scholarly journals Pemahaman Nilai Phi (Π) terhadap Rumus Keliling Lingkaran pada Mahasiswa PGSD 2018 Unirow Tuban

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Saeful Mizan

As a prospective educator, especially Unirow Tuban students are expected to have adequate competition. The competence in question is primarily the mastery of mathematics learning material that will be taught to elementary school students. One of the material that is often considered easy but in fact many educators and even students also have difficulty in teaching is to understand the value of phi (π) in the formula around the circle. An interview with one of the 2018 students revealed that the student did not know the origin of the phi (π) value in the circle circumference formula, which students remembered when learning circle material sometimes began by giving a formula around the circle, then continued by completing the example problems. This study aims to analyze and describe students' understanding of the phi (π) numbers in the formula around the circle. This type of research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were 70 students. The data collection technique used a random sampling of 75 students. In order to measure the ability of students to do the test. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that the 2018 PGSD Unirow Tuban students have an understanding that is still very low with an average score of 58.7 in the poor category with a conversion of D scores. Most students have difficulty understanding, especially in point C questions. and point D related to the origin of the phi (π) value and how to find the phi (π) value itself. If it is tested on question C, students are able to answer the meaning of the phi (π) value as much as 18.66% (14) students. While in question D, students are able to answer how to find the value of phi (π) by 16% (12) students

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Yuwita Novyanti ◽  
Henita Rahmayanti ◽  
Sylvira Ananda Azwar ◽  
Ilmi Zajuli Ichsan ◽  
Charanjit Kaur Swaran Singh ◽  

Flooding that occurred recently has become a very detrimental disaster for the victims. This flood disaster is still a concern for people in Indonesia. Flood mitigation needs to be done to all levels of society, especially vocational school students. Vocational school students must be responsive in any situation because, after graduation, they are ready to work. Disaster mitigation is essential to be included in learning at school. Disaster mitigation is also related to the Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) to always be ready and alert. In measuring vocational school students' understanding of disaster mitigation, initial research was carried out related to disaster mitigation and HOTS. The research subjects were 100 students of Vocational School in Jakarta who were randomly selected. This study used Google Forms as a data collection technique. The results showed that the students’ HOTS score was still low. The results showed that the Students’ HOTS scores on flooding were still low. The average score obtained by the whole students was 43.34. The male students obtained 30.27, and the female students obtained 45.97. All schools in Indonesia should implement early mitigation education that is integrated with HOTS learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-40
Riani Ika Oktafianti ◽  
Riawan Yudi Purwoko ◽  
Erni Puji Astuti

The purpose of this study was to develop a culture-based mathematics learning model through traditional Javanese games and find out the feasibility so that it could be used for elementary school students. This development research uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). Through these stages of development, it  produce culture-based mathematics learning model through traditional Javanese games products with the main products in the form of model books, student books, teacher books, syllabus, lesson plans, and student worksheets. The research subjects were 19 fourth grade students at Klegenwonosari Elementary School. The data collection techniques in this study were carried out test and non-test. The data analysis technique in this study was in scores and percentages. Starting from the needs analysis of learning models, culture-based needs analysis, and curriculum analysis it is known that the use of mathematical learning models through traditional games has been done but outside learning, students were lack of knowledge about the traditional Javanese culture games that were Gobag Sodor and Engklek. Based on the results of the study, the mathematical learning model through traditional Javanese games fulfills the valid criteria with an average score of 3.79 from the model expert's assessment. Fulfill the effective criteria by obtaining the results of completeness of students 84.21% and get very positive students responses with a percentage of 90.90%. Therefore, Culture-based Mathmatics learning model through traditional Javanese games is suitable for elementary students. Keywords: traditional Javanes games, mathematics models, ethnomatematics

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 665
Yeyen Vioskha ◽  
Yenita Roza ◽  
Maimunah Maimunah

This research was motivated by the learning outcomes of SMAN 5 Tapung students who were under the target (KKM). This research was to intend providing the solutions by applying Bandicam videos in the learning. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes on trigonometric comparison material in right triangles using Bandicam video media in class X Mia SMAN 5 Tapung. This study used a quantitative approach with interview observation steps, survey methods and blended learning methods. The research subjects were students of class X MIA SMAN 5 Tapung and the object of this study was the use of videos recorded with the Bandicam application to improve cognitive mathematics learning outcomes. Data collection techniques used tests, observations, and documentation, while data analysis techniques used qualitative descriptive data analysis methods. The average score obtained by students at the end of the first cycle was 67.6 with the number of students who reached the KKM as many as 32 students (43.7%), then at the end of the second cycle the average value of students increased to 77.4 and as many as 32 students scored reaching the KKM (87.5%). By increasing the KKM results obtained after learning using Bandicam video media, the cognitive learning outcomes of students are increased.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 648
Mayang Afriani ◽  
Zaka Hadikusuma Ramadan

Students also experience the impact of Covid-19 by limiting social interaction. However, social interaction is needed for a child to build character and social skills in interacting with other people. This study aimed to analyze patterns of social interaction in the fourth grade COVID-19 period in elementary school. The research subjects were 3 teachers and 90 students. The research instruments are interviews and questionnaires. The data collection technique used in this study was non-test, namely a questionnaire (questionnaire) and interviews. The results showed that social interaction during the pandemic was less effective. As evidenced by the five indicators, working together has an average score of 82.43%; during a pandemic, it is less effective due to limitations and many obstacles. The openness of the average value of 82.43% is classified as "good," and many students still do not understand technology for online learning and how to use it—empathy, with an average value of 80.95% (good). There is already an awareness in students to empathize with their friends. Giving motivation an average value of 79.70% is classified as "good" when learning students support each other and work together in doing assignments together at home. With a positive sense of the average value of 81.56%, students can develop positive values in the surrounding environment. Similarity with others, the average value is 82.15%, there is an attitude of equality in students to their friends in working on assignments and collecting assignments. It can be concluded that students' social interactions during the current Covid-19 period are not running perfectly compared to face-to-face.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 686
Islamiyah Islamiyah

The application of this guided incuri learning model was applied to VB grade 37 Pekanbaru Elementary School students, because conventional learning or using the lecture method did not work. The purpose of the study was to improve the learning outcomes of Islamic Education in disciplinary material and to help VB grade 37 Pekanbaru Elementary School students. The research subjects were 32 students of VB class consisting of 18 men and 16 women and carried out in 2 cycles. Analysis of the results of actions, namely student activities, teacher activities through observations. The activities of students and teachers at each meeting always increase. Student learning completeness also increased. Before action was taken, students who completed only 15 people (44.12%) with an average score of 70.75. After the first cycle of action was taken, students who completed it increased to 28 people (82.35%) with an average score of 77.75. and in the second cycle the number of students who completed increased to 33 people (97.05%) with an average value of 85.00. Based on the results and discussion, the implementation of the guided inkuri learning model can improve the learning outcomes of PAI students in class VB Pekanbaru Elementary School 37. One student who does not complete learning will be given remedial instruction.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-119
Akmal Rijal

This study aims to produce interactive multimedia based on scientific approach on plane shape material for the fourth grade elementary school students. This is a research and development using a 4-D model consisting of 4 stages, namely: defining, designing, developing, and disseminating. This research data collection technique is based on the results of the assessment by three experts, namely: expert on material, expert on media, and linguists. The expert's assessment shows that interactive multimedia meets the eligibility criteria. At the product feasibility test stage in a small group consisting of nine students, it was found that interactive multimedia met the eligibility criteria with an average score of 3.01 with a maximum score of 4.0. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the interactive multimedia design based on the scientific approach developed in this study is proven to be feasible and can be used for fourth grade elementary school students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Dessy Angreni

AbstrakPenelitian  ini  bertujuan  untuk  meningkatkan  aktivitas  dan  hasil  belajar  siswa  dalam  pembelajaran Matematika dengan menerapkan pendekatan Realistics Mathematics Education. Jenis penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Subjek penelitian yaitu siswa kelas VIII G SMP Negeri 16 Kota Bengkulu semester genap  tahun  ajaran  2019/2020.  Pengumpulan  data  dilakukan  dengan  menggunakan  lembar observasi aktivitas self checklist dan tes hasil belajar siswa. Peningkatan aktivitas belajar  dapat  dilihat  dari rata-rata skor    pada  lembar  observasi  self checklist aktivitas belajar siswa siklus I sampai siklus III secara berturut-turut: 20,5 (kreteria cukup); 25 (kreteria baik); 30,5 (kreteria baik). Hasil belajar siswa dapat ditingkatkan dengan cara mengingatkan pada materi melalui masalah kontekstual, mengkaitkan manfaat belajar materi melalui masalah kontekstual, memberikan soal latihan, memberikan bimbingan kepada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan. Peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata tes hasil belajar dan latihan siswa siklus I sampai siklus III yaitu 59,24; 70,41; 80,76 dengan persentase ketuntasan belajar klasikal dari siklus I sampai siklus III yaitu 36%; 56%; 80%.Kata kunci: Aktivitas Belajar, Hasil Belajar, Pendekatan Realistics Mathematics Education (RME). AbstractThis study aims to improve the activities and student learning outcomes in Mathematics learning by applying the Realistics Mathematics Education approach. This type of research is Classroom Action Research. The research subjects were class VIII G SMP Negeri 16 Kota Bengkulu even semester academic year 2019/2020 Data collection was carried out using observation sheets for self checklist activities and student learning outcomes tests. Increased learning activities can be seen from the average score on the observation sheet of the self checklist of learning activities of students in cycle I to cycle III in a row: 20.5 (sufficient criteria); 25 (good criteria); 30.5 (good criteria).  Student  learning  outcomes  can  be  improved  by  reminding  the  material  through  contextual problems,  linking  the  benefits  of  learning  material  through  contextual  problems,  providing  practice questions, providing guidance to students who are experiencing difficulties. Improvement of student learning outcomes can be seen from the average test scores of learning and training results of students cycle I to cycle III, namely 59.24; 70,41; 80,76 with the percentage of classical learning completeness from cycle I to cycle III which is 36%; 56%; 80%.Keywords: Learning Activity, Learning outcomes,  Realistics Mathematics Education (RME).

Umar Haiq ◽  
Badruli Martati ◽  
Fajar Setiawan

This research aims to determine the process of the development of the independent character of elementary school students in learning from home during the Covid-19 pandemic at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Surabaya in grades 4, 5, and 6 by referring to the achievement of indicators of independent character values and the obstacles that arise in their achievement. By using a qualitative approach, the discussion will be presented in a descriptive explanation. The research subjects are 99 upper-class student respondents (4, 5, and 6) at SD Muhammadiyah 8 Surabaya. The research is carried out only by taking data on March, April, and May 2020 as the research scope. In this research, data are collected giving online questionnaire observation techniques to students, accompanied by parents, and having direct interviews with class teachers and subject teachers. The discussion in this research shows that the level of development of the independent character of students has been built with an average of being in the category of culture and development even though there are still obstacles because they require assistance, either directly or indirectly from parents and teachers.Keywords: Character, Independence, Covid-19 Pandemic

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Kurnia Puspita Sari ◽  
Yerizon Yerizon ◽  
Yanti Fitria ◽  
Desyandri Desyandri

<p>This study aims to describe a valid, practical and effective RME-based mathematics learning tool for increasing the ability to understand mathematical concepts of elementary school students. The research was conducted at SDN 41 Kinali, West Pasaman Regency. There were 27 grade students in grade IV as research subjects. This type of research is the development with the Plomp model. The validity level of the aspects of content, language, presentation by the validator is 90.09% with a very valid category. The practicality of the learning tools from the teacher's response was 97.3% and the response of students was 85.53% which means very practical. Then the average final test results of the students were 90.83. Thus it is known that the developed RME-based mathematics learning tool is suitable for use in grade IV SD.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-25
Muhammad Itsnan Shidiq ◽  
Syarip Hidayat

Cheating behavior is a phenomenon that often occurs in the education system in Indonesia. This will have an impact on the loss of moral values inherent in character education. Therefore, character education needs to be implemented early to deal with cheating behavior. The researchers try to describe the results of the exploration of cheating behavior among elementary school students. The approach in this study used a qualitative approach. The method used was descriptive in order to describe the phenomena. The research subjects were students of 4th grade of SDN 1 Cibeuti. Based on the results of students’ interviews, most students had cheated with various reasons. This research observed on 4 dimensions, namely: individualistic-opportunistic, independent-planned, social-active, and social-passive. Based on those four dimensions, the most prominent type is social-passive by 75%. While the individualistic-opportunistic type of 50%. While the social-active type is 25%. While the independent-planned type was not found cheating behavior or equivalent to 0%. So, it can be concluded that students tend to cheat because of difficult subjects. The benefit of this research is that the teacher can find out the main reasons students make and can overcome and reduce the students’ cheating behavior.

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