scholarly journals To the Discussion on Academic Philosophy: What, How, and What for

2019 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 69-78
Elena A. Guseva ◽  
Marina I. Panfilova

The article discusses how to implement common cultural competencies in the course of teaching philosophy. The authors believe that the optimal content of the course is the history of philosophy, which, when being creatively taught, can become a school of critical thinking and education and give direction to those who are trying to consciously shape their world view and educate their mind. The historical-philosophical approach organically incorporates the problematic one, makes it possible to discuss current issues of the day, based on classical examples of the philosophical culture. Some techniques for the development of cognitive skills that correspond to the strategies of liberal education are considered. The authors draw attention to the benefits of the work of a student with a philosophical text, the need for the development of written and oral speech, organically associated with the development of thinking. In the conditions of increasing bureaucratic regulation of the educational process and limited time, it is important to preserve the space of academic freedom, to build teaching taking into account the individual-personal contact with this or that audience. University philosophy is regarded as a valuable experience in overcoming the limitations of everyday consciousness, it seems to be a source of ideas that provides support in a situation of epistemological uncertainty and value relativism. The article covers both philosophical and theoretical, and applied aspects of the problem of teaching philosophy in higher education institution.

2020 ◽  
pp. 137-141
V. M. Synyshyna

The scientific achievements of leading scientists on the selected theme are analyzed and leading ideas, concepts, and main definitions of the research are identified in the article. The creation of proper psycho-didactic conditions in institutions of higher education, which serve as a basis for the formation of professionally significant competences, the development of personal creative potential and active public position in future practical psychologists, is updated. It is argumented that the educational system built on the conceptual foundations of professional training makes it possible to effectively content the educational disciplines, and therefore effective fundamental knowledge, professional-oriented skills, advanced skills, professional norms and values, which have the highest degree of generalization of social phenomena and processes. It is proved that the concept of the study of practical psychology combines professional methodological, philosophical and general scientific principles and scientific-methodological approaches, which are directed at the revealing future professional activity. The outlined conceptual foundations of professional training allow us to modify the educational process in higher education according to the individual needs of future practical psychologists. The methodological analysis of educational phenomenon of practical psychology in institutions of higher education on four basic levels is offered: philosophical-theoretical (evolutionary-theoretical formation of the specialist and his or her effective functioning), methodological (formation of the system of world-view and semantic individual formations for realization of individual’s educational skills and abilities), specific-scientific (acquisition of fundamental knowledge about professional activities) and technological (effective use of methods and techniques of research for acquisition of true empirical knowledge). The conclusion about the importance of outlining of conceptual foundations in the system of professional training of future practical psychologists is made.

Anatolii MARTYNIUK ◽  

Introduction. The modern vocal pedagogy is based on the methodological principles of domestic and foreign vocal pedagogy, thorough study of the musical traditions of the Ukrainian people. The issue of preserving the traditions of Ukrainian vocal art and the use of innovative ideas in further development is extremely important. The comprehensive analysis of P.V.Holubev’s artistic and pedagogical activities allows to significantly expand the idea of the the artist' work an at the same time realize its importance for the Ukrainian musical art. The artist left great achievements in the history of the national vocal school, contributing to the process of its formation and development. The purpose of the article is highlighting of vocal pedagogy of the outstanding Ukrainian artist, Professor P.V. Holubev. The methods of analysis of musical and pedagogical activity of Kharkiv singer, teacher, Professor P. Holubev. Results. Pavlo Holubev’s vocal pedagogy has distinctive features. Under his guidance, students learned not only solo, but also ensemble and choral singing. The individual lessons with students had as their main goal the achievement of equality of voice sound and the detection of unique timbre color of the sound and the gradual expansion of the range of voice in the descending and ascending directions starting from the development of the middle register; formation of a diverse palette of sound filled with overtones; performing interpretation of vocal music. It is revealed that in P. Holubev’s vocal pedagogy the following main content lines are traced: development of vocal skills, abilities; the need to introduce them into the system of teaching vocal methodology, which is based on the scientific study of national and world experience of vocal pedagogy; synthesis and constant updating of vocal methods, which takes into account the student’s individual characteristics of the voice and creative talent. Originality. After analyzing the artistic and pedagogical activity of Professor P. Holubev we can define certain scientific approaches to educational process, namely: 1) axiological approach; 2) personality-oriented approach; 3) creative and activity approach. Conclusions. Thus, analyzing the musical and pedagogical activities of the outstanding singer, teacher, Professor P.V. Holubev, we can conclude that the features of his vocal pedagogy played an important role in the Kharkiv vocal school. Scientific study of the musical and pedagogical experience of P.V. Holubev became the basis of national and world vocal pedagogy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 83-90
Ilyos A. Kholboyev ◽  

The article discusses the introduction of the process of training lawyers with higher education in Uzbekistan by the Soviet authorities. For the establishment and development of Soviet power in the country, as in other areas, the training of lawyers becamea necessity. Initial attempts to train lawyers, problems in the organization of the educational process and the general picture of the higher education institution were covered on the basis of available archival data. The policy of the Sovietstate on thetraining of lawyers was analyzed on the example of the first higher education institution in the country. The article also discusses the one-sided policy pursued by the ruling party in the training of lawyers, the establishment of political criteria for the admission of students and its consequences

Halyna Klynova-Datsiuk

The article deals with the activities of the Ukrainian Free University in Germany (UFU) during the DP period (1945–1952). The process of resumption of the UFU operation is described. The initiator of this case was the last rector of the University of Prague and historian Vadym Shcherbakіvsky. Well-known scientists Dmytro Doroshenko, Petro Kurinny, Ivan Mirchuk, Panteleimon Kovaliv and others supported his initiative. It is noted that the Bavarian authorities and the American occupation were positive about the resumption of the university. The educational process in the higher education institution began in the summer semester of 1946. The structure of the Ukrainian Free University in Germany had two faculties: philosophy from the departments of philosophy and pedagogy, philology (Ukrainian, classical, and Slavic), history, geography, archeology, ethnology and art sciences, as well as law and socio-economic sciences from various departments. It is stated that the most active in the functioning of the university was the 1947–1948 academic year. As 492 students were educated and 95 teachers worked, a significant amount of educational literature was published. The university charter of 1948, which was the basic document regulating the functioning of the institution and giving it the right to broad autonomy and free publication, is also analyzed. The article also proves that in addition to educational work in the UFU, a publishing business was developed. Among the publications of the university was mainly educational literature, in particular textbooks for students (scripts), which were printed in cyclostyle. In order to inform students about the content of academic disciplines, the number of lectures, seminars, practical classes, lecture programs were published. To facilitate the study of educational material, university teachers issued lecture notes. Among such publications are lectures by M. Andrusiak “History of the Cossacks”, I. Mirchuk “Introduction to Philosophy”, V. Kubiyovych “Geography of Ukraine” and others. The UFU played an important role in preserving the national and cultural identity of the Ukrainian people and consolidating the Ukrainian scientific forces in exile.

Valery Levchenko ◽  

The article concerns the history of creation and activities of the Odessa Higher International Institute (1916-1920) as the first private special diplomatic educational institution in the world. The author briefly describes the history of the first such universities in the world, presents a comparative analysis of the Institute’s statutes in 1916 and 1918, considers the process of organization of the Institute and the main components of its activity (teaching staff, formation of educational process). The paper examines the students composition, the process of their rights evolution in the system of the Russian Empire / Ukrainian State higher education, the transformation of a higher education institution against a backdrop of reorganization of the Odessa Higher School in 1919–1920.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Олена Галян

У статті актуалізовано потребу втілення ідеї суб’єктності особистості школяра в педагогічний  процес  сучасного  навчального  закладу.  З  цією  метою  проаналізовано  основні  тенденції  становлення  уявлення  про  суб’єктну  сутність  особистості  у  вітчизняній  науковій  традиції.  Розвиток  поглядів  на  природу суб’єктності та її детермінацію розглянуто на основі існуючих періодизацій вивчення суб’єктної  проблематики.  Виокремлено  методологічні  підходи  до  розкриття  суб’єктних  проявів  особистості  –  діяльнісний та буттєвий. Це дало змогу диференціювати суб’єктнісні позиції особистості в кожному з них  та визнати потребу їх поєднання у витлумаченні суб’єктності як онтологічної даності. Визначено зміст  співвідношення  понять  «суб’єкт» і  «особистість», що  розширило уявлення  про феномен суб’єктності.  Історію становлення знання про суб’єктність презентовано у зв’язку з аналізом її вимірів, рівнів, сутнісних  ознак. Зроблено висновок про динаміку суб’єктності, що розгортається в часопросторі життєтворчості  особистості.  Окреслено потребу організації навчальної діяльності школярів на засадах гуманітарної освітньої  парадигми, яка забезпечує формування в них особистісного світосприйняття на основі зміни підходу до  процесу засвоєння знань. За таких умов суб’єктність виявлятиметься в побудові школярем власних смислів,  світоглядних позицій та мотиваційно-ціннісних настанов, активізуючи його можливість бути суб’єктом  діяльності, пізнання, а також власного життя. The article highlights the idea of the implement agency of the pupil’s personality in the pedagogical  process of a modern educational institution. For this purpose, the main tendencies of the formation of the notion of  the agency of the individual in the national scientific tradition are analyzed. The development of views on the  essence of agency and its determination is considered on the basis of existing periods of study of agency problems.  Methodological approaches to the disclosure of agency manifestations of personality are described – activity and  existential. This made it possible to differentiate the agency positions of the individual in each of them and to  recognize the need for their combination in the interpretation of agency as ontological essence. The paper outlines  the  relation  between  concepts  «agent»  and  «personality»  is  determined.  This  expanded  the  notion  of  the  phenomenon of agency. History of the formation of knowledge about agency is presented in connection with the  analysis of its nature, levels, essential features. A conclusion is drawn about the dynamics of agency, which unfolds  in time and space of personality creation.  The author highlights the need for a new perspective on educational activities based on the education  paradigm of humanitarian which ensures shaping pupils’ personal world view based on a shift in the approach to  knowledge acquisition. It is specified that in such conditions agency is manifested in working out one’s own  meanings,  shaping  one’s  own  world  view,  motivational  and  value  regulations  based  on  the  perception  of  information that is acquired as personal and meaningful one. This activates his ability to be an agent of activity,  cognition, and his own life.  

Olga A. Obdalova ◽  
Zoya N. Levashkina ◽  

This article reveals the current situation in education, which is characterized by individualization and intensification of educational process. It becomes important for students not just to acquire communicative speaking skills in a foreign language, but to develop their ability to interact with representatives of the international community using a foreign language as a means of communication. The need of adjusting the organization of teaching oral foreign language communication at university and developing new effective educational technologies is emphasized. A comparative analysis of the methods of teaching oral speech (Storytelling and Storyline) is carried out. The analysis is based on the key elements of the educational process the authors identify within these methods: idea, character, demonstration result of students’ activities, and structure. The main differences of these methods are revealed. They are the creation of a character in the form of a paper model, making a collage as an illustration of a story, and drama (incidents and celebration). Special attention is paid to the description of the Storyline method, which is basic in the development of a narrativecommunicative technology. It is impossible to use this method in its original form in the educational process of the university. The main part of the article is devoted to the description of the authorial narrative-communicative educational technology and its didactic potential in teaching a foreign language as a means of intercultural communication. Features of the technology are described, including integrativeness, discursiveness, contextuality, intercultural orientation, elements of communicative situation, sociocultural conditioning, interactivity, and activity. The characteristics of the technology are also considered. The methodology of teaching based on the narrative-communicative technology includes a set of steps that is consistent with the step-by-step realization of students’ cognitive and narrative-communicative activities, which stimulates gradual “immersion” in the foreign-language context by creating and reproducing the narrative. The educational technology the authors developed appears to be an innovative tool of the teacher’s transformative activity that creates favorable conditions for students’ involvement in dynamic communicative activity, a comfortable educational atmosphere, and an increase in students’ motivation. This technology is a way to reconstruct reality, in which students develop their communication and cognitive skills.

2020 ◽  
pp. 6-10
Alisa Leonidovna Agakova

The article examines the semantic and axiological foundations of «Fly, fly, cuckoo» – the most popular work of Chuvash song folklore. The purpose of the work is to establish the history of the song from the moment of the first recording and analyze its professional processing. The author practices a short generalized description of the most characteristic features of each artistic treatment. This approach allows to clearly feel the individual handwriting of each composer. The research results are based on comparison and generalization methods. The melody of this song inspired the Chuvash and Russian composers to create works of different genres: vocal, choral, instrumental. It is unique in terms of the number of adaptations: there are more than 30 of them – so often composers did not pay attention to any Chuvash song. The article discusses the most vivid and characteristic examples of processing the melody of a song. The author analyzes the works of S. M. Maksimov, A. G. Orlov-Shuzm, G. Khirbyu, A. Petrov, G. Anchikov, V. Bely and others. The inclusion in the educational process of such examples of folk art as the song «Fly, fly, cuckoo», and works created on this topic, contributes to an increase in the level of musical culture, the formation of respect for indigenous peoples and their traditions.

Paulo Henrique Perlatti D'Alpino ◽  
Mackeler Ramos Polassi ◽  
Marcelo Henrick Matochek Maia ◽  
Pedro Luiz Santos Tomaz ◽  
Thales De Sá Oliveira

A contínua busca por conhecimento faz parte da sociedade contemporânea, profissionais e estudantes buscam uma melhor qualidade de vida baseada em sua qualificação profissional e melhores salários. Por outro lado, para se alcançar melhor qualificação, de acordo com a realidade individual, se exige disponibilidade de tempo, investimento financeiro e motivação para ingressar em uma instituição de Ensino Superior. Este artigo objetiva fornecer uma visão geral da diversidade de ferramentas disponíveis para o aprendizado e identificar as diretrizes para pesquisas futuras relacionadas aos métodos de ensino e aprendizagem em profissões da área de saúde, com ênfase em Odontologia. Após uma introdução e definições dos diferentes métodos de aprendizagem, este artigo considera a importância de identificar os desafios das diferentes formas de aprendizado na área da saúde, quer seja híbrido (blended learning) ou totalmente on-line, bem como as diferentes formas de avaliação destes métodos de ensino. É fato que a maior crítica ao ensino a distância recai sobre a falta de contato pessoal com os pacientes e a necessidade de se estabelecer vínculo. Conclui-se que os métodos de ensino a distância, em que pesem as limitações que se impõem, é promissor nos cursos da área de saúde, o que certamente inclui a Odontologia.Palavras-chave: Ensino a Distância. Ensino Semipresencial. OdontologiaAbstractThe continuous search for knowledge is part of contemporary society, and professionals and students seek for a better quality of life based on their professional qualification and better incomes. On the other hand, to obtain a better qualification according to the individual reality of each subject  requires the availability of time, financial investment, and motivation to enter a higher education institution. This article aims to provide an overview of the diversity of available learning tools and to identify the guidelines for future research related to teaching and learning methods in health professions, with emphasis in Dentistry. After an introduction and definitions of the different learning methods, this article considers the importance of identifying the challenges of the different learning forms in the area of health, whether it is hybrid (blended learning) or online, as well as the different forms of evaluation of these teaching methods. It is a fact that the greatest criticism of distance education lies in the lack of personal contact with patients and the need to establish a link. As a conclusion, in spite of the limitations imposed, methods of distance education are promising in the health care courses, which certainly may include Dentistry.Keywords: E-Learning. Blended Learning. Dentistry

Olesia Musurivska ◽  
Anastasia Kosovan

According to the principal ideas of the Concept of introduction of media education in Ukraine, the process of teaching and learning has to rely on information communication technologies, preparing the individual to use them skilfully and safely. This corresponds to the main aim for the teacher of a foreign language – to help learners to master skills and knowledge and to follow their own educational path. The article deals with the main aspects of using information communication technologies as a means of the development of oral speech at the English lessons in high school. The peculiarities of the development of oral speech at the final stage of school education in terms of communicative approach to language teaching and forms of information communication technologies are highlighted. During a school lesson teacher can use web quests, mailing, chats, audio- and video-conferencing, blogging, interactive applications and educational platforms. That is why it is important to understand the methodological characteristics of information communication technologies usage as well as their importance for modern education process. We also managed to reveal positive aspects and challenges of teaching English and developing oral speech with the help of information communication technologies during school practice. Using the information communication technologies has become one of the most popular tendencies in the process of education in today's world, as they help to intensify the educational process, promote perceivement and comprehension of huge amount of information.

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