2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Merita Bernik ◽  
Aldy Gustian Dwi Putra

Today's development requires young people in Bandung to follow a lifestyle. Cigarettes are one product that can show a person's lifestyle. Although it has been socialized that cigarettes are not good for health, but because of the demands of lifestyle and influenced by relationships, many young people in the city of Bandung smoke. Many cigarette companies in Indonesia are famous for producing cigarettes that have a distinctive taste. In the research, the level of consumer satisfaction was measured by analyzing the marketing mix indicator on Djarum Super MLD cigarette products among young people in the city of Bandung. The method of this research is descriptive method that using primary data in the form of interviews, observation and questionnaires, and also used secondary data. The smpling technique used is purposive sampling, which is a sample of young people over the age of 20 years. The results show that the level of consumer satisfaction in the city of Bandung on Djarum Super MLD cigarette products is at a good level or it can be stated that consumers are satisfied with product of Djarum Super MLD cigarette.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 94-104
Meli Zulia ◽  
Okto Supratman ◽  
Suci Puspita Sari

ABSTRACT Mangrove ecosystems are one ecosystem that is vulnerable damaged. Mangrove ecotourism is one of the efforts that can do to reduce damage in the utilization of mangrove ecosystems.This study aims to calculate the suitability and carrying capacity of mangrove ecotourism in the  Kurau Village and West Kurau Village, Central Bangka Regency. This research was conducted in March 2019 at the Mangrove ecotourism area of ​​Kurau Village and West Kurau Village. The study location determined using a purposive sampling method consisting of 3 substations in one location to get primary data and secondary data. Descriptive method was used to analyze the Tourism Suitability Index (IKW) and the Regional Carrying Capacity (DDK). The calculation results show that the mangrove ecotourism area of ​​Kurau Village is included in the suitable category (S2) with a Suitability Index value is 74.36% and the Regional Carrying Capacity (DDK) is 44 people per day (10 hours  / day) and West Kurau Village is included in suitable category (S2) with a Suitability Index value of 74.36% and the Regional Carrying Capacity (DDK) is 55 people per day (10 hours open / day).

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Laura Therecia Samosir ◽  
I Gusti Agung Oka Mahagangga

Tourism in Indonesia has recently grown rapidly in one of them in the city of Bali. Bali has a very beautiful natural potential, one of the natural potentials developed is coastal tourism. Dream Island Mertasari Sanur Beach is one of the beaches that is still new but has a lot of potentials. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the existing conditions and marketing strategies that exist on Dream Island the Mertasari Beach Sanur Kauh City of Denpasar. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method with data sources in the form of primary data and secondary data. The primary data in this study are data sourced from direct observation to the location of the study and by interviewing informants. While secondary data in this study are data obtained from documentation and literature to complete the primary data. The technique of determining the informants used was purposive sampling. The results showed that the existing conditions on Dream Island Beach based on Concept 4a were still lacking. The condition of the attraction is very good but for access and facilities still, have some disadvantages that need to be improved in the future. The reality that is on Dream Island Beach only consists of private parties and village institutions. The marketing strategy at Dream Island Beach has not been optimal due to several problems such as business license constraints and lack of cooperation with promotional media.   Keywords:  Marketing Strategic, attraction, Dream Island Beach  

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 84-90
Adilah Ulfah ◽  
Jumiati Jumiati

This research describe about Implementation of Padang Mayor Regulation to controlling the use the plastic shopping bag in Padang city. Background of this research is because we find some problems of the use plastic shopping bag in Padang city. This research aims to explain about the implementation of Padang Mayor Regulation 36 of 2018 in controlling the use plastic shopping bag in Padang city. This studied use a qualitative methods and descriptive approaches. The studied was conclude at Enviromental Services in Padang. The informants are determined by thecnique purposive sampling. Data in this studieduse primary data and secondary data. Data collection was carried out by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. So the data obtained can be conclude from the data obtained in the field. The point of view of this studied is the Implementation of Padang Mayor Regulation number 36 of 2018 in controlling the use of plastic shopping bag in Padang city is not optimal. In the implementation of socialization carried out by Enviromental Services was good. But as for the constraints in implementation of this regulation of mayor is public awareness to redesign the use of plastic shopping bags is still lacking. And then, the Enviromental Services not firm in providing penalties or disincentive to business actors who still provide and eliminate plastic shopping bags at their stores. Both in modern markets and traditional markets in the city of Padang.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-92
Herna Octivia Damayanti

ENGLISHProcessed form of marine fisheries that quite popular in Pati regency is boiled fish. The medium and large scale boiled fish industry can accelerate the growth of fishery and marine sector. The purpose of study is to formulate alternative strategies for developing medium and large scale boiled fish industries in Pati regency. The research used quantitative descriptive method and was condusted in March 2014. Primary data were obtained through interview with medium and large scale boiled fish employers, while secondary data were derived from relevant documents from marine and fisheries agency of Pati regency. Respondents were chosen using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using SWOT and QSPM. Results of the research showed that the first priority strategy was improving the performance of association of boiled fish employers so it can be made a common agreement on the business management system and the boiled fish industry standard marketable products, with TAS value 4.948. INDONESIABentuk olahan hasil perikanan laut yang cukup populer di Kabupaten Pati adalah ikan pindang. Industri ikan pindang skala sedang dan besar dapat mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi dari sektor perikanan dan kelautan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk merumuskan alternatif strategi untuk pengembangan industri ikan pindang skala sedang dan besar di Kabupaten Pati. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kuantitatif dan dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret 2014. Sumber data primer yang diperoleh melalui wawancara dengan pengusaha pemindangan ikan skala sedang dan besar. Sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari dokumen relevan Dislautkan Kab. Pati. Metode pemilihan sampel responden dengan pendekatan purposive sampling. Analisis data dilakukan dengan analisis SWOT dan untuk menentukan prioritas strategi menggunakan analisis QSPM. Hasil penelitian yaitu prioritas strategi pertama adalah peningkatan kinerja wadah perhimpunan pengusaha ikan pindang sehingga dapat dibuat kesepakatan bersama tentang sistem manajemen usaha industri ikan pindang dan standar produk yang layak jual, dengan nilai TAS 4,948.

NALARs ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 9

ABSTRAK. Penelitian ini menjabarkan eksistensi nilai Kemuhammadiyahan yang mempengaruhi aspek fisik dan non fisik kawasan kota, baik dalam bentuk tata ruang (spatial) maupun pada bangunan kepemilikan Muhammadiyah. Substansi penelitian diharapkan dapat membuka cakrawala dan pemikiran bahwa keterkaitan masa lalu dalam ajaran murni Islam yang telah berkembang sebelum era perancangan kota dan arsitektur modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sejarah dan fenomenologi dengan jenis penelitian kualitatif-eksploratif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dari data primer, data sekunder dimana pengambilan populasi melalui purposive sampling dan random sampling. Metode analisa yang digunakan antara lain metode fenomenologi dan sejarah dengan teknik sikronik dan diakronik reading serta memadukan metode urban morfologi dan tipologi. Kajian ini akan memberikan aplikasi penciptaan lingkungan yang terbangun berdasarkan pengamalan amal makruf nahi mungkar yang menjadi tujuan pendirian Muhammadiyah. Kata kunci: Bangunan, Kawasan, Mamminasata, Muhammadiyah, Tipologi ABSTRACT. This study describes the existence of the value of Kemuhammadiyahan which affects the physical and non-physical aspects of the city area, both in spatial form and in the ownership of Muhammadiyah’s buildings. The substance of research is expected to be able to open knowledge and thoughts that the past linkages in the pure understanding of Islam which have developed before the era of urban design and modern architecture. This study uses a historical and phenomenological approach with a type of qualitative-explorative research. Data collection techniques were carried out from primary data, secondary data where the population was collected through purposive sampling and random sampling. The analytical methods used phenomenology and history methods with synchronous and diachronic reading techniques and integrating urban morphology and typology methods. This study will provide an application for the creation of an environment that is built based on the practice of charitable and moral merit which is the aim of the establishment of Muhammadiyah. Keywords: Buildings, Regions, Mamminasata, Muhammadiyah, Typology

Merita Bernik

Health is the most common thing and becomes the primary need of every human being. One way to keep us healthy is to diligently exercise. There are various kinds of sports that can be done, and there are also many facilities provided for sports. One of the facilities that can be utilized is the fitness center. One fitness center in Bandung has an increasing number of consumers and members. This shows the existence of consumer satisfaction, one of the variable to meet customer satisfaction is the existence of good quality service. The method used in this study is a descriptive method using primary data and secondary data, the data that has been obtained is then processed, analyzed and entered into the Cartesian diagram. The results obtained from the quality of services provided are in a fairly good category and many indicators are included in the B quadrant where quality is considered important as a factor supporting consumer satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 46-51
Ida Nirwana

This research was conducted at the Department of Tourism, Youth and Sports Tanah Datar District. The authors conducted this study to analyze the role of local government in the management of tourist objects Istano Basa Pagaruyung Tanah Datar regency. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the implementation of the role of local government in the management of Istano Basa Pagaruyung attractions in Tanah Datar regency. To analyze this problem, research is done by using qualitative approach by using descriptive method. Data collection techniques that the authors use are observation, interview, literature study. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Informants in this study were determined by purposive sampling technique. Purposive sampling is a purposive sampling technique. From the results of this study can be concluded that the role of Tourism, Youth, and Sport on the management of Istano Basa Pagaruyuang Tourism Object is to manage, assist, and improve facilities and infrastructure through the making of planning programs to be implemented by the UPT. Analysis of the role of local government towards the management of Istano Basa Pagaruyuang tourist object in Tanah Datar regency has been carried out very well but not yet optimal, since there is still planning since 2013 until now has not been done due to limited land. One such plan is the construction of parking lots for visitors Istano Basa Pagaruyung as well as souvenirs selling place.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Siti Hajar Suryawati ◽  
Subhechanis Saptanto ◽  
Hertria Maharani Putri

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji preferensi konsumen terhadap ikan menjelang hari natal dan tahun baru. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan pelaksanaannya dengan teknik survey. Lokasi penelitian dipilih secara sengaja (purposive) yaitu di Kota Medan dan Kota Manado berdasarkan dominasi penduduk kristiani dan dominasi produksi perikanan serta aksesibilitas menuju lokasi. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Pilihan konsumsi ikan dalam bentuk segar mengalami pergeseran menjadi bentuk olahan seiring dengan meningkatnya pendidikan konsumen. Preferensi masyarakat terhadap ikan secara umum menunjukkan pola preferensi yang homogen.Title: Analysis Of Fish Consumption Preference to Face Christmas 2015 and The New Year 2016This study aims to assess the fish consumer preferences towards the Christmas and New Year days. The method in this research use descriptive method and its implementation by survey techniques. Locations were selected intentionally (purposive) that is in the city of Medan and Manado based on dominance of the Christians population, fish production and accessibility to the location. The data used are primary data and secondary data. Preference of fish consumption was shifted from fresh to processed along with increasing of the consumer education. Public preference to fish demand generally show the homogeneous preference pattern.

2021 ◽  
Vol 332 ◽  
pp. 09002
Satia Negara Lubis ◽  
Emalisa ◽  
Asri Maulidani Siregar

This study aims to (1) analyze the availability of food in the city of Medan (2) the availability of nutrients (energy, protein, and fat) compared to the Nutritional Adequacy Rate (RDA) (3) the diversity of food availability in the city of Medan. The research data were obtained from primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is descriptive method using the Food Balance Sheet (FBS). The results showed that the availability of food in Medan City in 2020 was in the available category of 1,350.25 grams/capita/day or 489.93 kg/capita/year. The availability of nutrients (energy, protein, and fat) of food in Medan City has exceeded the recommended nutritional adequacy rate and is classified in the available category. The diversity of food availability in the city of Medan is quite diverse.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Roni Ekha Putera ◽  
Tengku Rika Valentina ◽  
Siti Annisa Silvia Rosa

The issue of spatial planning becomes crucial for vulnerable areas. Padang, as one of the areas prone to earthquakes, needs to pay attention to the allocation of space. After the 2009 earthquake, it was recorded that Padang City had revised the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) twice, namely in 2010 and 2015. In the revised RTRW, mapping of the areas prone to earthquake and tsunami disaster. The purpose of this research is to explain the policy efforts made by the City of Padang in spatial planning based on disaster mitigation. This study used qualitative research methods. The technique of selecting informants using purposive sampling, primary data obtained from interviews, while secondary data from documentation and literature studies. Data analysis was performed using an interactive model. The results showed that the spatial planning in the city of Padang based on Regulation No. 4 of 2012 had paid attention to disaster-prone areas, it can be seen from the categorization of disaster-prone regions in the city of Padang. But there are still disaster-prone areas that even violate the rules of development. For this reason, Padang City Government needs to pay attention to building permit recommendations, especially in disaster-prone areas from the relevant agencies.Persoalan penataan ruang menjadi hal yang krusial bagi daerah yang rawan bencana. Padang sebagai salah satu daerah yang rawan terhadap bencana gempa bumi perlu memperhatikan peruntukan ruang. Setelah kejadian gempa tahun 2009, tercatat Kota Padang telah dua kali melakukan revisi terhadap Rencana Tata Tuang Wilayah (RTRW) yaitu tahun 2010 dan 2015. Dalam revisi RTRW tersebut telah dilakukan pemetaan terhadap daerah-daerah yang rawan bencana gempa dan tsunami. Tujuan dari Penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan upaya-upaya kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh Kota Padang dalam penataan ruang yang berbasis mitigasi bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pemilihan informan dengan menggunakan purposive sampling, data primer diperoleh dari wawancara, sedangkan data sekunder dari dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Analis data dilakukan dengan model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penataan ruang di Kota Padang yang didasarkan pada perda No. 4 Tahun 2012 telah memperhatikan daerah rawan bencana, terlihat dari adanya pengkategorian daerah rawan bencana di Kota Padang. Namun masih terdapat daerah rawan bencana yang masih menyalahi aturan pembangunan. Untuk itu, pemerintah Kota padang perlu memperhatikan rekomendasi izin mendirikan bangunan terutama di daerah-daerah yang rawan bencana dari instansi-instansi yang terkait.

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