Development of a system for adaptive control of the components of an intelligent educational environment

M. V. Deev ◽  
L. A. Gamidullaeva ◽  
A. G. Finogeev ◽  
A. A. Finogeev

The article discusses the issues of creating software and tools for managing the processes of training specialists in an intellectual educational environment. The complex of tools is being developed as part of a hyper-converged computing ecosystem to support open personalized learning technologies and is designed to customize and adaptively update educational programs and content, taking into account the requirements of federal standards and regional labor markets. At the first stage, the tools solve the problems of searching, collecting, consolidating and intelligent analysis of requirements for specialists extracted from open sources on the Internet, such as sections with employers’ vacancies on the websites of enterprises, recruitment agencies, labor exchanges, message boards, forums, chats, groups of social networks and messengers. At the next stage, the process of adaptive adjustment and synchronization of educational programs is implemented, taking into account the consolidated information and predicted data on the required competencies in the short and medium term in a given region. Setting up the educational process in an open information environment occurs during the evolutionary transition to a convergent learning model, continuous updating of educational programs and content, personalization of training trajectories. The convergent model determines the convergence of educational programs and content for different specialties in accordance with the digitalization processes of all spheres of human life, which is reflected in the requirements for competencies in professional and educational standards, as well as on the part of employers. The processes of actualization and personalization make it possible to increase the efficiency and quality of training specialists by reducing the risks of obtaining a low-quality and morally obsolete education. The architecture of the adaptive management system of the educational environment includes the following components: a) Learning Management System (LMS), b) Education Content Management System (ECMS), c) Learning Activity Management System (LAMS), d) tools for searching, collecting and analyzing employers’ requirements, e) cloud storage of educational content.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-80
Alexander V. Fedotov ◽  
Elena A. Polushkina

Problem and goal. The active introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the educational process, the reform of traditional models of learning and education have become priority areas of reforms and initiatives in various national education systems in the 21st century. Given that public spending is the main source of funding for education in the OECD countries, assessing the economic impact of implementing a digital educational environment at different levels of education under pressure on public budgets has become a key issue for national governments and educational organizations, as well as the subject of special research. In Russian practice assessment of the economic effect of the full-scale use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs of secondary professional (training of middle-level specialists) and higher education have not yet been carried out. For these purposes, a methodology has been developed, which, however, needs to be tested. Results. The study identified a list of costs required to ensure the full use of e-learning and distance educational technologies in realization of educational programs of secondary vocational (training of mid-level professionals) and higher (including graduate school) education; the methodlogy for assessing the economic effect of these measures is justified, and calculations are made based on this methodology. Conclusion. The developed methodology has shown its effectiveness and needs further research and quantitative analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 93-101
N.V. Tretyakova ◽  
O.E. Krayukhina ◽  
E.Zh. Shupletsova ◽  
L.E. Shmakova ◽  

the article presents the experience of planning the content, forms, conditions and procedure for conducting entrance tests of the admission campaign of 2020 for educational programs of a creative orientation in the context of preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection – in a remote format. This format of the introductory tests is new for educational organizations and requires detailed study. As a methodological tool for solving the problem, a competent-oriented approach was made, which made it possible to determine the content and provide for an objective assessment of special competencies that ensure the incoming success of the educational program of a creative orientation. Within the framework of this approach, it is proposed to divide the creative test procedure into two periods, allowing the applicant to do creative work offline without interaction with members of the examination committee and in real time online, with indirect (at a distance) interaction between applicants and members of the examination committee. The results of this work enrich the experience in the implementation of the educational process using e-learning and distance learning technologies and can be used during the period of intermediate certification in the implementation of educational programs of any level related to the implementation of creative work.

2020 ◽  
pp. 135-141
Miziuk V.M.

У статті розкрито авторський підхід до підготовки й проведення лекційних занять у закладах вищої освіти в умовах змішаного навчання. Визначено, що розвиток цифрових технологій, впровадження інфор-маційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітній процес, поширення електронних освітніх ресурсів відкри-того доступу, а також необхідність дотримання парадигми компетентнісного підходу в процесі підготовки фахівців зумовлюють пошук нових форм взаємодії викладачів і студентів. На основі аналізу наукових досліджень виявлено, що лекція як форма заняття посідає важливе місце в системі підготовки фахівців протягом багатьох століть. Беручи до уваги, що у сучасному цифровому суспільстві лекція перестає бути єдиним джерелом отримання знань, акцентована цінність її з боку ознайомлення студентів з основними науковими й теоретичними положеннями предметної галузі. Зауважено, що зменшення кількості годин на лекційні заняття і збільшення їх на самостійну роботу не вирішує проблему пасивності студентів під час слухання лекцій, адже самостійну роботу важко контролювати, а за відсутності у студентів мотивації до навчання і навичок самостійно вчитися якість їх підготовки значно страждає. Обґрунтовано, що застосу-вання інтерактивних лекцій ефективне за умов попереднього ознайомлення студентів з матеріалом теми, за наявності у них навичок критичного мислення й вироблення комунікаційних умінь. Автором наголошено, що змішане навчання сприяє підвищенню ефективності самостійної роботи, організації різних форм і методів активного пізнання й творчої роботи студентів, у тому числі й під час лекційних занять. Наведено результати експериментальної роботи з провадження технологій змішано-го навчання у підготовці й проведенні лекцій з курсу «Методика навчання інформатики». Запропоно-вано авторську структуру підготовки до проведення лекцій за допомогою електронного середовища LMS Moodle, приклади різнорівневих завдань, які варто пропонувати перед лекцією, під час її читання і після неї. Результати дослідження дали змогу автору зробити висновки, що змішане навчання компен-сує невеликі часові обсяги лекційних занять за допомогою інформаційної підтримки у вигляді елек-тронного освітнього ресурсу, забезпечить налаштування інтерактивної взаємодії студентів і викладача у процесі навчання, а використання системи Moodle допоможе педагогу наповнити курс різноманітни-ми завданнями та налаштувати комунікацію зі студентами з метою збільшення продуктивної взаємодії лектора з аудиторією та перевірки рівня засвоєння матеріалу. The article reveals the author’s approach to the preparation and conduct of lectures in institutions of higher education in a mixed learning environment. It is determined that the development of digital technologies, the introduction of information and communication technologies in the educational process, the spread of electronic educational resources of open access, as well as the need to comply with the paradigm of competence-based approach in the process of training specialists determine the search for new forms of interaction between teachers and students. Based on the analysis of scientific research, it is revealed that the lecture as a form of occupation holds an important place in the system of training specialists for many centuries. Taking into account that in the modern digital society, a lecture is no longer the only source of knowledge, its value from the side of familiarizing students with the main scientific and theoretical provisions of the subject area is emphasized. It is noted that reducing the number of hours for lectures and increasing them for independent work does not solve the problem of students’ passivity while listening to lectures, because independent work is difficult to control, and in the absence of students’ motivation to learn and skills to learn independently, the quality of their training significantly suffers. It is proved that the use of interactive lectures is effective if students are first acquainted with the material of the topic, if they have critical thinking skills and develop communication skills. The author notes that mixed learning contributes to the effectiveness of independent work, the organization of various forms and methods of active learning and creative work of students, including during lectures. The results of experimental work on the implementation of mixed learning technologies in the preparation and conduct of lectures on the course “Methods of teaching computer science” are presented. It is offered to implement author’s structure of preparation for lectures using the electronic environment LMS Moodle, examples of multi-level tasks that should be offered before the lecture, during the reading and after it. The results of the study allowed the author to conclude that mixed learning will make up a small temporary amounts of lectures through information support in the form of e-learning resources, ensure the setup of interactive communication between students and the lecturer in the learning process, and the use of Moodle helps educator to fill a variety of course tasks and to configure the communication with students to increase productive interaction of the lecturer with the audience and test the level of mastering the material.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (47) ◽  
pp. 293-300
Larisa M. Zakharova ◽  
Nataliya Y. Maydankina ◽  
Tatiana A. Chibisova ◽  
Ekaterina S. Subbotina ◽  
Victoria S. Zakharova

The modern sociocultural situation of the development of society involves taking into account all aspects of human life in the educational process. Are our students - future preschool teachers - ready to build their activities taking into account socio-cultural aspects. The authors consider the characteristic of readiness, highlighting motivational and value-based component (awareness of the importance of their process, readiness for continuous improvement and professional development, highlighting the values of professional activity), activity-technological component (knowledge of the ways of interaction with the subjects of the pedagogical process, design of the educational and educational process, the use of modern teaching tools (IT), information and knowledge component (knowledge of the specifics of preschool childhood, modern trends in the development of society and education, learning technologies). The study shows the insufficient level of development of the 2nd and the 3rd components of the readiness of future teachers. The proposed methods of professional training of future teachers of preschool education are associated with the use of business games, conducting master classes, studying the technological component of the educational process.

Liliia Varchenko-Trotsenko ◽  
Anastasiia Tiutiunnyk

Modern labor market demands new educational and innovative skills, ability to work with the large volumes of data, skills of cooperation, communication, ability to think critically, life and career skills from a new generation of students. The main function of modern education is the formation of these skills and a task of the institution of higher education (IHE) is the formation of the effective educational environment. In the information-oriented society, statements and informational process are becoming one of the most important components of human life and society that is caused by the growing processes of global informatization and computerization of various fields of activity of society and the person. Already today, based on digital technologies, scientific and production technologies, business technologies, educational technologies, etc. are created, developed and improved. The article presents the features of the project method and project activities. The emphasis is on wiki-technology, as one of the forms of innovative methodological learning technologies to support the educational process, which enables content to communicate in the web space, discuss significant issues, share the experience, collaborate, and use various educational Web resources. In addition, the article states that students can be active participants in the project activity, determine its purpose, tasks and seek ways to solve them. For representation of results of the practice of students of specialty "E-learning management in the intercultural space", Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University has chosen a wiki-platform and has created a project to support the master's student internship "Teaching internship".

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Yu. F. Telnov ◽  
M. S. Gasparian ◽  
M. A. Filyuk

The ever-growing demand for digital IT industry specialists brings to the fore the task of developing effective educational programs that ensure a high qualification level of graduates. The result of such activities – the turn-out of highly qualified specialists will depend on how much more detailed all the components of the educational activities of the University are considered, designed and implemented. Therefore, when developing and updating educational programs, higher education institutions will have to clarify the composition of professional competencies that must meet both the needs for effective performance of generalized labor functions and labor functions fixed in professional standards, and many educational parameters fixed in the regulatory framework of Russian higher education. The purpose of this research is to develop innovative educational programs at the stage of digital transformation of higher education and the transition to practice-oriented project training of University graduates in IT areas. The research tasks include the following stages: 1. Development of a conceptual model of an intelligent integrated educational environment based on the interface of ontologies of professional and educational standards. 2. Systematization and organization of elements of the digital repository and on its basis, the development of algorithms for generating educational-methodical and organizational-administrative content of the intellectual integrated educational environment. 3. Testing methods for generating content in the intelligent integrated educational environment. This task can be achieved only by integrating all components of the educational process into a single information and educational space. The solution to this problem is seen in the development of methods and tools for generating educational-methodical and organizational-administrative content based on the digital repository of the electronic learning system through knowledge management technologies that ensure the adaptability of the educational process using the ontological approach. Such work is currently being carried out at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, including ICT areas. The analysis of professional activity of graduates of bachelor’s degree and master’s degree programs in terms of requirements of the Federal State Education Standards of Higher Education in the field of “Applied Informatics” has shown that these requirements with varying degrees of completeness correspond to a number of professional standards in the field of IT industry. As a result of the analysis of the factors for improving the quality of the educational process, the ways to improve training of bachelors in the field of “Applied Informatics” in the context of combining ontologies of professional and educational standards are outlined. The article also provides approaches to the development of an approximate basic educational program in this direction and reveals the method of its engineering, based on the interaction and composition of elements of the integrated information and educational space and, on its basis, semantic modeling and automatic generation of educational and organizational and managerial content. Thus, the proposed method will contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process and meet the world trends in the development of science in this field of knowledge, which will bring the training of highly qualified IT industry specialists to a qualitatively new level.

2020 ◽  
pp. 97-104
Kateryna Osadcha

The article is based on a review of scientific and methodological literature, it analyzes the existing models of future teachers’ professional training for tutoring. The aim of the article is to design a model of future teachers’ professional training for tutoring in the information and educational environment of the institution of higher education. As a result of scientific analysis, carried out on the basis of a systematic approach, theory and practice of tutoring, training for tutoring in Ukraine and abroad, the components of training for tutoring have been identified (target, philosophical, theoretical-methodological, informative-processual, criteria-evaluative, resultative). Each component of the designed model has its implementation in the information and educational environment. This model is a set of information and communication technologies (distance learning technologies, general purpose ICT and ICT for tutoring support), which are integrated into the educational process.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 255 ◽  
Hansiswany Kamarga

The purpose of this paper is to find a comparison between the use of QuestGarden learning content management system and Edmodo learning management system in learning particularly for the teaching of history. Characteristics of history filled with facts mastery often make teacher forget the real purpose of history learning. The abundance of facts characteristics brought up in history teaching, so it often put history learning as facts mastery learning through rote learning activity. This writing attempt to lift other approach in history learning namely online based learning that was identified can improve the ability to think. The results show QuestGarden (LCMS) or Edmodo (LMS) can be implemented in the history teaching learning, though both have different characters and use. Teachers need to understand them so that they can implement it in a synergic position.

Tatiana Mikhailovna Kovaleva ◽  
Elya Vanushevna Khachatryan

At a time when the pace of changes in all spheres of human life is increasing and the future is predicted only tentatively, young people have to be prepared for their future life on the basis of analytical and critical thinking. The paper presents an analysis of the main ideas underlying the concept of using the technology “Reading and writing for critical thinking” by teachers in order to form some components of the self- skills competencies in their pupils: self-determination, independence, and self-organization skills. Teachers can use open learning technologies, including the technology “Reading and writing for critical thinking”, to develop these skills in their students. The choice of this particular technology is facilitated by the use of the basic principles of this technology (cooperation, mutual responsibility, rejection of possessing the truth, active communication, reflection), as well as a wide range of strategies and specific methods presented in it. The article also analyses the possibilities of using the technology “Reading and writing for critical thinking” in a tutor’s work. The authors have made an attempt to correlate each technological stage with a certain stage of the tutor’s activity: creation of an open educational environment, implementation of educational navigation, and scaling. The article is devoted to the characteristics of the textual educational environment as a condition of self-skills formation in students within the framework of individual and group tutorials with the use of the technology “Reading and writing for critical thinking”: openness, variability, abundance, lack of structure, provocativeness.

Nelli Tarasenko ◽  
Olga Rasskazova ◽  
Katerina Volkova

The article presents the essence and ways of the gender aspect of social development of future specialists in the socionomic sphere. Several legislative documents on the establishment of gender equality adopted at the state level in Ukraine are analyzed. The necessity of developing the gender aspect of specialists in the socionomic sphere is substantiated. Analyzed components: «gender» (one of the basic components of the social structure of society), «sociality» (acquired in the course of human life in society supra-individual structure of his personality), «hidden curriculum» (what is latently broadcast to students in parallel with the official curriculum). The components of the development of the gender component of human sociality (cognitive, value, emotional-personal activity-behavioural), which are formed based on the social experience of the individual, values of gender equality, subjectivity in gender construction, gender sensitivity, gender tolerance, empathy behavioural strategies. Theoretical provisions for the development of a safe and healthy educational environment are outlined. It is established that in practice the development of the gender component of the sociality of students of socionic specialities in the conditions of pedagogical higher education establishment becomes possible through the implementation of the following areas of work: organization of meetings with representatives of units concerned with prevention and prevention of discrimination; updating of programs and material of initial disciplines taking into account the leading principles of gender-sensitive approach; introduction of certain topics on gender issues into the educational process; promoting the self-education of student youth on the implementation of gender policy; creation of gender promotion centres in higher education institutions.

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