scholarly journals Kearifan Lokal dan Partisipasi Persekutuan Dayak Kalimantan Timur dalam Menghadapi Bencana Kebakaran Hutan dan Lahan

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 314-321
Dirhamsyah Dirhamsyah ◽  
Diar Budi Utama ◽  
Nrangwesthi Widyaningrum ◽  
I Dewa Ketut Widana

Balikpapan City is a buffer city for the for the new National Capital in the Province of East Kalimantan, which is not spared from forest and land fires. In tackling forest and land fires the actors who play a role are the community. Strengthening community institutions, in this case, the East Kalimantan Dayak Alliance, provides a stimulus for the development of disaster management in the regions. But this is not in line with what is expected. Often these customary institutions are not involved in development planning so there are many records for the government so that the involvement and representation of indigenous peoples can be accommodated. This study aims to analyze the culture of local wisdom and approach of participation of the East Kalimantan Dayak Alliance in Balikpapan City in dealing with forest and land fire disasters. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative method using a purposive sampling technique. Data obtained through interviews, observations and documentation. The results showed that local wisdom was reflected in long-standing living habits in managing land. The Dayak community has a quick response in extinguishing fires and has active participation in fighting forest and land fires.

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 78
M. Zainuddin

This research to analyze the impact of closure policy Teleju brothel by Pekanbaru govermentin 2010. Guidelines for works are Pekanbaru Local Regulations No. 12 of 2008 on Social Order-liness. Closure this brothel inflicts positive and negative impact for society.The research wasconducted to obtain early stage formula for the government to take action against the prostitu-tion activities. This research uses policy research approach with a qualitative method, becausein prostitution activities and prohibition by goverment is an assessment that needs to be done byanalyzing documents and unstructured interview.The results showed that after the closing of the Teleju brothel have an impact on the deploy-ment of a prostitution and affect the economy of the surrounding residents. Government seeksto tackle prostitution in Pekanbaru by moving the brothel, conduct regular raids and providetraining. The effort is considered to be less than the maximum because the handling is not basedon the root of the problem and not programmed properly. There are several causes of failure ofgovernment to overcome the prostitution problem in Pekanbaru, including: policy content isless focus on the prostitution problem, the government did not proceeds with data, lack of finan-cial support, contra productive programs between local government with the police and TNI,and the policy object is difficult to be given understanding.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 199
M. Zaky Mubarak Lubis

This study aims to find the economic development strategies of converts in the city of Padang. The research approach was conducted using a descriptive qualitative method by collecting data through interviews, documentation and focus group discussions. The research explains that the economic problems of converts to cities in the city are caused by the severance of family relations, lack of ability, lack of converts, lack of assistance and lack of community awareness. The strategy in the economic development of converts in the city of Padang is happy with four processes. First, the making of converts as a means of gathering converts and becomes problem solving for all converts in the city of Padang. Second, capacity building is carried out by conducting trainings that provide theability of converts so that converts have the opportunity to make a business. Third, the provision of financial assistance aims to enable the ability of entrepreneurs who have been trained to be implemented in the form of business through financial assistance from both the government and the private sector. Fourth, supervision and assistance to the business carried out by converts in order to survive and be developed so that they can help other converts. To see the effects of the concept of this strategy it is necessary to implement all of these strategies so that they can be assessed and evaluated in an effort to improve the economy of converts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-116
Rinda Sandayani Karhab

The study aims to prove the influence of local wisdom, learning, attitudes on the intentions and behavior of indigenous peoples in behaving sustainably or preserving forest resources in East Kalimantan Province. The population in this study is customary law communities, namely groups of people who have local wisdom in protecting and managing the environment sustainably in the province of East Kalimantan. The purposive sampling method was used to select districts and villages as sample areas, namely the districts of Berau, East Kutai, and West Kutai with a total population of 12,483. The sample of customary law communities was taken using the nonprobability sampling technique, which includes incidental sampling and purposive sampling of 387 indigenous respondents. Subsequently, in-depth interviews were conducted with 11 customary law community leaders as informants to produce more facts, complete the study description of the phenomenon being studied, and strengthen the research analysis. As a result, local wisdom has influenced the intentions and behavior of indigenous and tribal peoples to conserve forest resources. Learning can increase intention and influence community behavior to conserve forest resources. The attitude of the customary law community in supporting the preservation of forest resources has no effect on the intention to conserve forest resources and the stronger the intention to conserve forest resources, the more it will affect the behavior of the customary law community in conserving forest resources. Furthermore, the perception of indigenous and tribal peoples is that they are very supportive of the preservation of forest resources, forests are seen as an inseparable part of life due to their very high dependence on the economy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Syamsuri Syamsuri

There are at least two approaches taken by the government to deal with the problem of poverty or create prosperity, namely through fiscal policy and monetary policy. In this article, the author will examine the fiscal policies that should be carried out by the government using the reallocation method of state revenue and expenditure funds or the so-called APBN. Several Muslim figures have studied the problem solving, such as, As-Syaibani and Umar bin Abdul Aziz. However, the author focuses on the contribution of Muslim scholar who was born from Byzantine descent in 154/1858, namely Abu Ubaid, his brilliant idea as outlined in the book Al-Amwal in order to create the mashlahat of society in a country. By using a qualitative method with the library research approach and assisted by the final character study approach, it can be concluded that some strategies according to Abu Ubaid are a solution in creating social welfare, namely Zakat, fa'I, khumus, kharja, and jizyah. As well as regarding the import and export of goods, Abu Ubaid uses a strategy of not having zero tariffs in international trade, excise on staples is cheaper, and there are certain limitations to be subject to excise. This means that when goods enter into a country, there is a cut or excise that enters zakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 202-216
Mona Melinda ◽  
Syamsurizaldi Syamsurizaldi ◽  
Muhammad Ichsan Kabullah

Public demand for excellent service affects the government to make various innovations. In that sense, the Civil Registration Office in Padang Panjang City creates innovation in online civil services (PADUKO). PADUKO innovation consists of 19 kinds of civil services and succeed to achieve the highest score between agencies in the Municipality of Padang Panjang in 2019. In this article, we would like to explore PADUKO innovation by the Civil Registration Service Office. This research has used the theory of the attributes of innovation by Everett M Rogers which says that there are five attributes of innovation that can determine innovation acceptance, which consists of relative advantage, compatibility, complexity, trialability, and observability. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative method with data collection techniques by interview, documentation, and observation, while the selection informants technique by purposive sampling technique. The validity of the used triangulation. Based on this fieldwork, PADUKO innovation was successful and accepted by the public. Five attributes of innovation by Everett M. Rogers also presence on PADUKO innovation. This can be seen from the perceived benefits in the form of effectivity, efficiency of cost, and energy, and the acceptance of services with the needs of the public. However, some problems are still found, such as poor network, server, and application problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 3175-3183
Ida Wahyuni Iskandar

The struggle of women to actualize themselves in the political arena is very difficult since the situation that always accompanies is even an obstacle for them to move freely. Meanwhile, political reform which occurred in Indonesia has certainly given great opportunity to women to participate. In this study, the sampling technique is purposive sampling. The analysis technique used in this study is using interactive model analysis. The results of the research are vote casting the most basic of political participation which women are already involved in general election to vote for governor of East Kalimantan. They have realized that their vote determines the future of their region. For this the simplest form of political participation, most of the women in East Kalimantan have performed their right.The role of the participation of women activists is important in inviting women in East Kalimantan to participate in general elections. To increase activist women's participation is not only the responsibility of one party. Political education for women needs to be held more widely, not only for certain groups. Efforts to increase women's participation in politics certainly need systemic collaboration from various parties from the government, political parties, and community organizations.

Wajah Hukum ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Afif Syarif ◽  
Eko Nuriyatman

This scientific article discusses the enforcement of environmental law in the field of coal mining and the strengthening of indigenous community institutions in Bungo Regency. The research approach method used in this scientific article is normative juridical and empirical juridical to be able to find the concept of enforcement of environmental law in the field of coal mining by examining the principles of mining law for the welfare of the community. The nature of environmental law should be able to prevent the occurrence of pollution and environmental damage and the existence of institutions of indigenous peoples in Bungo District has not functioned in the enforcement of environmental law in the field of coal mining business. Therefore the Bungo District government needs to strengthen the institutional of indigenous peoples so that it can function to enforce environmental law against coal mining to improve the welfare of the people in Bungo District.

Hamdan Daulay

This study aims to explain the concept of policy that needs to be implemented by the government in counteracting of religious intolerance. Based on the factors of population equality and economic prosperity, the government must be regarding the socio-religious aspect of the migration program in the interior of Duri Bengkalis, Riau. In order to realize the ideals of national social development, the portrait of the process of migrating Christian Bataks’ to the interior of Duri must be an outlook for the social conflicts that occur. Highlighting the case of intolerance between Christian Bataks’ and Malay Muslim tribes Duri is important to be contextually examined through a research approach. As a literacy for developing unlimited tolerance in the frame of pluralism, it is very appropriate if this study is analyzed using the perspective of the sociology of development. The process of developing nation-building through a migration program, I take field data through qualitative research. The data source was taken directly to the informant with the snowball sampling technique. After the data were analyzed by the process of data reduction, data display, and conclusion, I found that government policy was not optimal in accommodating the migration program. There are still occur caused by the inferior of people for the meaning of pluralism. Although in general, the community has lived up to the philosophy of Pancasila, these implications are lowly in everyday life. Efforts to reduce conflicts that occur in Bengkalis, the government needs to develop a roadmap for policies on religious dialogue. Religious harmony is very important. It is impossible to realize tolerance without limits if the supporting instruments are not a priority agenda. Especially in areas prone to an inter-religious conflict which are actually caused by economic disparity and political oligarchy.Studi ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan tentang konsep kebijakan yang perlu diterapkan oleh pemerintah dalam menangkal intoleransi beragama. Selain faktor pemerataan penduduk dan kesejahteraan ekonomi, penting kiranya pemerintah memperhatikan aspek sosial-keagamaan atas kasus migrasi yang terjadi di pedalaman Duri Bengkalis, Riau. Agar cita-cita pembangunan sosial secara nasional dapat terwujud, potret proses migrasi suku Batak Kristen ke pedalaman Duri harus menjadi outlook atas konflik sosial yang terjadi. Menyoroti kasus intoleransi antara suku Batak Kristen dan Muslim Melayu Duri menjadi penting untuk ditelaah secara kontekstual melalui pendekatan riset. Sebagai acuan mengembangkan toleransi tanpa batas dalam bingkai pluralisme, sangat pantas jika kajian ini, dianalisis menggunakan perspektif sosiologi pembangunan. Proses mengembangkan pembangunan bangsa melalui program migrasi, penulis mengambil data lapangan melalui penelitian kualitatif. Sumber data diambil langsung kepada informan dengan teknik snowball sampling. Setelah data dianalisis dengan proses reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan, penulis menemukan optimalnya kebijakan pemerintah dalam mengakomodir program migrasi. Hal utama yang menjadi pemicunya adalah masih rendahnya masyarakat memahami makna pluralisme. Walaupun secara umum masyarakat sudah menghayati falsafah Pancasila, tetapi masih rendahnya implikasi tersebut dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Upaya meredam konflik yang terjadi di Bengkalis, pemerintah perlu menyusun roadmap kebijakan tentang dialog agama. Kerukunan agama sangat penting ditegakkan. Mustahil dapat mewujudkan sikap toleransi tanpa batas jika instrumen pendukungnya bukan menjadi agenda prioritas. Terutama di daerah-daerah yang rawan konflik antar umat beragama yang sejatinya disebabkan oleh faktor kesenjangan ekonomi dan oligarki politik.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
Ditha Prasanti

Health is the main factor that attracts the public attention today. In an effort to improve the quality of social welfare and public health, the government also conducts health promotion of family planning programs (KB) in various regions. This family planning program has various options, but the government currently being pushed is the use of KB IUD. This health promotion activity also took place in the village of Cimanggu, West Bung. Dinas Kesehatan cooperate with Cimanggu village to conduct health promotion of KB IUD program. But, in fact, the program is not as easy as it thinks. Therefore, the authors raised this study which aims to determine the barriers of communication in the health promotion of Family Planning Program (KB) IUD in Cimanggu village, West Bandung. The research approach is qualitative approach with descriptive method. In determining informant, writer use purposive sampling technique, got 4 person informant. The data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation study. The results of the research show that communication barriers in health promotion of IUD family planning program in Cimanggu village, West Bupang Regency cover: (1) education barrier of Cimanggu villagers as communicant in health promotion program of IUD family planning program; (2) cultural barriers of Cimanggu villagers, which are still strong with the values of local wisdom developed in Cimanggu village; (3) psychological barriers, feelings of fear and fear of excessive pain experienced by the society, certainly in this case is women in the productive age.       

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (101) ◽  
pp. 197-211
Rahla Rahat

Pakistan is going through large scale infrastructure development with most of the state-led mega projects being funded by international financing agencies. Many of these agencies have mandatory social safeguards to mitigate the negative impacts of the projects for project-affected-communities especially women. This provides the government an opportunity to advance the conditions of women in project areas. However, the gender mainstreaming efforts usually face resistance from communities on various grounds including religion. This study explores the nature of resistance on religious basis and the strategies used by the development practitioners to manage such resistance. A qualitative research approach was employed and through a purposive sampling technique participants were recruited for this study. In-depth interviews were used to collect data which was analyzed by thematic analysis. The data was collected from development practitioners working for government and international financing agencies on infrastructure projects. Resistance towards development of women initiatives are on interventions, presence of female staff in communities, and on giving access to project teams, including women, to females in communities. Major reasons for this resistance were suspicion of projects, especially if the financing agencies were Western, and the fear that development of women may result in women losing their religious and cultural values which may lead to the breakdown of the institution of family and Islamic society. The strategies to deal with these resistances include involving religious leaders as stakeholders, peer education through religious scholars, exposure visits for local religious leaders, developing gender and cultural sensitivities of the staff, meaningful consultation with community, and effective grievance redress mechanism.

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