scholarly journals Lexical-semantic peculiarities of Andrii Kokotiukha’s detective novels

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-63
Nataliia Maiboroda

The article touches upon various lexical-semantic peculiarities of Andrii Kokotiukha’s detective novels, specifically the nomination of people – characters of the novel. Such research are presented mostly from the point of view of literary studies. Scientists studied peculiar features of composition, genre, and plot of detective novels. The question of language and style of detective novels would uncommonly become a subject of research as they are regarded to as so-called mass literature, that is one that is focused on literature preferences of a wide circle of readers, in other words – it is a popular, entertaining, trivial literature. Linguistic research of detective works were mostly done on the material of literary texts of English and French languages, Ukrainian detectives were not a subject of such analysis. Questions of influence of genre peculiarities on the choice of linguistic units was also left beyond attention of researchers, which predetermines the relevance of the research. The source basis of the research consists of detective novels by Andrii Kokotiukha – one of the most notable Ukrainian detective authors. That is a series of retronovels, where the action takes place at the beginning of XX century in Lviv, and three novels about the modern period as well. The aim of the work is to explore lexical units that denote a person in Andrii Kokotiukha’s detective novels in terms of their expressive functions depending on the aim and genre features. Vocabulary of denomination of people is widespread in Kokotiukha’s works. Specifics of detective novels involves agile, dynamic nature of vocabulary and their text. Semantics of people’s names is diverse: its affiliation to the biological genus of humans; gender; age; family status; profession and occupation; status from the point of view of law; class and social structure of Ukrainian society; social status; financial situation; nationality or confession; affiliation to political parties; names of dead people, external signs; temporary sign. The author frequently uses descriptive compounds, metaphors, jargon, and colloquial language. A distinctive method of nominating a person which, according to genre requirements, creates mystery and enigma of presentation, is descriptive compounds with pronouns. Quantitative ratio of lexical groups mentioned depends on the peculiarities of the plot of specific novel. Nomination of people in A. Kokotiukha’s detective novels are components of dynamic and static descriptions, help convey the cultural-historical background, create the appropriate emotional tint. That is one of the elements which ensures that the text corresponds to the canons of detective genre.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (25) ◽  
pp. 135-141
Svetlana B. Barushkova ◽  

The article discusses and defines the content of the lexical and semantic field «Russian reality» in modern literature on the example of the novel by F. Beigbeder «Au secours, pardon» («Ideal»). The author of the selected work F. Beigbeder is a popular modern French writer, the winner of the famous literary award «Renaudot». F. Beigbeder is known in the literary world as a prominent representative of mass literature. The images created by the writer on the pages of novels are understandable and close to the reader. The style and linguistic units used in the works deserve special attention, since F. Beigbeder’s novels are characterized by intertextuality, the method of quoting cult classical works, the principle of ambivalence, and autobiography. The text under consideration is no exception. In it, the abovementioned techniques and principles are applied by merging the author with the narrator, shifting styles and genres in the work, using irony, and the presence of thematic images and representations. The analysis of entire thematic blocks in a work of fiction remains an urgent linguistic problem, since lexical and semantic research allows us to consider thematic groupings of words from the point of view of psycholinguistics, thenational cultural component. In the work under study, a significant place is given to the formation of images, ideas, stereotypes, and mythologies about Russian reality, which served as a rich material for building a lexical and semantic field with the same name. In addition, the image of Russian reality is reflected in the novel not directly, but through the perception of female characters, through the interpretation and explication of the concept «female beauty». This fact is even more interesting for the description of the selected field. The main results of the research are, first of all, the formation of the lexical-semantic field «Russian reality» (réalité russe) on the basis of linguistic units selected by the continuous sampling method from the text of the work in French and the linguistic-cultural analysis of the factual material with the indication of the percentage of filling the core and periphery of the analyzed lexical-semantic field.


This article examines the linguistic means of representing the category of everyday life in the novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha opens her eyes” and in its translation into Chinese. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the anthropology of everyday life, a broad line of research into everyday life. Comparative study of linguistic units, which reveal the essence of everyday human existence, makes it possible to identify lacunar units that are difficult to translate fiction in the context of the Russian-Chinese language pair. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the involvement in the analysis of linguistic methods of conveying the category of everyday life in the aspect of translating a Russian literary text into Chinese. The work used the methods of comparative, component, contextual analysis, the method of linguoculturological commenting. As a result of the study, the lexical-semantic, lexical-stylistic and grammatical lacunar units were identified, which demonstrate linguocultural barriers in the process of translating a text into Chinese. A comparative analysis of the texts was carried out in order to comprehend the lexical and grammatical transformations performed in the process of translation. As a result, the main ways of compensating for the lacunae of everyday life in Russian-Chinese translation were identified: transcription, tracing, descriptive translation, lexical-semantic replacement. In addition, it was found that the study of various options for depicting everyday life in a literary text not only makes it possible to identify lacunar units of everyday life, but also reveals the artistic and philosophical intention of the work.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Galina P. Kozubovskaya ◽  

The costume which has recently become the focus of many scientific disciplines has hardly attracted literary critics: the methodology of its research in fiction is just beginning to take shape. The historical and cultural approach, which essentially boils down to a commentary has been replaced by a very productive structural and semiotic approach that deciphers the semantics and functions of the costume. The methodology of our research is of a complex nature, combining the structural-semiotic, mythopoetic, and motivic aspects of the analysis of literary texts. The narratological aspect in the study of costume poetics is emphasized, which, as a rule, remains outside the scope of research.The narratological aspect is aimed at identifying “flickering” meanings in the structure of the whole – “prose as poetry” (V. Schmid).The dynamics of costume descriptions, their functionality in the structure of the whole and the specifics in the organization of the narrative (taking into account the “point of view”, the motive given by costume details and based on semantic nodes that connect polar meanings, etc.) are at the center of our research.Thanks to costume inclusions, the text of the novel The Noble Nest becomes multidimensional. Thus, the characterological detail of Panshin – a screw-shaped Golden ring is situational and at the same time conceptual: it connects the “beginnings” and “ends” of his story, symbolically programming fate. Laconic sketches of Lavretsky’s clothing, scattered throughout the text, formalizing the opposition of one’s own/ another’s, prepare a motif of loneliness and homelessness. In layered narrative created by the play of the author’s and character’s points of view, Lavretsky’s point of view “migrates” to the author’s one replacing it (“poetic” sign of the optics of the hero) and then separates from it. The content of the method of crushing, which replaced the silhouette image, is an expression of the confusion of the soul, deforming the female image. The details in Lavretsky’s “split” point of view are ambiguous: on the one hand, there is alienation, on the other hand, there is a subconscious attraction to the beloved woman in the primary, unreflexed sense of a person losing happiness. The novel’s flickering meaning is created by semantic nodes that match polarities. “White” is the symbolic color of the national, rooted in the soil (the white caps of Marfa Timofeevna and Nastasya Karpovna), and at the same time the ghostly, impossible realization of happiness (the rhyming white dress of Lisa and the white dress on the portrait of Lavretsky’s mother). “Black” is also ambivalent: the elegant black silk dress of Varvara Pavlovna and the unnamed color of Lisa’s monastic clothes in the Epilogue. The scarf that Marfa Timofeevna knits is a mythologeme that encodes the story of love and failed happiness and at the same time the semantic core of the poetics of incompleteness. Keywords: costume, costume poetics, mythologeme, narrative, semantics, point of view

2021 ◽  
pp. 131-142
Vitaliy Makhlin

The article analyzes Bakhtin’s 1944 notes on Flaubert. Under discussion is, first, some general background of Bakhtin’s philosophical and scientific methodology as expressed in the notes, secondly, the notes themselves. Bakhtin’s views on Flaubert and the novel of the 19th century are re-presented in connection with the Russian thinker’s theories of the “grotesque realism” and “novelization”as opposed to the “ideological culture of the new times”. The article discusses some principal methodological difficulties of Bakhtinian approach to literary texts as expressed in his notes on Flaubert. In contrast to most philosophical approaches to literature, Bakhtin always treats any text, in his own expression, “in the liminal spheres” of different disciplines, that is, as both a philosopher and literary critic, a theorist and a historian of literature and culture. In these notes this specificity of the Bakhtinian methodology is expressed drastically, but in principal it is quite typical to his thinking “on the borders”. In the subsequent parts of the article Bakhtin’s approach to Flaubert’s “realism” is commented on, from the point of view of those elements of his artistic vision and his world view, which, according to Bakhtin, are not congruous with the concept of the so-called “critical realism”. These elements, Bakhtin implies, belong not so much to the classical novel of the 19th century, but, rather, to what he calls “grotesque realism” before the new times and in the 20th century. These elements are: mutual reversal of “short” and “long” (or “great” time in the images of the day, Flaubert’s artistic opposition to the “straightforwardness” of the idea of “progress” typical for the European Enlightenment and the modernity at large., the artist’s interest in the “elemental life” of human beings and animals. These and some other elements characteristic of Flaubert’s art and ideology, Bakhtin treats as if from within “creative consciousness” of the author.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 25
Dina Dyah Kusumayanti

This article aims at examining Pramudya Ananta Toer’s Buru Tetralogy. Many literary scholars have studied this tetralogy from the points of view of nationalism, posctolonialism, and feminism. However, this article presupposes that this tetralogy is conscpicuous especially regarding the political nuance of the ruling regime and some political issues encountered by the protagonist, Minke. Sosiology of literature is the approach underpinning the scrutiny of four novels incorporated in the tetralogy. Swingewood’s sociology of literature helps this current research to find any relation between the political and historical background of the novels and detils on the political issues found in them. Results show that some political agendas in the novel have proven equal to some political agendas under the Soeharto regim. Oligopoly and oligarchy in the novels which are practiced by the regim is an instance to this. This paper elucidated the regim’s political decisions and the political events confronted by Minke. Constraint of this research is on its textual examination of Pram’s tetralogy Buru. In order to investigate these literary texts and the historical political moments under Soeharto’s regime, further research on the historical and political events of the regime need to be elucidated and have to refer to the historical and political documents and medias.      Key words: Tetralogy Buru, sociology of literature, historical and political issues, Pramoedya Ananta Toer.

2019 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 65-74
Izabela Nogawica

The image of Ukrainians in the novel Brisbane by Eugene VodolazkinThe aim of the article is to analyze the novel Brisbane by Eugene Vodolazkin in terms of using national stereotypes in the description of two nationalities — the Ukrainians and the Poles. The author is particularly interested in how Vodolazkin perceives the manifestation of their identity. What determines the value of this novel from the point of view of stereotypes is the historical background — the times of communism, perestroika, the difficult 1990s, up to the present day. Thanks to this, the time in which the novel’s plot takes place allows us to capture the historical events that have affected the failure of Soviet identity and the consolidation of contemporary Ukrainian national identity. The analysis shows that Vodolazkin based his character’s characteristics on national stereotypes known for many years.Образ украинцев в романе Брисбен Евгения ВодолазкинаЦелью статьи является анализ романа Брисбен Евгения Водолазкина с точки зрения использования национальных стереотипов в описании украинцев. Автор особенно заинтресован в том, как Водолазкин воспринимает их проявление своей идентичности и индивидуальности. Во многом ценность этого романа с точки зрения стереотипов определяет исторический фон — времена коммунизма, перестройки, „трудных” девяностых, вплоть до наших дней. Благодаря этому время, в которое происходит действие романа, отражает исторические события, повлиявшие на поражение советской идентичности и укрепление современной украинской национальной идентичности. Анализ показывает, что характеристики своих персонажей Водолазкин основывал на национальных стереотипах, известных на протяжении многих лет.

Omurbaeva Gulzat

Abstarct: The article is devoted to the analysis of the concept of "justice" in the novel “Arhat” by K. Akmatov which was later translated into English by Elizabeth Adams. The verbal representation of this concept is presented in terms of nucleus and periphery level. A comparison of these means makes it possible to identify similarities and differences in the consciousness of the collective and the individual. The examples for the analysis were selected from both original and translated texts. Along with study of the language picture of the world , the concept “justice” will be studied from linguacultural point of view and lexical semantic field will be revealed . Key words: concept, language picture of the world ,cognitive linguistics, lexical se- mantic field, nucleus and periphery. Аннотация: Бул макала Елизабет Адамс англис тилине которгон К. Акматовдун "Архат" романындагы "адилеттүүлүк" түшүнүгүн талдоого багытталган. Бул концепттин түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр менен сүрөттөлүп берилүү өзгөчөлүгү каралды. Аларды салыштыруунун негизинде жамааттык жана жеке аң-сезимдин окшоштуктары менен айырмачылыктары аныкталды.Талдоо жүргүзүү үчүн мисалдар чыгарманын кыргыз тилиндеги жана англис тилине которулган басылмаларынан тандалып алынды. Дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнесин чагылдыруу менен бирге лингва-маданий изилдөөнүн алкагында"адилеттуулук"концептинин лексикалык-семантикалык талаасы аныкталды. Түйүндүү сөздөр: концепт, дүйнөнүн тилдик бейнеси, когнитивдик лингвистика, лексикалык семантикалыкталаа, түпкү жана тектеш сөздөр. Аннотация: Статья посвящена анализу концепта "справедливость" в произведении К. Акматова “Архат”, переведенная на английский язык Елизабетом Адамс. Вербальная репрезентация данных концептов представлена на уровне ядерно-периферийного описания. Сравнение этих средств позволяет выявить сходство и различие в сознании коллектива и индивидуума. Примеры для анализа были выбраны из исходного и переведенного текстов. Наряду с изучением языковой картины мира, концепт "справедливость" будет рассмотрен в рамках лингвокультурного аспекта и будет выявлено его лексико-семантическое поле. Ключевые слова: концепт, языковая картина мира, когнитивная лингвистика, лексико-семантическое поле, ядро и периферия.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 284-293
Svetlana Timofeevna Arekeeva ◽  
Victor Leonidovich Shibanov

The article considers the novels "Vuryso Bum" ("Scarface", 1933) and "Gayan" ("Gayan", 1936) by Udmurt writer Mikhail Konovalov in terms of principles used by the author to create artistic reality. From the point of view of social realism, Mikhail Konovalov is free to experiment; he introduces constructivism, romanticism, naïvism using an arsenal of realistic devices; folklore and mythological origins are realised through a subconscious appeal to the Perm animal style ("Vuryso Bum") and a fairy tale model ("Gayan"). The prose writer reveals a regional spirit (animus loci); in his texts Ural is presented both as a spatial continuum and a living organism that determines characters’ personalities. For example, the novel "Gayan" depicts Izhevsk mining metallurgical settlement in the 1770s, the novel "Vuryso Bum" shows the working routine of Izhstal Plant rolling shop: one of the characters is dreaming about a factory of the future - a glass building immersed in trees, and people flying freely to colonised Mars. In the novel "Vuryso Bum", the main character is the collective "we" which combines many different personalities. The character of Gondyr, a trickster, existing between two worlds and trying to get used to an industrial city, can be considered the writer's artistic success. The "creator vs. destroyer" conflict, traditional for the 1930s, is embodied in the characters of a rational Dubov and a hidden enemy Nushin. An invariant of Beauty and the Beast's plot can be found in the relationship between Nushin and young Lina. The main principle of the novel "Gayan" is the combination of historical-ethnographic elements and elements of adventure. Varieties of fortunes of Gayan, a beautiful Luisa, and an ugly Balyan develop around a historical background of Pugachev's Rebellion; Emelyan Pugachev, Salavat Yulaev, Alymov, the head of Izhevsk Factory, and others play a certain role in their relationship. M. Konovalov creates a vivid and unique picture of ethnic reality in both novels.

Olha Shum

The article examines peculiarities of the translation analysis of the literary text, in particular the pre-translation stage and translation itself on the example of the political and satirical novel “Oleniada” by I. Rozdobudko. Each researcher has their own point of view on the structure and stages of the translation process. The translation of any text is a long process, which consists of different stages depending on the purpose of the final product. Obtaining a quality adequate translation in the target language requires the translator to take a number of steps to study the author’s work, his or her individual features, genre, if it’s necessary to be an expert on the issues described in the original text – history, medicine, culture, geography, criminology, etc. The vast majority of scholars in the field of translation studies do not distinguish between pre-translation and translation analyzes of text, considering them to be inseparable from each other. Pre-translation analysis of a literary text has its own laws, according to which the dominant features of the work are studied (anthropocentrism, aesthetic information, fiction, imagery, etc.). We define the relevance and prospects of further research on this topic in the comparison of pre-translation analyzes of literary texts by different authors and different genres.

2021 ◽  
pp. 78-91
N. V. Koneva ◽  
E. A. Starodumova

The service unit moreover is considered from the point of view of functioning in the text. The relevance of the study is due, on the one hand, to the inclusion of the research in the study of the linguistics of the text and linguistic units that serve as means of communication in the text, on the other hand, to the lack of special descriptions of text clips in research and lexicographic sources. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that an attempt was made to describe the general regularities of the functioning of the bond moreover in the text, characteristic contexts were identified. The description of this word in scientific literature and lexicography is analyzed. In the course of the analysis, it was revealed that the unit also functions as a text bond with the value of attachment. A total of 5 contextual modifications have been established. Three modifications are related to the degree of significance of the information in the attached comment. Two more modifications relate to the text-forming function, which is performed by the bond moreover. To identify the features of the functioning of the studied bond, examples of its use in various journalistic and literary texts were analyzed.

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