायता ले सकते हैं । हर ध्वनि से विशिष्ट तरंगें पैदा होती हैं। ये ध्वनि तरंगें सीधे हमारे मस्तिष्क को प्रभावित करती हैं। इन्हीं तरंगों से अस्तित्व में मौजूद हर चीज प्रभावित होती है। अगर कोई संगीत सही शब्दों और उपयुक्त रागों के साथ तैयार किया जाए तो वह हमारे मस्तिष्क पर उसी तरह काम करेगा जैसे किसी ’कम्प्यूटर’ के अंदर ’साफ्टवेयर’ काम करता है। चूंकि हमारा पूरा शरीर मस्तिष्क के नियंत्रण में होता है, इसलिए हम मस्तिष्क पर उपचारी संगीत के माध्यम से अपेक्षित प्रभाव डालकर सही परिणाम प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

Vitor Nolasco de Moraes ◽  
Gustavo Duarte Ferrari ◽  
Thiago Chiaratto ◽  
Letícia Perticarrara Ferezin ◽  
Átila Alexandre Trapé ◽  

DOI: The elderly population has grown substantially, and the decline in physical capacities and increase in the body fat percentage are important characteristics of aging. Genetic factors may explain these declines and studies related to this issue are justified because they predict what physical capacities present larger declines in different individuals and enable the adoption of strategies to slow them. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ACE I / D and ACTN3 R / X genetic polymorphisms on body fat, muscle strength and power levels, aerobic capacity, flexibility and agility in older women. Sixty-six older women were genotyped with respect to ACTN3 and ACE polymorphisms for the division of groups and submitted to anthropometric measurements, physical tests in the AAHPERD and RIKLI and JONES test batteries and IPAQ to determine the level of physical activity and the Food Consumption Marker Form. Older women with XX genotype in relation to ACTN3 genotype had lower levels of flexibility of upper and lower limbs and lower cardiorespiratory fitness. Moreover, in relation to the ACE genotype, ID individuals exhibited higher cardiorespiratory fitness and lower body fat percentages. In relation to the other variables, there was no statistical difference among groups. It was concluded that the genetic variants under study play a role in some of the physical capacities and body composition in elderly women. In the future, data of this nature will enable each individual to have specific health interventions directed to the variables showing higher genetic potential for decline. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (Volume 1 No 2) ◽  
pp. 153-164
Daswara Djajasasmita ◽  
Hindung Sa'adah ◽  

The carotid artery consists of two carotid arteries, namely the dextra communist artery and the sinistra, the main blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain, the basal ganglia, which have the function of regulating the motor functions of the body. The communal carotid arteries blocked flow can cause brain ischemia. It is due to hypoxia due to a lack of oxygen supply carried by the brain, resulting in motor body function disorders, incredible blockages in the carotid arteries that supply blood to the brain, and neurons as regulators of motor functions. The research is a literature study that has relevance to the formulation of the problem meets the criteria and research objectives to determine the effect of the length of the blockage of the arteries of the carotid artery of the communist to the motor function of the Wistar strain rats. The results of a literature review or literature studies in some previous scientific research journals indicate if the blockage of the arteries of the communal carotid arteries affects the disruption of motor function caused by hypoxia and damage to neurons and brain tissue in motor neurons. The conclusion is that the blockage and the duration of blockage of the communal carotid arteries affect motor function.

2013 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-167
Aprilia Kartika Sari ◽  
Dian Hudiyawati

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a disease of kidney function disorders that occurs when the body fails to maintain metabolism, fluid, and electrolyte balance which can cause retention of urea and nitrogen waste in the blood. One of the treatments for patients with kidney failure is hemodialysis, but it can also cause psychological issues such as anxiety. Benson relaxation is a nursing intervention that can reduce anxiety. The purpose of this literature is to determine the effectiveness of the Benson relaxation method in reducing anxiety in patients undergoing hemodialysis. The study is a literature review that was conducted using databases such as PubMed, Elsevier, ScienceDirect, Portal Garuda, and Google Scholar, yielding ten articles. The findings indicate that Benson's relaxation therapy is effective in reducing the anxiety level of hemodialysis patients. This exercise will stimulate the brain to release alpha waves that cause humans to feel happy, calm, and feel comfortable. Therefore, Benson relaxation is recommended as an additional intervention for reducing anxiety in hemodialysis patients.

SongBo He ◽  
Yan Jin ◽  
Hongchun Jia

Healthy fitness is considered to be closely related to good health. Nowadays, in a modern society, people are less and less active, and high-nutrient intake is increasing. In the face of high-intensity work and life pressure, people’s leisure and entertainment time will increase relatively. When people are deeply aware of the importance of good physical fitness and regular exercise for health. Physical fitness training can bring some positive factors to the body. The purpose of this paper is to study the rationality of fitness assessment indicators for cardiorespiratory fitness in medical systems. In this paper, the cardiopulmonary function and gas metabolism test (K4b2 exercise cardiopulmonary function tester) was carried out by step-by-step incremental load test (CS3000). The subjects wore a breathing mask and a heart rate monitor on a power bicycle for 5 min to measure the gas metabolism in a quiet state. The incremental load motion is then completed on the power bike. At the same time, the three-axis physical activity monitor produced by ActiGraph in the United States was used to test the energy metabolism during exercise and training. The exercise load starts from 25 W, the rotational speed is 60 r/min, each stage increases by 25 W, the load of each stage lasts for 2 min, there is no interval between the levels, and the heart rate, blood pressure and RPE value at the end of each stage are recorded. The experimental results demonstrates that the method has a significant effect on the functional fitness of the elderly with cancer (P < 0.01). The exercise frequency and exercise time have the most significant influence on the fitness of the elderly with cancer (P < 0.001). The muscle strength, flexibility, balance quality and cardiorespiratory strength of the upper and lower limbs were significantly positively correlated with the exercise frequency and each exercise time, but not by the exercise intensity (P > 0.05).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 130-137
Veni Fatmawati ◽  
Nova Mega Rukmana ◽  
Wibowo Septianto ◽  
Diyas Elsa Yuniarsih

Elderly is a condition that will be experienced by each people, where the age range is from 45 to 75 years. The process adds up age followed also by changes that occur in body systems either physiologically or pathologically in the presence of comorbidities. One of the processes that occurs is function cerebellum descends by starting with a balance disturbance and then the brain system, resulting in the risk of falling. Elderly experiencing falls can be affected by some things such as disorders of the brain system, self it self and the environment. A part from anatomical factors, there is also a lighting environment usually the elderly always wake up at night, if the environment is less lighting then the risk of falling is higher and if the condition of waking up, the concentration and muscle power cannot be optimal, resulting in decreased balance so that the risk of falling is higher. One way to maintain and minimize the risk can be done the core stability exercise. Benefits of core stability exercise is to strengthen the core as the support of the body so that the body can be stable. This type of research is experiment, using quasi experimental design with pre test and post test group design. The statistic test using Wilcoxon test. Sample of elderly at integrated healthcare center in Ngebel, totaled are 34 elderly. Elderly sample criteria age 60-74 years, do not use assistive devices and do not experience neurological disorders. Measure morse fall skale. The results of the homogeneity test show that the significance value (p) core stability exercise of 0.323, because of the significance of p 0.05 it can be concluded that the population is from the same variant or homogeneous. The calculation of the data normality test used the Shapiro-Wilk Test and is said to be normal if p 0, 05. Data normality test results 0.085. Hypothesis Test with willcoxon test because it has a normal and homogeneous data distribution in the group. From the test results obtained with a value of P = 0.034, meaning P 0, 05, so that there is an effect of core stability training on the risk of falling in the elderly. 

Perichoresis ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 3-23
Dmytro Sepetyi

AbstractThis paper re-evaluates Derek Parfit’s attack on the commonly held view that personal identity is necessarily determinate and that it is what matters. In the first part we first argue against the Humean view of personal identity; secondly, we classify the remaining alternatives into three kinds: the body theory and the brain theory, the quasi-Humean theory, and the soul theory, and thirdly we deploy Parfit’s arguments and related considerations to the point that none of the materialistic alternatives is consistent with the commonly held view. This leaves us with the alternative: either we accept the radical and highly implausible materialistic view Parfit calls ‘Reductionism’, or we accept the view that we are nonphysical indivisible entities—Cartesian egos, or souls. The second part of the paper discusses Parfit’s objections against the Cartesian view: that there is no reason to believe in the existence of such nonphysical entities; that if such entities exist, there is no evidence that they are enduring (to span a human life); that even if they exist and are enduring, they are irrelevant for the psychological profile and temporal continuity of a person; that experiments with ‘brain-splitted’ patients provide strong evidence against the Cartesian view. We argue that these objections are in part mistaken, and that the remaining (sound) part is not strong enough to make the Cartesian view less plausible than Reductionism.

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