Irvan Maulana Tamsil

The purpose of this study is to analyze the using of card sort method in learning Arabic vocabulary based on cognitive approach. In this study, the researcher used was library research. The finding of this study indicated that in the learning Arabic vocabulary based on cognitive learning, teacher provided an opportunity for students to think, understand, and explore because this approach is proses-based, not product-based. Someone’s behaviour is decided by his understanding about situation related to the learning objectives. The learning process supports students to be more active (student-centered). In this case, the teacher as a facilitator used a card sort method in learning process, thus, the students are more enthusiastic and do not feel bored in learning Arabic vocabulary.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 351-370
Sufirmansyah Sufirmansyah

This article examines the actualization of andragogical learning strategies for higher education in disruption era. Disruption era as an effect of globalization demands optimal integrity of an individual so that they can live their lives well. College students as adult learners are expected to be able to interpret and work around so that the learning they do can run effectively for their future. The library research qualitative approach is chosen in order to compile various relevant references related to andragogical learning strategies in a holistic manner. Based on studies from several references, it can be concluded that andragogy is very relevant to the needs of college students as adult learners. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, and need to learn become the consideration of the relevance of the concept of andragogy to the needs of college students. On the other hand, the principle of andragogy is also very synergistic with the development of learning independence from a learner. The development of a very rapid disruption era led to changes in learning patterns, from teacher centered to student centered. The andragogical learning process must consider the learner's needs and some aspects of individuality as uniqueness and potential that must be developed. The assumptions that underlie andagoogical learning strategies in tertiary institutions are that students must understand their learning orientation, have a responsible self-concept, learn their life experiences, realize their readiness to learn, learn in concrete, and strengthen their intrinsic motivation. The actualization of andragogical learning strategies can be maximized by studying the learning process contextually, increasing participation in learning, and utilizing the advancement of science and technology. The internet must be optimized as a learning aid so that college students can understand the current conditions of the environment that they will face in the real world. Thus, the demands of the disruption era can be overcome through the actualization of andragogical learning strategies. تبحث هذه المقالة في تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية للتعليم العالي في عصر الاضطراب. إن عصر الاضطراب كأثر للعولمة يتطلب سلامة مثالية للفرد حتى يتمكنوا من عيش حياتهم بشكل جيد. من المتوقع أن يتمكن الطلاب والمتعلمون فى الجامعة من التأويل والعمل حتى يتمكنوا من التعلم بفعالية من أجل مستقبلهم. يتم اختيار نهج نوعية البحث المكتبية من أجل تجميع مختلف المراجع ذات الصلة المتعلقة باستراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية andragogical بطريقة شاملة. استنادًا إلى دراسات من عدة مراجع ، يمكن استنتاج أن الاندروجرافية وثيقة الصلة باحتياجات الطلاب كمتعلمين بالغين. الرغبة في التعلم ، والقدرة على التعلم ، ووسائل التعلم ، والحاجة إلى التعلم تصبح النظر في أهمية مفهوم الاندروجرافية andragogy لاحتياجات الطلاب. من ناحية أخرى ، فإن مبدأ الاندروجرافية هو أيضا تآزري للغاية مع تطوير استقلالية التعلم من المتعلم. أدى تطور عصر سريع للغاية من الاضطراب إلى تغييرات في أنماط التعلم ، من المعلم الذي يركز على الطلاب. يجب أن تؤخذ عملية التعلم الاندروجرافية بعين الاعتبار عن احتياجات المتعلم وبعض جوانب الفردية كالتفرد والإمكانات التي يجب تطويرها. إن الافتراضات التي تكمن وراء استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية في مؤسسات التعليم العالي هي أن الطلاب يجب أن يفهموا توجههم التعلمي ، وأن يكون لديهم مفهوم ذاتي عن المسؤول ، وأن يتعلموا خبرات حياتهم ، وأن يدركوا استعدادهم للتعلم ، والتعلم بشكل ملموس ، وتعزيز دافعهم الداخلي. يمكن تعظيم الاستفادة من استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية من خلال دراسة عملية التعلم في السياق ، وزيادة المشاركة في التعلم ، والاستفادة من تقدم العلوم والتكنولوجيا. يجب تحسين الإنترنت كمساعدات تعليمية حتى يتمكن الطلاب من فهم الظروف الحالية للبيئة التي سيواجهونها في العالم الحقيقي. وبالتالي ، يمكن التغلب على متطلبات عصر الاضطراب من خلال تفعيل استراتيجيات التعلم الاندروجرافية. Artikel ini mengkaji aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis bagi pendidikan tinggi di era disrupsi. Era disrupsi sebagai efek globalisasi menuntut integritas optimal dari seorang individu agar mereka dapat menjalani kehidupan dengan baik. Mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa diharapkan mampu memaknai sekaligus menyiasati agar pembelajaran yang mereka lakukan dapat berjalan secara efektif demi masa depan mereka. Pendekatan kualitatif berjenis library research dipilih dalam rangka merangkai berbagai referensi yang relevan terkait dengan strategi pembelajaran andragogis secara holistik. Berdasarkan kajian dari beberapa referensi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa andragogi sangat relevan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa sebagai pembelajar dewasa. Desire to learn, ability to learn, means to learn, serta need to learn menjadi pertimbangan relevansi konsep andragogi dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Di sisi lain, prinsip andragogi juga sangat sinergis dengan pengembangan kemandirian belajar dari seorang pembelajar. Perkembangan era disrupsi yang sangat pesat mendorong perubahan pola pembelajaran, dari teacher centered menju student centered. Proses pembelajaran andragogis harus mempertimbangkan kebutuhan pembelajar serta beberapa aspek individualitasnya sebagai keunikan dan potensi yang harus dikembangkan. Asumsi yang mendasari strategi pembelajaran andragoogis di perguruan tinggi diantaranaya yaitu mahasiswa harus memahami orientasi belajarnya, memiliki konsep diri yang bertanggung jawab, mempelajari pengalaman hidupnya, menyadari kesiapan belajarnya, belajar secara konkret, serta menguatkan motivasi intrinsiknya. Adapun aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis dapat dimaksimalkan dengan cara mengkaji proses pembelajaran secara kontekstual, meningkatkan partisipasi dalam pembelajaran, serta memanfaatkan kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Internet harus dioptimalkan sebagai alat bantu pembelajaran agar mahasiswa dapat memahami kondisi terkini dari lingkungan yang ia akan hadapi di dunia nyata. Dengan demikian, tuntutan era disrupsi dapat diatasi melalui aktualisasi strategi pembelajaran andragogis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-217
Khoirotul Ni'amah ◽  
Hafidzulloh S M

Learning theory will make easier for educators to carry out the form of learning that will be implemented. This article will review the theory of cognitive learning and will provide a complete understanding and explanation so that it can be applied in learning activities. This study uses a qualitative approach and includes library research. The author tries and strives to collect library data related to the cognitive theory of J. Bruner, Ausubel, and Robert M. Gagne and their actualization in Islamic Education learning enriched from several academic sources both from books, scientific articles, previous studies and other scientific writings that related to the topic of this article. The results of this study are the cognitive theory developed by J. Bruner states cognitive processes are enactive, iconic, and symbolic; Ausubel said cognitive processes occur. Advanced organizer (initial arrangement), progressive differentiation, Reconciliation reconciliation (integrative reconciliation), consolidation; Robert M. Gagne states that cognitive processes are through receptors, sensory registers, short-term memory, long-term memory, and response generators. The learning process according to cognitivism is through the stages of assimilation, accommodation, and equilibration, namely the learning process is more directed. This is adjusted to the age of the students, so the stages are enactive, econic, and symbolic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 1317
Firmansyah Firmansyah

This study discusses several aspects of differences in general for each individual which includes, among others, differences in aspects: biological, psychological, intelligence, gender, ethnicity, and so on, as well as their implications in the learning process in the classroom. This research is library research, which aims to collect information related to individual differences and their implications in the learning process in the classroom. Research data collection was carried out using documentation techniques. The data analysis used inductive analysis. Based on the data analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that the individual characteristics of each lie in the biological (physiological) aspect, as well as the psychological aspect. These two aspects form a certain behavior in humans that makes them different from other humans. In addressing these differences, in the learning process in the classroom, teachers should be creative in managing the learning process in the classroom so that learning objectives can be achieved optimally.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-53
Erlan Muliadi

It must be recognized that there is a tendency for schools as an institution to often use the prestige attached to it to deny democratic values ​​in the learning process. In accordance with the object of this study, this type of research is included in the category of library research, namely, first, by recording all findings regarding general consumption motivation in each study discussion obtained in the literature and sources, and or invention. The reality of the world of Islamic education which emphasizes aspects of learning that do not pay attention to students has a negative impact on the output of education. Islamic education institutions have so far still adopted traditional educational patterns that have made Islamic education stagnant, which in turn has implications for the Islamic world civilization that is lagging behind other civilizations. Facing the challenge of the changing times of the era which is getting faster then Islamic education should begin to reconstruct traditionalist education patterns which tend to prioritize cognitive aspects, student-centered, towards dialogic-democratic education patterns. The pattern of democratic education is a pattern of education that upholds the development of the potential of students in the direction that will be able to give color to world civilization. Abstrak: Terdapat kecenderungan sekolah-sekolah sebagai sebuah institusi yang sering menggunakan prestise yang melekat padanya untuk mengingkari nilai-nilai demokrasi dalam proses pembelajaran. Sesuai dengan obyek kajian ini, maka jenis penelitian ini termasuk dalam kategori penelitian kepustakaan (library research), yaitu, pertama, dengan mencatat semua temuan mengenai motivasi konsumsi secara umum pada setiap pembahasan penelitian yang didapatkan dalam literatur-literatur dan sumber-sumber, dan atau penemuan. Realitas dunia pendidikan Islam yang mengedepankan aspek pembelajaran yang kurang memperhatikan peserta didik telah memberi dampak buruk bagi out put pendidikannya. Lembaga pendidikan Islam selama ini masih mengadopsi pola pendidikan tradisional sehingga menjadikan pendiidkan Islam stagnan, yang selanjutnya berimplikasi pada peradaban dunia islam yang tertinggal dari peradaban lain. Menghadapi tantangan arus perubahan zaman yang semakin cepat maka pendidikan Islam sudah seharusnya mulai merekonstruksi pola pendidikan tradisionalis yang cenderung mengedepankan aspek kognitif, student centered, menuju pola pendidikan dialogis-demokratis. Pola pendidikan demokratis adalah merupakan pola pendidikan yang menunjung berkembangnya potensi siswa menuju arah yang nantinya mampu memberikan warna bagi peradaban dunia.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Marzuqi Agung Prasetya

<p>Artikel ini bertujuan menelaah tentang pembelajaran elektronik (<em>e-learning</em>)   sebagai  sebuah  inovasi metode   pembelajaran <em>active learning</em>. Kajian ini lebih bersifat <em>library  research </em>dengan fokus untuk mengetahui bagaimana teknologi informasi (TI) turut serta mendukung proses <em>collaborative learning </em>yang telah mentransformasikan pola   belajar   “<em>teacher-centered</em>” menjadi “<em>student-centered</em>” dengan menciptakan budaya belajar mandiri. Dalam  hal  ini pembelajaran   berbasis TI  difokuskan pada <em>e-learning </em>sebagai sebuah  inovasi metode pembelajaran, sehingga terlihat dengan  jelas bagaimana <em>e-learning   </em>serta  aplikasinya dalam pembelajaran.  Dari kajian ini dapat diketahui bahwa <em>e-learning  </em>adalah pembelajaran  jarak jauh yang menggunakan rangkaian elektronik dan  dilakukan melalui  media internet untuk menyampaikan isi pembelajaran, interaksi atau bimbingan dengan bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan.  <em>E-learning </em>merupakan suatu inovasi pembelajaran serta alternatif solusi bagi perkembangan kebutuhan belajar. Banyaknya faktor perubahan di era globalisasi turut serta berfungsi sebagai katalisator untuk revolusi sistem pembelajaran  dari yang sebelumnya bersifat manual dan konvensional menjadi suatu sistem yang efektif dan efisien dengan dukungan TI.</p><p align="center"><strong>K</strong><strong>at</strong><strong>a kunci:  teknologi  informasi, inovasi  pembelajaran,</strong><strong><em> e-learning </em>dan internet</strong></p><p><em>E</em><em>-</em><em>LE</em><em>A</em><em>R</em><em>N</em><em>I</em><em>NG</em><em> </em><em>A</em><em>S AN INNOVATION OF ACTIVE LEARNING METHOD.  This  article  aims  to describe  the  electronic learning (e-learning) as an innovation of active learning method. This study is library  research  with the focus to know the  role of information technology  (IT)  in supporting  the  collaborative  learning  process which has been transformed the learning pattern of teacher-centered to student-centered by creating an autonomous  learning culture. In this case, the learning process based on IT is focused on e-learning as an innovation of learning method, so it is seem clearly how e-learning is and its application in learning process. From this research can be known that e-learning  is a long distance learning which  uses an electronic connection  and it is  conducted  via electronic media  in delivering the  learning content, interaction  or consultation with the teaching materials that suit the need. E-learning is a learning innovation and also an alternative solution for the developmental learning need. The many of changing factors in globalization era has a role as a catalyst for a revolution from the previous learning system that was manual and conventional into a system that is effective and efficient with an IT support.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>:  information  technology, learning innovation, e-learning </em><em>a</em><em>n</em><em>d </em><em>i</em><em>n</em><em>t</em><em>er</em><em>n</em><em>et</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 726
Epriyanti Epriyanti ◽  
Nur Ahyani ◽  
Nila Kusumawati

The Covid 19 pandemic makes the learning process must be done remotely. The learning process, which is usually done face-to-face, changes to a distance. There are many new things in distance learning. Adaptations are carried out by teachers and students. Increased mastery of technology is carried out. This research uses the library research method, where this research in collecting information and data uses a variety of materials and materials in the library, namely in the form of books, journals, documents, magazines, historical stories, news, and other relevant sources. Distance learning requires adequate facilities and infrastructure, such as laptops, computers, smartphones and internet networks. This becomes one of the challenges of distance learning. Distance learning makes students more independent, because it places more emphasis on being student centered. They are more courageous to express their opinions and ideas. As well as the government has also provided several platforms that students can use to learn.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-69
Moh Fachri

Learning process is the most important part in education as an effort to mature learners, The success of the learning process becomes a benchmark achievement of learning objectives. To know the achievement of the success of learning objectives, it must be done evaluation / assessment. In particular the purpose of evaluation to determine the progress of learning outcomes of learners after following the learning, as well as to determine the level of effectiveness and efficiency of methods, strategies that teachers use in learning. Evaluation of learning has an important and strategic meaning in education, because the learning process becomes meaningful, as well as its evaluation results can be used as a basis to determine the next step, for teachers, principals, institutions, parents, and government. The importance of learning evaluation can be seen from the approach of the learning process, the characteristics of professional educators, and the institutional approach, but it can also be seen from its purpose, function and principles and the validity and reliability of its evaluation tool.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Athoillah Islamy ◽  
Nurul Istiani

This study aims to explain the application of hypnoteaching method in spiritual values learning. This type of research is library research. This research is qualitative research. The primary source used in this study is the thought of Muhammad Noer in his book entitled Hypnoteaching For Success Learning. This research concludes that the hypnoteaching method is a learning method that combines teaching and learning with hypnosis. This method can be used as one of the methods in the process of learning spiritual values. In its application, the hypnoteaching method emphasizes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects of students through positive suggestions. With these steps, it is expected to create a more effective and enjoyable spiritual learning process. Keywords: Method, Hypnoteaching, Learning, Spiritual

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-100
Agung Prihatmojo

The media is a communication tool for teacher interaction with students which is a series of teaching and learning activities in schools. In the learning process the teacher has obstacles in conveying knowledge to students. The teacher needs media to be able to help attract the attention of students so that learning objectives are achieved. Picture card learning media can help teachers effectively achieve learning objectives in the teaching and learning process. This study applies a picture card learning media to students in class V SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. The aim is to find out the improvement in student learning outcomes after the teacher applies the pictorial card learning media to fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. In this study using a design that is the Initial Test - The Final Group Single Test (The One Group Pretest - posttest). The learning outcomes in this study were obtained by the fifth grade students before and after the implementation of the pictorial card media, to find out the improvement in the learning outcomes of the fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman. shows that the mean or posttest average is higher than the pretest. Mean posttest 62.22 and mean pretest 46.25, so there is an increase in learning outcomes after the application of the pictorial card media to fifth grade students of SD Negeri 4 Tanjung Aman.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-36
Asih Riyanti ◽  

Every success in the learning process will affect environmental factors, schools, attitudes, or students themselves. Each student enhances cognitive, affective, and psychomotor development. Student trading has the uniqueness and character of each in the learning process to respond to and understand teaching material or information obtained. Student learning independence can be seen from the achievements of students in responding, solving, and processing information by completing various tasks. Every student has a learning style that is prominent in him, and the teacher must be able to accommodate it. That is to achieve the learning objectives well and effectively. Learning style is the key to student success in learning. There are models (Type) of learning styles (Fleming, 2001), VARK (Visual, auditory, Reading, Kinesthetic) that can increase student activity in learning Indonesian. Students can learn through the senses that they have with a visual learning style that learns from what is seen, students with an auditory learning style that is learning through what is heard, and a kinesthetic learning style that is learning through motion and opening.

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