scholarly journals The influence of oil pollution and carriers of biological product on the agrophysical indicators of sod-podzolic soils

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-51
A. V. Lednev ◽  
A. V. Lozhkin

The article presents the results of the influence of various aerating agents, carriers of new generation oil-oxidizing biological product on the agrophysical parameters of sod-podzolic soil highly contaminated with oil (up to 10%), and on the rate of oil decomposition in it. The studies were carried out in a microfield experiment in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic. It was established that during the growing season of 2019 all studied carriers of the biological product had positive effect on these indicators, however, the parameters of the changes were determined by their types. Thus, the application of sawdust, barley straw and flax shive into the soil provided an increase in the structural coefficient by 0.83-0.99 units or 35-43 %. All studied carriers of the biological product statistically significantly reduced the density of the contaminated soil, the greatest effect on this indicator was exerted by flax shive (by 0.42 g/cm3 or 32 %) and sawdust (by 0.34 g/cm3 or by 26 %). The application of vermiculite increased the productive moisture content in the contaminated soil most significantly - by 115 m3 /ha or by 50.7 %. The improvement of agrophysical properties of oil-contaminated soil by carriers of the biological product increased drastically the effectiveness of the preparation for oil decomposition. The greatest effect on this indicator (by 9.9-10.9 mg/kg or 40.2- 44.3 %) was exerted by the biological product in combination with flax shive, lignin and straw. The application of organomineral fertilizers into the contaminated soil also improved the agrophysical properties of oil-contaminated soils significantly and reduced the residual oil content in it by 13.0 mg/kg or 52.8 %.

Kalamkas B. Oralbayeva ◽  
Aliya K. Yernazarova ◽  
Medet E. Kundybayev ◽  
Spandiar A. Seitkulov ◽  
Aida S. Kistaubayeva

Currently biological methods of cleaning oily soils significantly developed as the most accessible and effective. In their basis – the use of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms (HOM) metabolic potential. At the same time, as practice shows, existing preparations containing HOM are not effective enough in extreme soil-climatic conditions, in this connection the search for indigenous strains of oil-oxidizing bacteria and the development of new biological preparations are of current interest. The aim of this work is to study the effectiveness of HOM strains for restoring the biological activity of oil-contaminated soil. A study of the microflora of unpolluted and oil-contaminated soil taken from the experimental site of the “Shymkent” oil pumping station of “KazTransOil” JSC was carried out: the total number of microorganisms was 210·106cells/g and 130·106 cells/g, respectively. From 16 НOM strains isolated from oil-contaminated soil, 3 bacterial strains were selected to create an association and use as a biological product-oil destructor – P12, P16, A8. Based on the results of genotyping, strains P12 and P16 correspond to the species Pseudomonas aeruginosa, strain A8 belongs to the species Alcaligenes denitrificans. The associations of Pseudomonas sp. P16, Pseudomonas sp. P12 and Alcaligenes sp. A8 showed better growth in comparison with monocultures on a nutrient medium with hydrocarbons. Bioremediation of artificially oil polluted site process, which carried out for 120 days using a biological product created on the basis of the association of strains P12, P16 and A8, decreased the content of hydrocarbons 3.4 times, and with additional application of mineral fertilizers (ammophos) – 4.6 times. Thus, proved the expediency of using HOM strains P12, P16, A8 for the purpose of bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils. The results of the study can be used to improve economical and environmental efficiency of work when carrying out measures to eliminate the consequences of oil spills on the ground. Биологические методы очистки нефтесодержащих почв в настоящее время имеют существенное развитие как наиболее доступные и эффективные. В их основе – использование метаболического потенциала углеводородокисляющих микроорганизмов (УОМ). При этом, как показывает практика, существующие препараты, содержащие УОМ, недостаточно эффективны в экстремальных почвенно-климатических условиях, в связи с чем актуальными являются вопросы поиска аборигенных штаммов нефтеокисляющих бактерий и разработка новых биопрепаратов. Цель работы – исследование эффективности штаммов УОМ для восстановления биологической активности нефтезагрязненного почвогрунта. Проведено изучение микрофлоры незагрязненной и нефтезагрязненной почвы, отобранной с экспериментального участка ГНПС «Шымкент» АО «КазТрансОйл»: общее количество микроорганизмов составило 210·106 кл/г и 130·106кл/г, соответственно. Из выделенных из нефтезагрязненной почвы 16 штаммов УОМ были отобраны три штамма бактерий для создания ассоциации и применения в качестве биопрепарата-нефтедеструктора – Р12, Р16, А8. По итогам генотипирования установлено, что штаммы Р12 и Р16 соответствуют виду Pseudomonas aeruginosa, штамм А8 относится к виду Alcaligenes denitrificans. Установлено, что в составе ассоциаций штаммы Pseudomonas sp. P16, Pseudomonas sp. P12 и Alcaligenes sp. A8. показали лучший по сравнению с монокультурами рост на питательной среде с углеводородами. В процессе биоремедиации участка с искусственным нефтезагрязнением, проводимой в течение 120 суток с использованием биопрепарата, созданного на основе ассоциации штаммов P12, P16 и A8, содержание углеводородов снизилось в 3,4 раза, а при дополнительном внесении минеральных удобрений (аммофоса) – в 4,6 раза. Таким образом, доказана целесообразность использования штаммов УОМ Р12, Р16, А8 с целью биоремедиации нефтезагрязненных почв. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы для повышения экономической и экологической эффективности работ при проведении мероприятий по ликвидации последствий разливов нефти на почве.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 089-093
E. G. HOLKIN ◽  

The biotechnological method of utilization of harmful hydrocarbon compounds from industrial contaminated soils has been studied, the fruitful influence of environmental protection measures - biopurification of oil-contaminated soil using Dendrobena Veneta vermicultures and using biological products: Batsilosorbat, Samotlor, Lumbrikus, Eisenia ". The positive effect of reducing the concentration of oil in samples to 90.58% has been experimentally confirmed. An ecological and economic analysis of the advantages of using reclamation of contaminated soil by a biotechnological method has been carried out.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (7) ◽  
pp. 31-38
G. Sultanova ◽  
M. Abdullayeva

In this work, two biotechnological technologies were tested to restore contaminated soils using microorganisms. One technology with the activation of natural microflora and a technology that requires the introduction of oil-oxidizing microorganisms in the form of a biological product. When using biological methods of cleaning soil from oil pollution in combination with agrotechnical methods, the natural microflora of oil-polluted soils was activated. The introduction of a biological product under these conditions makes it possible to increase the intensity of soil cleaning from oil pollution as a result of the cleaning time in comparison with the natural microflora, it can be reduced by 3–4 months. It should be noted that the methods of cleaning oil-contaminated soils using microorganisms in arid soil-climatic conditions are most effective in the spring and until mid-summer. In the summer, due to high temperatures, the activity of microorganisms decreases. Microorganisms become active again in the autumn. During this period, the activity of microorganisms is higher than in the spring period and this is due to the fact that before the summer period the number of microorganisms increases and after a slight decrease in activity, intensive biodegradation of oil pollution continues again.

N. V. Fomicheva ◽  
G.Yu. Rabinovich ◽  
Yu. D. Smirnova ◽  
A. E. Filonov ◽  

The All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Reclaimed Lands has developed organic solid-phase biologic means for crop production and agriculture – multi-purpose compost (KMN) and fermentation product (PF). A characteristics of KMN and PF allows them to be use for bioremediation of oil-contaminated soil as activators of the native microflora and as sorbents of strains of oil destructive microorganisms. As source of oil destructing microorganisms the MikroBak preparation was used. Suspensed MikroBak was added to the PF and KMN in the process of their production – at the stage of ripening, based on the final content of oil destructors in the soil 105 CFU / 1 g of soil. It was established that three days after the MikroBak introduction, samples of solid-phase biological means had the highest microbiological activity, in particular, the number of microorganisms utilizing oil increased 2.5–7.5 times. To study the effectiveness of new biological means for remediation of oil-contaminated soils, a model experiment lasting 4 months was laid. Sod-podzolic light loamy soil was artificially contaminated with oil at the rate of 5 % of oil pollution, taking into account the mass of applied biological means. New biological means, prepared both on the basis of PF and MikroBak, and on the basis of KMN and MikroBak, combine two methods of bioremediation – stimulation of native microorganisms and the introduction of active microorganisms-destructors. After 2 weeks from the start of the experiment, the greatest destruction of oil was revealed in the variants using new biological means based on KMN and MikroBak, as well as PF and MikroBak – 29.8 and 24.3 %, respectively. In a month, the maximum destruction was observed in the variant with the use of the MikroBak – 36 %. At the end of the experiment, the degree of oil destruction and the number of microorganisms utilizing crude oil were in a linear relationship, the correlation coefficient r = 0.76. It was established that the use of the MikroBak biopreparation at the stage of maturation of the PF contributed to obtaining the most optimal, effective biological mean, which in 4 months provided a degree of oil destruction of 60.6 %.

Biomics ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 324-328
Yu.M. Sotnikova ◽  
A.S. Grigoriadi ◽  
R.G. Farkhutdinov

The study of the adaptive mechanisms of plants in response to the action of oil makes it possible to identify signs that ensure the resistance of plants in conditions of oil pollution, with the aim of using them in the development of methods of reclamation and selection of plants resistant to oil pollution for it. The available data on the effects of petroleum hydrocarbons on plants are highly controversial. The species diversity of plants capable of growing on oil-contaminated soils has not been sufficiently studied. Phytoremediation is the most suitable soil purification tool for agricultural areas due to the large extent of the land and the relative cheapness of the method. Physiological, biochemical and morphometric parameters are important indicators of plant resistance to hydrocarbon pollutants. Of great scientific and practical interest is the identification of the resistance of higher plants to exogenous petroleum hydrocarbons (HC) and the identification of the effect of phytoremediation and the effect of the introduction of biological products in case of hydrocarbon pollution of the soil. The aim of the work was to assess changes in the biochemical and morphometric parameters of Medicago sativa L. plants under conditions of soil pollution with oil and reclamation using the biological product "Elena". Determination of the protein content in leaves makes it possible to judge the status of nitrogen metabolism in plants. It was revealed that oil pollution led to a decrease in the protein content of the plant Medicago sativa L. The use of the biological product "Elena" led to the restoration of this parameter. The results showed that the positive effect of the studied biological product depends on the concentration of the pollutant.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 94-109
Vera V. Redkina ◽  
Regina R. Shalygina ◽  
Mariya V. Korneykova

The analysis of algal-mycological complexes in Albic Podzolic soils affected by emissions of the Kandalaksha Aluminum Smelter (KAS) was carried out. The number and biomass of microscopic fungi in the maximum fluorine-polluted zone (fluorine-content >1000 mg/kg) more than 2 times lower than in distanced areas and amounted to 17.3 thousants colony-forming units/g and 1.33 mg/g respectively. Altogether, 31 species of soil fungi were isolated. The species Penicillium trzebinskii and P. miczynskii dominated the zone of maximum pollution. P. glabrum, P. spinulosum, and Memnoniella echinata prevailed in the zones of moderate pollution and background. The part of opportunistic fungi in contaminated soil increased in comparison with the background soil. The reduction of dark-colored fungi biomass in contaminated soil was noted. In total, 56 species of eukaryotic algae and 7 species of cyanobacteria were found. Among green algae, the species from families Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae dominated in all plots. In the zones of maximum and strong contamination, 53 algae species were found including xanthophytes, which were absent in unpolluted areas. The number of viable cells in the litter of the maximum contaminated soils varied from 100 thousand to 1.5 million in 1 g of absolutely dry soil. The species composition of algae and cyanobacteria in these soils showed the characteristic features of the Arctic biological soil crusts.

Nikolay S. Shulaev ◽  
Valeriya V. Pryanichnikova ◽  
Ramil R. Kadyrov ◽  
Inna V. Ovsyannikova ◽  

The most essential scientifific and practical task in the area of ecological safety of pipelines operation is the development and improvement of methods of purifification and restoration of oil-contaminated soils. One of the most effificient and cost effective methods is electrochemical purifification, that does not require the use of expensive chemical reagents and soil excavation. However, the consideration of non-uniform contamination of various soil sections is required. The article examines the features of the organization and technological infrastructure for electrochemical purifification of non-uniformly contaminated soils when using a single electrical energy source, a method for calculating the design parameters of the corresponding installation is proposed. Effificient purifification of non-uniformly contaminated soil when using a specifified voltage is possible through the use of different-sized electrodes. For each soil type, the amount of transmitted electric charge required for soil purifification is determined by the concentration of the contaminant. Allocation of cathodes and anodes as parallel batteries and their connection using individual buses is an effective and energy-effificient solution, since an almost-uniform electric fifield is created in an inter-electrode space, thus allowing the reduction of the interelectrode resistance of the medium.


Проведен сопоставительный анализ генеалогической структуры племенного поголовья ярославской породы Вологодской области по данным 2005 и 2018 годов. Установлено, что в 2005 году в структуру породы входили 8 отечественных генеалогических линий. В результате скрещивания с голштинской породой произошли значительные изменения. Доля животных, принадлежащих к линиям ярославской породы, уменьшилась со 100% в 2005 году до 35,3% в 2018 году. В генеалогическую структуру современной популяции добавились 3 линии голштинской селекции, к которым на 1.01.2019 года относится большая часть маточного поголовья: к линии Рефлекшн Соверинга 198998 — 42,9%, Вис Бэк Айдиала 1013415 — 13%, Монтвик Чифтейна 95679 — 8,8%. Скрещивание с голштинской породой оказало положительное влияние на повышение молочной продуктивности животных ярославской породы. Средний надой на 1 корову увеличился на 1670 кг молока, доля коров с продуктивностью более 6000 кг молока выросла на 35%. В результате расчета корреляционной зависимости между кровностью по голштинской породе и массовой долей жира и белка в молоке установлено, что скрещивание не ухудшило качественные показатели молока коров ярославской породы (степень кровности с МДЖ — r=-0,01; с МДБ — r=0,09; P<0,01), но в то же время отразилось отрицательно на продолжительности хозяйственного использования животных в стаде (r=-0,27; P<0,001). Для дальнейшего совершенствования породы следует определить оптимальную степень прилития крови голштинской породы. А с целью сохранения генофонда необходимо получение нового поколения чистопородных быков ярославской породы с более высоким потенциалом продуктивности. The authors conduct a comparative analysis of the genealogical structure of the breeding stock of the Yaroslavl breed in the Vologda region on the basis of the data for 2005 and 2018. It is established that in 2005 the structure of the breed included 8 domestic genealogical lines. As a result of the crossing with the Holstein breed, significant changes occurred. The share of animals of the Yaroslavl breed lines decreased from 100% in 2005 to 35.3% in 2018. The genealogical structure of the modern population got 3 added lines of the Holstein selection which as of 1.01.2019 include most of the breeding stock: Reflection Sovering line 198998 - 42.9%, Vis Back Ideal line 1013415 - 13%, and Montwick Chieftain line 95679 - 8.8%. The crossing with the Holstein breed had a positive effect on the increase in the milk productivity of the Yaroslavl breed animals. The average milk yield per 1 cow increased by 1670 kg of milk and the share of cows with the productivity of more than 6000 kg of milk increased by 35%. The results of the calculations of the correlation between the Holstein thoroughbredness and the fat and protein content in the milk showed that the crossing did not impair the quality indicators of the milk the Yaroslavl breed cows (thoroughbredness degree with the fat content r=-0.01; with the protein content r=0.09 P<0.01), but at the same time had a negative impact on the duration of the economic use of the animals in the herd (r=-0.27; P<0.001). For further improvement of the breed, there is a need to determine the optimal degree of crossing with the Holstein breed. Also, in order to preserve the gene pool, there is a need to obtain a new generation of purebred bulls of the Yaroslavl breed with a higher productivity potential.

Biomolecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 448
Mahrous Awad ◽  
Zhongzhen Liu ◽  
Milan Skalicky ◽  
Eldessoky S. Dessoky ◽  
Marian Brestic ◽  

Heavy metals (HMs) toxicity represents a global problem depending on the soil environment’s geochemical forms. Biochar addition safely reduces HMs mobile forms, thus, reducing their toxicity to plants. While several studies have shown that biochar could significantly stabilize HMs in contaminated soils, the study of the relationship of soil properties to potential mechanisms still needs further clarification; hence the importance of assessing a naturally contaminated soil amended, in this case with Paulownia biochar (PB) and Bamboo biochar (BB) to fractionate Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu using short sequential fractionation plans. The relationship of soil pH and organic matter and its effect on the redistribution of these metals were estimated. The results indicated that the acid-soluble metals decreased while the fraction bound to organic matter increased compared to untreated pots. The increase in the organic matter metal-bound was mostly at the expense of the decrease in the acid extractable and Fe/Mn bound ones. The highest application of PB increased the organically bound fraction of Pb, Cd, Zn, and Cu (62, 61, 34, and 61%, respectively), while the BB increased them (61, 49, 42, and 22%, respectively) over the control. Meanwhile, Fe/Mn oxides bound represents the large portion associated with zinc and copper. Concerning soil organic matter (SOM) and soil pH, as potential tools to reduce the risk of the target metals, a significant positive correlation was observed with acid-soluble extractable metal, while a negative correlation was obtained with organic matter-bound metal. The principal component analysis (PCA) shows that the total variance represents 89.7% for the TCPL-extractable and HMs forms and their relation to pH and SOM, which confirms the positive effect of the pH and SOM under PB and BB treatments on reducing the risk of the studied metals. The mobility and bioavailability of these metals and their geochemical forms widely varied according to pH, soil organic matter, biochar types, and application rates. As an environmentally friendly and economical material, biochar emphasizes its importance as a tool that makes the soil more suitable for safe cultivation in the short term and its long-term sustainability. This study proves that it reduces the mobility of HMs, their environmental risks and contributes to food safety. It also confirms that performing more controlled experiments, such as a pot, is a disciplined and effective way to assess the suitability of different types of biochar as soil modifications to restore HMs contaminated soil via controlling the mobilization of these minerals.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 798
Valentina Pidlisnyuk ◽  
Andriy Herts ◽  
Volodymyr Khomenchuk ◽  
Aigerim Mamirova ◽  
Oleksandr Kononchuk ◽  

Miscanthus × giganteus (M. × giganteus) is a perspective plant produced on marginal and contaminated lands with biomass used for energy or bioproducts. In the current study, M. × giganteus development was tested in the diesel-contaminated soils (ranged from 250 mg kg−1 to 5000 mg kg−1) and the growth dynamic, leaves quantity, plants total area, number of harvested stems and leaves, SPAD and NPQt parameters were evaluated. Results showed a remarkable M. × giganteus growth in a selected interval of diesel-contaminated soil with sufficient harvested biomass. The amendment of soil by biochar 1 (produced from wastewater sludge) and biochar 2 (produced from a mixture of wood waste and biohumus) improved the crop’s morphological and physiological parameters. Biochar 1 stimulated the increase of the stems’ biomass, while biochar 2 increased the leaves biomass. The plants growing in the uncontaminated soil decreased the content of NO3, pH (KCl), P2O5 and increased the content of NH4. Photosynthesis parameters showed that incorporating biochar 1 and biochar 2 to the diesel-contaminated soil prolonged the plants’ vegetation, which was more potent for biochar 1. M. × giganteus utilization united with biochar amendment can be recommended to remediate diesel-contaminated land in concentration range 250–5000 mg kg−1.

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