scholarly journals The Implementation Of Instructional Materials Development Based On Inside Outside Circle (IOC) For Students’ Sociology Education Of Megarezky University

2020 ◽  
S.Pd. Akhiruddin

Inside Outside Circle (IOC) is the inner - outer circle group that emphasizes students’ activities to be active in sharing information with their group of friends.This research aimed to develop instructional materials based on inside-outside-circle (IOC) in sociology students of Megarezky University.The development model used is Four-D Model which consists of 4 stages of development namely define, design, develop and disseminate. The instruments of this study used observation, questionnaire, test and documentation. The result of the research showed that IOC model had good quality which met valid, practical, and effective product criteria. It can be concluded that IOC model is one of the improvement from cooperative learning model. Based on practicality, lecturers of teaching and learning can implement IOC learning model in universities (classrooms). then all students achieved individually in teaching and learning courses, it means that students' learning outcomes reached the classical graduation criteria that had been set, that was 100% of students passed. It means that they met the criteria that set the teaching and learning course.It shows instructional materials with IOC model that had been developed consisting of semester lesson plan (RPS), students learning outcomes assessment sheets (LPHBM) that can be used in teaching and learning courses in general and especially in sociology education of Megarezky university.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Rosdiana Rosdiana ◽  
Raharjo Raharjo ◽  
Sifak Indana

Abstact. This research aims was to produce a decent learning device IPA (valid, practical, and effective) to complete the learning outcomes in human circulatory system material. To achieve these objectives, the authors developed a learning device that consists of a syllabus, lesson plans, worksheet, Instructional Materials for Students and Student Assessment Instrument using 4-D model of development.This learning device validated and revised before it tested on twenty five students of eight grader of SMP Negeri 2 Losari Brebes with one group pretest-posttest design. In analyzing data, this study used observation, test, and questionnaire. The technique of analyzing data used descriptive qualitative and quantitative design. The result of the study showed that first, the learning device was valid. Second, teaching and learning activity done well. Third, learning outcome was 100% complete. Fourth, students gave positive response with excellent category. Based on the findings, it could be concluded that the learning device for science subject with guided discovery based had been valid, practical, and effective it could be used to complete the learning outcomes of students.Keywords: development of learning device, guided discovery, human circulatory system, completing the learning outcomes. Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran IPA yang layak (valid, praktis, dan efektif) untuk menuntaskan hasil belajar siswa pada materi sistem peredaran darah manusia. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran yang terdiri atas Silabus, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran, Lembar Kegiatan Siswa, Bahan Ajar Siswa dan Instrumen Penilaian Siswa dengan menggunakan model pengembangan 4-D. Perangkat hasil pengembangan yang telah divalidasi dan direvisi, kemudian diujicobakan pada 25 orang siswa Kelas VIII H SMPN 2 Losari Brebes dengan menggunakan rancangan One Group Pretest-Postest. Pengumpulan data menggunakan validasi, observasi, tes dan angket respon siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskripsi kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil analisis data penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Perangkat yang dikembangkan valid; (2) Pembelajaran terlaksana dengan kategori baik; (3) Hasil belajar menunjukkan 100% tuntas, (4) Siswa memberikan respon positif dengan kategori sangat baik terhadap pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian di atas, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA berbasis guided discovery yang telah dikembangkan valid, praktis, dan efektif sehingga layak digunakan untuk menuntaskan hasil belajar siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 107
Rusdatul Nida ◽  
Abdul Salam M ◽  
Surya Haryandi

Kemampuan analisis peserta didik yang rendah mendorong diadakannya penelitian untuk melakukan variasi dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Tujuan penelitian adalah mendeskripsikan validitas dan kepraktisan bahan ajar elektronik berbasis multimodel yang dikembangkan untuk melatihkan kemampuan analisis peserta didik. Penelitian menggunakan tiga model pembelajaran yaitu model pengajaran langsung, model pembelajaran kooperatif (tipe STAD) dan model pembelajaran berbasis proyek. Penelitian yang dikembangkan adalah penelitian pengembangan dengan model pengembangan ADDIE. Akan tetapi, penelitian hanya bisa dilakukan sampai dengan tahap penggunaan (implement) dikarenakan adanya status pandemi Covid-19. Lembar validasi bahan ajar dan angket respon peserta didik digunakan sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Teknik analisis data diambil secara deskriptif kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Diperoleh hasil sebagai berikut: RPP berkategori valid dan reliabel dengan nilai 3,26 dan 0,91; Tes Hasil Belajar (THB) berkategori valid dan reliabel dengan nilai 3,29 dan 0,97; bahan ajar tergolong valid dan reliabel dengan nilai 3,24 dan 0,90; bahan ajar elektronik tergolong praktis dengan nilai kepraktisan 2,84. Bahan ajar elektronik yang dikembangkan dinyatakan valid berdasarkan hasil penilaian akademisi dan praktisi terhadap RPP, bahan ajar elektronik dan THB yang berkategori baik. Selain itu, bahan ajar elektronik yang dikembangkan dinyatakan praktis berdasarkan instrumen angket respon peserta. Diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa bahan ajar elektronik yang dikembangkan layak digunakan sebagai penunjang dalam pembelajaran untuk melatihkan kemampuan analisis peserta didik. Implikasi dari penelitian adalah dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam menggunakan bahan ajar elektronik dengan menerapkan multimodel dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran untuk melatihkan kemampuan analisis peserta didik dan sebagai salah satu informasi serta pandangan untuk penelitian yang lebih luas. Student’s low analytical skills encourage research to make variations in teaching and learning activities.  The research objective was to describe the validity, and the practicality of multimodel-based electronic teaching materials developed to train student’s analytical. The study used three learning models: the direct teaching model, the cooperative learning model (type STAD), and the project-based learning model.  The research developed is development research with the ADDIE development model.  However, analysis can only be carried out up to the implementation stage due to the Covid-19 pandemic status. Therefore, teaching material validation sheets and student response questionnaires were used as data collection techniques.  The data analysis technique was taken by descriptive quantitative and qualitative.  The following results were obtained: the lesson plans were categorized as valid and reliable with a value of 3.26 and 0.91;  learning outcomes test is ordered as valid and reliable with a value of 3.29 and 0.97: teaching materials are classified as valid and reliable with a value of 3.24 and 0.90;  electronic teaching materials are classified as practical with a practicality value of 2.84. Therefore, the developed electronic teaching materials are declared valid based on academics and practitioner’s assessment of lesson plan, electronic teaching materials and learning outcomes test categorized as good.  In addition, the electronic teaching materials developed are stated to be practically based on the student response questionnaire instrument.  The conclusion is that the developed electronic teaching materials are suitable to be used as a support in learning to train student’s analytical skills. Furthermore, this research implies that it can be used as material for consideration in using electronic teaching materials by applying multimodel in learning to train students’ analytical skills and information and views for broader research. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-340
Syarifah Roswan

The purpose of this study was to increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance mate-rial through the application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model for class VI students of SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year. The research methodology is Classroom Action Research (CAR) consisting of two cycles and each cycle consisting of two findings. Each cycle consists of planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The data collection technique is to collect test scores that are carried out at the end of each lesson in each cycle using a question in-strument (written test). The learning outcome data were analyzed by means of percentage statistics. The results showed that the completeness of student learning outcomes increased from 66,67% in the first cycle and increased to 83,33% in the second cycle. The application of the Contextual Teaching And Learning (CTL) learning model can increase the learning outcomes of IPA in the Ecosystem Balance material of class VI SD Negeri 1 Manggeng for the 2017/2018 academic year

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 32
Nismarni Nismarni

In the background backs Indonesian learning results obtained by the students is very low because the method of learning that are not relevant. Classroom action research aims to determine the implementation of cooperative learning model Numbered Heads Together (NHT) to improve learning outcomes Indonesian grade IV A SD Negeri 78 Pekanbaru on instructional materials do. The experiment was conducted in two cycles each cycle two meetings and one daily tests. Each cycle stages are: planning, implementation, observation and reflection. Data from the activity of teachers and students in the can from the observation sheet, while, learning outcomes in getting the daily test results. The results showed the activities of teachers and students has increased, in the first cycle of meetings I obtained a score of 33 (68.75%), in the first cycle of meetings II obtained a score of 38 (79.17%), the second cycle of meetings I obtained a score of 40 (83 , 33%), and the second cycle II meeting obtained a score of 44 (91.67%). And in the first cycle of the first meeting of student activity data obtained a score of 27 (56.25%), in the first cycle II meeting increased with the acquisition of a score of 36 (75.00%), and the second cycle first meeting increased to 41 (85.42 %), the second cycle II meeting increased to 45 (93.75%). Learning outcomes of students has increased, this is evidenced by: the preliminary data the number of students who reach KKM amounted to 10 students (28.57%) with an average of learning outcomes at 65.37. Increased in the first cycle by the number of students who completed totaling 26 students (74.28%) with an average of learning outcomes at 76.00. And the second cycle increases with the number of students 32 students (91.42%) with an average of learning outcomes at 86.86. Based on these results it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model NHT can improve learning outcomes Indonesian grade IV A SD Negeri 78 Pekanbaru. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 329
Ni Wayan Rusniati

The process and student learning outcomes in science learning material properties of light is a problem faced by class IV SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. Student activity and learning outcomes have not been maximized because the teacher delivered science learning materials using the lecture method. This is the background of the researchers to conduct research with the aim of improving the process and learning outcomes of science with material properties of light with learning models Contextual Teaching and Learning. This research is a type of classroom action research conducted in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi. The subjects of this study were fourth grade students, amounting to 27 students consisting of 14 female students and 13 male students. The implementation of this study used 2 cycles. Instruments used to collect data are observation sheets, interviews, documentation and test questions. The results of this study indicate that science learning outcomes with material properties of light using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model in SD Negeri 3 Mengwi have increased in two cycles with quite satisfactory values. There was an increase in learning outcomes from cycle 1 an average value of 68.51 to 75.37 in cycle 2. In addition, there was an increase in the learning process of students in science learning carried out by teachers using the Contextual Teaching and Learning model. Keywords: Learning process, learning outcomes, Contextual Teaching and Learning

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 365
Wiwik Kumala Dewi

The problem revealed in this study is how effective the Sort Card learning model is on social studies learning towards the learning outcomes of third grade students of Karangroto 04 State Elementary School in Semarang City. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Sort Card learning model on social studies learning on the learning outcomes of third grade students of Karangroto 04 Public Elementary School in Semarang City. This type of research is quantitative. The population in this study were class III students totaling 30 students and the design used for this study using One-Group Pretest-posttest Design. Data collection methods used are observation, tests, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study revealed the average value of pretest students 43,74 and the average posttest score of students was 88.86. From the calculation using the t-test, it is obtained t_count = 16.034 and ttable = 2.045 with db = 30-1 at the significant level α = 5%, so that t_count > t table is 16,034 > 2,045. So Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It can be concluded that the sort card model is effective against student learning outcomes. Based on the results of this study the suggestions that can be conveyed are expected teachers can use the sort card learning model in teaching and learning activities, especially social studies subjects

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-86
Arianis Arianis

Teachers make various efforts to improve student learning outcomes. Therefore, it is needed a learning action that can enliven the students' motivation in achieving good values, individually or in groups. One way is to implement cooperative learning. In this learning students are required to work together in small groups to solve a problem and the group's primary goal is toward success. STAD type cooperative learning is based on an idea where students work together in a group and participate personally in the learning activities of their group members. Based on the background of the problems can be formulated as follows: "if the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD can improve learning outcomes of students in class V SDN 06  IPA in Perawang Barat in green plant matter?"               The purpose of this research is to improve learning outcomes IPA fifth grade students of SDN 06 Perawang Barat on green plant material.The research method was classroom action research.This research was conducted at SDN 06 Perawang Barat.The research time is from February to May 2014. The subjects were students of class V SDN 06 Perawang Barat in academic year 2013/2014, amounting to 32 students consisting of 14 male - male and 18 female students.Instruments of the research areconsisting of syllabus, assessment system, lesson plan, and student work sheet. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD able to improve learning outcomes IPA class V SDN 06 in Perawang Barat. IPA students’ achievement

Dewi Lestari ◽  
Reh Bungana ◽  
Siman Siman

Teachers have a duty to encourage, guide and provide learning facilities to achieve goals. Teachers have a responsibility to see everything that happens in the classroom to help student development. Teachers must be able to carry out their duties properly by first having to understand carefully the matters relating to the teaching and learning process, because the success of the learning process is supported by the ability of the teacher to develop and generate activeness and students in the learning process. The research method used is the Quasi Experiment (Quasi Experimental Method) with the research design as the basis for the implementation of the research is to distinguish the influence of the Inquiry method and the effect of conventional methods on learning outcomes of Citizenship Education in terms of high learning motivation and low learning motivation where the treatment class is class Va student and Vb class. The following is presented sequentially descriptive data regarding: (1) Civics learning outcomes students are taught using scramble learning model, (2) Civics student learning outcomes are taught using the expository model, (3) Civics student learning outcomes have high learning motivation, (4) Civics student learning outcomes have motivation to learn low, (5)Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (6) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught with the Scramble learning model, (7) Civics learning outcomes of students who have high learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model, (8) Civics learning outcomes of students who have low learning motivation are taught using the expository learning model.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-54
Safnowandi Safnowandi

The objectives of this research are to: 1) determine the effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on cognitive learning outcomes; and 2) to determine the effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on students' scientific literacy. This type of research is a quasi experiment. The research design of pre-test-post-test non equivalent control group design. The population in this study were all class VII students of SMPN 1 Tanjung North Lombok Regency in the academic year 2017/2018 which consisted of 6 classes. The sampling technique used purposive sampling, in order to obtain class VII 3 as the experimental class and class VII 1 as the control class. The instruments used to collect data were multiple choice questions totaling 20 items to measure student cognitive learning outcomes and essay questions to measure content and the scientific context. Meanwhile, worksheets are used to measure the scientific process. The data analysis technique used two-way ANOVA with a significance level of 0.05% using SPSS 16 for Windows. The results showed that: 1) there was an effect of the application of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on cognitive learning outcomes (p <0.05); and 2) there is an effect of the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning model on students' scientific literacy (p <0.05).

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Usmadi Usmadi ◽  
Hayatul Hasanah ◽  
Ergusni Ergusni

This study is motivated by the issues found in observations at school, where the daily teaching activities carried out by teachers show that; teaching and learning activities are classical, the teacher only stands or sits in front of the class, the direct relationship between the teacher and students is rare, and students tend to behave passively, such as coming, listening, reading and writing. To overcome this issues, the researchers conducted a research by applying a three-step type of cooperative learning model interview in learning mathematics in the class. The purpose of this study is to reveal the activities and learning outcomes of students after applying the three-step interview type cooperative learning model. From the results of the study it was found that the learning activities of students during the application of the three step interview cooperative learning model increased at each meeting. Thus it can be concluded that the mathematics learning outcomes of students with learning by applying a three-step interview type cooperative learning model is better than those who do not apply the techniques.

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