scholarly journals Pengadaan Tanah Jalur Kereta Api Bandara Adi Soemarmo-Solo Balapan: Kebijakan Konservasi Vs Pembangunan Infrastruktur

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 163-180
Tri Idawijayanti ◽  
Retno Widodo Dwi Pramono

Abstract: Dilemmas and conflicts frequently arise during public policy-making. For instance, those occurring between the Policy for the Protection of Sustainable Food Agricultural Land (PLP2B) and land acquisition for development in the public interest (PTPKU). The former aims to preserve agricultural land, whereas the latter ensures absolute land provision for infrastructure and facility development in the public interest. The purpose of this study is to describe the policy conflicts that exist between the PLP2B policy and the PTPKU policy. A qualitative approach is used to conduct this research with a case study design using content analysis. Apart from documents, data triangulation is also conducted through interviews with multiple parties involved in decision-making and through observation and documentation of field conditions. Although both are in the public interest, the study's findings indicate that conservation is inferior to infrastructure development. The process of nullifying conservation implementation goes through a series of steps that emerge at each stage of land acquisition justification. Key words: Boyolali-Indonesia, LP2B, Land Acquisition, Policy Conflicts, Spatial Planning   Intisari: Dilema dan konflik sering terjadi dalam pengambilan kebijakan publik. Sebagai contoh yaitu antara kebijakan Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (PLP2B) dan kebijakan Pengadaan Tanah bagi Pembangunan untuk Kepentingan Umum (PTPKU). Kebjiakan PLP2B bertujuan untuk mempertahankan tanah pertanian, sedangkan kebijakan PTPKU menjamin penyediaan lahan secara mutlak bagi pembangunan infrastruktur atau fasilitas bagi kepentingan publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan konflik pada dua contoh kebijakan di atas. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan desain studi kasus menggunakan konten analisis (content analysis). Selain berdasar dokumen, dilakukan juga trianggulasi dalam penggunaan data, yaitu dengan wawancara terhadap beberapa pihak yang terlibat dalam pengambilan keputusan, serta observasi dan dokumentasi kondisi lapangan. Dari hasil penelitian tergambar bahwa meski sama-sama sebagai kepentingan umum, kebijakan pelestarian pertanian kalah dengan kepentingan umum pembangunan infrastruktur. Proses pembatalan ketetapan pelestarian terjadi melalui berbagai tahap yang ada pada setiap tahap justifikasi pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah. Kata Kunci: Konflik kebijakan, Tata Ruang, LP2B, Pengadaan Tanah, Boyolali-Indonesia

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Dhina Setyo Oktaria ◽  
Agustinus Prasetyo Edi Wibowo

Land acquisition for public purposes, including for the construction of railroad infrastructure, is a matter that is proposed by all countries in the world. The Indonesian government or the Malaysian royal government needs land for railroad infrastructure development. To realize this, a regulation was made that became the legal umbrella for the government or royal government. The people must agree to regulations that require it. Land acquisition for public use in Malaysia can be completed quickly in Indonesia. The influencing factor is the different perceptions of the understanding of what are in the public interest, history and legal systems of the two countries as well as the people's reaction from the two countries

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-99
Triana Dewi Seroja ◽  
Mukhtirili Mukhtirili ◽  

This thesis discusses the Implementation of Land Procurement for Development in the Public Interest in the Construction of the Kawal Reservoir Infrastructure, which was built by the Ministry of Public Works of the Director General of Water Resources. The background used is the issuance of regulations regarding land acquisition in the form of Law No. 2. In 2012, which is quite comprehensive regulates and facilitates the process of land acquisition for development in the public interest. This law has been revised 4 times in the form of a Perpres from the Presidential Regulation No. 71 of 2012 to the latest Presidential Regulation No. 88 of 2017 as a refinement and consistency of the government in the policy of accelerating infrastructure development. But the fact is that national land acquisition is still the second biggest inhibiting factor, 30%. Kawal Reservoir is an infrastructure development in the field of public works has become a polemic, starting from the systems and procedures for land acquisition, the policies issued by the parties, the substance of the problem, as well as the apparatus' view of the land acquisition itself. The implementation of land acquisition for development in the public interest is in accordance with Law No. 2 of 2012 on the construction of the guarding reservoir infrastructure, which at present is still continuing to stop its physical development at the preparation stage. Problems in the form of forest status functions, overlapping ownership, and the existence of the Governor of Riau Islands Province Decree regarding Location Determination are obstacles that are passed through the Spatial Planning and Land Affairs apparatus in carrying out their main duties and functions. The phenomena that exist in the background of the problem will be integrated with the literature, conceptual and frame of mind developed. Research using Empirical / Sociological Legal Research methods.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Raymond Aristyo ◽  
Hasni Hasni

Infrastructure development for the public interest is indeed very urgent to be held immediately given that some infrastructure development facilities are still very alarming so that it becomes a priority in the development program. In addition, land acquisition for public interest development is supported by high population growth and increased community aspirations and improved development for the public interest which continues to increase. Filling land for development in the public interest, valuation of compensation by appraisers is carried out per field, parcels of land and underground land, buildings, plants, objects related to land, or other losses that can be shared. In carrying out activities, the appraiser is guided by standards, while in carrying out his duties the appraiser approves the code of ethics. In the evaluation of community change, weak decisions that cannot be refused by the government asking for land, like it or not, like it or not the community requires land to the government, the community must accept and leave the environment where they were raised, returned and memories of their homes. Related to the writer interested in doing an analysis of the problem of determining the value of compensation in the framework of land acquisition for the construction of the Kunciran-Serpong toll road. This analysis is carried out using normative research methods with the aim of appealing to the principles of law and searching for theoretical scientific truths of the problems discussed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-182
Muhammad Hoiru Nail

Abstrak Pemerintah sebagai organisasi tertinggi dalam sebuah negara memiliki kewajiban untuk mewujudkan tujuan negara sebagaimana termaktub dalam alinea ke IV UUD NRI Tahun 1945, salah satu cara yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut ialah pembangunan-pembangunan infrastruktur yang membutuhkan tanah sebagai bahan dasar pemenuhannya. Dalam konteks hukum agraria, tiap-tiap tanah yang ada di wilayah negara kesatuan RI memiliki hak sosial, sehingga dalam keadaan tertentu apabila negara (pemerintah) membutuhkan tanah tersebut maka selayaknya tanah tersebut wajib dilepaskan dengan persprektif pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum. Berbagai macam proses pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum yang tidak terlepaskan ialah penentuan ijin lokasi, besaran ganti rugi dan  persoalan hukum yang timbul akibat pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum, sehingga diperlukan metode penyesaian baik secara non litigasi dan litigasi. Kata Kunci: Pengadaan tanah untuk kepentingan umum, musyawarah, ganti kerugian.   Abstract The government as the highest organization in a country has the obligation to realize the goals of the state as stated in paragraph 4 of the indonesia constitution, one of the ways used to achive this is infrastructure development which requires lands as te basic material for its fulfillment. In the context agrarian law, land in the territory of Indonesia has social rigts, so that certain circumstances, if the goverment needs the land, it is appropriate that the land must be released for public purposed. Various kinds of land acquisition processed for the public interest that are not realesed are the determination of location permits, the amount of compensation and legal issues arising from land acquisition for the public interest, so that both non-litigation and litigation methods are needed. Keywords: land acquisition for the public interest, discussion, compensation

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Priyo Katon Prasetyo ◽  
Rosye Villanova Christine ◽  
Sudibyanung Sudibyanung

Abstract: Based on Law Number 2 of 2012 concerning Land Acquisition for Development in the Public Interest, the Openness Principle is one of the ten principles as the basis of the implementation of development. This principle is significant because its complex role can lead to conflicts and disputes. In this paper, discussions are divided into two parts: 1) how the implementation is expected to be applied according to the acquisition procedure in theory; and 2) the reality that occurs in the field. The first discussion was conducted by reviewing the applicable regulations and the methods or concepts of development of the openness principle. Meanwhile, the second discussion about the reality on the field was conducted by elaborating case studies regarding problems in land acquisition. The results of this study indicate that there are gaps in the implementation of the openness principle between theory and reality in regards of land scarcity, economic inequality, and information asymmetry among the involved parties. In conclusion, the implementation of the openness principle is significant with the role of information in land acquisition.Intisari: Berdasarkan Undang Undang Nomor 2 Tahun 2012 tentang Pengadaan Tanah Bagi Pembangunan Untuk Kepentingan Umum, Asas Keterbukaan adalah salah satu dari sepuluh asas yang menjadi dasar pelaksanaannya. Asas ini menjadi signifikan karena perannya yang kompleks dapat menimbulkan konflik dan sengketa. Artikel ini akan membagi pembahasan menjadi dua bagian: pertama, bagaimana implementasi yang seharusnya diterapkan pada prosedur pengadaan secara harapan, dan kedua, membahas mengenai realita yang terjadi di lapangan. Secara harapan pembahasan dilakukan dengan melakukan library research atau studi terhadap peraturan yang berlaku dan metode-metode atau prinsip perkembangan dari asas keterbukaan. Realitas di lapangan akan dielaborasi dari studi kasus mengenai permasalahan dalam pengadaan tanah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan ada gap dalam implementasi asas keterbukaan antara harapan dan realitas di lapangan yang bersumber dari kelangkaan sumber daya/tanah, ketimpangan ekonomi dan asimetri informasi di antara para pihak yang terlibat. Tulisan ini menyimpulkan bahwa implementasi asas keterbukaan signifikan dengan peran informasi dalam pengadaan tanah. 

Public Voices ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 143
Ken Nichols

Star Trek began as a 1960s television series led by a swashbuckling starship Captain, an intellectual off-world first officer, and a multicultural, heart-of-gold crew. In the third of a century since its appearance on our home screens, the series Gene Roddenberry created has become a world-wide phenomenon.Star Trek is also a rich treasure trove of administrative literature: The setting — usually a starship, sometimes a planetary government organization. The characters are clearly delineated, colorful, share common goals, distinguish between their personal and professional roles and concerns, and serve well as archetypes for distinct organizational personalities. And the missions are clear, benevolent, in the public interest, and frequently controversial.As you watch an episode of one of the four Star Trek series, how many of these facets can you observe?That’s public administration, all right, but in a very different wrapper

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (I) ◽  
pp. 93-126
Presetyo Firgianto ◽  
Prof. Dr. S. Pantja Djati, M.Si., MA

Upstream oil and gas activities both searching up to oil and gas production are government programs where activities are regulated in legislation. Before drilling, to obtain oil and gas reserves, the need for land for drilling activities is a step that must be passed. Since the upstream oil and gas activities are government programs, the government guarantees the availability of land for such activities that can be classified into the public interest and set forth in Law No. 2 of 2012 on Land Procurement for Development for the Public Interest.               The formulation of the problem in this research is : How the stages of activities Land acquisition for the public interest PT.Pertamina EP - Paku Gajah Development Project?, What are the opportunities and impacts at each stage of the activity ? Land acquisition for public interest PT.Pertamina EP - Paku Gajah Development Project ?, and How is the mitigation effect of each stage of Land Acquisition activities for This research uses semi-quantitative descriptive method. The data collection tool used is questionnaire with liekert scale (1-5). The results of this study indicate that the stages of land acquisition for the public interest consists of planning, preparation, implementation, and delivery of results.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 25
Pâmela Da Silva Pochmann ◽  
Magali De Moraes Menti

RESUMOEste estudo teve como problema de pesquisa verificar como blogs/vlogs literários, enquanto meios de comunicação, podem influenciar a escolha leitora. Para isso, selecionou-se o vlog da Ju Cirqueira, blogueira do blog Nuvem Literária, para um estudo de caso. O objetivo geral foi identificar quais estratégias a blogueira utiliza que podem influenciar na escolha literária dos seus seguidores a partir de suas publicações/vídeos. Os objetivos específicos foram verificar as estratégias que a blogueira utiliza para transmitir suas mensagens e criar conexões, e se utiliza algum padrão em seus vídeos. Para tanto, abordou-se questões relacionadas à leitura, texto, práticas de leitura, formação de leitores e ato comunicativo. Os procedimentos metodológicos abrangeram uma parte quantitativa, em que foram destacados números de blogs existentes, perfil dos usuários e categorias de blogs, e uma parte qualitativa em que, por meio de categorização de análise proposta por Jeffman (2015) e de análise de conteúdo, examinou-se dez vídeos do canal da Ju Cirqueira. A partir dos dados coletados, pode-se ter uma amostragem de como são os blogs no Brasil, o perfil do público leitor de blogs e vlogs e características que fazem com que os booktubers fidelizem seus seguidores e, consequentemente, apresentem novas opções de leitura. Entre os padrões utilizados pela blogueira destacam-se a cultura do quarto, as estratégias de comunicação e a cultura de participação.Palavras-chave: Booktubers. Influência literária. Ju Cirqueira. Vlog. Formação do Leitor. ABSTRACTThis study aimed to verify how literary blogs/vlogs, as a means of communication, can influence te choice for reading. To this end, the vlog by Ju Cirqueira, blogger of the blog Nuvem Literária, was chosen for a case study. The goal of the survey was to look at how the blogger influences the literary choice of her followers, what strategies she uses to broadcast her messages and make connections, and whether she uses some pattern in her videos. The focus of the analysis was on concepts pertaining to reading, the text, reading practices, reader training and mass media. There were quantitative methodological procedures in which  numbers of existing blogs, profile of users and categories of blogs were sought; followed by  qualitative procedures carried out through categories of analysis and content analysis to look for patterns in ten videos of the channel of Ju Cirqueira. From the data collected, one can have a sampling of how blogs are in Brazil, the profile of the public readers of blogs and vlogs and characteristics that make booktubers loyal to their followers and, consequently, present new reading options. Among the different languages used in communication, we highlight the culture of the room, the communication strategies and the culture of participation.Keywords: Booktubers. Literacy influence. Ju Cirqueira. Literary Vlog. Formation of the reader.

Ana Maria Bandeira ◽  
Deolinda Meira ◽  
Brízida Tomé

The purpose of this chapter is to determine whether the current accounting standards of public interest cooperatives in Portugal are adequate, taking into account the social object, particularly the pursuit of furthering public interest and the nature of the subjects that integrate it. Thus, through the methodology of content analysis, the authors analyze the various policies and accounting legislation as well as the literature available on this topic. Through the classification and analysis of the main characteristics of these cooperatives, the authors conclude that they should be subject to the Public Administration's accounting regime in order to respond to the needs of different users of information.

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