scholarly journals Eksistensi Pondok Pesantren Salafiah Sa’adatuddaren di Era Modernisasi Pendidikan

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Marwazi Marwazi ◽  
Abul Khoir

In the modern era, competition in various lines of life is getting tougher, education has not escaped the demands of the modern era so that the term education modernization appears. Modernization of education wants a learning model with sophisticated technology, focusing its expertise to be able to talk a lot in the field of work. Related to this, Salafiah Islamic Boarding School which is identical with its old, old education system is considered to be no longer relevant to the development of the times demanded to be able to maintain its existence with renewal efforts which certainly does not leave its characteristics as Salafiah Islamic Boarding School. This research took place in the Salafiah Sa'a Islamic Boarding School, Seberang, Jambi City. This study aims to determine the existence of the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School in the modernization era of education, what constraints faced by the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School in the modernization era of education, and what efforts have been made by the Islamic Boarding School in the era of education. education. The method used in this research is qualitative. The types of data used are primary and secondary. The data source is the informant associated with the existence of the Salafiah Sa' adatuddaren Islamic Boarding School in the era of education modernization, which was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The findings of this study indicate that in the current era of education modernization, the Salafiah Islamic Boarding School 'adatuddaren still exists even though the number has indeed decreased but not too significantly. The efforts made by the Salafiah Sa'a adatuddaren Islamic Boarding School to maintain its existence in the era of education modernization are good enough, only it needs to be continuously evaluated by looking at existing obstacles, and the demands and demands of the times both in the world of education and employment.

Binti Nur Afifah ◽  
Fahad Asyadulloh

The discourse about building an educational paradigm that is suitable for application in pesantren institutions is still interesting to discuss. Many conceptual offers have been presented. This is closely related to the role of pesantren in the modern era with its complexities and problems. Traditional and modern Islamic boarding schools are considered inadequate in responding to the challenges of the times between pragmatic needs and the fulfillment of the moral-spiritual dimension. For this reason, this article intends to offer a pesantren education paradigm that combines traditional and modern components. That the integrated paradigm based on al-Muhafazah 'ala al-Qadim al-Salih wa al-Akhd bi al-Jadid al-Aslah is expected to be able to alleviate the complexity of the education system implemented in Islamic boarding schools. At the very least, this offer is the first step towards a future pesantren with the spirit of salih li kulli zaman wa al-makan; have sensitivity and care about the development of the world. In turn, they are able to produce competent individuals, both in the field of faith and piety and also competence in the field of science and technology (science and technology).

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Rizky Abdillah ◽  
Omon Abdurakhman ◽  
Novi Maryani

Perubahan zaman yang semakin cepat berpengaruh besar dalam segala aspek kehidupan masyarakat. Keadaan ini kemudian berdampak pula pada sistem pendidikan, khususnya sistem pendidikan Islam. Usaha yang terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pendidikan masyarakat Islam agar tidak tertinggal dari masyarakat lainnya menjadi penting dan mendesak untuk dilaksanakan. Pesantren memiliki ciri khas pada model pembelajaran yang digunakan dalam sistem pendidikannya. Pesantren-pesantren yang berdiri pada masa pra-kemerdekaan sebagian besar menganut model pembelajaran tradisional. Namun seiring perkembangan zaman beberapa pesantren melakukan perubahan dengan model pembelajaran modern.. Keberadaan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido menjawab tantangan masyarakat akan kebutuhan Pendidikan, ilmu keagamaan, dan ilmu umum yang seimbang. Perpaduan kurikulum umum (nasional) dan kurikulum lokal (pesantren) dirumuskan di dalam model pembelajaran pesantren modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, sedangkan metode penelitiannya adalah etnografi. Hasil penelitian ini menggambarkan tentang sejarah dan juga perkembangan Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido dari mulai pengubahan model pembelajaran tradisional menjadi modern. Model Pembelajaran Pesantren Modern yang digunakannya mencangkup metode pembelajaran dan kurikulumnya.. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah modernisasi model pembelajaran di Pesantren Modern Daarul ‘Uluum Lido berjalan baik walau masih perlu adanya penyempurnaan. Faktor utama yang mendukung pelaksanaannya adalah karena komposisi tenaga pendidik atau ustadza/ah yang mayoritas alumnus pesantren yang menerapkan model pembelajaran pesantren modern.Kata kunci: kurikulum, model pembelajaran instruksional, pesantren modern. INSTRUKSIONAL LEARNING MODEL IN MODERN BOARDING SCHOOLABSTRACTModernizing effect on people's lives. This situation also impacted on the educational system of Islam. Islamic education is required to be able to respond to changes in society in accordance with the needs of society. Efforts to improve public education of Islam order to keep up the rest of society becomes important to be implemented. Boarding school has a typical model of applied learning in its educational system. Boarding School that develop in pre-independence embrace traditional learning models. However, over the times lots of pesantren make a change to use model of modern learning. The learning model functional as a guideline for the designers of learning and teachers in implementing the learning activities. The existence of Modern Boarding School of Daarul 'Uluum Lido has responded to the challenges of society that aplicating the science of religion and general science education balanced. The combination of the national curriculum and the local curriculum of boardung school teaching model formulated in modern boarding school. This research was the field research and the library research, that used qualitative descriptive study with ethnographic methods. The results of this research described the history and development of Modern Boarding School Daarul 'Uluum Lido from began modifying traditional teaching model to be modern. Modern Boarding School Learning Model which covers uses teaching methods and curriculum. Factors that supporting and inhibiting were its implementation and implications. The conclusion of this study is the modernization teaching model in Modern Boarding Daarul 'Uluum Lido running well though is still need for improvement. The main factors that support its implementation is due to the composition of the majority of educators who alumnus pesantren that implement teaching model modern boarding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Farah Kamilia ◽  
Ashif Az Zafi

<p class="15bIsiAbstractBInggris">Technology and science have developed rapidly by following the times that exist so as to provide changes to the world, especially the world of education. With this change, an innovation is needed in order to improve character education, especially in the Islamic Religious Education system at MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing that basically in educational institutions it certainly requires an educational innovation so that the desired goals can be achieved by solving problems that exist in education. In addition, if there is innovation in the education system, it will be able to produce a generation who is intelligent in reason and has a good spiritual attitude. That way, to realize good and qualified student character education, it must provide an innovation in education, especially by optimizing the learning material of Islamic Religious Education at MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak. The method used in this research is a type of qualitative research which is carried out using ethnographic methods, namely research which is carried out by solving a problem such as conducting interviews and extracting information so that it is collected into effective and efficient data. Therefore, the results of this study are the innovation of the Islamic Religious Education system greatly influences the development of students at MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak, especially on improving the quality of student character education, so as to realize a learning system in accordance with the plan that has been designed through various techniques and methods. learning provided by educators.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="16bIsiAbstrak">Teknologi dan ilmu pengetahuan berkembang pesat mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang ada sehingga memberikan perubahan pada dunia khususnya dunia pendidikan. Dengan adanya perubahan tersebut maka diperlukan suatu inovasi dalam rangka meningkatkan pendidikan karakter khususnya pada sistem Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa pada dasarnya dalam lembaga pendidikan tentunya membutuhkan suatu inovasi pendidikan agar tujuan yang diinginkan dapat tercapai dengan pemecahan masalah yang ada dalam pendidikan. Selain itu, jika ada inovasi dalam sistem pendidikan akan mampu menghasilkan generasi yang cerdas akal dan memiliki sikap spiritual yang baik. Dengan begitu, untuk mewujudkan pendidikan karakter siswa yang baik dan berkualitas maka harus memberikan suatu inovasi dalam pendidikan khususnya dengan mengoptimalkan materi pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam di MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode etnografi, yaitu penelitian yang dilakukan dengan cara memecahkan suatu masalah seperti melakukan wawancara dan penggalian informasi sehingga terkumpul menjadi data yang efektif dan efisien. Oleh karena itu, hasil dari penelitian ini adalah inovasi sistem Pendidikan Agama Islam sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan siswa di MTs Darussalam Jetak Demak khususnya terhadap peningkatan kualitas pendidikan karakter siswa, sehingga dapat mewujudkan sistem pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan rencana. yang telah dirancang melalui berbagai teknik dan metode. pembelajaran yang diberikan oleh pendidik.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Bustanul Arifin

This paper discusses the improvement of the quality of education through students is one component in the education system that is important, in the world of education students are the raw material in the process of transforming science. Learning is a variety of components that are interconnected with one another. These components include objectives, material, methods and evaluation. The four components of learning must be considered by the teacher in choosing or determining the approach and learning model. Chasing activities in their implementation recognize many terms to describe the way of teaching that will be done by the teacher. At present there are so many kinds of learning strategies or methods that aim to improve the quality of learning to be better.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-21
Gatot Krisdiyanto ◽  
Muflikha Muflikha ◽  
Elly Elvina Sahara ◽  
Choirul Mahfud

Abstract The “Ayo Mondok” Movement is part of the pesantren's response to modernity. In the modern era like this, there are still many Muslim societies in Indonesia that make pesantren a reference for formal and informal educational institutions. Indeed, initially the pesantren was only traditional and only aimed to explore the science of religion. However, along with the modernization of the times, Islamic boarding schools have not only become institutions to explore religious sciences but also general science. This paper explains the history and development of pesantren, and how the system of pesantren education answers the challenges of modernity. To get the desired results, the research library was chosen by researchers as the research method in this study. The results of this study reveal that Islamic boarding schools are a gathering place for santri to get religious knowledge from a cleric. The beginning of the pesantren was only a simple hut which was built as a makeshift with the aim of getting closer to the kyai or the teacher intended for the purposes of studying religion. While the system of pesantren education is still using the book of salaf or more familiarly called kitab kuning.   Keywords: Islamic Boarding School, Modernity and Islamic Education   Abstrak Gerakan Ayo Mondok merupkan bagian dari respon pesantren menghadapi modernitas. Di era modern seperti ini, masyarakat Muslim di Indonesia masih banyak yang menjadikan pesantren sebagai rujukan lembaga pendidikan formal maupun informal. Memang pada awalnya pesantren hanya bersifat tradisional dan hanya bertujuan untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja. Akan tetapi seiring dengan modernisasi zaman, pesantren tidak hanya menjadi lembaga untuk mendalami ilmu agama saja tetapi juga ilmu umum. Tulisan ini menjelaskan tentang sejarah dan perkembangan pesantren, dan bagaimana sistem pendidikan pesantren menjawab tantangan modernitas. Untuk mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan, maka  library research dipilih oleh peneliti sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mengungkapkan bahwa pesantren merupakan tempat berkumpulnya para santri untuk mendapatkan ilmu agama dari seorang kyai. Awal mula pesantren hanya berupa pondok sederhana yang dibangun seadanya dengan tujuan untuk mendekatkan diri kepada kyai atau guru yang dituju untuk keperluan menimba ilmu agama. Sedangkan sistem pendidikan pesantren sampai sekarang masih tetap menggunakan kitab salaf atau lebih familiar disebut kitab kuning.   Kata Kunci: Pesantren, Modernitas dan Pendidikan Islam

Diksi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 137-148
Endang Nurhayati ◽  
Mulyana Mulyana ◽  
Siti Mulyani ◽  
Hardiyanto Hardiyanto ◽  
Doni Dwi Hartanto

(Title: The Dynamics of Puppet Culture Towards The World of Reality in Wayang Pesisiran). The world of puppetry is so attached to Javanese society where the changes of the times does not detract from the existence of puppets in Javanese people's lives. This study aims to describe the characteristics of coastal puppets and the dynamics of puppet culture towards the world of reality in coastal puppets using qualitative approaches. The data source used is a video of coastal puppets and interviews to Ki Kartono. Data is collected by means of listen, record, and interview. The data analysis used was the qualitative analysis of Miles &Huberman (1992). Based on the results of research, coastal puppet shows always begin by introducing the mission of the show and introducing the main characters in the play to be told. The cultural dynamics of puppetry towards the world of reality in coastal puppets contain at least six dynamics, namely: a) religious; b) greetings; c) the territory of the country; d) socio-cultural; e) the growth of life (kasampurnaning dumadi); and f) employment. The dynamics that occur in the world of puppetry indicates the dynamic in Javanese puppetry in an effort to continue to maintain its existence in modern times today. Keywords: cultural dynamics, the world of reality, wayang pesisiran

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-193
Mumtani’ah Mumtani’ah

The education system includes several interrelated components. The education system in pesantren usually applies as it is, especially for salaf pesantren in teaching the yellow book. The success of santri education - the learning of the yellow book - in pesantren depends on the existing education system in pesantren, regardless of baraka values. Along with the development of the times inevitably pesantren must also make a system update, one of them is by developing an existing education system to improve the quality of graduates produced. An-Nur boarding school is developing include clear educational objectives and systems, the best alumni become instructors, students from various backgrounds, practical teaching methods, focus on nahw and sharf science, audio visual as a learning tool. This is supported by a representative place (cool environment), facilities and infrastructure, as well as professional teachers. While the obstacles related to administrative issues for foreign students are also in language limitations and age diversity. This shows that An-Nur's pesantren in developing the education system to improve the quality of graduates uses an acceleration system in the teaching of the yellow book.

Gülçin Zeybek

It is known that the next generation grows intertwined with technology, can easily communicate with peers all over the world, adapt to new technological tools very quickly, and is fond of independence. For these reasons, it has become impossible to prepare the next generation for the future with the traditional education system. In a world where digital technology dominates our lives, the flipped learning model has emerged. In this model, the student performs cognitive activities on lower levels such as acquisition information and understanding before the course. The course focuses on higher level cognitive activities such as practice, analysis, evaluation, and synthesis with the support of peers and teachers. Thus, students are transformed from individuals informed by their teachers to individuals who reach information and take it to the next step. In this chapter, the flipped learning model was introduced; its benefits and limitations, researches about the model, recommendations for implementation are discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Rochmad .

Abstract The development of the era from the traditional, now entering the modern era. That is, many people are now spoiled with technological. In the past, people traveled to one city with another city requires a lot of time. Furthermore, people see the world still using the Globe and the information needed takes a long time. Conditions are inversely proportional after the public knows the technology. Society is facilitated and spoiled with technology. When lazy to move all what we need today can be directly delivered today. In this era, service bureaus have begun to stand up everywhere. Now there is no need to worry about the daily needs that are needed. Likewise in the world of education. Therefore, the development of the times certainly also requires a technology. Keywords: Technology, Learning, Islamic Religious Education. Abstrak Perkembangan zaman dimulai dari tradisional, kemudian sekarang memasuki era modern. Artinya, banyak masyarakat sekarang yang dimanjakan dengan kecanggihan teknologi. Dahulu, orang bepergian ke kota satu dengan kota yang lain membutuhkan banyak waktu. Selanjutnya, masyarakat melihat dunia masih menggunakan Globe dan informasi yang dibutuhkan diperlukan waktu yang lama. Kondisi berbanding tebalik setelah masyarakat mengetahui teknologi. Masyarakat dipermudah dan dimanjakan dengan teknologi. Ketika malas bergerak semua apa yang kita butuhkan hari ini bisa langsung diantar hari ini juga. Di era ini, biro jasa sudah mulai berdiri dimana-mana. Sekarang tidak perlu khawatir tentang kebutuhan sehari-hari yang dibutuhkan. Begitu juga dalam dunia pendidikan. Karenanya, perkembangan zaman tentunya juga membutuhkan sebuah teknologi. Kata Kunci: Teknologi, Pembelajaran, Pendidikan Agama Islam

Mahmud Arif ◽  
Siti Fatonah ◽  
Abda Billah Faza MB

After the ratification of Pesantren's Law, the existence of pesantren (Islamic boarding school) more be recognized as an integral part of the national education system. Historically, it has much uniqueness. In the modern era, its dynamics in Indonesia faced problematic situations: the pressure of the colonizers and the modernization of the educational system that provide disadvantages. Also, the decline of the centers of Islamic culture has residues. On one side, such situations force pesantren to take extra careful steps to look less agile in reforming its educational and institutional system in the context of the fulfillment of its traditional functions. On the side, the tradition of Islamic science developed is deemed to be very close to the Sufistic-juristic inclination that belongs to the non-puritan school. As the penetration of the modernization in the national education system is gradually accepted, its dialectical pattern has pushed pesantren to take the convergent process that makes this institution to compete as an educational institution and education provider as well.

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