scholarly journals Improved health education for pregnant women in performing antenatal care in the COVID-19 pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 526-533
Lestari Sudaryanti ◽  
Amellia Mardhika ◽  
Arina Qona’ah ◽  
Anestasia Pangestu Mei Tyas ◽  
Muhammad Ardian Cahya Laksana

COVID-19 has been declared by WHO as a global pandemic. COVID-19 affects various lines of human life, especially the health aspect. East Java has ranked second in the COVID-19 cases in Indonesia. One of the efforts made to reduce the spread of COVID-19 is through clean and healthy activities and behaviors stay at home causes people to be limited in their activities except for very important purposes, especially activities for pregnant women. Pregnant women must and should carry out regular antenatal care checks. COVID-19 causes anxiety problems and worries for pregnant women to leave the house, including having pregnancy checks. But the mother is also worried about the condition and development of the fetus. This will increase the risk of maternal and infant mortality and the SDGs target in the third objective will not be met. This community service aims to provide knowledge related to antenatal care to high-risk using Poedji Rochyati Score Card (score 6-10) and very high-risk pregnant women (score 12) during the COVID-19 period. The method used in the implementation of this community service is material from resource persons, implementation of health education, and evaluation. The pregnant women were very enthusiastic about participating in this event, it was seen from the questions given to the team and vice versa. The results of the questionnaire show that there are differences in the level of knowledge of pregnant women for pre-test and post-test.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-18
Miftachul Jannah ◽  
Swasti Artanti

Community service program with the topic "Counseling Pregnant Women with Fe Tablets, Nutrition for Pregnant Women and Dangerous Signs of Pregnant Women in Jenggot, Pekalongan City" is aimed at Trimester II and III pregnant women to provide about pregnant women's knowledge about the benefits of Fe tablets , nutritional needs during pregnancy and pregnancy danger signs in the area of Jenggot, Pekalongan city. It is important to educate pregnant women about the benefits of Fe tablets during pregnancy because hemoglobin is needed for the body of pregnant women. During pregnancy, a pregnant woman needs to have high nutritious food and is sufficient for herself and her fetus. If a pregnant woman lacks nutrition and iron during pregnancy, it will cause problems, both for the mother and the fetus. Family and environmental factors will greatly affect pregnant women. Hopefully, pregnant women will have no abstinence to eat. This activity can be sustainable and encourage pregnant women to care during pregnancy whether to take Fe tablets, eat nutritious foods and understand the danger signs during pregnancy. In addition, a Pre Test and Post Test were conducted to determine the level of knowledge before and after counseling. The results obtained are that there is a significant increase in pregnant women in Jenggot, Pekalongan after counseling about Fe tablets, nutrition of pregnant women and pregnancy danger signs.

Nazarwin Saputra ◽  
Abul A’la Al Maududi ◽  
Nur Armilah Sadiah

Kasus tuberkulosis masih menjadi masalah kesehatan yang serius baik global maupun lokal. Penanggulangan tuberkulosis telah diatur dalam peraturan menteri kesehatan nomor 67 tahun 2016 diantaranya pengendalian risiko salah satunya promosi kesehatan untuk pencegahan. Pesantren sabilunnajat ciamis belum pernah dilakukan program penyuluhan kesehatan dan sebagai dukungan program kementerian kesehatan maka dilakukan pengabdian masyarakat dalam bentuk penyuluhan kesehatan untuk pencegahan tuberkulosis. Metode pengabdian masyarakat dilakukan dengan metode ceramah dilanjutkan sesi tanya jawab dengan sasaran para santri di Pondok Pesantren Sabilunnajat Ciamis. Pengabdian masyarakat ini diselenggarakan pada tanggal 21 hingga 23 Februari 2020. Sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan santri diberikan pre test dan post test. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan tingkat pengetahuan antara sebelum dan sesudah penyuluhan kesehatan pencegahan penyakit tuberkulosis di Pondok Pesantren Sabilunnajat. Kegiatan lainnya yang dilakukan yaitu pengobatan gratis untuk santri. Disarankan kepada pihak sabilunnajat agar selalu menjaga kesehatan dan menerapkan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat kepada para santri.---Tuberculosis is still a serious health problem both globally and locally. Tuberculosis prevention has been regulated in the Minister of Health Regulation number 67 of 2016 including risk control, one of which is health promotion for prevention. The pesantren sabilunnajat ciamis has never done a health education program and as a support of the ministry of health program, community service is carried out in the  form of health education for  tuberculosis  prevention. The method of community  service  is carried out by the lecture method followed by a question and answer session targeting the students at the  Sabilunnajat  Ciamis  Islamic  Boarding  School.  This  community  service  was  held  from  21  to  23 February  2020.  Before  and  after  counseling  students  were  given  pre-test  and  post-test.  The  results show that there are differences in the level of knowledge between before and after health education on tuberculosis prevention at Sabilunnajat Islamic Boarding School. Other activities undertaken are free medical treatment for students. It is recommended to the sabilunnajat to always maintain health and apply clean and healthy living behaviors to the students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-109
Eka Riyanti ◽  

Maternal and neonatal mortality rates are indicators used to determine public health status. Health services that have been carried out to reduce maternal mortality by the Sempor 1 Health Center were visited by pregnant women and neonates, assistance efforts by health workers, postpartum maternal services, pregnant women receiving iron tablets and TT techniques, handling of obstetric and neonatal complications, family planning services, and health services. nutrition. However, the services that have been done, there was no service that included husbands and families of the pregnant women who live in the same house. The purpose of this service was to carry out the KARSU PULUK SI IBU program for high-risk pregnant women. This community service method was lecture, discussion and mentoring. The community service participants were 5 midwives of the Health Center, 13 village midwives, and 10 pairs of high-risk pregnant women. The result of this activity was an agreement to implement the KARSU PELUK SI IBU program at the Sempor 1 Health Center. Knowledge improvement in 10 couples who were given education and mentoring during the program was proven by the average pretest score of 65 and the post-test average of 77 (increasing by 12). Conclusion the KARSU PELUK SI IBU program was carried out on 10 pairs of high-risk pregnant women, high-risk pregnant women were monitored and received support from their husbands  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-73
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Syarif Syafruddin ◽  
Nontji Wena

The component of antenatal care received by pregnant women is classified as incomplete because the implementation of standard pregnancy services is still using conventional methods. There are obstacles faced by midwives, such as the limited time in a recording, which has an impact on the declining quality of antenatal care standards. This research aims to compare the effectiveness of the use of KIA books and MONSCA applications in midwives in the application of the standard Antenatal service 14 T. This research was conducted in Puskesmas Tanete and Puskesmas Bontobangun Bulukumba District. The method used in the study is experimental quasi (pre-test post-test nonequivalent control design). Using a sample of midwives in this study, as many as 36 people were divided into two groups (18 intervention groups and 18 control groups). The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the Mann-Whitney Test. The results showed that there was a difference in the effectiveness of using KIA books with MONSCA applications, MOSCA's applications were easier to use, faster, safer, and more accurate than KIA books. It can be concluded that the MONSCA application is more effective than KIA books. Key words: Effectiveness, Android-based Smart Continuity of Care application, KIA book, Antenatal service 14 T

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Tria Astika Endah Permatasari ◽  
Fauza Rizqiya ◽  
Walliyana Kusumaningati ◽  
Inne Indraaryani Suryaalamsah ◽  
Zahrofa Hermiwahyoeni

Abstract Background Almost one-third of children under 5 years old in Indonesia suffer from stunting. Stunting can be prevented optimally during pregnancy as the initial phase of the first 1000 days of life. This study aims to determine the effect of nutrition and reproductive health education of pregnant women in Bogor Regency, Indonesia. Methods A quasi-experimental study was conducted among 194 pregnant women from August to November 2019. The pregnant women were randomly selected from four different villages in Bogor Regency. The intervention group (n = 97) received 2 h of nutrition and reproductive health education in small groups (four or five mothers per group) every 2 weeks for 3 consecutive months. This interactive education was given by facilitators using techniques such as lectures, role-playing, simulation, and games. The control group (n = 97) received regular health care services. A structured questionnaire was applied to collect data consisting of maternal characteristics, nutritional and reproductive health knowledge, attitudes, and practices in the intervention and control groups. Data were analysed using t-test and chi-square analysis. Results Pregnant women in the intervention group indicated a significant increase in knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding nutrition and reproductive health after receiving education. The pre-test and post-test mean scores in the intervention group were 55.1 and 83.1 for overall knowledge, 40.2 and 49.0 for attitudes, and 36.2 and 40.2 for practices, respectively. In the control group, there was no significant difference between the pre-test and post-test mean scores for these three variables. There was a significant difference (P < 0.001) in the post-test mean between the intervention group and the control group, but the difference was not significant (P > 0.05) in the pre-test. Conclusion Providing nutrition and reproductive health education through small groups with interactive methods improves the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of pregnant women. This intervention has the potential to be replicated and developed for large-scale implementation by optimising collaboration between government, non-governmental organizations, and maternal and child health service providers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 779-786
Dewita Dewita ◽  
Henniwati Henniwati ◽  
Fazdria Fazdria

ABSTRAK  Anemia dapat disebabkan oleh berbagai hal. Penyebab utama anemia pada kehamilan adalah defisiensi besi kemudian diikuti oleh defisiensi folat. WHO memperkirakan angka kejadian anemia sekitar 42 % terjadi pada ibu hamil dengan kondisi ekonomi menengah kebawah. Bit merah (Beta vulgaris L)  mengandung vitamin A, B, dan C dengan kadar air yang tinggi. Bit merah juga mengandung zat besi, kalsium dan fosfor yang bekerja dengan merangsang sistem peredaran darah dan membantu membangun sel darah merah karena kandunga asam folat dan B12 dalam Bit Merah adalah kunci penting dalam metabolisme seluler dan dibutuhkan dalam perkembangan normal eritrosit. Tujuan pengabdian adalah dapat memberikan edukasi pada ibu hamil tentang pemanfaatan Bit merah (Beta vulgaris L) dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin di Desa Sungai Pauh Kecamatan Langsa Barat. Bentuk kegiatan yang digunakan dalam pengabdian masyarakat adalah metode penyuluhan dengan ceramah dan tanya jawab, dengan mengukur pengetahuan dilakukan pre dan post test. Kesimpulan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan setelah diberikan edukasi pada ibu hamil. Kata Kunci: Bit Merah, Anemia, Ibu hamil.  ABSTRACT Anemia can be caused by many things. The main cause of anemia in pregnancy is iron deficiency followed by folate deficiency. WHO estimates that the incidence of anemia around 42% occurs in pregnant women with middle to lower economic conditions. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L) contains vitamins A, B, and C with high water content. Beetroot also contains iron, calcium, and phosphorus which work by stimulating the circulatory system and helping build red blood cells because the folic acid and B12 content in red beets are important keys in cellular metabolism and are needed in the normal development of erythrocytes. The purpose of this service is to provide education to pregnant women about the use of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L) to increase hemoglobin levels in Sungai Pauh village, Kota Langsa Barat district. The form of activity used in community service is the method of extension with lectures and questions and answers, by measuring knowledge conducted pre and post-test. The conclusion is that there is an increase in knowledge after being given education to pregnant women. Keywords: Beetroot, Anemia, pregnant women

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 321-329
Arman Rifat Lette

Abstrak: Praktik bullying ataupun kekerasan di sekolah masih sering terjadi hingga saat ini. Sudah banyak kasus Bullying yang terungkap dan bahkan menyebabkan kematian bagi korban. Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman kepada siswa tentang bullying dan cara pencegahannya. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan yaitu Penyuluhan kesehatan tentang bullying dan pencegahannya serta diskusi bersama. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada hari Sabtu, tanggal 08 Februari 2020 pukul 09.20-11.00 WITA. Peserta kegiatan penyuluhan ini adalah siswa-siswi SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Kecamatan Amfoang Selatan, Kabupaten Kupang kelas XI-XII. Peserta penyuluhan sebanyak 68 peserta. Penyuluhan Kesehatan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Pihak sekolah juga memberikan dukungan penuh dalam kegiatan pengabdian ini. Pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa semakin bertambah terkait bullying dan cara pencegahannya, dibuktikan dari hasil pre-test dan post-test dimana terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 30% setelah diberikan penyuluhan. Perlu dilakukan pengabdian lanjutan dengan waktu yang lebih lama untuk advokasi aturan/kebijakan terkait pencegahan dan penanganan bullying di sekolah.Abstract: The practice of bullying or violence in schools was still common today. There have been many cases of bullying that have been revealed and have even caused death to victims. The purpose of this service was to provide knowledge and understanding to students about bullying and how to prevent it. The form of service activities carried out was health counseling about bullying and its prevention and discussion together. This community service activity was held on Saturday, February 8, 2020 at 09.20-11.00 WITA. The participants of this counseling activity were students of SMK Negeri 1 Lelogama, Amfoang Selatan District, Kupang Regency in class XI-XII. There were 68 extension participants. Health education can run well and smoothly. The school also provides full support in this service activityStudents' knowledge and understanding is increasing regarding bullying and how to prevent it, as evidenced by the results of the pre-test and post-test where there is an increase in knowledge of 30% after being given counseling. Further service needs to be done with a longer time for advocating for rules / policies related to the prevention and handling of bullying in schools. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 320
Farhati Farhati ◽  
Riska Resmana ◽  
Dian Nurhadianti

<p>Low consumption of vegetables and fruit causes an increased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. The results showed that the majority of pregnant women (52.9%) rarely consume vegetables and fruit in sufficient quantities as recommended. Therefore, it is necessary to provide education about the importance of vegetables and fruits consumption, one of which is through the Information Motivation Behavioral Skill (IMB) approach. This study aims to determine the effect of health education with the Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) approach to increasing knowledge and consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits in pregnant women. This research is a quasi-experimental study with pre-post test design with control groups conducted in pregnant women in the city of Bandung with 60 samples using the observation sheet and questionnaire instruments. Data analysis used the chi-square test. The result of this study indicates that there are significant differences in knowledge and patterns of consumption of vegetables and fruit in pregnant women between the control and treatment groups with a p-value&lt;0.05. Information Motivation Behavior Skill (IMB) Health Education Model approach has a role in increasing the knowledge and consumption patterns of vegetables and fruits in pregnant women.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 242-249
Arnelia Dwi Yasa ◽  
Denna Delawanti Chrisyarani

Writing is an inseparable activity from everyday human life. Writing skills can be fostered from diligent reading. One of the reading media as well as the media for pouring student work is mading. Mading is a vehicle for applying students' abilities, especially in the field of writing. MI Manbaul Ulum Karangduren is a school located in Malang Regency. The school does not yet have a class bulletin board containing student work. Thus, the opportunity for students to develop their creativity in writing is hampered. Efforts are needed to improve writing skills for students to build a reading culture. One way is to publish bulletin as a teaching aid and coaching. Through bulletin board, it is hoped that students can have creativity in writing. The results of community service activities show that students' writing skills have improved. The average value of N-Gain Creativity Test scores 0.73 in the high category. This shows the level of effectiveness of the treatment has a high effect on the post test.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. e0152167 ◽  
Ping Ling Yeoh ◽  
Klaus Hornetz ◽  
Maznah Dahlui

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