scholarly journals Soft Skill Improvement as a Data Update Effort in the Mekarsaluyu Village Development Program

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-32
Utami ◽  
Wahyu Buana Putra ◽  
Dian Duhita

Natural wealth is an enormous gift. Located in northern part of Bandung, in a mountainous area, Mekarsaluyu Village has vast natural potential. The cool air, beautiful scenery, and the existence of rivers and contoured land, and the culture in the form of art and traditional music and culinary make the village has a unique local wealth. However, the local wealth available has not been managed well. The potential referred to has not yet had an optimal positive impact both on the social and economic life of its inhabitants. The background of this problem gives encouragement to empower the people of Mekarsaluyu Village by planning a tourist village development program with the theme of ecotourism. To design the program, it was necessary to collect data on the existing conditions in Mekarsaluyu Village, covering the physical aspects of natural resources and the non-physical aspects of the socio-cultural community. Getting real, accurate, and actual needs necessary to update the data and complete the lack of required data, were important for determining the ecotourism village program's planning. Therefore, the aim of this work was to carry out community service in counseling on updating data for Mekarsaluyu Village residents. The method used was in the form of training and assistance in filling out data. The writing team prepared the necessary database format tools in data variables related to the ecotourism village planning program. Then together with the residents, simulated the form filling. The results obtained from this community service are the ability of villager residents to fill in actual data independently with accuracy and validity related to physical data on the natural geographical conditions and Mekarsaluyu Village's socio-cultural community. Keywords: natural resource; training; updating data; village development

Elferida Sormin ◽  
Marina Silalahi ◽  
Bambang Widodo ◽  
Susilo Suwarno

Abstrak   Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilakukan melalui bentuk kegiatan sosialisasi dan pelatihan tentang pengolahan sampah di Desa Tempursari, Kecamatan Tempursari, Kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur pada tanggal 12-17 Juli 2017.  Permasalahan sampah menjadi permasalahan yang belakangan sangat banyak dikeluhkan oleh masyarakat secara khusus di desa Tempursari. Kerjasama yang solid antara semua stakeholder diharapkan dalam penanganan dan pemecahan permasalahan sampah ini, seperti yang sudah dilakukan oleh masyarakat Desa Tempursari dengan kehadiran Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) yang menjadi fasilitator dalam penanganan sampah di desa Tempursari. Dalam rangka mengembangkan program yang sudah disusun dan akan dijalankan, GKJW bekersama dengan Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta dalam beberapa hal terkait pengolahan sampah tersebut, di antaranya mensosialisasikan pemahaman tentang sampah (jenis dan dan dampak yang ditimbulkan), bagaimana mengolah sampah sesuai dengan jenisnya dan membantu mengoperasikan mesin pencacah sampah plastik dan sampah organik lainnya. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dinilai memberikan dampak positif, di mana mesin pencacah yang tadinya sudah lama tidak berfungsi menjadi beroperasi dengan operator yang yang sudah mahir atau fasih, masyarakat mampu memilah sampah dimulai dari tia-tiap rumah tangga sebelum selanjutnya diserahkan ke tim pengolah yang sudah ditunjuk oleh gereja. Akhirnya setelah kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat bersama dengan GKJW Tempursari, maka program pelayanan masyarakat melalui pengolahan sampah oleh GKJW Tempursari mulai berjalan lancar.   Kata Kunci: sampah organik, mesin pencacah   Abstract The community service activities were carried out through the form of socialization and training activities on waste management in Tempursari Village, Tempursari District, Lumajang Regency, East Java. The problem of garbage has become a very recent problem that is very much complained by the community specifically in the village of Tempursari. Solid cooperation between all stakeholders is expected in handling and solving these waste problems, as has been done by the people of Desa Tempursari with the presence of the Gereja Kristen Jawa Wetan (GKJW) who became a facilitator in handling waste in the village of Tempursari. In order to develop a program that has been compiled and will be implemented, GKJW cooperates with the Universitas Kristen Indonesia Jakarta in several matters related to waste management, including socializing understanding of waste (types and impacts), how to process waste according to its type and helping operate plastic waste chopping machines and other organic waste. The results of community service activities are considered to have a positive impact, where the enumerating machines that have not been functioning for a long time become operational with operators who are already proficient or fluent, the community is able to sort waste starting from each household before being submitted to the processing team who has been appointed by the church. Finally after the community service activities together with GKJW Tempursari, the community service program through processing waste by GKJW Tempursari began to run smoothly.   Keywords: organic waste, chopping machine

Neneng Salmiah

Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan wawasan masyarakat Desa Buluhcina tentang potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan serta peningkatan pengetahuan mempromosikan Desa Wisata Buluhcina melalui media sosial sehingga Desa tersebut menjadi maju dan mandiri serta kesejahteraan masyarakat meningkat. Permasalahan mitra adalah belum dikembangkannya potensi wisata yang dimiliki serta belum mempromosikan desa wisata secara optimal. Hal ini tentu saja berdampak pada rendahnya minat wisatawan berkunjung ke Desa Wisata Buluhcina. Khalayak sasaran adalah perangkat desa beserta masyarakat Desa Buluhcina. Solusi yang dilakukan adalah dengan memberikan penyuluhan dalam rangka peningkatan wawasan terkait pengembangan potensi wisata yang ada di Desa Buluhcina dan meningkatkan pengetahuan dalam mempromosikan wisata Desa Buluhcina melalui media sosial. Hasil yang dicapai adalah peningkatan wawasan peserta terhadap potensi wisata yang dapat dikembangkan di Desa Buluhcina dan peningkatan pengetahuan dalam mempromosikan wisata Desa Buluhcina melalui sosial media. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari antusiasme peserta pada saat pelaksanaan serta peningkatan hasil pre-test.[This program of community service aims to improve the insight of the community of Buluhcina Village about the potential of tourism that can be developed as well as increased knowledge of promoting the Village of Buluhcina through social media so that the village becomes advanced and independent and the welfare of society increases. Partner problems are not yet developed the tourism potential that is owned and has not promoted the tourist village optimally. This of course affects the low interest of tourists visiting the Tourism Village Buluhcina. The target audience is a village device along with the people of Buluhcina Village. The solution is to provide counseling in order to increase the insight related to the development of tourism potential in Buluhcina Village and increase the knowledge in promoting Buluhcina Village tourism through social media. The results achieved are increasing participants' insight into tourism potentials that can be developed in Buluhcina Village and increased knowledge in promoting the tourism of Buluhcina Village through social media. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of participants at the time of execution and improvement of pre-test results.]

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Suriyani BB

One sector that contributes to foreign exchange is the dominant mining sector. This mining sector contributes 36% of the country's revenue. Among the activities of the nickel mining industry, it has had a positive impact on the state treasury from taxes and royalties. Therefore, the existence of these natural resources has economic potential that must be utilized in order to prosper the lives of the people in accordance with the provisions of Article 33 of the 1945 Constitution (paragraph 2). This study tries to examine the positive impact of nickel mining activities on the socio-economic conditions of the community. The purpose of the study was to describe the positive impact of nickel mining activities on the socio-economic life of the community in Tinanggea sub-district. The research method uses a qualitative approach based on data collection with observation techniques, interviews with informants and review documents related to this research.the results showed that the positive impact of nickel mining activities in Tinanggea District was that it could accommodate local workers or increase the opportunity for people to get jobs in mining companies, increasing community income through monthly salary gains, increasing micro-businesses in the surrounding mining areas. buying and selling activities between the community and employees working in mining companies. While the conclusions of the study were that mining activities in Tinanggea Subdistrict had a positive impact on the people of the region. Keywords :  Positive impact of nickel mining activities, Socio-economic community. 

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1A) ◽  
pp. 33
Valentine Prilly Kesek ◽  
Celcius ., Talumingan ◽  
Caroline B. D. Pakasi

This study aims to determine the activities of the Amurang Port on the economy of the communities around the harbor. This research was conducted at the Amurang, Sub-district of West Amurang, South Minahasa Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative research method. The reason for using qualitative methods for this research seeks to find answers to questions relating to the socio-economic life of the commonity who are residing around the port. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data was collected by using observation, interview and documentation. The research found that the activities in Amurang Port can increase the income of local communities, opening up a new business thus increasing employment absortion, there are trading activities and there are social-economic activities around the harbor. Thus the presence of the Amurang Port has a positive impact for the people that are around the port Amurang form of employment absortion and increased income of communityKeywords : identification, economic activities, the Amurang Port, Sub-district of WestAmurang, South Minahasa District

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 282-298
Gabriel Otan Apelabi

Generally vast of mangrove forest decrease because of deforestations and converted into cultivation area. Mangrove forest damage also caused coastal erosion and seawater intrusion, which makes the people suffer losses. Since 2000, the coastal area in Kota Uneng Village tend to face extra land area which followed by the growth of mangrove forest vegetation. The people of Kota Uneng Village and Talibura Village has also aware of the important role of the mangrove forest in their area, so the activity of mangrove deforestation gradually reduced. Program Mitra Bahari (PMB) is the cooperation program between Maritime and Fisheries Affairs and College in empowering fisheries society. PMB, which found on 2007, encourages people to conserve mangrove ecosystem in Kota Uneng and Talibura. The participation of people in managing mangrove conservation area will make a positive impact on the increasing of environmental conservation, people’s awareness and social economic life, without damaging the environment. Research was held in Kota Uneng Village and Talibura Village, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Research method was explorative by using quantity method. Data collected by direct observation and interview. Sample used in the research was the people of Kota Uneng Village and Talibura Village, in The Mount of 60 respondent. Data was analyzed using independent sample T-test and Kruskal Wallis test. The obtained result of independent sample T-test: based on sex, there is no differentiation for balance of nature factor, man over nature factor and limit to growth factor on male and female. Based on marriage status, there is no differentiation for balance of nature factor, man over nature factor and limit to growth factor on marriage status. Based on location, there is the differentiation for the balance of nature factor based on the town and country location. There is no differentiation for man over nature factor and limit to growth factor based on the town and country location. Result of the Kruskal Wallis Test: Based on the education, there is no differentiation for the balance of nature factor and man over nature factor based on the level of education. Based on age, there is no differentiation for the balance of nature factor, man over nature factor, and limit to growth factor based on the age. Based on the income, there is no differentiation for the balance of nature factor, man over nature factor, and limit to growth factor based on the income. Based on the job, there is no differentiation for the balance of nature factor, man over nature factor, and limit to growth factor based on the job.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 531
Yuliana Krismonni ◽  
Putra Pratama Saputra

ABSTRAKPembangunan merupakan suatu proses yang mengarah pada perubahan dalam kehidupan masyarakatnya, baik dari kehidupan sosial, ekonomi, politik dan lain sebagainya menuju arah yang lebih baik lagi. Pada dasarnya dalam suatu pembangunan ditujukan bagi masyarakatnya. Disisi lain hal ini juga bisa berimplikasi atau berdampak bagi kehidupan masyarakatnya. Pembangunan yang tidak berorientasi pada masyarakatnya tentunya akan memberikan dampak yang negatif pula kepada masyarakatnya, dan sebaliknya pembangunan yang berorientasikan kepada masyarakatnya tentu akan memberikan dampak yang positif pula tidak hanya bagi masyarakatnya, juga bagi pihak yang terlibat dalam proses pembangunan tersebut.Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana dampak yang ditimbulkan dari adanya pembangunan objek wisata ini bagi kehidupan sosial-ekonomi masyarakatnya, dan melihat apakah dengan adanya objek wisata ini dapat mensejahterahkan hidup masyarakatnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, dengan data primer yang diperoleh dari wawancara dengan informan, dan data sekunder berupa beberapa jurnal, literatur review, dan bebetapa penelitian terdahulu, penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Mekar Jaya Kecamatan Manggar Kabupaten Belitung Timur. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni adanya pembangunan unit usaha waterboom ini pada kenyataannya belum terlalu memberikan dampak yang cukup signifikan bagi kehidupan sosial ekonomi masyarakatnya. Hal tersebut dapat terlihat karena dari segi pembangunan yang dilakukan belum terlaksana sepenuhnya, karena terkendala dalam beberapa hal. Sehingga hal ini menghambat dalam proses pembangunan yang ada.  ABSTRACTDevelopment is a process that leads to changes in the life of the people, from social, economic, political and other life towards a better direction. Basically, in a development aimed at the community. On the other hand, this can also have implications or impacts on the life of the community. Development that is not oriented towards the community will certainly have a negative impact on the community, and on the other hand, development that is oriented towards the community will certainly have a positive impact not only on the community, but also for those involved in the development process.The purpose of this research is to see how the impact of the development of this tourist attraction for the socio-economic life of the people, and to see whether the existence of this tourist attraction can make the lives of the people prosperous. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, with primary data obtained from interviews with informants, and secondary data in the form of several journals, literature reviews, and some previous research. The result of this research is that the development of the waterboom business unit has not had a significant impact on the socio-economic life of the community. This can be seen because from a development perspective it has not been fully implemented, due to constraints in several ways. So that this hinders the existing development process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 315-319
Sujita Darmo ◽  
Achmad Zainuri ◽  
Rudy Sutanto

Abstract  A maximum Management of tourism with tourist objects is interrelated and is very decisive in the progress of the tourist area. The development of tourist sites will have a positive impact on the economy, especially the economy of the middle class societ. The tourism location that is developing in the Central Lombok Regency is natural tourism in Karang Sidemen Village. Karang Sidemen village is one of the 99 tourist villages in West Nusa Tenggara. In general, the people who live in this area have relatively original traditions and culture. In addition, there are several supporting factors such as typical food, agricultural systems, and social systems that contribute to the uniqueness of a tourist village. Karang Sidemen Village is located in North Batukliang District, Central Lombok Regency. This village is located around the Tahura Nuraksa forest area, so that the community around the forest area makes use of the existing resources in the forest. This village has tourism potential that is quite developed in the community, one of which is Blue Lake. Community service activities are carried out in collaboration with the 2021 UNRAM Thematic KKN group with the theme Assistance for Karang Sidemen Tourism Village. The results of the activities that have been carried out are five work programs in the form of: floating jetty, crossing bridges, directions, making sapta charm boards and arrangement / gardening in the Blue Lake area. The impact is that the number of tourist visits increases and can increase the income of the surrounding community. Community service activities to help improve supporting facilities in order to advance natural resource-based tourism villages are very much needed. .   Keywords—Tourism object, Karang Sidemen tourism village, nature tourism, supporting facilities     Abstrak Pengelolaan wisata dengan objek wisata saling berkaitan dan sangat menentukan dalam kemajuan daerah wisatanya. Berkembangnya lokasi wisata akan membawa dampak positif dalam bidang perekonomian khususnya perekonomian masyarakat  menengah. Lokasi wisata yang sedang  berkembang  di wilayah Kabupaten Lombok Tengah adalah wisata alam yang berada di Desa Karang Sidemen. Desa Karang Sidemen merupakan salah satu desa dari 99 desa wisata yang berada di Nusa Tenggara Barat.. Pada umumnya penduduk yang tinggal di kawasan ini memiliki tradisi dan budaya yang relatif masih asli. Di samping itu terdapat beberapa faktor pendukung seperti makanan khas, sistem pertanian, dan sistem sosial yang turut mewarnai kekhasan sebuah desa wisata. Desa Karang Sidemen terletak di Kecamatan Batukliang Utara, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Desa ini berada disekitar kawasan hutan Tahura  Nuraksa, sehingga masyarakat di sekitar kawasan hutan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang ada di hutan tersebut. Desa ini memiliki potensi wisata yang cukup berkembang di tengah masyarakat salah satunya adalah Danau Biru. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan kerja sama dengan kelompok KKN Tematik UNRAM 2021 mengangkat tema Pendampingan Desa Wisata Karang Sidemen. Adapun hasil kegiatan yang telah  dilakukan yaitu dihasilkan lima program kerja berupa : Dermaga apung, jembatan penyebrangan, petunjuk arah, pembuatan papan sapta pesona dan penataan/gardening di kawasan Danau  Biru. Dampaknya jumlah  kunjungan wisata meningkat dan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan masyarakat sekitar. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat  untuk membantu meningkatkan sarana pendukung dalam rangka memajukan desa wisata berbasis sumber daya alam sangat diperlukan. .   Kata kunci— Obyek wisata, desa wisata Karang Sidemen, wisata alam, sarana pendukung

Jurnal ABDI ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Nanang Bustanul Fauzi

Abstrak Pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini difokuskan untuk  membangun citra desa Toyomarto sebagai desa Air melalui media spot mural. Pengabdian ini didasari  dari keberadaan Desa Toyomarto yang selama ini telah memiliki situs bersejarah yang menjadi tujuan wisata, yaitu Situs Sumberawan. Melihat potensi sejarah dan budaya yang kental pada Desa Toyomarto serta belum terdapatnya spot foto yang instagrammable, kami berupaya memberikan kontribusi berupa pembuatan mural berbasis budaya dan sejarah bagi Desa Toyomarto. Mural tersebut diharapkan dapat menjadi spot foto yang menambah daya tarik wisatawan untuk mengunjungi Situs Sumberawan sekaligus memberikan pembelajaran sejarah dan budaya bagi masyarakat dan para pengunjung. Hasil pengabdian berupa pembuatan spot mural memberikan dampak positif bagi masyarakat desa Toyomarto. Dampak positif dari pembuatan spot mural ini adalah dapat meningkatkan  kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat secara tidak langsung tanpa meninggalkan esensi pembelajaran sejarah dan budaya.Kata Kunci: mural, atraksi wisata, toyomarto Abstract  This community service is focused on building the image of Toyomarto village as an Air village through spot mural media. This service is based on the existence of Toyomarto Village which has had historical sites which have become tourist destinations, namely the Sumberawan Site. Seeing the historical and cultural potential that is thick in Toyomarto Village and the absence of instagrammable photo spots, we try to make a contribution in the form of making a culture and history-based mural for Toyomarto Village. The mural is expected to be a photo spot that adds to the attractiveness of tourists to visit the Sumberawan Site as well as provide historical and cultural lessons for the community and visitors. The result of dedication in the form of making a spot mural has a positive impact on the people of Toyomarto village. The positive impact of making this spot mural is that it can improve the economic welfare of the community indirectly without leaving the essence of historical and cultural learning.Keywords: murals, tourist attractions, toyomarto

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Dermawan Waruwu ◽  
Ni Made Diana Erfiani ◽  
I Putu Darmawijaya ◽  
Natalia Sri Endah Kurniawati

Development of Herbal Plants as a Tourist Destination in Catur Village, Kintamani, BaliAbstract. The people of Catur Village are classified as less prosperous economically but have the potential for natural products and cultural uniqueness. Quite a lot of natural products in this area in the form of coffee, oranges, lemongrass, sweet potatoes, ginger, turmeric, and so on. These natural products are classified as herbs that are beneficial to health. Natural products and cultural uniqueness have not been developed into tourist attractions because people lack knowledge and skills. The Partner Village Development Program (PPDM) is a solution to the problems faced by the community. The PPDM implementation team provides training and assistance to the Women Farmers Group (KWT) and Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). The purpose of implementing PPDM in Catur Village is that KWT and Pokdarwis have the knowledge and skills in developing their natural and cultural potential. This training and assistance resulted in three things: First, KWT and Pokdarwis members were able to cultivate herbal plants in their yard or garden; Second, KWT and Pokdarwis members are able to make coffee perfume and process coffee waste into cascara tea and coffee leaf tea; Third, KWT and Pokdarwis members are able to organize tourist attractions and make trekking paths in the tourist area. The development and promotion of this tourist village use technology and social media such as Facebook, Youtube, and other online media. Thus, the tourist area in Catur Village, Kintamani Bali becomes an educational and contemporary tourism destination based on herbs.Keywords: Herbal plants, herbal tourism, technology, Catur Village, Kintamani Bali.Abstrak: Masyarakat Desa Catur tergolong kurang sejahtera secara ekonomi, namun memiliki potensi hasil alam dan keunikan budaya. Hasil alam cukup banyak di daerah ini berupa kopi, jeruk, sereh, bunga gumitir, ubi, jahe, kunyit, dan sebagainya. Hasil alam ini tergolong sebagai tanaman herbal yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan. Hasil alam maupun keunikan budaya belum dikembangkan menjadi objek wisata karena masyarakatnya kurang pengetahuan serta keterampilan. Program Pengembangan Desa Mitra (PPDM) menjadi solusi terhadap masalah yang dihadapi oleh masyarakat tersebut. Tim pelaksana PPDM memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) dan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis). Tujuan pelaksanaan PPDM di Desa Catur adalah agar KWT dan Pokdarwis memiliki pengetahuan  serta  keterampilan  dalam  mengembangkan  potensi alam maupun budayanya.Pelatihan dan pendampingan ini menghasilkan tiga hal: Pertama, anggota KWT dan Pokdarwis mampu membudidayakan tanaman herbal di halaman rumah atau kebunnya; Kedua, anggota KWT dan Pokdarwis mampu membuat parfum kopi serta mengolah limbah kopi menjadi teh cerry kopi (cascara tea) dan teh daun kopi; Ketiga, anggota KWT dan Pokdarwis mampu menata objek wisata serta membuat jalur trekking di kawasan wisata tersebut. Pengembangan maupun promosi desa wisata ini menggunakan teknologi serta media sosial seperti facebook, youtube, dan media online lainnya. Dengan demikian, kawasan wisata di Desa Catur menjadi destinasi wisata edukasi dan kekinian yang berbasis pada herbal.Kata Kunci: Tanaman herbal, wisata herbal, teknologi, Desa Catur, Bali.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 314
Husna Amalya Melati ◽  
Metasari Kartika ◽  
Yudithya Ratih

PPPUD of Product Diversification of Corak Insang Weaving at Kampung Wisata Tenun KhatulistiwaAbstact. Since established on 16th of November 2018 as a woven tourist village area, the number of visitors in Gang Sambas Jaya, Batu Layang sub district, Pontianak City has increased, but the products provided were only woven clothes and scarves with a relatively high price, thus not all visitors are interested and can afford the products. The lack of variety of the woven derivative products with various price ranges made the income of woven craftsmen was not optimal. The community service program by PPPUD (Development Program of Regional Featured Product) team in collaboration with non-governmental group (KSM) aimed to diversify the gill-pattern woven products (as known as corak insang) in order to expand the market target and to meet visitors’ demand. Community service activities included training to create a corak insang ornament pattern on screw pine-based clutches, making half-moon bags model of handbags, sewing clothes – starting from making its basic pattern, breaking patterns, cutting materials and sewing clothes, and making a pouch/pencil case using the remaining woven fabrics. The activity result showed that the partners acquired skills in producing derivative products of woven corak insang. A total of 5 people acquired skills in making half-moon bag model of handbags, 8 people acquired skills in making woven corak insang ornament pattern on screw-pine based clutches, 10 people acquired skills in making basic pattern, breaking pattern, and sewing clothes, and 15 people acquired skills in creating pouch and pencil case. It shows that more than 80% of participants have been succeeded in diversifying corak Insang woven products.Keywords: Diversification, product, woven, corak Insang, community service. Abstrak. Sejak ditetapkan pada tanggal 16 November 2018 sebagai kawasan kampung wisata tenun, jumlah pengunjung di Gang Sambas Jaya Kelurahan Batu Layang Kota Pontianak meningkat, namun produk yang disediakan hanya berupa kain tenun dan syal yang harganya relatif tinggi sehingga tidak semua pengunjung berminat dan mampu membelinya. Minimnya variasi produk turunan dengan berbagai rentang harga menjadikan pendapatan perajin tenun belum optimal. Pengabdian yang dilakukan oleh tim PPPUD (Program Pengembangan Produk Unggulan Daerah) bekerjasama dengan mitra Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat (KSM) adalah mendiversifikasikan produk tenun corak insang agar mampu memperluas pangsa pasar dan memenuhi permintaan pengunjung. Kegiatan pengabdian yang dilakukan antara lain sosialisasi, pelatihan, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Pelatihan meliputi pelatihan membuat ornamen corak Insang pada clutch berbahan dasar pandan, pelatihan membuat tas tangan jenis halfmoon bag, pelatihan menjahit baju yang dimulai dari pembuatan pola dasar, pecah pola, menggunting bahan dan menjahit baju, dan pelatihan pembuatan pouch/pencil case dengan memanfaatkan sisa kain tenun dan kain tenun yang ada. Hasil kegiatan menunjukkan bahwa mitra kemudian  memiliki keterampilan dalam memproduksi produk turunan dari tenuncorak Insang. Sebanyak 5 orang memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat tas tangan model (halfmoon bag), 8 orang memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat ornamen tenun corak Insang pada produk clutch berbahan pandan, 10 orang telah memiliki kemampuan dalam membuat pola dasar, pecah pola dan menjahit baju dan 15 orang telah memiliki kemampuan membuat produk berupa pouch dan pencil case.Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa lebih dari 80% mitra telah berhasil melakukan diversifikasi produk tenun corak Insang.Kata Kunci: diversifikasi, produk, tenun, corak Insang, pengabdian.

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