2019 ◽  
Vol 23 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 37-40
A.D. Shkodina ◽  
R.M. Hrinko ◽  
I.I. Starchenko

The interaction between a body and an environment provides the main aspects of human life. The study of the functional structure of the olfactory analyzer plays an important role both in clinical and in experimental studies, but the question of its features in humans needs detailed research. The paper presents the modern data of the structural and functional organization of the olfactory analyzer. Particular attention is paid to the structural organization of olfactory bulbs as most complicated and least studied component of the olfactory analyzer. The morphological and functional changes of the olfactory analyzer are developing in some diseases and in action of adverse environmental factors are described while the accentuation is placed on the differences of the mechanism in the pathogenesis of damage to the olfactory analyzer, depending on the nature of the influence of pathogenic factors. In this way as the result of short-term intense effects of the pollutant, irreversible atrophic changes are primarily affected to the olfactory epithelium, thus, to some extent, preventing the spread of the toxin to other analyzer structures. Conversely, a long-term exposure to low doses usually retains the functional activity of the olfactory epithelium, while harmful substances penetrate the central unit of the olfactory analyzer. In such cases, the olfactory dysfunction can be diagnosed after a long time after the start of the cohort with certain pollutants. Currently, studies of the influence of exogenous toxins on various parts of the olfactory analyzer on animal experimental models are quite active. At the same time, the issue of functional and morphological changes in various structural components of the human olfactory analyzer under the influence of negative environmental factors remains poorly understood and requires further morphological and biochemical studies, in order to be able to further develop effective therapeutic and prophylactic means.

P. Bagavandoss ◽  
JoAnne S. Richards ◽  
A. Rees Midgley

During follicular development in the mammalian ovary, several functional changes occur in the granulosa cells in response to steroid hormones and gonadotropins (1,2). In particular, marked changes in the content of membrane-associated receptors for the gonadotropins have been observed (1).We report here scanning electron microscope observations of morphological changes that occur on the granulosa cell surface in response to the administration of estradiol, human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).Immature female rats that were hypophysectcmized on day 24 of age were treated in the following manner. Group 1: control groups were injected once a day with 0.1 ml phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for 3 days; group 2: estradiol (1.5 mg/0.2 ml propylene glycol) once a day for 3 days; group 3: estradiol for 3 days followed by 2 days of hFSH (1 μg/0.1 ml) twice daily, group 4: same as in group 3; group 5: same as in group 3 with a final injection of hCG (5 IU/0.1 ml) on the fifth day.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-106

Cruel and inhumane acts that harm human life and health, as well as humiliate the dignity, are prohibited in most countries of the world, and Russia is no exception in this issue. The article presents an analysis of the institution of responsibility for torture in the Russian Federation. The author comes to the conclusion that the current criminal law of Russia superficially and fragmentally regulates liability for torture, in connection with which the author formulated the proposals to define such act as an independent crime. In the frame of modern globalization, the world community pays special attention to the protection of human rights, in connection with which large-scale international standards have been created a long time ago. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international acts enshrine prohibitions of cruel and inhumane acts that harm human life and health, as well as degrade the dignity.Considering the historical experience of the past, these standards focus on the prohibition of any kind of torture, regardless of the purpose of their implementation.

Б.И. Гельцер ◽  
Э.В. Слабенко ◽  
Ю.В. Заяц ◽  
В.Н. Котельников

Одним из основных требований к разработке экспериментальных моделей цереброваскулярных заболеваний является их максимальная приближенность к реальной клинической практике. В работе систематизированы данные по основным методам моделирования острой ишемии головного мозга (ОИГМ), представлена их классификация, анализируются данные о преимуществах и недостатках той или иной модели. Обсуждаются результаты экспериментальных исследований по изучению патогенеза ОИГМ с использованием различных моделей (полной и неполной глобальной, локальной и мультифокальной ишемии) и способов их реализации (перевязка артерий, клипирование, коагуляция, эмболизация и др.). Особое внимание уделяется «стабильности» последствий острого нарушения мозгового кровообращения: необратимых ишемических повреждений головного мозга или обратимых с реперфузией заданной продолжительности. Отмечается, что важное значение в этих исследованиях должно принадлежать современным методам прижизненной визуализации очагов острого ишемического повреждения, что позволяет оценивать динамику патологического процесса. Предлагаемый метод отвечает требованиям гуманного обращения с животными. Подчеркивается, что выбор релевантной модели ОИГМ определяется задачами предстоящего исследования и технологическими ресурсами научной лаборатории. Development of experimental models for acute forms of cerebrovascular diseases is essential for implementation of methods for their prevention and treatment. One of the principal requirements to such models is their maximum approximation to actual clinical practice. This review systematized major models of acute cerebral ischemia (ACI), their classification, and presented information about their advantages and shortcomings. Also, the review presented results of experimental studies on pathophysiological mechanisms of different types of modeled ACI (complete and incomplete global, local, and multifocal ischemia) and methods for creating these models (arterial ligation, clipping, coagulation, embolization, etc.). Particular attention was paid to “stability” of the consequences of acutely impaired cerebral circulation - an irreversible ischemic brain injury or a reversible injury with reperfusion of a given duration. The authors emphasized that in such studies, a special significance should be given to intravital imaging of acute ischemic damage foci using modern methods, which allow assessing the dynamics of the pathological process and meet the requirements to humane treatment of animals. The choice of a relevant ACI model is determined by objectives of the planned study and the technological resources available at the research laboratory.

مها بنت منصور الصائغ

شهد تاريخ الأمة الإسلامية حضارة ونهضة عالمية في جميع مجالات الحياة الإنسانية، ومما كان له كبير الأثر في ذلك هو الأوقاف التي بدأت مع سيد البشرية محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم واستمرت بتنوع وشمولية إلى عصرنا الحالي؛ ولكن ما تعرضت إليه الأوقاف من إهمال وإقصاء وضياع يرجع لأسباب عديدة من أهمها غياب التوثيق الوقفي. تقوم الدراسة على تتبع مفهوم الوقف والتوثيق، والوقف في الإمارات العربية المتحدة ول سيما في إمارة الشارقة. توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج منها: أن الأوقاف قائمة منذ زمن بعيد، وأن رغبة الواقف بالوقف وإقدامه عليها لم ينقصها سوى وثيقة، وأنه لا وثائق لها ولا مستندات، كما أن العرض الموجز لنشأة دائرة الأوقاف بالشارقة وسعيها لإحياء سنة الوقف ونشر ثقافته نراه يتضح شيئاً فشيئاً من خلال تفعيل مواد القانون والبحث حول الأنسب والأصح لحماية الأوقاف، ولم يكن هذا الاهتمام بالوقف إلا انعكاساً لتوجه الواقفين وتماشياً لرؤية الحكام وامتثالاً لنهج خير الأنام ورغبة في تكافل الأرواح وحباً للسلام. الكلمات المفتاحيّة: الوقف، التوثيق، المقارنة، الشارقة. Abstract The history of Islamic nation has witnessed a global civilization and it has had a great impact in all areas of human life, including the endowments that began with the master of humankind; Muhammad S.A.W. and it was continuing in diversity and comprehensively until our epoch. However, there are some problems related to endowment management such as negligence, exclusion and loss that due to many reasons. Among the most important reasons is the absence of endowment documentations. Therefore, the study aims to discuss the concept of endowment and documentation, as well as the endowment in United Arabic Emirates, especially in the Emirate of Sharjah. The study concluded that the practice of endowment has been existed for a long time, yet there are in need of endowment documentations. This study also found that the information related to the establishment of institution of endowment in Sharjah and its role has   spread widely to the people through the enforcement of the law and the implementation of the research related to the practice of endowment in order to sustain them in a good way. This documentation system was only a reflection of what has  stated in Shariah laws regarding the practice of endowment among the donors, so that it will be in line with the approach of good intentions and love of peace. Keywords: Endowment, Documentation, Comparison, Sharjah.   

2014 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-33
Paul Janssenswillen ◽  
Wil Meeus

De vernederlandsing van het middelbaar onderwijs in Vlaanderen was een moeizaam proces dat zich over een lange periode uitstrekte. De nu vijftig jaar oude taalwet van 1963 wordt als eindpunt van dit proces beschouwd. Het tempo van de vernederlandsing verschilde van school tot school naargelang van hun ligging en leiding.Het bisschoppelijke Sint-Hubertuscollege in Neerpelt is het eerste Vlaams college. Daar werd in 1910 volledig Nederlandstalig gestart zowel tijdens de klasuren als erbuiten in de ontspanningstijd en het godsdienstig verenigingsleven. Gunstige factoren waren in dit verband de ligging van de school, ver weg van de taalgrens of een verfranste stad, met vrijwel geen Waalse leerlingen én de gebrekkige Franse taalkennis van de leerlingen die zich in 1910 aanboden. Ook de onvolledige humanioracyclus en het ontbreken van een concurrerende rijksschool speelden daarbij mee. Deze gunstige omgevingsfactoren en het feit dat in naburige katholieke colleges zoals die van Peer en Maaseik het vernederlandsingsproces in een stroomversnelling zat, werden door de koppige directeur Jaak Peuskens aangegrepen om het Nederlands in zijn college in te voeren. Het bisdom dat hem hiervoor op de vingers tikte, liet uiteindelijk betijen na een goede uitslag in de jaarlijkse staatsprijskamp.Met de inrichting van een internaat en de volledige humanioracyclus en de faam als eerste Vlaams college vergrootte de school haar rekruteringsgebied. Dat gebeurde onder impuls van de ondernemende directeur Gerard Nulens die contacten onderhield in Vlaamsgezinde milieus van diverse strekking. Neerpelt dat via het spoor gemakkelijk bereikbaar was, werd zo een flamingantisch trefpunt. Onder meer de zonen van Frans Van Cauwelaert, August Borms en Emiel Wildiers zaten er op de schoolbanken. Ook nadat het bisdom onverwacht en zonder duidelijke motivering de hoogste twee klassen van de klassieke humaniora afschafte, bleef het college van Neerpelt aantrekkingskracht uitoefenen op zonen van leidinggevende Vlaamsgezinden.________The Sint-Hubertuscollege (St Hubert’s secondary School) in Neerpelt: the first Flemish secondary school?A micro-investigation of the Dutchification of secondary education.The Dutchification of secondary education in Flanders was a laborious process that took a very long time. The now fifty year old law on the use of language of 1963 is considered as the finishing point of this process. The speed of the Dutchification differed from school to school according to its location and administration.The Episcopal Sint-Hubertuscollege in Neerpelt was the first Flemish secondary school. In 1910 it became an entirely Dutch speaking school, where Dutch was used during classes as well as elsewhere during leisure time and at religious associations. This was favoured by factors such as the location of the school, far away from the language border or a Frenchified city, the fact that there were hardly any Walloon pupils as well as the deficient knowledge of French of the pupils who applied in 1910. In addition, the incomplete cycle of coursework in humanities and the lack of a competing state school played a role. The stubborn director Jaak Peuskens took advantage of these favourable environmental factors and the fact that in neighbouring Catholic secondary schools like the ones in Peer and Maaseik the Dutchification process was rapidly gaining speed in order to introduce Dutch in his secondary school. The diocese that rapped him over the knuckles for this, in the end condoned it after the school obtained a good result in the annual state competition.After the setting up of the boarding school, the introduction of the complete humanities cycle and the resulting fame of being the first Flemish secondary school, the school enlarged its catchment area for recruitment. This happened at the instigation of the enterprising director Gerard Nulens who had contacts in pro-Flemish circles of various tendencies. Thus Neerpelt, which was so easily accessible by rail, became a Pro-Flemish meeting point. Pupils who attended the school included among others the sons of Frans Van Cauwelaert, August Borms and Emiel Wildiers. Even after the diocese unexpectedly and without clear motivation cancelled the two highest classes of the classical humanities cycle, the secondary school of Neerpelt continued to attract the sons of pro-Flemish leaders.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 196
Julio Manuel de Luis-Ruiz ◽  
Benito Ramiro Salas-Menocal ◽  
Gema Fernández-Maroto ◽  
Rubén Pérez-Álvarez ◽  
Raúl Pereda-García

The quality of human life is linked to the exploitation of mining resources. The Exploitability Index (EI) assesses the actual possibilities to enable a mine according to several factors. The environment is one of the most constraining ones, but its analysis is made in a shallow way. This research is focused on its determination, according to a new preliminary methodology that sets the main components of the environmental impact related to the development of an exploitation of industrial minerals and its weighting according to the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). It is applied to the case of the ophitic outcrops in Cantabria (Spain). Twelve components are proposed and weighted with the AHP and an algorithm that allows for assigning a normalized value for the environmental factor to each deposit. Geographic Information Systems (GISs) are applied, allowing us to map a large number of components of the environmental factors. This provides a much more accurate estimation of the environmental factor, with respect to reality, and improves the traditional methodology in a substantial way. It can be established as a methodology for mining spaces planning, but it is suitable for other contexts, and it raises developing the environmental analysis before selecting the outcrop to be exploited.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Akira Kojima

Charles Kittel has written a masterpiece book, “Introduction to Solid State Physics” (ISSP). He mentions in the chapter on ferroelectrics in detail that barium titanate is the typical displacive-type ferroelectric compound where the Ti4+ displacement develops a dipole moment, which has made a deep impression in our mind. The author’s group, however, has arrived at an alternative viewpoint on the unit cell structure of barium titanate based on their exhaustive experimental studies. Accordingly, the author sent his relevant papers in 2006 and 2007 to Kittel. He endorsed the results frankly with reminiscence. He mentioned revising the ferroelectric chapter of ISSP according the author’s suggestions. It appears to be admissible to publish details now after Kittel has passed away. A long time misunderstanding of the phase transition in barium titanate is due to the text book knowledge of ISSP.

Natalia Nowak ◽  
Masayuki Yamanouchi ◽  
Eiichiro Satake

AbstractExtracellular vesicle (EV)-based therapy was hypothesized as a promising regenerative approach which has led to intensive research of EVs in various pathologies. In this study, we performed a comprehensive systematic review of the current experimental evidence regarding the protective properties of EVs in chronic kidney disease (CKD). We evaluated the EV-based experiments, EV characteristics, and effector molecules with their involvement in CKD pathways. Including all animal records with available creatinine or urea data, we performed a stratified univariable meta-analysis to assess the determinants of EV-based therapy effectiveness. We identified 35 interventional studies that assessed nephroprotective role of EVs and catalogued them according to their involvement in CKD mechanism. Systematic assessment of these studies suggested that EVs had consistently improved glomerulosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis, and cell damage, among different CKD models. Moreover, EV-based therapy reduced the progression of renal decline in CKD. The stratified analyses showed that the disease model, administered dose, and time of therapeutic intervention were potential predictors of therapeutic efficacy. Together, EV therapy is a promising approach for CKD progression in experimental studies. Further standardisation of EV-methods, continuous improvement of the study quality, and better understanding of the determinants of EV effectiveness will facilitate preclinical research, and may help development of clinical trials in people with CKD. Graphical Abstract

Biomedicines ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 759
Gaku Yamanaka ◽  
Fuyuko Takata ◽  
Yasufumi Kataoka ◽  
Kanako Kanou ◽  
Shinichiro Morichi ◽  

Pericytes are a component of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) neurovascular unit, in which they play a crucial role in BBB integrity and are also implicated in neuroinflammation. The association between pericytes, BBB dysfunction, and the pathophysiology of epilepsy has been investigated, and links between epilepsy and pericytes have been identified. Here, we review current knowledge about the role of pericytes in epilepsy. Clinical evidence has shown an accumulation of pericytes with altered morphology in the cerebral vascular territories of patients with intractable epilepsy. In vitro, proinflammatory cytokines, including IL-1β, TNFα, and IL-6, cause morphological changes in human-derived pericytes, where IL-6 leads to cell damage. Experimental studies using epileptic animal models have shown that cerebrovascular pericytes undergo redistribution and remodeling, potentially contributing to BBB permeability. These series of pericyte-related modifications are promoted by proinflammatory cytokines, of which the most pronounced alterations are caused by IL-1β, a cytokine involved in the pathogenesis of epilepsy. Furthermore, the pericyte-glial scarring process in leaky capillaries was detected in the hippocampus during seizure progression. In addition, pericytes respond more sensitively to proinflammatory cytokines than microglia and can also activate microglia. Thus, pericytes may function as sensors of the inflammatory response. Finally, both in vitro and in vivo studies have highlighted the potential of pericytes as a therapeutic target for seizure disorders.

Religions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (5) ◽  
pp. 296
Beatriz Yumi Aoki ◽  
Takeshi Kimura

Recent years have witnessed an increase in the number of academic studies on the impact of technological advancements on human life, including possible transformations and changes in human sexuality following the development of sex-related devices, such as sex robots. In this context, terms such as posthuman sexuality, digisexuality, and techno-sexuality have emerged, signaling possible new understandings of sexual, intimacy, and emotional practices. It is important to note that ancient history shows that humankind has for a long time been fascinated with their relationship to non-living things, mostly human-like figures, such as dolls. The Ningyo (人形, the Japanese term for doll) has a long history of usage, and has deep religious and animistic significance in the Japanese context—there are records of sexual use as early as the 18th century. With this context in mind, this paper focuses on three Japanese examples, aiming to shine a light on beyond-human relationships, which include a Japanese man’s marriage to a digital character, sex dolls, and communicative robots, from both a sexual and emotional perspective. In a new horizon of sexual and romantic possibilities, how will humans respond, and what can emerge from these interactions?

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