scholarly journals Kualitas Butir dan Estimasi Kemampuan Matematika Siswa SMP pada Soal Ujian Sekolah

Jurnal Elemen ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 280-294
Novi Indriyani Kones ◽  
Raden Rosnawati ◽  

Mathematics school exams as summative assessments are expected to have good quality, so the description of students' abilities is under the actual conditions. However, due to COVID-19, math school exams are carried out online, which results in bad quality of instruments, so analysis of math exam questions is needed for information about the quality of questions, and an overview of students' abilities is obtained. This study aimed to analyze the quality of the questions, which included analyzing the characteristics items seen from the level of difficulty, differences, distractions, and estimation of students' abilities with the item response theory approach. This study employs a quantitative research method with an exploratory, descriptive approach. The subjects of this study were 758 grade 9 students of State Junior High School who took mathematics school exams in Gunung Jati Sub-district, Cirebon Regency. Data from student's responses or answers from mathematics exam questions in the form of multiple-choice with 40 items for the 1st school, 35 for the 2nd school, and 20 for the 3rd school. The research data fulfills the IRT's assumptions first. Then, the researchers found that from the online assessment analysis with SPSS software, the R and Ms. Excel program, it showed that the level of difficulty there were still some items that needed to be revised or removed if not needed. The difference between the items in the three schools could be said to be good even though the distribution was not evenly distributed. The effectiveness of the distractor is more dominant in having a bad distractor with a percentage of 100% and 65.7% and the ability of students to answer math exam questions by obtaining the highest ability information from different students from the three schools.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-114
Muhammad Miftah Muharromah ◽  
Syafiq Humaisi

                                                           ABSTRACTFinal Semester Assessment requires a quality question item instrument so that it can guarantee the quality of the tests presented to students. To get quality questions, before the questions are used each item needs to be analyzed first. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the items. The objective to be achieved in the discussion of this thesis is to determine the quality of the items from the Odd Semester Final Assessment in the Social Sciences Subject of MTs Darul Muna Ponorogo. This research is a descriptive quantitative research. In this study, researchers used to measure the quality of the questions by using the validity of the questions, the reliability of the questions, the level of difficulty, the difference power and the distracting function manually by using the Microsoft Excel application. The data collection technique in this study used documentation techniques in the form of questions, question grids, answer keys to questions, and students' answers. Based on the results of the item analysis in terms of validity, reliability, level of difficulty, distinguishing power, and deception function, it can be concluded that the quality of the Odd End Semester Assessment (PAS) items in the Social Sciences subject MTs Darul Muna Ponorogo in the 2019/2020 school year is a problem good enough quality. because those who meet the criteria for good (very good, good, moderate) questions in class VII are 38 out of 50 items (76%), in class VIII there are 44 out of 50 items (88%), class IX totals 35 of 50 items questions (70%) ABSTRAKPenilaian Ujian Akhir membutuhkan instrumen soal yang berkualitas sehingga dapat menjamin kualitas tes yang disajikan kepada siswa. Untuk mendapatkan soal yang berkualitas, sebelum soal digunakan tiap soal perlu dianalisis terlebih dahulu. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan analisis terhadap item-item tersebut. Tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam pembahasan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui kualitas materi dari Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil Mata Pelajaran Ilmu Sosial MTs Darul Muna Ponorogo. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mengukur kualitas soal dengan menggunakan validitas soal, reliabilitas soal, tingkat kesulitan, perbedaan daya dan fungsi distraksi secara manual dengan menggunakan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik dokumentasi berupa soal, kisi soal, kunci jawaban soal, dan jawaban siswa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis butir soal validitas, reliabilitas, tingkat kesukaran, daya pembeda, dan fungsi penipuan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa kualitas butir soal Penilaian Akhir Semester Ganjil (PAS) mata pelajaran IPS MTs Darul. Muna Ponorogo pada tahun ajaran 2019/2020 merupakan masalah kualitas yang cukup baik. karena yang memenuhi kriteria baik (sangat baik, baik, sedang) soal di kelas VII sebanyak 38 dari 50 item (76%), di kelas VIII ada 44 dari 50 item (88%), kelas IX berjumlah 35 dari 50 item pertanyaan (70%).

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-148
Rabiatul Adawiah

The activity of analyzing the items is one of the obligations for each teacher in an effort to improve the quality of the questions. However, for Civics Education teachers, this has never been done especially for questions created by the Subject Teachers' Consultation which are used for the end-semester assessment. The purpose of this study was to determine the quality of the questions based on distinguishing feature, level of difficulty, and effectiveness of the distractor. This study is an evaluation study of 50 items of  Civics Education Subject test in Banjarmasin, totaling 50 questions in the form of multiple choice questions at the end-semester test, academic year 2019/2020. The data collected are in the form of: (1) final exams question sheet, (2) question answer key sheet, and (3) students’ answer sheet. All data is obtained by documentation techniques. Data analysis uses the AnBuso version 8.0 application. The criteria for determining the quality of items are: (a) questions are considered good if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough, the level of difficulty is medium and all alternative answers are effective, (b) revision of alternative answers, if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough and the level of difficulty is medium, but the alternative there are ineffective answers, (c) good enough, if the distinguishing feature is good/good enough but the level of difficulty is easy/difficult, and (d) not good, if the distinguishing feature is not good.  The results of this study indicate that the questions used for the end-semester test at Junior High School in Banjarmasin are 50 % of poor quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 256
Sayit Abdul Karim ◽  
Suryo Sudiro ◽  
Syarifah Sakinah

Apart from teaching, English language teachers need to assess their students by giving a test to know the students� achievements. In general, teachers are barely conducting item analysis on their tests. As a result, they have no idea about the quality of their test distributed to the students. The present study attempts to figure out the levels of difficulty (LD) and the discriminating power (DP) of the multiple-choice (MC) test item constructed by an English teacher in the reading comprehension test utilizing test item analysis. This study employs a qualitative approach. For this purpose, a test of 50-MC test items of reading comprehension was obtained from the students� test results. Thirty-five students of grade eight took part in the MC test try-out. They are both male (15) and female (20) students of junior high school 2 Kempo, in West Nusa Tenggara Province. The findings revealed that16 items out of 50 test items were rejected due to the poor and worst quality level of difficulty and discriminating index. Meanwhile, 12 items need to be reviewed due to their mediocre quality, and 11 items are claimed to have good quality items. Besides, 11 items out of 50 test items were considered as the excellent quality as their DP scores reached around 0.44 through 0.78. The implications of the present study will shed light on the quality of teacher-made test items, especially for the MC test.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-212
Santi Pratiwi T Utami ◽  
Imas Juidah ◽  
Eko Muharudin ◽  
Suhendi Syam ◽  
Ramadhan Kusuma Yuda ◽  

This study aims to describe the quality of the odd semester final exam items for the Introduction to Editing course for the 2020/2021 academic year at the Indonesian Literature Program, Universitas Negeri Semarang. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. The research subjects were 60 students. Data collection techniques were carried out by documenting. Quantitative data analysis based on level of difficulty, discriminating power, quality of distractors, validity, and reliability with 100 questions. The results of the analysis show that the quality of the odd semester final exam items in the Introduction to Editing course has a moderate level of difficulty, sufficient discriminating power, and very good distracting qualities. In addition, there are 68 valid items and 0.78 reliability in the high category. The conclusion of the study is that the odd semester final exam items for the Introduction to Editing subject need to be revised to improve the quality of the items.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Yeti Kartikasari ◽  
M. Irwan Kartili ◽  
Dwi Rochmayanti ◽  
Nindya Aprilia

Background: Stroke is a brain disease where an acute nerve function is occurred due to the cerebral vascular disorders. To establish a diagnosis the stroke, it can be identified by employing the Diffusion Weighted Imaging (DWI) sequence in the MRI examination. Artifacts still exist on the MRI image which in turn reduce the resolution when using the DWI sequence. Adding the PROPELLER data acquisition method in the DWI sequence possibly improves the quality of brain images. The purpose of this study is to know the difference on the quality of anatomical image information between the DWI sequences with PROPELLER and without PROPELLER methods, and to determine adequate anatomical image appearance that created in amongst of the two methods, specifically for the stroke disease.Methods: this research is quantitative research with experimental approach. This study was conducted using MRI 1.5 T at Bethesda Hospital Yogyakarta. Data were 16 images from 8 patients using DWI sequences using PROPELLER without PROPELLER on MRI Brain examination with stroke. The results of the image were evaluated on 7 criteria: cortex cerebri, basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, cerebellum, stroke (infarction) and artifacts using questionnaires given to 3 respondents. Data analysis was done by Wilcoxon test to know the difference of anatomical image information on DWI sequence using PROPELLER without PROPELLER and to know better anatomical image information from both sequences seen from mean rank value.Results: The results shown, there is a significant difference on the quality of anatomical image information and the artifacts between the use of DWI sequence with and without PROPELLER methods ( 0.05). Based on the mean rank results, the DWI PROPELLER sequence has a higher mean rank value 4.50 compared to the DWI sequence without PROPELLER 0.00.Conclusions: The DWI PROPELLER sequence has better image results compared to the DWI sequence without PROPELLER.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Wianda - Nurfauziah ◽  
Sistiana - Windyariani

<p align="center"><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p><p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kualitas butir soal keterampilan proses sains pada materi ekosistem. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian lapangan secara <em>online</em> melalui pendekatan deskriptif. Beberapa uji yang dilakukan di antaranya uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji tingkat kesukaran, dan daya pembeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMA Negeri 4 Kota Sukabumi. Populasi dari penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI IPA. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan secara <em>purposive sampling</em>. Sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu siswa kelas XI IPA 3 yang berjumlah 35 orang. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa kualitas butir soal dari tingkat validitas soal, persentase soal valid sebesar 63% dan yang tidak valid sebesar 37%. Hasil uji reliabilitas soal dengan menggunakan program AnatesV4 dan taraf signifikan 5%  dengan jumlah N = 35 diperoleh nilai r<sub>tabel</sub> = 0,334, sedangkan r<sub>hitung </sub>= 0,76. Karena r<sub>hitung </sub>0,76 &gt; r<sub>tabel</sub> 0,334, maka Instrumen yang digunakan bersifat reliabel. Adapun tingkat kesukaran soal menunjukkan bahwa 70,3% soal berada pada kategori sedang, dan 51,2% memiliki daya pembeda dengan kategori baik atau sangat baik. Hasil analisis butir soal ini mengindikasikan bahwa soal keterampilan proses dikategorikan sudah valid dan reliabel serta dapat digunakan untuk penelitian selanjutnya.</p><p align="center"><strong><em>ABSTARCT</em></strong></p><p><em>This study aims to describe the quality of the item science process skills in the material ecosystem. This type of research is online field research through a descriptive approach. Some tests include validity, reliability, difficulty, and differentiation. This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 4 Sukabumi City. The population of this research is the students of class XI Science. Sampling in this study was conducted by purposive sampling. The sample in this study were 35 students of class XI Science 3. The analysis shows that the quality of the items from the level of validity of the questions, the percentage of valid questions was 63% and the invalid ones were 37%. The reliability test results using the AnatesV4 program and a significant level of 5% with the number N = 35 obtained rtable = 0.334, while rcount = 0.76. Because r count 0.76&gt; r table 0.334, the instrument used is reliable. Then in terms of the level of difficulty, that at a percentage of 70.3% (29) the most difficult category is in the medium category. And in terms of distinguishing power, obtained a percentage of 51.2% which is a good or very good category relative to a very large percentage. In conclusion, questions that are valid and reliable can already be used for further research.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-138
Erlina Yuliyati ◽  
Sedya Santosa

The quality of education in schools is influenced by many factors, including the contribution of the principal as a leader that determines whether or not the educational goals achieved at the institution he leads, and the performance of teachers who determine the success of the educational process at school. This study aims to determine whether the improvement of school quality is dominated by the principal managerial contributions and teacher performance, or there are other factors that more strongly influence the improvement of the quality of education in SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. This research is a quantitative research with a descriptive approach. Data were collected by a questionnaire involving 43 respondents and then analyzed by multiple regression statistical analysis. The quantitative method as an approach in data analysis is to use SPSS version 17.0 tools. The results of the study and data analysis showed that the managerial variable of principals partially had an effect of 0.944 which meant that there was a strong influence of the managerial variables of principals on improving quality, which was 94.4%. Furthermore, teacher performance variables have an effect of 0.937, which means that 93.7% of teacher performance contributes or significantly influences the quality of education at SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. Simultaneously, the contribution of influence given by the managerial variables of school principals and teacher performance to quality improvement was 96.8%, while another 3.2% was influenced by other variables in SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan. This means that, managerial principals and teacher performance contribute greatly to improving the quality of education in SMK Muhammadiyah Prambanan.

Accounting ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 357-362 ◽  
Hien Thu Nguyen

The article analyzes factors affecting job satisfaction of accountant and auditors at Hanoi auditing firms. For quantitative research methods, it is conducted through the collection of questionnaire survey data and processed by SPSS software to analyze data using the following techniques: Descriptive analysis, Cronbach's Alpha test, EFA exploratory analysis, multiple regression analysis. The research results show that the nature of work, relationships with leaders in the working process are the most influencing factors on the satisfaction of accountants and auditors in Auditing firms in Hanoi. From the research results of factors affecting the job satisfaction of accountants and auditors at auditing firms in Ha Noi, the author gives some recommendations to improve the level of job satisfaction, thereby improving the work quality of the accountants and auditors at the Hanoi auditing firms.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Rudolof A. Tulenan ◽  
Jullie J. Sondakh ◽  
Sherly Pinatik

Taxes have been becoming one of many issues dealt in a country. One of the country’s incomes comes from taxes, without societies there will be no taxes. Taxes could be defines as a collection done by the government in the purpose of creating a prosperous society, based on the written law about collections, government does not given immediate contraception to the taxers. This research was done in Bitung City, that aim to explain about effect of  taxpayer the awareness , the quality of tax authorities services and taxes punishment for the obedience of an individual must pay. This research used quantitative research with 100 samples taken from all taxpayer population at KPP Pratama Bitung. The research’s method used in this research is double linear regression, data qualities test, classic assumptions test, hypothesis testing (subject t and subject F). This research’s method uses a SPSS software version 23. The hypothesis research’s result partially (subject t) awareness of taxpayer, tcount = 5.045 and ttable = 1.984 so Ha1 get accepted then the awareness of taxpayer impacting the must pay obedience. Tax authorities service, tcount = 1.587 and ttable = 1.984 so Ha2 denied then the tax authorities service does not impacting the taxpayer obedience. Taxes punishment tcount = 1.554 and ttable = 1.984 so Ha3 denied than the tax authorities punishment does not impacting the taxpayer obedience.Keywords : Awareness of taxpayer, Quality of Tax Authorities and Tax Punishment towards the Obedience of Taxpayer Personally.

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