scholarly journals Formation of productive and technological qualities of Holshtinized cattle at different levels of feeding

2021 ◽  
pp. 53-57
Anatoliу Anatolуevich Velmatov ◽  
Anatoly Pavlovich Velmatov ◽  
Alexander Mikhailovich Guryanov ◽  
Tatiana Nikolaevna Tishkina ◽  
Vladimir Viktorovich Mungin ◽  

The article presents the results of growing Simmental Holstein heifers with a high heredity of 87.5% according to Holstein and the formation of their productive and technological qualities at different levels of feeding. The heifers of the control group received a food ration compiled according to detailed norms, and their counterparts from the experimental groups were 5, 10, 15, 20% higher. Heifers of the 1st experimental group in terms of live weight significantly exceed their peers from the control group: at 3 months of age by 18.3 kg, at 6 by 41.7 kg, at 9 by 55.0 kg, at 12 - tees for 69.3 kg, 15 for 80.3 kg and 18 for 74.5 kg. The advantage of the heifers of the second experimental group in the same age periods is 8.8; 24.4; 38.7; 48.9; 62.9; 56.2 kg. The heifers of the 3rd experimental group outnumbered their analogs by 5.7; 10.3; 22, 5; 27.6; 42.9; 39.2 kg, the 4th experimental group of heifers surpassed their analogues by 2.1; 4.3; 12.9; 10.4; 21.0; 21.7 kg. Animals of the first experimental group were inseminated at the age of 13.8 months, the second - 14.7 months, the third - 15.9 months, the fourth - 17.1 months, and heifers from the control group were inseminated at the age of 18.1 months. From the first heifers of the first experimental group, they drank 8909 kg of milk for the first lactation, 8549 kg for the 2nd group, 8314 kg for the 3rd, 8032 for the 4th, and 7150 kg for the control group, but the life-long milk yield was the smallest among the cows of the first group ... The more productive cows inseminated at the age of 13.8 months drop out earlier than everyone else. Therefore, for such animals it is necessary to create other conditions for feeding and keeping due to the greater intensity of their physiological functions and metabolism in general.

2020 ◽  
pp. 50-53
Anatolу Anatolуevich Velmatov ◽  
Anatolу Pavlovich Velmatov ◽  
Vladimir Viktorovich Mungin ◽  
Tatiana Nikolaevna Tishkina ◽  
Olga Vladimirovna Afonina ◽  

The article presents the results of growing heifers at different levels of feeding. Studies have shown that red-motley animals are able to increase live weight at a young age, which indicates the precocity of animals. At three months of age, heifers of the 1st experimental group outperform their analogues in live weight from the control group by 15.0 kg, at 6 months of age by 38.9 kg, at 9 months of age by 42.3 kg, and at 12 months of age by 66, 4 kg and at the age of 13 months when reaching a live weight of 377 kg were inseminated. The heifers of the second experimental group exceeded their peers in similar age periods by 6.2 kg; 24.5 kg; 34.1 and 55.2 kg. The heifers of the third experimental group had an advantage in the same age periods by 3.5; 17.6; 16.0 and 29.8 kg. The advantage of the heifers of the fourth experimental group is not significant and not reliable. Heifers from the control group gained the required live weight of 380 kg at the age of 17 months.


Изучены особенности пищевого поведения коров-первотелок при скармливании ферментативно-пробиотических препаратов. Для изучения влияния пробиотиков на основе целюлозолитических бактерий рубца жвачных проводился опыт в условиях хозяйства Вологодской области. Были сформированы 3 группы первотелок черно-пестрой породы по 12 голов методом пар-аналогов с учетом кровности, удоя матерей за наивысшую лактацию, живой массы, количества дойных дней после отела и суточного удоя. Животные контрольной группы получали основной рацион,  коровам I опытной группы дополнительно скармливали по 50 г на 1 голову в сутки кормовую добавку на основе целюлозолитических бактерий рубца коров, а II опытной — такое же количество добавки на основе целюлозолитических бактерий рубца оленей. Продолжительность скармливания добавок составляла 90 дней. В результате исследований было установлено, что использование ферментативно-пробиотических препаратов положительно повлияло на пищевую активность и уровень молочной продуктивности первотелок. Коровы I и II опытных групп, получавшие дополнительно к основному рациону ферментативно-пробиотические препараты в сравнении с контрольной группой имели более высокие показатели по затратам времени на потребление корма — 8 и 25 мин., соответственно. Время, затраченное на жвачку, у первотелок II опытной группы было больше на 12 мин., чем у животных контрольной группы, в результате индекс пищевой активности у них был выше на 0,026 по сравнению с контролем. Использование добавок способствовало увеличению молочной продуктивности коров I и II опытных групп, по сравнению с контрольной, на 207 и 151 кг. Полученные результаты подтверждают положительное влияние ферментативно-пробиотических препаратов в кормлении коров, так как они способствуют повышению их пищевой активности и молочной продуктивности. The features of first-born cows’ nutritional behavior when feeding enzyme-probiotic preparations have been studied. To study the effect of probiotics based on the ruminants’ cellulolytic rumen bacteria, an experiment on a farm in the Vologda Oblast has been conducted. There were formed 3 groups of black-and-white first-born cows of 12 heads by the method of pairs-analogues, taking into account pedigree, mothers’ milk yield for the highest lactation, live weight, the number of milking days after calving and daily milk yield. The animals of the control group received the main diet, the cows of the I experimental group were additionally fed 50 g per 1 head per day of a feed additive based on cellulolytic bacteria of cow rumen, and the II experimental group were fed the same amount of an additive based on cellulolytic bacteria of deer rumen. The duration of feeding the additives was 90 days. The research found that the use of enzyme-probiotic preparations had a positive effect on the first-born cows’ nutritional activity and milk productivity level. The cows of the I and II experimental groups who received enzyme-probiotic preparations in addition to the main diet had higher indicators for the time spent on feed consumption in comparison with the control group — 8 and 25 minutes, respectively. The time spent on rumination was 12 minutes longer in the first group of experimental animals than in the control group; as a result, their food activity index was higher by 0.026 compared to the control group. The use of additives contributed to an increase in the milk productivity of cows of the I and II experimental groups, compared with the control group, by 207 and 151 kg. The obtained results confirm the positive effect of enzyme-probiotic preparations when feeding cows, as they help to increase their nutritional activity and milk productivity.

O. V. Yaremko ◽  
R. A. Peleno

The effect of pyridoxine hydrochloride on the body mass of animals, absolute and average daily increment, relative growth rate, growth factor of live weight and multiplicity of increase in live weight of calves in the early stages of postnatal ontogenesis were studied. For the experiment, six groups of one-day calves (control and five experimental) were formed, with 5 animals in each, which, in addition to the main diet (MD), fed pyridoxine hydrochloride in different doses, according to the scheme: control group – MD, I experimental group – MD + 1 mg/kg g. m pyridoxine hydrochloride, II – MD + 2 mg/kg g. m of the preparation, ІІІ – MD + 3 mg/kg of w. m., IV – MD + 4 mg/kg g. m and V experimental group – MD + 5 mg/kg g. m pyridoxine hydrochloride. Conditionally, the research was divided into four periods: colostrum – from birth and up to 5 days, until the formation of digestion – from 5 to 21 days, the period of the formation of digestion scar – from 21 to 60 days and the end of the milk period – from 60 to 90 days. It was established that feeding to calves with pyridoxine hydrochloride resulted in an increase in the live weight of 60 days of calves by 5.9% in the second group (P < 0.05), by 8.7% in the third group, by 8.3% in IV and 9.2% in V groups (P < 0.001) and for 90 days it was higher by 9.3%, 9.1%, 9.2% and 9.1% respectively (P < 0.05). The highest average daily increments were in the colostrum period in calves IV and V groups, which were added to the main diet, respectively, 4 and 5 mg/kg b.w. pyridoxine hydrochloride, in the period prior to the formation of digestion scar in calves of group IV, in the period of the formation of digestion scar in calves of the III group and at the end of the milking period in calves of group V. Absolute incresements of calves in the colostrum period and the period prior to the formation of digestion scar were the highest in calves of Group IV and the difference in control was respectively 0.34 and 1.05 kg. During the period of the digestion scar formation and the end of the milk period, the highest absolute increases were in calves of group V, which was added to the main ration of 5 mg/kg b.w. pyridoxine hydrochloride. The highest increase in body weight of calves in colostric period and prior to the operation scar rate was in group IV, the period of digestion scar formation was in the third group and during the completion period of milk in the second group of calves. In colostric period the increase of live weight was higher in calves III, IV and V groups of 5 to 21 days in calves of group IV, from 21 to 60 days in the third group and during the completion period of milk in the second group of calves.

O. Korshunova ◽  
L. Smirnova

The Vologda region is an area of developed dairy cattle breeding and the organization of comlete-fledged feeding of highly productive cows requires a special approach due to difficult soil and climatic conditions, which causes an insufficient balance of feed and rations. This paper has been solving the problem that is important for the region. The purpose of this work was to study the effectiveness of milk production with the use of the mineral and energy complex Reactor in feeding of cows. Researches on the effectiveness of using the feed additive Reactor have been carried out in the APC “Verny” in the Ustyuzhensky district in the Vologda region. In order to implement the set tasks 4 groups of cows of Black-and-White breed have been formed based on the principle of pairs-analogues, taking into account their age (2,4 lactation), live weight (540 kg), milk yield for 305 days of the last lactation (6250 kg) and physiological state. Cows of all groups have been received the main ration, but the animals of the 1st experimental group in the fresh period and the cows of the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups in the transit period have been additionally fed the mineral and energy complex Reactor. As the result of researches, new data on the zootechnical and economic feasibility of using this feed additive in the feeding of cows with the milk yield of 6000–7000 kg per lactation have been obtained, which allows identifying additional reserves for increasing milk yield with rational use of feed resources. The level of profitability of milk production for the period of increasing the milk yield in the control group was 10,4 %, and in the experimental group – 15,0; 16,8 and 20,7 %, respectively, i.e. there is the increase in this indicator by 1,5–2 times if the feed additive Reactor is used before and after calving.

Е.G. Chuprina ◽  
D. А. Yurin ◽  
N.А. Yurina ◽  

Studies conducted in farm conditions, the company, OOO PZ «Nasha Rodina» in Sokolovsky village of Gulkevichsky district of Krasnodar region. The aim of the research was to study the use of the PassPro Soy feed product consisting of protected soy protein in the diets of new-bodied highly productive cows. 2 groups of cows of the red-mottled Holstein breed were formed, selected according to the principle of pairs-analogues: by age in calving, calving time, live weight, productivity for the past lactation, fat and protein content in milk. The ration of the first control group was the ration accepted on the farm for newbodied cows. The diet of the second experimental group was the same as in the first control group, only 1.5 kg of compound feed was replaced with 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, which is a protected soy protein in the form of a 5 mm granule. During the milking period, the daily milk yield of cows in the control group was 30.80±1.07 kg. The daily milk yield of cows of the second group, where 1.5 kg of compound feed was replaced by 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, significantly increased by 6.6 %. Due to the increase in the gross milk yield, there is a tendency to increase the amount of milk fat in the milk of cows of the second group by 6.9 %, as well as milk protein by 11.3 %. In the experimental group, when replacing 1.5 kg of feed taken on the farm with 1.5 kg of PassPro Soy, milk productivity increased by 2.03 kg. Additional profit from the sale of milk in the experimental group increased by 48.72 rubles. for 1 head per day. The economic efficiency in the second experimental group was 6.30 %.

2021 ◽  
pp. 11-15
I.M. Grechkivsky ◽  
M.Ya. Kryvenok ◽  
V.M. Mykhalska ◽  

It is established that the growth of young quails depends on the optimal glycine content in the feed. The article presents data on the use of compound feed with different levels of glycine in the feeding of young quails of meat productivity. The research was conducted in the vivarium of the Department of Animal Feeding and Feed Technology. PD Wheat on quail breed Pharaoh. 300 day-old quails were selected for the experiment and three groups were formed. The level of glycine in feed for experimental animals was regulated by the introduction into its composition of a synthetic preparation of this amino acid by weight dosing and stepwise mixing. It was found that the live weight of quails depended on the glycine content in their diet. Thus, from the age of 14 days, the quails of the second and third groups had a live weight higher by 1.2% and 1%, respectively, compared to the control. At 21 days of age, the live weight of quails of the second group, which was fed feed containing 1.50% glycine, was 0.9% higher than in the control group, and the third group, with the level of glycine 1.60% – 1% lower. When feeding quail feed with a content of 1.50% glycine, their live weight at 28 days of age was 1.5% (P<0.01) greater than the control, and the live weight of birds of the third group was 1.5% (P <0.01) less. At the age of 35 days, the quails of the second group had the largest live weight, which is 0.9% more than the birds of the control group. During the first week of life, quails of the second group had an average daily gain less than analogues from the control group by 1.9%; and a week later, this figure increased by 2.6% compared to control. The highest average daily gain for the entire period of the experiment was in poultry of the second group – 8.72 g, which is 0.9% higher than in the control. Thus, it was found that feeding quails compound feed with a glycine content of 1.50% contributes to an increase in their live weight by 0.94%, average daily gains – by 0.9%, and reducing feed costs per 1 kg of growth by 1.4%.

A. Y. Karunskiy ◽  
I. V. Nikolenko

This article presents the results of the effective use of biologically active substance that belongs to hydrolyse class “Lysozyme G3” in the composition of pigs premix. New premix that can balance the main grains in pigs feeding has been developed. The main grains are wheat, corn, barley. These compounds are included into pigs feeding ration and they are the main crops in the South of Ukraine. The effect of using this new premix that contains the enzyme preparation “Lysozyme G3” for fattening pigs was also investigated. The productive effect of enzyme preparation in the rations with the same nutritional value for fattening pigs and its effect on the nutrients digestibility were studied. Experimental research activities were conducted at the agricultural enterprise “Avangard-D” LLC, Ovidiopol District, Odessa Oblast. The changes in live weight, as well as gains of fattening pigs at the age of 4, 5, 6 and 7 months were studied in the scientific and economical experience. During the main period (120 days), the increase in pigs live weight was observed in all groups. Thus, in the control group, this indicator changed from 27.8 to 107 kg; in II experimental group – from 28.1 to 109.2; in III experimental group – from 28.0 to 111.7 kg. When removing animals from fattening, the difference in live weight between the III experimental and control groups was 4.4% and it was statistically significant (P > 0.95). The average daily gains in piglets of II and III experimental groups significantly exceeded the indices of control one by 2.4% and 5.7%, respectively. The nutrients digestibility in animals of all experimental groups was studied to analyze more carefully. The analysis of digestibility indices in pigs rations during experiment (when pigs are fed with premix that contains biologically active substance Lysozyme G3), and its content in the ration indicated that nutrient digestibility indices had changed into the direction of increase. Feed consumption was calculated after analyzing these indices. Thus, the smallest feed consumption per unit of live weight gain was established in the third experimental group, where it was 3.2 feed units and was less in comparison with animals of the control group by 3.4%. During scientific and economical researches, blood samples were taken from animals of the first control group and the third experimental one for morphological and biochemical studies. It was found that the blood parameters of experimental animals during the entire period of fattening were within the physiological norm. The amount of protein in the blood indicates that animals of experimental group have higher growth rate by 10.9%. The economic indicators directly reflected above mentioned facts when the calculation of the economic part of the research were carried out. Thus, we got 1870.5 UAH from the first group, 1934.3 UAH from the second group, 1989.4 UAH from the third group, selling products from one head. Accordingly, the level of profitability of pork production was: in the first group (control) – 13.5; in the second (1 kg/ton of premix) – 16.5%; in the third (2 kg/ton of premix) – 19.8%.

L. Andrienko ◽  
V. Otchenashko

The article presents the research results of the compound feed with different methionine sources and its effect on live weight, slaughter rates, nutrient digestibility, nitrogen balance, chemical and amino acid composition of the longest back muscle, blood morphological rates of young rabbits. The results of the study indicate that the rabbit live weight of the 2nd experimental group, which has got to the compound feed with synthetic LM at the age of 70, 77 and 84 days significantly exceeds the control group by 2.1, 2.5, 2.6% and (P<0.01) respectively. Feeding on the compound feed with the addition of L methionine contributes an increase in the indwelling mass by 2.7 (P<0.05). The kidney carcass mass increases by 5.6% (p <0.05), the liver mass – by 10.6% and the longest back muscle mass – by 0.1%. The slaughter yield is higher in the second group than in the control group. In the third experimental group is higher by 2.7 2.8% respectively. . The young rabbits consuming the ration with LM have higher digestibility indices than control group. The second group exceeds the control by 0.3, 0.3, 0.4, 0.7 and 0.1%, respectively with the digestibility of organic matter, protein, fat, fiber. The nitrogen balance data analysis shows that nitrogen has been fed by 0.4 g or 0.8% more in the second group than in the control group. The emptied feces have less nitrogen by 0.01 g or 0.8% in the second group and by 0.01 g or 0.8% less than in the control group. The compound feed with the addition of LM affectes the chemical composition of the longest rabbit back muscle. There is more protein by 0.03%. in the muscles of the second experimental group than in the control sample. The young rabbits of the second experimental group have a higher content of amino acids in the muscles and they outperforme the control analogues of the third experimental group by 1.9 and 4.2% respectively. The rabbits feeding on LM fodder have higher morphological blood rate. Analyzing the above, we can conclude that the feed with methionine content of 0.41% and its source in the form of L methionine, probably improves the performance of young rabbit meat productivity. Key words: rabbits, methionine, live weight, compound feed, slaughter output, digestibility, nitrogen balance, amino acid, morphology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 745-753
N. A. Shemuranova ◽  
N. A. Garifullina

The experiment was conducted on the basis of the agricultural production cooperative kolkhoz "Iskra" (Kirov region) in 40 highly productive cows of black-motley Holstein zed breed, which were divided by the method of paired analogues into 4 groups of 10 heads. The influence of the biologically active additive Lamarin Saldonum on the reproductive function and the milk productivity of cows was studied. The animals of the experimental groups were given the additive daily in doses of 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 g per 1 kg of live weight for 30 days before calving during 60 days. It has been established that Lamarin Saldonum does not negatively affect the duration of pregnancy, while it helps to reduce the number of generic and postpartum diseases. In cows of the experimental groups retention of placenta was registered 10-20 % less often and the development of postpartum endometritis was observed 10-30 % less often. It was also found that in the animals of the experimental groups the indifferent period was reduced by 8.13-14.49 %, the number of days from calving to fruitful insemination was decreased by 30.51-53.82 days, the number of days of infertility was reduced by 33.63-59.37 % compared to intact animals. The cows of the second experimental group showed the best milk productivity, where the gross milk yield exceeded the values of the control group in the first month of lactation by 19.63 %, in the second - by 13.43 %, in the third - by 39.87 %. The need for additional studies to determine the effective dose of the additive Lamarin Saldonum, which will have a stimulating effect on the reproductive function of high-productive cows, has been established.

A.I. Girfanov ◽  
G.B. Bozova ◽  
V.E. Katnov ◽  
V.O. Ezhkov ◽  

The aim of this work is to study the growth and development of young rats after oral admin-istration of different doses of a complex preparation on the basis of nanozeolite and amino acids. The object of the study were white rats of the Wistar breed (n=12), aged 1 month. The integrated product asked animals mixed with grain, the control group received grain, kneaded with distilled water. Studied the changes of live weight gain of animals. Found that the best results in comparison with the control group, showed the first and third experimental group, the maximum result was ob-served in the third group.

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