N. V. Bondarenko ◽  
S. A. Vlasiuk ◽  
T. A. Derkach

The article deals with the problems of investment attractiveness of the agricultural sector in Ukraine. It is defined that engaging investment in agricultural sector is based on a wide range of aspects that go beyond agricultural policy, in particular macroeconomic policy. Such coherent policy is an essential part of a beneficial investment climate for both native and foreign investors. The definition of investment attractiveness has been determined that is one of the most relevant and frequently used in economy today. It was found that for UAH1 of capital investment for the manufacturing of food and tobacco products in January-March 2019, UAH 3, 38 was accounted for agricultural sector. Rating of investment attractiveness of agrarian branches is stated. It is outlined that Kyiv and Kyiv region agro-industrial complex is ranked the first position as well as the second, third and fourth positions are shared by Zaporizhia, Dnipropetrovsk and Poltava regions. . It should be noted that over 10 years the share of investments in financial and insurance activities has significantly decreased. The foreign and native experience has been studied, and an effective transformation of the agrarian sector of economy has been established that is based on the intensification of investment activities and a significant increase in the levels of investment. It has been determined that during the period of constrained investment resources at the state level, the investment attractiveness of the region is the key requirement through which the investment strategy and investment policy of enterprises and the state as a whole are formed. Consequently, the issue of increasing relevance becomes the investment activity of individual regions and identifying promising ways to attract resources. It was determined that nowadays the priority area for investment in agriculture should be updating and modernization of agricultural equipment. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out technical re-equipment and reconstruction of livestock farms and complexes, to update the vehicles with high-quality, modern machines of the new generation. It is necessary to create a comprehensive strategy for increasing the investment attractiveness of Ukraine, which includes a number of aspects in the context of support and development of both the current comparative advantages of the economic system and the prospective ones, correspond to the development trends of the global economy and provide the foundations of Ukraine's economic safety. It is proposed that the first step in restoring investment attractiveness is the adoption of the law on state support for investment projects with substantial investments.

R. Myniv ◽  
H. Mokrytska

Investing in agro-industrial enterprises ensures the competitiveness of agro-industrial formations through the use of innovations to improve their positions in both domestic and foreign markets; achieving economic and food security; improving the social infrastructure of the village translator. Investment activity is a determining factor in the effectiveness of the formation and use of investment potential of agricultural enterprises. The analysis of statistical data on the volume of investments in agricultural enterprises of Lviv region at the expense of district budgets in 2019–2020 indicates an increase in investment resources invested in Horodok, Zolochiv and Stryj districts. However, the total approved amount of investments in the region in 2020 (1913.0 thousand UAH) decreased by 2.3 times compared to the funded volume in 2019 (4394.9 thousand UAH), which indicates the unstable rate of investment activity of investments in agro-industrial enterprises in terms of districts of Lviv region. During 2016–2020, there is a positive trend to increase the share of investments in the agro-industrial complex of Lviv region from the budgets of all levels, which, given the leading role of the national agricultural sector, is quite natural. This figure will reach its maximum value in 2020, which is 15.3 more than in 2016, at the expense of the state budget and 1.6 times more – at the expense of the regional budget. During 2019 (52 enterprises) 2.5 times compared to 2016 (22 enterprises) increased the number of agricultural enterprises in Lviv region, which used the program of interest compensation on loans in the amount of 68.4 million UAH. at the expense of the regional budget, which is 3.1 times more than in 2016 (UAH 22.0 million). The program of compensation of interest on loans from the state budget in 2019 was used by 41 enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of Lviv region, which is 3.2 shirts more than in 2016. However, funding decreased from UAH 334.1 million. in 2016 to UAH 173.8 million. in 2019. In 2019, UAH 11.5 million was financed for the implementation of business plans at the expense of soft loans of Lviv region. at the expense of the state budget and UAH 6.8 million. at the expense of the local budget. This allowed 34 businesses to purchase 14 units of agricultural machinery, plant 18.7 hectares of orchards and berries, purchase 24 heads of breeding animals, 21 formations to modernize technological processes and create an additional 30 jobs. Investments are an important guarantee of effective economic development of any enterprise, region, country. At the present stage, the main task is to take all possible measures to create an attractive investment climate and intensify investment processes at both the regional and national levels.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-14
V. F. Pivovarov ◽  
R. A. Meshcheryakova ◽  
T. N. Surikhina ◽  
O. A. Razin ◽  
A. A. Tareeva

The article examines the results of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global economy and the economy of the Russian Federation at the end of 2020. The quarantine measures introduced by the countries continue to negatively affect the economic situation in the world and the economies of individual countries. There is an acute shortage of seasonal workers in the agricultural sector of the countries of the world. The introduction of restrictions on the export of goods reduced the volume of imports. In Russia, the growth rate of imports from non-CIS countries has decreased. In January 2021, compared to January 2020, imports for food products and raw materials for their production decreased by 4.2%, and for vegetables – by 11.5%. According to the Federal Customs Service, the export of vegetables increased 3 times in terms of physical volumes and only 11% in terms of value. The growth in the physical volumes of export of products of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation did not lead to a corresponding increase in revenue. The prices for vegetables imported into the country were 2.5-3.4 times higher than the prices for exported ones. Despite some difficulties, losses in this area due to the pandemic were minimal. The gross harvest of vegetables in the country as a whole amounted to 13.8 million tons, which is 1.7% below the level of 2019. At the same time, the gross harvest of vegetables in open ground decreased by 3.1%, vegetables in protected ground increased by 6.6%. Difficulties encountered in implementation. During the crisis period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for vegetables fell by 30%. Consumers, in an effort to improve their immunity, began to buy more environmentally friendly and healthy products, including vegetables. The demand for organic products has grown by 15-20%. To accelerate the economic recovery, it was necessary to take additional measures on the part of states to support producers and consumers, restore purchasing power and help businesses, expand access to credit resources, stimulate investment activity, and reduce the tax burden on businesses and the population. In Russia, financial support for the main measures of state policy in the field of the agro-industrial complex is carried out within the framework of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food.

Ekonomika APK ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 309 (7) ◽  
pp. 109-116
Yuliia Lopatynska

The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends in the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex and outline further ways of this process. Research methods. Dialectical methods of cognition of processes and phenomena were used, monographic (analysis of the implementation of innovations in the agro-industrial complex), abstract-logical (theoretical generalizations and the formation of conclusions), comparative analysis (the reasons and differences in the development of innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex are determined), empirical (comprehensive assessment and analysis of the object of study). Research results. The indicators and development trends of key institutions of agrarian sector of the economy are analyzed, the state of scientific activity in the agro-industrial sector and its impact on the agrarian sector of the economy is assessed, the market infrastructure of the agro-industrial complex and its influence on the innovative development of the agricultural sector are investigated. Scientific novelty. Theoretical and practical provisions for assessing the state of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex have been further developed; the necessity of development of innovative infrastructure of agro-industrial complex is substantiated. Practical significance. The main provisions and conclusions set out in the article contain certain methodological and practical recommendations for assessing the state of innovative development of AIC. Not only key institutions of the agricultural sector of the economy are analyzed, but also scientific activity in the field of agro-industrial complex and market innovation infrastructure, which has an impact on the innovative development of the agrarian sector. Refs.: 20.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 5 ◽  
Anatoly M. BONDARENKO ◽  
Edward I. LIPKOVICH ◽  

Food security of the state is based on the progressive development of the agrarian sector by improving the profitability of its branches. The growth of profitability of the crop sector is possible while building soil fertility by using organic fertilizers. The purpose of the study is to form the aspects of implementation and approaches to the control of the process of organic fertilizers application and to identify their economic substance as a theoretical base in the current conditions of organizational and economic development and management in the agricultural sector. In order to improve the production process management and use of organic fertilizers in the agrarian sector a hierarchical system of resource and product models to optimize production and transportation of organic fertilizers has been developed. The system of resource and product models gives an opportunity to create a strategy of accommodation the technological platforms for the processing organic waste, to optimize transport costs at different levels of the hierarchy of the system implementation, to form a set of measures to increase the level of providing agricultural areas with organics. All this tends to increase the profitability of the crop production branch. To substantiate the effectiveness of the proposed measures to improve the process control of organic fertilizers application divergent forecast scenarios, such as regulatory and extrapolatory (which is subdivided into extrapolatory-inertial and extrapolatory-integrational) have been developed, the consistency of the extrapolatory-integrational forecast scenario has been proved. The designed forecast scenarios are recommended for implementation at various levels of control of technological processes in the agricultural sector, from an economic entity to the state level, using a closed loop process control of the technological processes of production and use of organic fertilizers based on resource and product models.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 395-401
Yurii Vitkovskyi

Introduction. The agricultural sector is an important segment of the domestic economy. Appropriate measures have been developed and implemented at the state level in order to create the necessary conditions for the development of agribusiness entities. The purpose of the research is to find ways to increase the investment attractiveness of agribusiness entities, as well as to analyze the directions and sources of attracting and mobilizing investment funds for their development. Results. The preconditions for attracting investment funds in the areas of competitive development of agricultural enterprises are described. The results of the influence of foreign economic policy on the sale of agri-food and agricultural products of domestic enterprises are determined. The tendencies of attracting foreign investments in the agricultural sector of the economy are analyzed. The most attractive areas of agriculture for investment are given. The orientation of agrarian policy in the medium term is determined. The necessity of investment support of the domestic agricultural sector is substantiated. Problems of investment policy implementation are highlighted. The role of financial leasing as a form of investment of agricultural producers is characterized. The necessity of creating conditions for intensification of leasing relations in agricultural production is proved. Measures have been proposed that have the potential to stimulate the attraction of private capital in the agricultural sector. Insufficient domestic investment to support the agricultural sector has been identified. Emphasis is placed on the expediency of attracting foreign direct investment. It has been established that the slowness of decision-making regarding the development of innovation support restrains the development of agricultural sector entities. The necessity of settlement of economic relations between subjects of agrarian business is substantiated. Excessive interference of the state executive power in the process of regulating such relations is outlined. Measures for free circulation of capital in the field of agricultural market are proposed. Conclusions. The investment strategy formation of agribusiness entities occurs taking into account their profitability and financial and economic condition. Attracting investments helps to improve the results of their activities and increase the level of competitiveness. Key words: agrarian business entities, investments, investment attractiveness, financial leasing, agricultural products.

R. M. Myniv ◽  
V. О. Ivashkiv

Investments in agricultural enterprises affect the volume of national GDP. At the same time, the development of the investment process in agriculture can have a significant synergistic effect, as investments belong to the gross accumulation of capital, which is one of the components of GDP. Real investment inflows to enterprises in the agro-industrial complex during 2015–2019 tended to increase. In 2019, compared to 2015, the volume of total capital investment in agriculture, forestry and fisheries increased by UAH 28.975 million or 196 %, which is a favorable condition for the development of domestic agricultural enterprises. During 2015–2020, there is a positive increase in capital investment in Ukraine's economy as a whole, but the share of capital investment in agriculture tends to decline annually, especially in 2020 compared to 2019, by 17 %. The decline in investment activity in agriculture is due to unstable macroeconomic and political factors in our country, limited purchasing power, the beginning of the global economic crisis, the gradual devaluation of the national currency, low efficiency of the agricultural sector. The volume of investment averages about 10 % of the total amount of capital investment in the country is quite low, despite the fact that the agricultural sector of our country has a fairly high potential for development and significant investment attractiveness. The dynamics of the share of investment in the national GDP and gross investment in the economy of Ukraine is characterized by a positive trend towards gradual growth during 2015–2019. In 2010, the volume of investments in the agricultural sector amounted to 1.5 % of GDP of our country and 3.3 % relative to gross investment, and in 2015 these figures were 2.3 % and 3.5 %, respectively. In 2019, these figures were 1.7 % and 4.8 %. That is, we can state that during the analyzed period there is an increase in the role of investment in the agricultural sector of the economy and in the formation of sustainable economic development potential of Ukraine. According to the results of 2018, agricultural enterprises and organizations of all forms of ownership at the expense of all sources of funding mastered 64 billion UAH. capital investment, which is 127 % compared to the period of 2017 and 340 % compared to 2013. In 2014–2015, there was a decrease in investment activity in the agricultural sector due to the economic crisis in the country. In 2019–2020, the volume of capital investment in agricultural enterprises decreased by UAH 11 billion, which is a sign of deteriorating investment activity in the agricultural sector.

Nadiia Davydenko ◽  
Yuliia Bilyak ◽  
Yuliia Nehoda ◽  
Nataliia Shevchenko ◽  

The agricultural sector of the economy is system-forming for Ukraine, guarantees the provision of food security of the state, forms the basis for the development of rural territories, influences environmental security, stimulates the development of other sectors of the economy. The level of financial security of the agrarian sector of the Ukrainian economy is caused by a number of factors, such as seasonal nature of production, limited shelf life of products, price disparity, low profitability, etc. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine and the activities of the leading agroholdings of Ukraine, as well as to develop proposals for strengthening the financial security of the agricultural sector based on the results obtained. The goal of the study is based on a systematic approach and comparative economic analysis. The methodological basis is the general scientific methods and mechanisms for ensuring the financial security of enterprises. The conducted research has made it possible to establish that in recent years the financial security of the agricultural sector in Ukraine is carried out mainly through a set of programs, each of which is aimed at improving production efficiency. Over the past five years, capital investment and credit in agriculture have increased significantly. The article substantiates the need to manage the financial security of agro-industrial enterprises at the present stage of socio-economic development of Ukraine. The practical significance of the obtained results is determined by the fact that the conclusions and proposals can be used in the formation of the financial security strategy of the agricultural sector and the development of a mechanism for its implementation.

Natalya Kozyar

Introduction. The idea of the need to accelerate economic growth in agriculture is formed in the context of the development of the agricultural sector of the economy in society. Restoration of a full-fledged investment process in the agro-industrial complex is an important national problem, the solution of which will help increase the food security of the state and the exit of agro-industrial production and the social sphere from the crisis. The effective implementation of economic activity by the enterprise in the long run and ensuring high rates of development, increasing competitiveness in the transition to a market economy is largely determined by the level of activity and scale of investment activity. Methods. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study is the dialectical method of cognition and a systematic approach to the study of the fundamental provisions of economics in relation to the implementation of investment activities in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. A set of special methods of economic research is used in the research process. The conclusions of the research are formulated with the help of abstract and logical method. The method of theoretical generalization is used in the critical analysis of research results of domestic scientists on the substantiation of the development of infrastructure in the agricultural sector of Ukraine. Results. The main objectives of the management system of investment activities of agricultural enterprises are: to determine the economic efficiency of the investment project, in order to establish the feasibility of its implementation; ensuring the possibility of attracting the necessary amount of investment resources for the implementation of the investment project; formation of mechanisms and implementation of measures aimed at improving the efficiency of investment activities. The presented goals of the investment management system can be realized through the mechanism of management of sources of investment resources. Discussion. In the context of the introduction of agricultural land circulation, there is a need to develop institutions that will help attract investment in the development of the agricultural sector of Ukraine. The task is to introduce a system of certification of appraisers, which will determine the fair value of agricultural land that will be the subject of sale. In order to introduce land mortgage lending, we believe that in the future it is necessary to resume the activities of the State Mortgage Bank as a regulator of such operations. Keywords: agricultural sector, investment, investment activity, corporation, management.

2020 ◽  
pp. 63-72
Yu. Olefir ◽  
E. Sakanyan ◽  
I. Osipova ◽  
V. Dobrynin ◽  
M. Smirnova ◽  

The entry of a wide range of biotechnological products into the pharmaceutical market calls for rein-forcement of the quality, efficacy and safety standards at the state level. The following general monographs have been elaborated for the first time to be included into the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, XIV edition: "Viral safety" and "Reduction of the risk of transmitting animal spongiform encephalopathy via medicinal products". These general monographs were elaborated taking into account the requirements of foreign pharmacopoeias and the WHO recommendations. The present paper summarises the key aspects of the monographs.

1993 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 164-165
V. A. Kalistratov

The study of the state of health of the population requires special attention due to the difficult socio-economic situation in which the entire national economy and, above all, the agricultural sector found itself. The labor intensity of workers in this industry directly depends on the season of the year, mechanized labor-intensive processes, labor supply. Of particular concern are the unfavorable tendencies that are now manifesting themselves more vividly. The agrarian sector of Tatarstan employs about 400 thousand people, of which almost 300 thousand are directly in agriculture.

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