2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 607-632
Isep Bayu Arisandi ◽  
Titin Nurhayati Ma’mun ◽  
Undang Ahmad Darsa

ABSTRACT The value of moral affects the horizontal relationship that exists between humans. This is recorded in the ancient texts of the Islamic period as evidence of the influence of Islamic teachings that entered the archipelago. The disclosure of this moral value is an effort to "share" the heritage of the ancestors, as well as a reflection on the current conditions that are quite relevant. The Babad Awak Salira (BAS) manuscript, one of the written heritages in Tatar Sunda, contains very strong moral values. The problems revealed in this paper, namely; (1) the values ​​of moral contained in the text of the BAS manuscript; and (2) the effect of moral reflection in the horizontal relationship. This paper aims to reveal the values ​​of moral and their influence on horizontal relationships. This research is a literature research, descriptive analysis. Due to the fact that the object is an ancient text, a philological approach is used to study the BAS text. Seeing this, the relevance of the existence of values ​​in the ancient texts (which are time apart) is so eternal in didactic wraps. The existence of content values ​​can also be seen as a piece of advice and a "treasure" of inheritance in a written tradition in Tatar Sunda, in general in the archipelago. Disclosure of the value of the content of ancient manuscripts, can be seen as an effort to understand and "bridge" the times, considering that the medium of script is no longer conventional at this time. Keywords: Manuscript, Text BAS, Moral values, Moral reflection.   Nilai adab berpengaruh terhadap hubungan horizontal yang terjalin antarmanusia. Hal ini tercatat dalam naskah kuna periode Islam sebagai bukti pengaruh ajaran Islam yang masuk ke Nusantara. Pengungkapan nilai adab ini sebagai upaya “membagikan” warisan nenek moyang, juga sebagai refleksi atas kondisi zaman saat ini yang cukup relevan. Naskah Babad Awak Salira (BAS), salah satu warisan tulis yang ada di Tatar Sunda, mengandung nilai-nilai adab yang kuat. Masalah yang diungkap dalam tulisan ini, yaitu; (1) nilai adab yang ada di dalam teks naskah BAS; dan (2) pengaruh refleksi adab dalam hubungan horizontal. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai adab dan pengaruhnya terhadap hubungan horizontal. Kajian berjenis studi pustaka, bersifat deskriptif analisis. Sehubungan bahwa objek adalah naskah kuna, digunakan pendekatan filologis untuk mengkaji naskah BAS. Melihat hal itu, relevansi keberadaan nilai dalam naskah kuna (yang berjarak zaman) begitu kekal dalam balutan didaktis. Keberadaan nilai kandungan juga dapat dipandang sebagai sebuah petuah dan “harta” warisan dalam sebuah tradisi tulis di Tatar Sunda, secara umum di Nusantara. Pengungkapan nilai kandungan naskah kuna dapat dilihat sebagai upaya memahamkan dan “menjembatani” zaman, mengingat medium aksara sudah tidak konven­sional lagi saat ini. Kata kunci: Naskah kuna, Teks BAS, Nilai Adab, Refleksi Adab.

Titik Heni Marlina ◽  
Indri Kustantinah ◽  
Muhammad Wahyu Widiyanto

This research analyzed Shawshank Redemption movie, a movie by Frank Darabont. This movie told about the struggling of Andy Dufresne who was accused of the murder of his wife and her affair. This research focused on moral value of the movie. The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative method. This study aims to found the moral values of Shawshank Redemption movie. Documentation method was used to collect the data and descriptive analysis technique to analyze the data. The results of this study are the moral values found in the Shawshank Redemption movie; honestly, hard work, unconditional love and kindness, compassion, and co-operation. Then hard work as the most dominant moral value appears in the Shawshank Redemption movie, because this moral value often occurs in this movie. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203-214
Hilda Hastuti ◽  
Puspita Dewi

This research aims to describe moral value in One Piece Anime Movie of Chopper Plus Bloom in The Winter created by Eiichiro Oda. The researchers obtained the data from the movie Video  through watching, screenshot the video and copied the every single of scene in the movie video. Researchers took data only the appropriate the data which contained the moral value. The method used of this research was descriptive analysis method. The result of the research found that moral value was intrinsic moral value and three types of moral values that were the issue of human relationship with themselves, the human relationship with others, and relationship with God. Three types of those moral values shown (1) Chopper couldn’t accepted by others and It was shot by inhabitants (2) Luffy as a captain of the straw hat Pirate crew took responsibility to his crew by taking care of his crew (3) Chopper was considered as disgrace of his family because chopper has got blue nose and he was isolated by others and he found his the first friend dr Hiluluk as a form gratitude.   Keywords: Anime, moral values, one piece  

M. Y. Chew

The realist dispute in ethics has wide implications for moral ontology, epistemology, and semantics. Common opinion holds that this debate goes to the heart of the phenomenology of moral values and affects the way in which we understand the nature of moral value, moral disagreement, and moral reflection. But it has not been clearly demonstrated what is involved in moral realist theory. I provide a framework which distinguishes three different versions of the theory while at the same time showing the interrelations between them. I also demonstrate how issues such as objectivity, cognitivism, and truth can be related into the discussion by means of this framework.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-58
Unggul Sudrajat

The art paradigm that uses the Kancil story as a method of introducing moral values certainly has its own uniqueness and purpose. These two different views of the KPK and Tamansiswa are very contradictive, the same source gets the opposite interpretation. Therefore, the story of Kancil is interesting to study regarding its feasibility as one of the teaching materials in school. This paper will reveal the view of education in Taman Siswa about the Kancil story, specifically about Sendratari composed by Ki Hadi Sukatno which was studied through qualitative research with a discussion of descriptive analysis approach. The results of the study revealed the art transformation in Taman Siswa by explaining how educational facilities must be dynamic along with the development of the child's nature. Through dance, music, and drama movements collected in Sendratari “Mouse deer stealing Cucumbers", Ki Hadi Sukatno was able to implement the concept of the Among System created by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. The use of Kancil stories as a means of education must be sorted out which matches the basic or secondary level.Therefore, it is necessary to have a method that matches the character so that it finds the moral value implied through the fabric of the story.

Virginia L. Warren

This chapter explores the concept of moral disability, identifying two types. The first type involves disabling conditions that distort one’s process of moral reflection. Examples include the incapacity to consider the long-term future, to feel empathy for others, and to be honest with oneself. A noteworthy example of self-deception is systematically denying one’s own—and humanity’s—vulnerability to the power of others, to accidents, and to having one’s well-being linked to that of others and the eco-system. Acknowledging vulnerability often requires a new sense of self. The second type includes incapacities directly resulting from ‘moral injury’—debilitating, self-inflicted harms when one violates a deeply held moral conviction, even if trying to remain true to another moral value. Examining moral disabilities highlights the moral importance of self-identity. More progress may be made on controversial issues if we discuss who we are, how we connect, and how we can heal.

I Ketut Suardana ◽  

Pan Balang Tamak text is one of Balinese narrative texts developing in Balinese communities. This text contains very deep moral value that is very useful for communities to achieve happiness in the world. The moral values embed in the clauses constructing the text in metaphorical meaning. Many clauses constructing the text contain verbal group complexes in which describe kinds of actions done by the participants. This paper analyzes the application of verbal group complexes in Pan Balang Tamak text written by Suptra (2014). The theory used to analyze the verbal group complexes is the theory of group complex from Systemic Functional Linguistics from Halliday (2014). The paper used qualitative research, namely by the theory approach, the technique used is based on syntagmatic and paradigmatic based on field, tenor, mode. The result of the research suggested that both verbal group complexes in paratactic and in hypotactic were found in the text. Paratactic can be found in the way of the communities respect their bad behavior and the real condition happening to all animal living in the forest. The hypotactic were found the clauses which contain the effort to trap Pan Balang Tamak and the advantages obtained by Pan Balang Tamak from the efforts which be trap Pan Balang Tamak. Projection verb can be found in verbal process in which mean proposal, namely, the willing to trap Pan Balang Tamak

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 361-380
Nathasya Wiguna Wiguna ◽  
Nathasya Wiguna Dang Eif Dono Darsono

ABSTRAK Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous (Analisis Deskriptif pada Instagram @Screamous_55) Media sosial Instagram media dan seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, Instagram menjadi salah satu media sosial yang cukup diminati untuk kepentingan komunikasi pemasaran, dengan ciri khasnya mengedepankan pesan visual dan audio visual dengan interaktivitas yang tinggi. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous menjadikan instagram sebagai media atau saluran dalam berbisnis salah satunya di bidang fashion. Screamous dalam hal ini memiliki peran aktif dalam mengelola dan menginformasikan sebuah produk melalui media online.  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meraih penyampaian informasi, mengenalkan brand dan produk serta menerapkan bangga akan produk lokal dengan menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan dan berhasilnya pemasaran. Selain itu bertujuan untuk mengetahui pull strategi dalam menarik minat konsumen terhadap konsumen, dengan push strategi yang mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran dan menggunakan pass strategi dalam memberikan opini yang menguntungkan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Kualitatif dengan pendekatan analisis desktiptif dan menerapkan paradigma konstruktivisme, kemudian teknik yang di gunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik pengumpulan data, observasi partisipatori pasif, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumen. Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui langkah-langkah : menentukan lokasi penelitian, menentukan metode penelitian, menentukan pemilihan informan, menentukan sumber dan jenis data, menentukan teknik pengumpulan data serta mengolah dan menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dalam mengenalkan dan mempertahankan brand lokal, dalam menunjang berhasilnya pemasaran. Screamous mengajak kepada para konsumen menyatukan suatu pemahaman bahwa sebagai warga negara yang baik, harus bangga akan produk lokal atau produk  dalam negeri. Marketing Public Relations Melalui Instagram Screamous dalam mempromosikan suatu produk terdiri dari Pull Strategy dalam menarik minat melalui campaign di produk atau barang Screamous dan melakukan kegiatan promosi melalui media online, dan media sosial. Push Strategy Screamous melalui spesial event, seperti kickfest, expo dalam mendorong berhasilnya pemasaran. Pass Strategy Screamous dalam menciptakan opini yang menguntungkan melalui kegiatan sponsorship seperti acara seminar, edukasi, acara musik dalam menjalin kerjasama dan membantu generasi bangsa dalam berkarya. Kata Kunci :Pemasaran, Instagram, dan Screamous ABSTRACT Nathasya Wiguna, Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous (Deskriptive analysis on Instagram @Screamous_55) Instagram media social media and along with the times, Instagram has become one of the social media that is in great demand for marketing communication purposes, with its trademark promoting visual and audio visual messages with high interactivity. Marketing Public Relations Instagram Screamous makes Instagram as a media or channel in doing business, one of them is in the fashion sector. Screamous in this case has an active role in managing and informing a product through online media. This study aims to achieve information delivery, introduce brands and products and apply pride in local products by creating favorable opinions and marketing success. In addition, it aims to find out the pull strategies in attracting consumer interest to consumers, with push strategies that encourage successful marketing and use pass strategies in providing favorable opinions. The method used in this study is qualitative with descriptive analysis approach and applying the constructivism paradigm, then the techniques used in this study are data collection techniques, passive participatory observation, in-depth interviews and document studies. This research was carried out through steps: determining the location of the study, determining the research method, determining the selection of informants, determining the source and type of data, determining the data collection techniques and processing and analyzing data. The results of this study indicate that in introducing and maintaining a local brand, in supporting the success of marketing. Screamous invites consumers to unite an understanding that as a good citizen, they must be proud of local products or domestic products. Marketing Public Relations Through Instagram Screamous in promoting a product consists of Pull Strategy in attracting interest through campaigns on Screamous products or goods and conducting promotional activities through online media, and social media. Push Strategy Screamous through special events, such as kickfest, expo in encouraging marketing success. Strategy Screamous Pass in creating favorable opinions through sponsorship activities such as seminars, education, music events in collaborating and helping the nation's generation in work.   Keywords: Marketing, Instagram, and Screamous  

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (3) ◽  
pp. 436-455 ◽  
Chih-Ming Chen ◽  
Yung-Ting Chen ◽  
Chen-Yu Liu

Purpose An automatic text annotation system (ATAS) that can collect resources from different databases through Linked Data (LD) for automatically annotating ancient texts was developed in this study to support digital humanities research. It allows the humanists referring to resources from diverse databases when interpreting ancient texts as well as provides a friendly text annotation reader for humanists interpreting ancient text through reading. The paper aims to discuss whether the ATAS is helpful to support digital humanities research or not. Design/methodology/approach Based on the quasi-experimental design, the ATAS developed in this study and MARKUS semi-ATAS were compared whether the significant differences in the reading effectiveness and technology acceptance for supporting humanists interpreting ancient text of the Ming dynasty’s collections existed or not. Additionally, lag sequential analysis was also used to analyze users’ operation behaviors on the ATAS. A semi-structured in-depth interview was also applied to understand users’ opinions and perception of using the ATAS to interpret ancient texts through reading. Findings The experimental results reveal that the ATAS has higher reading effectiveness than MARKUS semi-ATAS, but not reaching the statistically significant difference. The technology acceptance of the ATAS is significantly higher than that of MARKUS semi-ATAS. Particularly, the function comparison of the two systems shows that the ATAS presents more perceived ease of use on the functions of term search, connection to source websites and adding annotation than MARKUS semi-ATAS. Furthermore, the reading interface of ATAS is simple and understandable and is more suitable for reading than MARKUS semi-ATAS. Among all the considered LD sources, Moedict, which is an online Chinese dictionary, was confirmed as the most helpful one. Research limitations/implications This study adopted Jieba Chinese parser to perform the word segmentation process based on a parser lexicon for the Chinese ancient texts of the Ming dynasty’s collections. The accuracy of word segmentation to a lexicon-based Chinese parser is limited due to ignoring the grammar and semantics of ancient texts. Moreover, the original parser lexicon used in Jieba Chinese parser only contains the modern words. This will reduce the accuracy of word segmentation for Chinese ancient texts. The two limitations that affect Jieba Chinese parser to correctly perform the word segmentation process for Chinese ancient texts will significantly affect the effectiveness of using ATAS to support digital humanities research. This study thus proposed a practicable scheme by adding new terms into the parser lexicon based on humanists’ self-judgment to improve the accuracy of word segmentation of Jieba Chinese parser. Practical implications Although some digital humanities platforms have been successfully developed to support digital humanities research for humanists, most of them have still not provided a friendly digital reading environment to support humanists on interpreting texts. For this reason, this study developed an ATAS that can automatically retrieve LD sources from different databases on the Internet to supply rich annotation information on reading texts to help humanists interpret texts. This study brings digital humanities research to a new ground. Originality/value This study proposed a novel ATAS that can automatically annotate useful information on an ancient text to increase the readability of the ancient text based on LD sources from different databases, thus helping humanists obtain a deeper and broader understanding in the ancient text. Currently, there is no this kind of tool developed for humanists to support digital humanities research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-75
Muhammad Shodiq Masrur ◽  
Asyhari Amri

The current era, with fertile technology that is increasingly developing, certainly has positive and negative sides. One of the phenomena that shows the negative side of development technologies such as Youtube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is that many cildren use media gadgets as playmates, so that the child is not controlled is choosing content that is popular in cyberspace, as a reseult the child will further away from values religion, humanitarian values, values justice and moral values. In this article, the researcher describes the prevention of moral decadence for the younger generation, so it is necessary to increase the role of education, especially the role of parents in selecting entertaiment content that contains moral values for children. These efforts are made to prepare the next generation who have knowledge, faith and good character. The writing of this article uses qualitative research with descriptive analysis. The writer in this article uses Roland Barthes’ semiotic analysis model known as “two order of signification”, namely by looking for the denotative meaning the connotation of each scene. From using this method the researcher foumd that the animated film Nussa and Rarra, the episode of prayer must contain values from the concept of Islamic teachings, namely Akidah, Sharia and Moral. If parents are able to nurture and guide by choosing content that educated and implements in life, it is hoped that the child will become a person with character according to the expectation of the nation and religion. Islamic

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-36
Anis Wijayanti ◽  
Yusro Edy N. ◽  
Hardyanto .

ABSTRACT   Panitibaya fiber is one of the piwulang Javanese texts that needs to be preserved because the teachings contained in it are still very beneficial for the community. For that Panitibaya Fiber will be examined on (1) how the sound layer in Panitibaya Fiber, (2) how the meaning layer in  Panitibaya Fiber, (3) how the object layer in Panitbaya Fiber, (4) Moral Value in Panitibaya Fiber. This study uses a literary sociology approach according to Ian Watt. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data used in this study is the text of the Fiber Panitibaya written by Bathara Katong. Data collection techniques in this study were heuristic and hermeneutic reading methods. The analysis technique uses an analysis of the building blocks of poetry Roman Ingarden which includes sound layers, meaning layers, object layers. From the data, it was analyzed using Ian Watt's sociology theory of literature to find out the teachings contained in Panitibaya Fiber. The results of this study indicate that the existence of sound layers, layers of meaning and layers of objects, as well as moral values ​​contained in the Panitibaya Fiber for pursuing are summarized as eleven teachings as follows, (1) obligations to the Creator, (2) disgraceful qualities that must be shunned, (3) commendable traits, (4) actions that are not justified for men, (5) attitudes that must be considered in speech, (6) ancestral messages, (7) people who are not approachable, (8) actions related to children, (9) actions related to firearms, (10) there are visits and neighbors, and (11) attitude in handling a job. The teachings of the Panitibaya Fiber need to be disseminated in the Javanese community, either through print media or online media. Keywords: Panitibaya Fiber, Prohibition of pursuing life, Sociology of literature.

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