scholarly journals Lexical implementation peculiarities of the blue colour in the names of plants and mushrooms in the South Slavic dialects

2020 ◽  
pp. 211-224
Alexandra I. Chivarzina

The basic colour term for blue is extremely rare in the plant nomination in comparison with the widespread derivatives of the other colour terms as “white”, “black”, “red” or even “yellow”. One can fi nd a few examples of such names recorded in the dictionaries of the Balkan Slavic dialects. Within the framework of this study, the material of the colour terms in the names of mushrooms was also taken into account, as mushrooms are supposed to be close to plants in the naive picture of the world. The “blue” can appear diff erently depending on the object of nomination: in the names of fl owers and fruits, the blue is recorded mainly in competing forms of the roots +модарand +син, and in the mushroom names there are forms of the roots +модар, +виолет-, as well as +плав — which is characteristic for the dialect continuum of the Serbian language. When analyzing the total corpus of lexemes one can notice an obvious pre-dominance of the element +модар in comparison with the basic and most common at this period lexemes of Bulg., Mac., Serb. синand плав. The root +модар is used in the meaning of the border colour between blue and purple. Therefore, it corresponds better to the nomination of plant and mushroom, whose colours can vary in shades and in intensity.

Elena Ryabina

[NOTE. This abstract contains diacritics that may not display correctly.]This article deals with a comparative study of loaned colour vocabulary in the closely related Komi-Zyrian and Komi-Permyak languages. Data were originally collected by using the field method suggested for establishing basic colour terms by Davies and Corbett (1994, 1995). Sixty-five coloured tiles were used as stimuli. The study explored and compared the psychological salience of recent Russian loan colour terms. It was found that loan colour words occurred more in the Komi-Permyak data. The most salient adopted colour term in the Komi-Permyak language is zeĺone̮j ‘green’. In the next stage of basic colour system evolution in Komi-Zyrian and Komi-Permyak, the loan colour terms korič́ńeve̮j ‘brown’, fioĺetove̮j ‘purple’ and oranževe̮j ‘orange’ may appear. At the present stage of colour category development, the Russian basic terms rozovyj ‘pink’ and goluboj ‘light-blue’ are not salient in either language.Elena Ryabina: Laenvärvinimedest komi keeltes. Artiklis võrreldakse vene laenvärvinimesid omavahel lähedalt suguluses olevas sürjakomi ja permikomi keeles. Andmed on kogutud Daviese ja Corbett’ (1995) välimeetodiga. Uurimuses on kasutatud 65 standardset Color-aid Corporationi värvitahvlit. Uurimuse eesmärk on laenvärvinimede psühholoogilise esilduvuse väljaarvutamine ja võrdlemine. Tulemused näitavad, et permikomi andmestik sisaldab rohkem laenvärvinimesid. Kognitiivse esiletuleku indeksi järgi on neist psühholoogiliselt esilduvaim zeĺone̮j ‘roheline’. Põhivärvinimede süsteemi arenedes võivad komi keeltes eeldatavasti leksikaliseeruda korič́ńeve̮j ‘pruun’, fioĺetove̮j ‘lilla’ ja oranževe̮j ‘oranž’, sest need on mõlemas komi keeles kodunenud. Laenvärvinimed rozovyj ‘roosa’ ja goluboj ‘helesinine’ ei ole praegusel põhivärvinimede arenguetapil psühholoogiliselt esiletulevad kummaski komi keeles.Märksõnad: laensõna, põhivärvinimi, psühholoogiline esilduvus, sürjakomi keel, permikomi keel

1993 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17 ◽  
Gerry Morgan

AbstractAn experiment is described in which 74 French subjects were asked to list colour terms within a limited time period. Results are compared with those from a similar experiment with Russian subjects. The resulting data are used as a measure of psychological salience to establish which French colour terms are basic. Particular attention is paid to the two possible French terms for brown (marron and brun), and to beige ‘beige’, which may be emerging as an additional basic term. As Russian also has an additional term for blue, both languages are particularly interesting in the light of Berlin and Kay's 1969 model of basic colour term development.

1994 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 693-712 ◽  
Ian Davies ◽  
Greville Corbett ◽  
Harry McGurk ◽  
David Jerrett

ABSTRACTWe report a study of the acquisition of colour terms by speakers of Setswana, the language of Botswana in Southern Africa. This was carried out as a test of Berlin & Kay's theory of colour term universals, on a language with less than the maximum complement of eleven basic colour terms, and in order to document changes in Setswana under the impact of economic development. Seventy-seven five- to nine-year-olds were studied on two colour tasks: elicited lists and colour naming. In general the data were consistent with Berlin & Kay's theory: the rank order of frequency of correct use of colour terms was similar to the order of the Berlin & Kay hierarchy; and primary colour terms were offered more frequently and were more likely to be used correctly than secondary colour terms. The use of English colour terms was prevalent, especially amongst the younger groups, but they functioned as substitutes for Setswana terms, rather than as a means to fill the vacant basic colour term slots.

1965 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 152-162 ◽  
H. E. J. Cowdrey

It is not at first sight easy to explain the ever-growing appeal which Cluny had during the tenth and eleventh centuries for clergy and still more for laymen, particularly in Burgundy, France, Christian Spain and North Italy. The basis of Cluniac life was the choir service of the monks and the silence and ordered round of the cloister. By and large the Cluniacs did not seek to work outside the cloister or to become involved in wider pastoral care. They were, indeed, concerned for the Church and for the world at large, but with a view to winning individuals to share spiritually and to support materially the other-worldly ends of the monastic order. Yet, especially under abbots Odilo and Hugh, there was a rapid rise in the number of houses subject to Cluny or otherwise influenced by it; a Cluniac house formed part of the neighbourhood of a large part of the people who lived to the south and west of Lorraine. Cluny itself was well situated to attract travellers, and its dependencies were especially important on the pilgrimage routes. Together with the increasing number of Cluniac houses the long series of charters which record its endowment with monasteries, churches, lands and other wealth testify to its impact upon Church and Society in western Europe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 209-230

У статті порушено проблему кореляції формальної і семантичної структур дериватів. Дослідження здійснено на прикладі прикметників, дериватів із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-), які входять до складу словотвірного гнізда з вершиною гора ‘гора’, ‘верхня частина’ і репрезентують семантичну опозицію ‘верx’ ↔ ‘низ’.Корпус прикметників із коренем -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) формує понад 60 одиниць, які описують орієнтацію об’єктів у просторі, окреслюють просторову кваліфікацію об’єкта та моделюють си-стему координат мовної (а радше діалектної) картини світу. Детально проаналізовано семантику прикметників першого та другого ступенів деривації (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський тощо); префіксально-суфіксальних форм (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий та ін.) та композитів (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний тощо). Семан-тичну структуру прикметників проаналізовано в межах двох семантичних субкомплексів, а саме: ‘верхня / нижня частина об’єкта’ та ‘верхня / нижня межа’. Значення прикметників структурова-но єрархічно. Усі значення (компоненти семантичної структури) ілюструють приклади, засвідчені в говірках української мови. Зафіксовані значення представляють різні аспекти життя українців.Проаналізовані мовні одиниці відтворюють діалектні особливості, зокрема семантичні, харак-терні для говорів південно-західного наріччя української мови. Джерелами дослідження слугували історичні та регіональні словники (Є. Желехівський, С. Недільський, П. Білецький-Носенко, Д. Яворницький, Б. Грінченко та ін.), а також діалектні тексти та лінгвістичні атласи. Семантичні зміни, виявлені на підставі аналізу історичних джерел і пам’яток української мови від ХІ ст., зафік-совано на різних історичних етапах. Це дало змогу не тільки окреслити особливості діалектної кар-тини світу діалектоносіїв, відмінності у їхньому світогляді, знаннях та колективному досвіді, а й репрезентувати особливості діалектної номінації, деривації та семантики.Діалектні відомості подано в семи порівняльних таблицях, які фіксують деривацію та семантику аналізованих лексем, а також семантичні зміни прикметників гíрськúй / гóрський, горíшний. Задоку-ментовано найдавніші фіксації дериватів від ХІ ст. та семантичну еволюцію слів. Аналіз формальних і семантичних структур дериватів підтвердив, що семантика базового слова є основою для форму-вання семантики дериватів.This paper deals with the problem of correlation between the formal and semantic structure of derivatives. The paper suggests examples of derivative of the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) and represents the semantic opposition ‘top’ ↔ ‘bottom’ – fragments of the derivative clusters of the base words of the opposition гора ‘mountain’, ‘top’.The corpus of adjectives with the root -гор- (-гір-, -гур-) amounts to more than 60 units. It describes the orientation of objects in the space as well as identifies the spatial qualification of an object and models the coordinate system of the linguistic (resp. dialectal) worldview. The author scrutinizes the semantics of the adjectives: unprefixed derivatives of the 1st and 2nd degrees of derivation (гíрний / гóрний, горáвий, горúстий, горíшний, гірськúй, гóряний, горíський, etc.); prefixal-suffixal formations (згíрний, згірнúстий, загíрний, нагíрний, пагористий, etc.), and compounds (крутогóрий, плоскогíрний, простогíрний, etc.). The semantic structure of adjectives is analyzed within two semantic subcomplexes: ‘the top of the object’ and ‘high / low limit’. The subcomplexes unite the meanings of the adjectives, which are structured hierarchically. All meanings (components of the semantic structure) are illustrated by examples of dialectal speech. These meanings represent different aspects of the Ukrainians’ life.The analysed units represent semantic and typical features for the south-western dialects of the Ukrainian language. The sources of the study are historical and regional dictionaries (by Ye. Zhelekhivskyi, S. Nedilskyi, P. Biletskyi-Nosenko, D. Yavornytskyi, B. Hrinchenko, etc.) and texts as well as linguistic atlases. Semantic changes, as based on the analysis of historical sources and manuscripts of the Ukrainian language from the 11th century, were recorded at different historical stages. It is possible to identify the specific features of the perception of the world and differences in the worldview of dialect speakers, their knowledge, and collective experience, and represent the specific features of dialect nomination, derivation, and semantics.The dialectal data provided in the 7 comparative tables of the lexeme’s derivation and semantics, and what is more, semantic changes of the adjectives гíрськúй / гóрський and горíшний. The oldest fixations of derivatives from the 11th century and the semantic evolution of the words are documented. The analysis of the formal and semantic structures of derivatives proved that the semantics of the base word is the basis for the formation of the semantics of derivatives.

2009 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-445 ◽  
Cristina Soriano ◽  
Javier Valenzuela

This study explores the reasons why colour words and emotion words are frequently associated in the different languages of the world. One of them is connotative overlap between the colour term and the emotion term. A new experimental methodology, the Implicit Association Test (IAT), is used to investigate the implicit connotative structure of the Peninsular Spanish colour terms rojo (red), azul (blue), verde (green) and amarillo (yellow) in terms of Osgood’s universal semantic dimensions: Evaluation (good—bad), Activity (excited—relaxed) and Potency (strong—weak). The results show a connotative profile compatible with the previous literature, except for the valence (good—bad) of some of the colour terms, which is reversed. We suggest reasons for both these similarities and differences with previous studies and propose further research to test these implicit connotations and their effect on the association of colour with emotion words.

Psihologija ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-213
Ivana Jakovljev ◽  
Suncica Zdravkovic

In this study, we linguistically investigated Serbian colour terminology. We administrated colourterm elicitation task aiming to establish the inventory of basic colour terms (BCTs) in the Serbian language and, in particular, to investigate the salience and the status of colour terms teget ?dark blue? and bordo ?dark red?. Native speakers of Serbian (N = 83) participated in a list task (Morgan & Corbett, 1989), in which they had to list as many Serbian colour terms as possible during five minutes. Based on the collected data, we calculated frequency of each term, its mean position and two indexes of salience. Results showed that 11 Serbian most salient colour terms correspond to the eleven BCTs found by Berlin and Kay (1969), namely, plavo ?blue?, crveno ?red?, zuto ?yellow?, zeleno ?green?, crno ?black?, belo ?white?, ljubicasto ?purple?, narandzasto ?orange?, sivo ?grey?, roze ?pink?, and braon ?brown?, but that basic status of braon needs to be further examined. Teget ?dark blue? and bordo ?dark red?, along with tirkizno ?turquoise? and oker ?ochre? were frequently used, with higher salience indices than other non-BCTs. Further research is needed to find out whether teget and bordo meet criteria of BCTs in the Serbian language.

Mari Uusküla

Translation of colour terms hovers somewhere between cognitive linguistics and translation studies and has therefore remained relatively understudied as a topic, despite the popularity of cross-linguistic colour term studies in the languages of the world. Although colour terms form a relatively small and restricted semantic domain, translating a colour term into another language can cause a massive headache to anyone who has ever tried to seek an appropriate equivalent for it in another language. The article describes how a group of translators and non-translators translated single, mainly simplex secondary colour terms from English into Estonian. Four main translation strategies can be discerned: literal translation, abstraction change or hyponymy, information change or omission and descriptive translation techniques. In addition, the study shows that translation experience and translation education is an advantage even if one translates small units of texts. Kokkuvõte. Mari Uusküla: Empiiriline lähenemine värvinimede tõlkimisele inglise-eesti suunal. Värvinimede tõlkimist võiks pidada keele teaduse ja tõlketeaduse siirdealaks, kuna tõlketeadus tegeleb põhiliselt suuremate üksuste uurimisega kui selleks on sõnad, kognitiivne semantika aga huvitub ka üksiksõnadest. Teemat võib pidada aktuaalseks ja uudseks, sest värvi nimede tõlkimist on süstemaatiliselt uuritud vähe sellele vaatamata, et huvi värvinimede vastu eri maailma keeltes on jätkuvalt suur. Artikkel kirjeldab, kuidas kakskümmend vabatahtlikku, kelle hulgas leidus nii tõlkijaid kui ka mittetõlkijaid (s.t. inimesi, kes oma igapäevaelus ega -töös tõlkimisega ei tegele), tõlkisid inglise keelest eesti keelde kakskümmend objektist tuletatud värvinime (nt lemon, chocolate ja rose). Värvinimede tõlkimisel kerkis esile neli põhilist tõlkestrateegiat: otsetõlge, abstraheerimine või hüponüümia kasutamine, informatsiooni muutmine või väljajätt ning kirjeldav tõlge. Lisaks näitab läbiviidud uurimus, et tõlke kogemusega ja tõlkeharidust omavatel inimestel on tõlkimisel selge eelis, isegi kui tõlgitavateks üksusteks on üksiksõnad.

Perception ◽  
10.1068/p3405 ◽  
2002 ◽  
Vol 31 (11) ◽  
pp. 1349-1370 ◽  
Nicola J Pitchford ◽  
Kathy T Mullen

We investigated whether the learning of colour terms in childhood is constrained by a developmental order of acquisition as predicted by Berlin and Kay [1969 Basic Color Terms (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press)]. Forty-three children, aged between 2 and 5 years and grouped according to language ability, were given two tasks testing colour conceptualisation. Colour comprehension was assessed in a spoken-word-to-colour-matching task in which a target colour was presented in conjunction with two distractor colours. Colour naming was measured in an explicit naming task in which colours were presented individually for oral naming. Results showed that children's knowledge of basic-colour terms varied across tasks and language age, providing little support for a systematic developmental order. In addition, we found only limited support for an advantage for the conceptualisation of primary (red, green, blue, yellow, black, white) compared to non-primary colour terms across tasks and language age. Instead, our data suggest that children acquire reliable knowledge of nine basic colours within a 3-month period (35.6 to 39.5 months) after which there is a considerable lag of up to 9 months before accurate knowledge of the final two colours (brown and grey) is acquired. We propose that children acquire colour term knowledge in two distinct time frames that reflect the establishment of, first, the exterior (yellow, blue, black, green, white, pink, orange, red, and purple) and, second, the interior structure (brown and grey) of conceptual colour space. These results fail to provide significant support for the order predicted by Berlin and Kay, and suggest, instead, that the development of colour term knowledge is largely unconstrained.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 279
Vinesha Anindita

This research attempts to analyze the wave of North Korean refugees toSouth Korea and how problems arise on the domestic political level to thesocietal level. Waves of refugees have occurred since the division of thetwo Koreas through the 38 parallel, which gave rise to defections fromNorth Korea. Meanwhile, South Korea is perceived as an ideal and safeplace to take shelter. This in turn raised numerous problems explicableby at least two theoretical frameworks, namely the world system theoryin explaining the desire to migrate, and the multiculturalist paradox,which explains the emergence of social and cultural frictions. Discourseon identity and social problems poses a challenge for the South Koreangovernment. On one hand, North Korean refugees can provide beneficialinformation for the government. On the other hand, two social problemsarise, namely the long-term problem for refugees in surviving the mentaland financial burdens, as well as the negative stigma and xenophobiaplaced by the South Korean society on the refugees. These are the reasonswhy integration remains difficult for refugees.

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