Rofian, Ari Widyaningrum

Learning to take advantage of scarps?é?á is learning to enhance students' knowledge in the work of art which has its own characteristics. The method in this research is a qualitative approach. Location and objectives this research in SD I Gribig Kudus and learning objectives in this research is art, especially in the use scarps. Students who follow this learning process are a fifth grade student in SD I Gribig Kudus. In a study that has been conducted in SD I Gribig Kudus produces a work by using some of the junk that aesthetic value. Works in both categories can be seen from the manufacturing process, the students in making this work to streamline the predetermined time, the completeness of tools and materials before the process is done by dividing the tasks on each member of?é?á group. The results of student creativity at work is seen from the use of colored paper and combine a color that is pretty neat. In this process, the students easily understand the techniques provided by the teacher. Learning outcomes in the use of second-hand goods in the form of work as meronce necklace of newsprint, the hood of food, toy dragon, ornamental flowers of beverage glass packaging, the tower of a pack of cigarettes, and a lantern from plastic bottles.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-100
Agung Prihatmojo

The media is a communication tool for teacher interaction with students which is a series of teaching and learning activities in schools. In the learning process the teacher has obstacles in conveying knowledge to students. The teacher needs media to be able to help attract the attention of students so that learning objectives are achieved. Picture card learning media can help teachers effectively achieve learning objectives in the teaching and learning process. This study applies a picture card learning media to students in class V SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. The aim is to find out the improvement in student learning outcomes after the teacher applies the pictorial card learning media to fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. In this study using a design that is the Initial Test - The Final Group Single Test (The One Group Pretest - posttest). The learning outcomes in this study were obtained by the fifth grade students before and after the implementation of the pictorial card media, to find out the improvement in the learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. shows that the mean or posttest average is higher than the pretest. Mean posttest 62.22 and mean pretest 46.25, so there is an increase in learning outcomes after the application of the pictorial card media to fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Ahmad Jaelani ◽  
Yasya Fauzan Wakila ◽  
Devi Nur Dianah ◽  
Krisandi Agis S

Selama ini fiqih diajarkan dengan metode yang relatif konvensional. Artinya, proses belajar mengajar dilakukan dengan cara penyampaian materi, dilanjutkan dengan menghafal dan praktik, sehingga bagi sebagian siswa terkesan monoton dan membosankan. Tidak jarang pula, karena alasan mengejar target kurikulum, para pendidik membebani siswa dengan materi yang begitu banyak tanpa memperdulikan apakah siswa telah benar-benar paham, tertarik dengan yang diajarkan atau tidak. Padahal suasana belajar yang monoton akan menciptakan suasana yang tidak nyaman, jenuh, bosan, bahkan bisa mengakibatkan stres. Kondisi yang tidak kondusif ini akan sangat menyulitkan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar fiqih dan tidak dapat mencapai hasil belajar yang optimal. Sehingga dibutuhkan suatu upaya pengembangan metode pembelajaran fiqih yang sesuai, tepat, dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami serta mengimplementasikan metode PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize and Test) dalam pembelajaran fiqih siswa MI Dayeuhmanggung Kabupaten Garut. Penelitian merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas dengan pendekatan kualitatif, sumber data merupakan primer yang diperoleh dari observasi dan hasil wawancara. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh adalah metode PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize and Test) dalam pembelajaran fiqih pada siswa kelas V MI Dayeuhmanggung Kabupaten Garut dilaksanakan dengan baik, optimal dan efektif sehingga sikap minat belajar siswa meningkat. Kata Kunci: belajar mengajar, fiqih, pengembangan metode   During this time jurisprudence (Fiqh) is taught by relatively conventional methods. That is, the teaching and learning process is carried out by means of the delivery of material, followed by memorization and practice, so that some students seem monotonous and boring. Not infrequently, for reasons of pursuing curriculum targets, educators burden students with so much material regardless of whether students really understand, are interested in what is taught or not. Though a monotonous learning atmosphere will create an uncomfortable, bored, bored, and even stressful atmosphere. Conditions that are not conducive will be very difficult to increase the interest in learning jurisprudence and cannot achieve optimal learning outcomes. So we need an effort to develop a method of learning that is appropriate, appropriate, and fun. This study aims to understand and implement the PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize and Test) method in learning fiqh of MI Dayeuhmanggung students in Garut Regency. Research is a classroom action research approach with a qualitative approach, the source of data is the primary obtained from observations and interviews. The results obtained are the PQRST (Preview, Question, Read, Summarize and Test) method in fiqh learning in fifth grade students of MI Dayeuhmanggung Garut Regency implemented properly, optimally and effectively so that the attitude of students' interest in learning increases.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Chinda Hibatul Buda

ABSTRACTThe research was carried out in order to improve the processes and outcomes of learning with media concrete on the charge on IPA Theme 7 subtema 1. The research was carried out on May 7-May 16, 2018 at 4th grade Student Affairs Tegalrejo 01 school year 2017/2018. This type of research using research action class. The percentage of observations of teachers has increased from 53% to cycle pre 72.5% in cycle I and 85.5% in cycle II. Students experience increased activity of pre cycle 51.67% to 71.66% in cycle I and 86.5% in cycle II. Student learning outcomes on pre cycle amounted to 11 students with a percentage of 40.74%, and not completely 16 students with percentages of 59.26%. After doing a repair on the cycle I increase that is 19 students complete with a percentage of 70.37% and 8 students not finished with a percentage of 29.63%, the result of the repair cycle I have yet to achieve the attainment of indicators i.e. 80% ketuntasan, then in to perform a repair cycle II. After the execution of the cycle II an increase in  23 students finished with a percentage of 85.19% whereas students who do not complete amounted to 14.81 percentage people with 4%. Thus improvements with the Model of Problem Based Learning with concrete media can say successful because the results of learning objectives i.e. the percentage of 80%.Keyword: Problem Based Learning, Concrete Media, processes and Outcomes of learning, science

Noor Amalina Audina ◽  
Mahfuz Rizqi Mubarak

This researcher aims to explore the listening skill’ online learning process using the Madlipz application and analyze the students’ perceptions of the learning process. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach with three data collection techniques, namely observation, interviews, and documentation. From this study, the researchers concluded three steps used by the teacher, namely (1) preparing and sharing online class links using Zoom Cloud Meeting media, (2) several core activities such as greeting, motivation, and explanation of listening skill ‘learning objectives’. In this step, it is also explained how the videos provided by the Madlipz application are presented as teaching materials for listening skill ‘learning, (3) evaluating learning outcomes. Researchers also found various kinds of students’ perceptions which were categorized as positive and negative perceptions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Napi'ah Napi'ah

This study was conducted at the first semester at fifth grade student of SDN PURI Mojokerto in Academic Year 2013-2014. This study uses classroom action research consists of two cycles. The objects of this study as much as 23 students. The data in this study were analyzed using descriptive analysis in order to describe the teacher’s activities, the student’s activities and student’s learning outcomes in learning. The results of this study showed the average of learning outcomes in the second cycle increased from the first cycle in the amount of 84,57 with the classical completeness 73,91 %. Thus model implementaion of cooperative learning type TPS (Think Pair Share) can increase the teacher’s activities, student’s activities and learning outcomes of fifth grade students of SDN PURI Mojokerto in Academic Year 2013-2014.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 132-139
Mahyar Mahyar

Students are accustomed to memorizing facts, principles, formulas, laws and problems given by the teacher, thus understanding the concept tends to be low. Description of daily test value obtained from 25 students that is, the average value of 54.80 with the percentage of the value reached 48% only KKM. From the description above we need the new treatments to improve student achievement and learning activities. In order to improve learning outcomes, it can be improved through demonstration methods and media in the form of real objects that exist around, so that students no longer have difficulty in understanding the material. Based on the above, then that becomes the problem in this study can be formulated as follows: 1) Do the media magnets, magnetic objects, cable and battery can improve student achievement at the fifth grade student in SD Negeri 08 Pinang sebatang Timur Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak about making magnets ? 2) Does the demonstration method can improve students' learning activities at the fifth grade students in SD Negeri 08 Pinang sebatang Timur Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak about making a magnet? The subject in this classroom action research is a fifth grade students of SDN 08 Pinang sebatang Timur Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak at the second semester in the academic year 2014/2015 the number of students 25 people, consisting of 9 men and 16 women with different levels of ability to understand the lesson. Classroom action research was carried out in SDN 08 Pinang sebatang Timur Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak. Researchers take this location or place with the consideration of working at the school concerned, making it easier in search of data, the opportunity of time wide and subject of the research that is in accordance with the profession researchers. Based on the results above we concluded that the application of methods of demonstration can improve student learning outcomes in science subjects in SDN 08 Pinang sebatang Timur Kecamatan Tualang Kabupaten Siak in second semester of 2014/2015.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-184
Muhammad Ahmad Sukron ◽  
Moh. Turmudi

The importance of a technological approach to management is to be able to help the educational process that is in line with educational goals. By using learning media through google earth-based maps, able to overcome the problems faced by teachers in delivering material about social science subjects. The focus of this research is to describe the design of planning; implementation, and factors that support and hinder teachers in implementing learning. This research uses a qualitative approach and this research is descriptive in nature. In collecting data using methods of observation, interviews, questionnaires, and documentation. The results of this study include: first, determining the type of learning media, making learning plans, paying attention to the learning objectives in choosing media, recognizing the characteristics of students and learning media; second, techniques for managing interactive classes, steps for presenting teaching material, and responding to student characteristics; and third, supporting factors include: madrasas provide facilities, adequate teacher quality, student interest in instructional media, student motivation, student seriousness to pay attention to the material, and its effect on student learning outcomes. While the obstacle is inadequate infrastructure, and the expertise of teachers has less experience in operating Google Earth media.

2016 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 144-150
Misyanto Misyanto

This study aims to determine the factors causing low learning outcomes of students in the fifth-grade mathematics class V SD Muhammadiyah Pahandut. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach with a case study. Data collection techniques used in this research is observation, interview, and documentation. Subjects consisted of 8 students, 1 teacher of Mathematics and Head of School. Results of this study are : (1) The internal factors, lack of interest and motivation of learners during the learning of Mathematics ; (2) External factors, methods of teaching and teachers who did not appeal to learners.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Ayu Intan Permatasari ◽  
Sudarmiatin Sudarmiatin ◽  
Alif Mudiono

<div align="center"><table width="645" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td valign="top" width="439"><pre><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research was aimed to describe the use of hand puppet media in the implementation of the Civics Education learning process material on cultural diversity in the fifth grade of SD Brawijaya Smart School. The approach used is a qualitative approach with descriptive type, to describe active of teacher and student in the lesson study based learn process with stages (1) planning (plan), (2) implementation (do), and (3) reflection (see). The use of hand puppet media can make students more active in the learning process. In addition, student learning outcomes are as expected, with an average of the total number of students 90.83% above the KKM. </pre><pre><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan media boneka tangan dalam pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran PKn materi keberagaman budaya di kelas V SD Brawijaya Smart School. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif, untuk mendeskripsikan aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam proses pembelajaran berbasis <em>lesson study, </em>yaitu (1) perencanaan, (2) pelaksanaan, dan (3) refleksi. Penggunaan media boneka tangan dapat mengaktifkan siswa pada saat proses pembelajaran sehingga hasil belajar siswa sesuai dengan harapan yaitu dengan rata-rata dari jumlah keseluruhan siswa 90,83 % di atas KKM.</pre></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Mar’atus Sholichah ◽  
Sri Estu Winahyu ◽  
Sukamti Sukamti

Abstract: Learning media is one of the important components in learning. Before using the media the teacher must pay attention to the planning and criteria for selecting a good media. So that the desired learning objectives can be achieved optimally. However, not all teachers plan, select, and use learning media properly and appropriately. This study aims to describe the planning, selection, and use of media as well as the obstacles experienced in implementing the use of media in online learning Theme 7 "Events in Life" Fifth Grade at State Elementary School Sumbersari 1 Malang. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Collecting data using interview, observation, and documentation techniques. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the teacher did not do the media planning themselves but used the media planning listed in the lesson plans which were arranged in one cluster. In choosing the media, it is different from the media that has been planned. This is because the media planned in the lesson plans cannot be applied 100 percent the same, adjusting to the conditions of each school. There are media that are not in accordance with the learning objectives. The use of media has implemented the steps of using media well. The obstacle experienced is that there are students who do not open the media sent by the teacher. As well as the limited ability of teachers in making technology-based media. Abstrak: Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu komponen penting dalam pembelajaran. Sebelum menggunakan media guru harus memperhatikan perencanaan dan kriteria pemilihan media yang baik. Sehingga tujuan pembelajaran yang diinginkan dapat tercapai dengan optimal. Namun, tidak semua guru melakukan perencanaan, pemilihan, dan penggunaan media pembelajaran dengan baik dan sesuai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pemilihan, dan penggunaan media serta kendala yang dialami dalam penerapan penggunaan media pada pembelajaran daring Tema 7 “Peristiwa dalam Kehidupan” kelas V di SDN Sumbersari 1 Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa guru tidak melakukan perencanaan media sendiri melainkan menggunakan perencanaan media yang tertera pada dokumen RPP yang disusun dalam satu gugus. Dalam memilih media, berbeda dengan media yang sudah direncanakan. Hal ini dikarenakan media yang direncanakan dalam RPP tidak bisa diterapkan 100 persen sama, menyesuaikan dengan kondisi sekolah masing-masing. Terdapat media yang tidak sesuai dengan tujuan pembelajaran. Penggunaan media sudah menerapkan langkah-langkah penggunaan media dengan baik. Kendala yang dialami yaitu terdapat siswa yang tidak membuka media yang dikirimkan oleh guru. Serta keterbatasan kemampuan guru dalam membuat media berbasis teknologi.

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