scholarly journals Integrasi Moderasi Beragama dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Agama Islam

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 355
Suprapto Suprapto

AbstractIn the midst of the strengthening of the discourse on character education, religious moderation, and countering religious radicalism and terrorism, the study of Islamic religious education in public schools based on Islamic boarding schools is interesting to do. In this context, various problems arise related to the material and content of the Islamic religious education curriculum (PAI). Education under pesantren is no longer directed at the mastery of religious knowledge but also general science. This of course has an impact on shifting curriculum content and its implementation. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach based on empirical phenomena. Data were collected through interviews, involved observations, questionnaires, documentation, and literature review. This research produces a model for implementing religious moderation education through the development of the PAI curriculum to present a moderate Islamic movement among students that teaches: (1) building tolerance among different groups of students, both outside Islam and within Islam; (2) spreading peace in their social environment; (3) prioritizing interfaith dialogue and (4) instilling openness with outside parties and 4) rejecting hate speech (hoaxes) both inside and outside schools. This study recommends the importance of teaching and practicing religious moderation among students to present moderate Islamic movements and habituation of noble morals. AbstrakDi tengah menguatnya wacana pendidikan karakter, moderasi beragama, serta penanggulangan radikalisme dan terorisme bernunsa agama, kajian pendidikan agama Islam di sekolah umum berbasis pondok pesantren menarik untuk dilakukan. Dalam konteks ini muncul berbagai masalah terkait dengan materi dan muatan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam (PAI). Pendidikan di bawah pesantren tidak lagi diarahkan pada penguasaan ilmu agama saja melainkan juga ilmu umum, Hal ini tentu berdampak pada pergeseran muatan kurikulum dan implementasinya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskritif berdasarkan fenomena empirik. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara, pengamatan terlibat, angket, dokumentasi, dan kajian pustaka. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model penyelenggaraan pendidikan moderasi beragama melalui pengembangan kurikulum PAI untuk menghadirkan gerakan Islam moderat di kalangan peserta didik yang mengajarkan: (1) membangun toleransi di antara kelompok peserta didik yang berbeda, baik di luar Islam maupun di dalam Islam; (2) menebarkan perdamaian di lingkungan sosialnya; (3) mengedepankan dialog antar agama dan (4) menanamkan sikap keterbukaan dengan fihak luar dan 4) menolak ujaran kebencian (hoax) baik didalam dan luar sekolah. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan pentingnya mengajarkan dan mengamalkan moderasi beragama di kalangan peserta didik untuk menghadirkan gerakan Islam moderat dan pembiasaan berakhlak mulia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hambali Alman Nasution

The changing times have an impact on all countries. With the changing times, the human mindset has also changed. The changing times bring positive and negative. The negative impact of globalization that seems sad is the change that tends to lead to a moral and moral crisis. The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of the Islamic religious education curriculum and the obstacles and solutions to its implementation in the moral dimension. The method in this research is to use a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection was carried out by means of interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the implementation of the Islamic religious education curriculum at SMA Negeri 2 Kotapinang was carried out well, by being able to develop religious knowledge so that it was carried out in their daily (religious) lives. Supported by activities carried out in schools such as: Jenazah Prayers, Speeches, Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an (MTQ), Rohis, Clean Living Principles and discipline of students who foster religious values.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-100
Mahrus Mahrus

Design can be formulated as a deliberate process of thinking, planning and selecting the parts, techniques, and procedures that set a goal. Challenges to Islamic religious education include a moral crisis and a personality crisis. Therefore, Islamic religious education is required to be able to equip students with the moral, personality, quality and maturity of life to live a multi-cultural nation life, which is currently hit by an economic crisis in order to livepeacefully in the world community.In an effort to develop an Islamic education curriculum to overcome various challenges and problems, it is necessary to pay attention to several aspects including strategies, methods, materials, Islamic religious teacher resources, facilities, teaching media and supporting instruments.Taking into account the demands of the globalization era of Islamic religious education in madrasas and public schools, it is necessary to implement several strategies, including: First, perfecting the religious education curriculum so that the subject matter reaches a proportional and functional composition but does not burden students. Second, combining religious material with character education materials such as PPKn or other related subjects can also erode thedichotomy of knowledge. Third, creating a religious condition in the school environment

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Zul Fa

Kurikulum merupakan bagian integral dari pendidikan. Kurikulum juga merupakan media untuk menumbuhkan nilai-nilai agama pada anak-anak, terutama di bidang pendidikan anak usia dini (usia 0-6 tahun). Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah beberapa Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) di Kota Salatiga dan Kabupaten Semarang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu tujuan, faktual, akurat dan sistematis proses pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan Islam dan strategi yang diterapkan pada objek penelitian. Data dikumpulkan dengan beberapa metode yaitu observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara. Kemudian data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan agama Islam di PAUD di Salatiga dan kabupaten Semarang sudah mengacu pada standar di Permendiknas Nomor 58 tahun 2009. Beberapa dari mereka belum mengacu patokan dasar pemerintah. Mereka juga melakukan pengembangan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik masing-masing lembaga. Bahan pendidikan agama Islam yang diberikan cocok dengan tahap perkembangan peserta didik. Materi tersebut disampaikan melalui bercerita, bercakap-cakap, tugas, Iqro ', simulasi dan praktek. Curriculum is an integral part of education. The curriculum is also a medium to cultivate of religious values in children,especially in early childhood education (ages 0-6 years). The main focus of this study is some early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang district. This study is aimed to gain an objective, factual, accurate and systematic of curriculum implementation process of Islamic education and its strategies that applied in the research object. The data is collected by several methods namely, observation, documentation and interviews. Then the gathered data were analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results indicate the implementation of Islamic religious education curriculum in early childhood education in Salatiga and Semarang districts already refers to the standards in Permendiknas No. 58 of 2009. Some of them have not referring to the government's basic benchmark. They also undertake the development which is appropriate with the characteristics of each institution. The materials of Islamic religious education is given suited with stage of learners’ development. It is delivered by storytelling, chatting, assignments, Iqro ', simulation and practice. Kata kunci: implementasi, kurikulum pendidikan Islam, strategi

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Ucok Agus Saputra

Post-fall of the New Order regime, the action of Islamic radicalism spreads out fast in Indonesia. Unluckily, actors and the perpetrators are mostly Muslimand claiming graduated from Islamic educational institutions. Radical Islamic movements nowadays are worrying the people and threaten the life of the nation that contains the values of pluralism, tolerance, and acculturative, including in religion. According to way of life on Indonesian, Pancasila, and the 1945 Constitution and the Republic of Indonesia which is the basics of nation and state are also threatened. even their movement tends to do with violence. Proven by the presence of several violent incidents that resulted in deaths were not counted. (National Agency for Counter of Terrorism, 28/8/2002). Therefore, Indonesia  (and even the world) needs strategies to prevent the anti-radicalism and terrorism. Learning the last fact, education that be designed by conforming new model of learning for Moslem Teacher is absolutely needed. The approach to the handle the Islamic radicalism must always be strived, One of models is through character education. Education is partly done by reconstructing the Islamic Religious Education (PAI) that is taught in educational institutions. Reconstruction of PAI should be able to produce learners that possess attitude of tolerant, moderate and inclusive. In short, there is a tendency of systematic efforts made by certain religious groups to teach the doctrine of religious hardliners among students of Elementary School (SD), that often reborn radicalization. Here, the writer will show how Moslem teacher can take anti-radicalims learing by some new models that can be implemented, namely the de-radicalization preventive, de-radicalization preservative against moderate Islam, and  curative deradicalised.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Reksiana, Reksiana

the existence of differences of view to education children character, and can be classified in several categories and theories. This difference is seen as some figures say families or tualah people are the most important in providing character education. Others argue sekolahlah that is most vital in respect of containers of character education. This article uses a qualitative approach, with the kind of Library Research. Therefore, the overall data focuses on books or papers relating to discussion of "rightmost character Education". Quant à la méthode d’analyse de données technique utilisée est descriptive analyse qualitative méthodes, car les données sont traitées sous la forme d’un écrit de données telles que : livres, revues, articles de journaux, caractère education curriculum directives structures formelles en 2013 en ligne En ligne) et comprend le produit brut standard sous forme de législation relative à la formation du caractère. From the results of the discussion and anlisa above, concrete conclusions can be taken, that the person in charge character education namely Educational Institutions not the independence of each other, but rather inherently. Summary this rests on a concrete analysis of the various figures such as: Thomas Lickona, Jun Sung Hong and James Garbarino, David w. Johnson, and Roger t. Johnson, even from muslim figures like Abdul Majid, Jamal ‘Abdur Rahman, Moh. Solikodin Djaelani, Muchlas Samani dan Abdullah Nashih ‘Ulwan, first product reinforced by legislation which clearly explains the RI character education is the shared responsibility of educational institutions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
H M L Pandi

This study aims to gain an in-depth understanding of educational values in the novel Madogiwa No Totto-chan by Tetsuko Kuroyanagi with a qualitative approach that includes educational values in terms of the structure of the novel. Research methods. This research is a library research or library research that uses a qualitative approach with content analysis techniques. Conclusion of research findings: The main theme of this novel is EDUCATION, education that frees students to be creative, while the sub-theme is education must be adjusted to the development of the child's personality. The credentials found are: A mother must be wise in educating and caring for her children with special needs. A school principal or a teacher should be a leader who is brave to act in accordance with their respective beliefs and life principles. The educational values in this novel can be used as examples of learning in schools to help children with problems (special needs). An educator should be fun and not scold his students because educating children is not with anger but with advice, praise, and trust. Make kids confident, responsible, love each other, and help each other, introduce them to nature because nature stores various sources of knowledge. Educational values found are educational values related to religious education values, moral education values, social education values, and beauty education values. Recommendation: Madogiwa No Totto-chan's autobiographical novel (Totto-chan Little Girl in the Window) can be used as a learning tool for character education in schools in Indonesia because this Japanese novel has raised educational values that contain a number of noble values. One of the noble values is the value of education in the novel that abstracts the reality of Japanese society's life. Education in Japan can be applied to education in Indonesia. Keywords: Novel; Educational Values

Lilam Kadarin Nuriyanto

AbstractThis research is carried out at SMA Kristen Palangkaraya and Muhammadiyah 1 Palangkaraya. The research aims at finding out implementation of religious education curriculum that has been applied for the school under religious foundation and its influence against religious behavior of the student which is seen from the aspect of religiosity, honesty, tolerance, reconciliation, social awareness and ideal form in the implementation. Method applied in this research is combination between quantitative and qualitative approach using focus group discussion (FGD). The influence of relation of r2 (determination coefficient) is around 0.343. It means that a religious behavior of the student is 34,3% that can be explained by the religious education implementation and remaining 65.7% should be explained by other factors. The FGD is to find out an idea in building the student character in the expectation of building religious spiritual (religious aspect) and social piety (aspects of honesty, tolerance, love peace and social preservation). AbstrakPenelitian ini dilakukan di SMA Kristen Palangkaraya dan Muhammadiyah 1 Palangkaraya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kurikulum pendidikan agama yang telah diterapkan untuk sekolah di bawah yayasan keagamaan, dan pengaruhnya pada perilaku keagamaan peserta didik dilihat dari aspek religiusitas, kejujuran, toleransi, perdamaian, kesadaran sosial, dan bentuk yang ideal dalam pelaksanaannya. Metode yang dipakai pada penelitian ini adalah kombinasi antara pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif yang menggunakan focus group discussion (FGD). Besarnya pengaruh hubungan dari r2 (koefisien determinasi) adalah sekitar 0.343. Artinya, perilaku keagamaan siswa sebesar 34,3% dapat dijelaskan oleh pelaksanaan pendidikan agama, dan sekitar 65,7% yang tersisa harus dijelaskan oleh faktor lain. Melalui FGD untuk menemukan ide dalam membangun karakter siswa dengan harapan membangun spiritual keagamaan (aspek religius) dan kesalehan sosial (aspek kejujuran, aspek toleransi, aspek cinta damai, dan aspek perawatan sosial).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 65
Khusnul Khotimah Maulidiyah ◽  
Al Manaf

Education in Indonesia is always experiencing development and renewal on the basis of adjusting to the needs of society and the dynamics of the times. As with the PAI curriculum, it also continues to make updates because PAI is a subsystem of the national curriculum. Therefore, PAI learning needs to be considered maximally and can also be actualized in the lives of students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach which aims to reveal an understanding of curriculum development at MTs Queen Al Khadijah Cilacap. As for the results of his research, the curriculum development process that occurred at MTs VIP Queen Al Khadijah was a process of a series of curriculum updates carried out in an integrated-interconnection manner, by making Islamic teachings and values a guide and a source of consultancy for the development of various subjects so that they could integrate the curriculum 2013 and Pesantren and can be balanced between general science and religious knowledge. One of its implementations is the teacher collaboration learning model, meaning that general subject teachers can collaborate with Islamic religious education teachers (PAI) to compile concrete and detailed learning designs according to the theme of the learning material. Keywords: Curriculum Development, Curriculum Islamic Education, Islamic Education

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 61
Lu’luk Suroya ◽  
Ahmad Yasin

This research is an effort to find out the madrasa head's policy in supporting Scouting education in MTs NU Aswaja Tengaran. To explore and collect data in this study, researchers used a descriptive qualitative approach with observation, interview and documentation studies as well as data reduction techniques. In this study shows that the scout extracurricular has existed since the inception of the NTS Aswaja Tengaran MTS as an effort in shaping the character of students who have noble character. In addition, there is a new regulation in the form of Permendikbud No. 63 of 2014 concerning Scouting Education which is one of the reasons for Scout extracurricular activities at MTs NU Aswaja Tengaran. With this regulation, the school can perform Scout extracurricular activities better. In addition, school principals supporting scouting education activities have a positive influence and also aligning scouting education and Islamic religious education, which has a role in the character education of students. Keywords: Policy, Head/Madrasa, Scouting Education.

Inoue Nobutaka

In Japan, religious education is usually divided into three categories; education about religions or religious knowledge, education to inculcate religious sentiment, and sectarian or confessional education. Education about religion can be taught at public schools, while confessional education is prohibited. Long discussions have been held regarding the inculcation of religious sentiment in postwar Japan. Some insist that it should be taught even at public schools, and others oppose this claim mainly based on the reflection of the influence of State Shinto in the prewar period, when the state and religion (Shrine Shinto) were deeply interconnected. The Basic Law on Education was revised in December, 2006, soon after the inauguration of the Abe cabinet. The article concerning religious education was moderated slightly with the words “general learning regarding religion” added to the sentence. However, as Japanese society has tended to avoid discussions on religious education in the postwar period, it might be quite difficult to establish a new education plan based on the former perspectives, especially regarding the inculcation of religious sentiment. The idea of education in religious culture has been introduced to seek for a new perspective on the problem. This perspective aims to promote a deeper understanding of the Japanese people’s own religious culture, as well as that of foreign nations. According to this plan, such religious education could be introduced even at public schools. Surveys and other research data from in recent years indicate that religious culture education would be far more acceptable to people, including students, than education for the “inculcation of religious sentiment.” Moreover, in the age of globalization, this type of religious education seems to be necessary for countries other than Japan as well. As a matter of fact, similar attempts can be observed in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and other countries. These nations seem to share the following common problems: influence of globalization, influence of the information age (especially the Internet), and the “cults” problem.

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