scholarly journals Minat Membaca dan Implementasinya dalam Bimbingan dan Konseling

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-84
Marimbun Marimbun

Reading interst is a strong desire that  accompanied  a sense of pleasure of enjoyment of reading with self­­-will. Reading is a demand for individuals because reading is an effective activity to gain insight and knowledge. Surah Al-Alaq which is the first letter to come down is a reading order. Furthermore, the mandate of regulations and legislation also invites reading culture and encourages people to enjoy reading. The problematics of some of the research results indicate that Indonesian interest in reading is still relatively low. Therefore how important are efforts to foster interest in reading. Improving  interest in reading must be done through families, education units and the community. One of the factors influencing reading interest is the teacher. Counseling teacher/ Counselor is a teacher assigned to carry out guidance and counseling activities in schools responsible for providing various service activities in developing various student potentials and encouraging national education goals. Guidance counseling at schools is expected to be more intensive in order to improve students interest in reading through various types of counseling services. As for some services that can be applied in improving interest in reading such as orientation services, information, group guidance and individual counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (7) ◽  
pp. 1163-1170
Hardi Santosa ◽  
Hardi Prasetiawan

Guidance and Counseling Teachers' Consultation (MGBK) is a community of teachers in the field of guidance and counseling. One of the main tasks of guidance and counseling teachers in schools is to guide students to become human beings with character as required by the National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the complete goals of national education. However, not all guidance and counseling teachers have the competence to guard this goal. For this reason, guidance and counseling teachers need to be given training, so that they have adequate knowledge and skills in carrying out their duties. This training aims to increase the knowledge and skills of guidance and counseling teachers in implementing prophetic guidance. Prophetic guidance is designed with the aim of strengthening the character of students. The training method used socratic dialogue. The participants of the activity were 30 representatives from 30 high school, vocational, and MA schools in Pringsewu Regency, Lampung. The results of the training showed that 74% of participants stated that they really got the benefits and new knowledge, even as many as 61% of participants stated that they had increased their confidence. Thus, this service activity has a significant impact on improving the competence and performance of teachers in providing guidance and counseling services.

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (3) ◽  
Helmuth Y Bunu

Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah untuk memindai penerapan bimbingan dan konseling dengan pendekatan multikultural di SMA. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Informan penelitian ini yaitu, guru BK, Kepala sekolah, para guru, siswa, pengurus OSIS, dan komite sekolah SMA Negeri 1 Palangkaraya. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pengamatan partisipatif, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan empat tahap penelitian kualitatif dari Miles dan Hubermann, yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, klasifikasi data, dan penarikan simpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) tujuan  layanan konseling dengan pendekatan multikultural adalah memberikan bantuan kepada siswa multikultur untuk mengatasi masalah yang dihadapi dengan baik, 2) jenis-jenis layanan konseling antara lain membantu klien mengembangkan perilaku santun, membantu mengatasi kecemasan, menggali dan potensi siswa, 3) karakteristik khusus yang diterapkan yaitu dengan memberikan layanan konseling individual, 4) layanan konseling dengan pendekatan multikultural telah memanfaatkan secara maksimal berbagai media konseling yang ada. Kata kunci: bimbingan konseling, multikultural, pemindaian, layanan  AbstractThe general objective of this study is to scan the application of guidance and counseling through multicultural approachin senior high school. The study used a qualitative approach. The informants of this study is counseling teacher, school principal, teachers, students,students’ organization at school (OSIS), and school committee of SMA Negeri 1 Palangkaraya. Data were collected using participatory observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed using four qualitative research phases of Miles and Hubermann, namely data collection, data reduction, data classification, and making conclusions. Based on the research results, in general it can be concluded that: 1) the purpose of counseling services through multicultural approach is providing assistance to students multicultural to overcome the problems encountered well, 2) the types of counseling services include helping clients develop polite behavior, helping to overcome anxiety , exploring students’ talent, 3) special characteristics that are applied by giving individual counseling services, 4) counselingservice through multicultural approach has been maximally utilizing some existing media counseling.Keywords: counseling, multicultural, scanning, service

Konselor ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Siltia Mandar ◽  
Syahniar Syahniar ◽  
Yarmis Syukur

Readiness is the overall condition of a person who makes ready to respond/ answer in a certain way to a situation. Readiness is defined in this study is in the examination readiness. Examination is a way how to know the understanding of lesson level has been studied by student. The fact at the school, a lot of students have bad prepare to take examination. This research is descriptive and aimed to description about the prepare of students whose are left by their parents to take examination. This research can be conclude that the prepare of students whose are abandoned from their parents to take examination is good category. Implications of guidance and  counseling services of   the  students whose  are  left  by from their parents to take examination through of content services, placement and distribution services, group counseling and individual counseling

Tri Anjar

Abstract: Improving the quality of guidance and counseling services in the educational unit requires the support of other parties. Process guidance and supervision right, and carried out by competent and professional personnel are needed to support the quality of counseling services performed by teachers BK. BK control activities include activities supervisor, educator, and motivator. The pattern of structured supervision, honest, and based on the analysis of the problems the ministry guidance and counseling in schools, will be able to give a good contribution to the improvement, evaluation, and improvement of guidance and counseling services, as well as the professionalism of teachers BK as a service provider.Keyword: guidance, counseling, supervision, management

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 15
Mahrita Mahrita ◽  
M Yuliansyah ◽  
Nurul Auliah

The background of this study is that there are still problems with the aggressive behavior of students, especially class VIII students of SMP Negeri 32 Banjarmasin. For this reason, BK needs to be handled by competent teachers according to Law No. 111 of 2014 to be able to form students into the generation of hope of the nation according to Law No. 20 of 2003. The purpose of this study is to find out the services that are carried out and find out the obstacles experienced when running a program of guidance and counseling services in the formation of a personality that has a moral character to handle students' aggressive behavior. In this study, researchers used qualitative research methods. The research subject was the teacher of BK 32 SMP Negeri Banjarmasin. Data is collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the guidance and counseling service program at Banjarmasin State Middle School 32 has had an impact on the formation of the personality of students who have moral character. So that individual counseling services provided by counseling teachers to students who have aggressive behavioral problems are able to make better changes in these students. Suggestions from this study are as BK teachers need to understand the root causes of each student's problem, then need to understand correctly the meaning of personality (in Islam). And the school must pay attention to the guidance and counseling program in it so that it is implemented properly.   Keywords: Guidance and Counseling Services, Personality, Morals, and Aggressive Behavior

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 4049-4052
Afdal Afdal, Taufik Taufik, Ifdil Ifdil

Students are the responsibility of teachers and parents in fulfilling their needs. It is not uncommon for students who have problems in school that require parents to come to school to solve problems. One form of eradicating student problems by providing family counseling services with the concept of Birrul Walidaini to parents of students. In this case, the family plays an important role in students 'behavior in school so that students' problems are resolved and return to living an effective life everyday. The method used is individual counseling interviews with samples single subject. After applying the concept of Birrul Walidaini and changing the negative perceptions of the client's parents, making the client can change in a positive direction.

Vivi Isari ◽  
Z. Mawardi Efendi ◽  
Neviyarni Neviyarni

This study is concerned with the presence of BK teachers who have no educational background in guidance and counseling. They are appointed by the principal because they are deemed to be and come from educational and non-educational graduates with little teaching hours. This certainly has an impact on the quality of the implementation of guidance and counseling services in schools. This study aims: (1) to reveal and describe the implementation of guidance and counseling services by BK teachers; (2) differences in the implementation of guidance and counseling services classical format reviewed from the background SI BK and Non BK; (3) differences in the implementation of classical guidance counseling and counseling services in terms of working period of <16 years and ≥ 16 years; (4) the interaction of education background and working period of BK teacher in providing guidance and counseling service of classical format.This research uses quantitative method with comparative descriptive approach. The subjects of the study were all BK teachers with BK and Non BK BK Sijunjung who numbered 32 people. The instruments used are Likert model scale with 0.965 realib and 0.507 validity (implementation of classical counseling guidance and counseling service). Data were analyzed by using variance analysis technique (ANOVA).The result of data analysis shows: 1) the implementation of guidance and counseling service of the classical format given by the teacher of education background S1 and Non BK with working period <16 years and ≥ 16 years are in high category, and the average score of implementation of guidance and counseling service of classical format same category. 2) there is no significant difference in the background of BK and Non BK S1 education. 3) there is no significant difference in the implementation of classical counseling guidance and counseling services in terms of working period of <16 years and ≥ 16 years. 4) there is no significant interaction between the education background score and the working period of the BK teacher towards the implementation of classical counseling guidance and counseling services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
Meidy D. Ar Noya ◽  
Jenny M. Salamor

Character education was one of the focuses in the system of national education. Therefore, educators must not neglect this. A school counselor, as one of the educators, has to play a role in character education. Referring to guidance and counseling responsibilities in relation to students’ personal, social, academic, and career aspects, a school counselor must not escape from the main duties. Considering that character education is the responsibility of all parties, a school counselor can, independently and in collaboration with all school components, play a role in character education. Individually, a school counselor can provide services, such as individual services, individual planning services, and responsive services. In collaboration with other parties, a school counselor can make a synergy in character education programs. While guidance and counseling services are one of the service programs that contribute to the implementation of the program in schools. So that it is expected that the implementation of strengthening of character education through guidance and counseling services in schools can be implemented and implemented effectively and efficiently, so that it can achieve more optimal goals for the development of character values that exist in students.Keywords: School Counselors; Character Education; Counseling Guidance Services

Sri Bintang Anshar Alim Thorifah ◽  
Budiyanto ◽  
Eko Darminto

The research aims to determine the role of counselors in increasing students' academic achievement motivation through guidance and counseling services. The problem in this study is that students have low achievement motivation. Problems can be prevented by the role of the counselor through guidance and counseling services in schools. The research method used is literature study. The literature study was carried out because the research was in the co-19 pandemic period and this research had to be resolved. Data analysis uses analytical methods through books and articles. The results showed that the role of counselors is very important in increasing students' academic achievement motivation through guidance and counseling services, such as informative services, individual counseling services, guidance in class and outside the classroom, and group guidance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 50
Pri Agung Warjono ◽  
Sultani Sultani ◽  
Laelatul Anisah

Pada observasi awal di SMP Negeri 2 Martapura ditemukan siswa yang mempunyai sikap kepercayaan diri rendah, seperti siswa takut maju kedepan untuk menjawab soal karena teman dikelasnya suka mengejek tulisan siswa membuat siswa tersebut takut mengeluarkan pendapat dan bertanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui peningkatan rasa percaya diri siswa introvert melalui layanan konseling individual dengan pendekatan gestalt pada siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri 2 Martapura. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eskperimen dengan singel subject design.subjek penelitian sebanyak 3 siswa yang memiliki rasa kepercayaan diri rendah. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan skala percaya diri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa percaya diri pada siswa introvert di kelas VII di SMP Negeri 2 Martapura dalam hasil analisis data dengan Wilcoxon dengan nilai sig 0,109 maka dengan demikian maka analisis tersebut ditolak karena pada dasarnya pengambilan Wilcoxon adalah > 0,05 jika hasilnya lebih besar pada hasil yang sudah ditentukan maka (Ho) ditolak ditolak maka dapat dikatakan jika sampel 3 siswa dapat mempengaruhi hasil signifikan terhadap kepercayaan diri siswa dalam memberikan layanan konseling individual dengan pendekatan gestalt.Saran yang diberikan : kepada guru bimbingan konseling hal menarik dalam siswa agar siswa tertarik menceritakan permasalah mengalami kesulitan dalam kehidupannya, agar siswa berani memiliki sikap, perilaku, dan kepribadian yang positif. Kepada peneliti selanjutnya agar menggunakan waktu dengan sebaik-baiknya._________________________________________________________ In the initial observation at SMP Negeri 2 Martapura, students who had low self-confidence attitudes were found, as students were afraid to come forward to answer questions because their classmates like to mock students' writing making them afraid to express their opinions and ask questions. The purpose of this study was to determine the increase in self-confidence of introverted students through individual counseling services with a gestalt approach in class VII students at SMP Negeri 2 Martapura. This study used the experimental method with single subject design. The research subjects were 3 students who had low self-esteem. Techniques for collecting data with a scale of confidence.The results showed that confidence in introverted students in class VII in SMP Negeri 2 Martapura in the results of data analysis with Wilcoxon with a sig value of 0.109 so that the analysis was rejected because basically taking Wilcoxon is> 0.05 if the results are greater on the results which has been determined then (Ho) is rejected rejected so it can be said if the sample of 3 students can influence the significant results on students' confidence in providing individual counseling services with a gestalt approach.

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